AT Spring 2018
Greetings All, And a Happy New Year to all as well. It has been a while since we released our last newsletter in 1Q of 2017. But have no doubt - We have been working diligently to continue to grow our organization, increase our outreach, & make meaningful impacts. The year 2017 had a number of firsts for our organization. We received acknowledgement from the IRS of our 3rd Deck Floor Replacement page 3 exempt status, & we filed our first annual tax documents with the IRS & New York State. But we also hosted our first events, received our first project proposal, and approved our first project. I am very proud to have been a part of these firsts. And to have had the opportunity to work alongside others who may be older than me, or who may have different interests than me, but who share the bond of brotherhood with me and embrace the opportunity to make a difference. These firsts did not come easy, and a Note from the President number of lessons were learned along the way. The Year in Review - 2017 However, it was the journey 3rd Deck Floor Replacement that made all of these firsts so special for our organization. Officers & Directors
In This Issue
How to Donate
I attended the Founders Day Formal in December of 2017. Director Spotlight To my disappointment, I was WYATT NORDSTROM the only alumni in attendance. I stood in the Foyer of the Recent Happenings chapter house, waiting for this at the Chapter House years Rose Queen to be Upcoming Events announced. I was surrounded by a number of current undergraduates, some of whom I have gotten to know quite well via my interactions with the chapter. But I was also surrounded by many whom I did not know so well.
1Q 2018 Newsletter Copyright 2018 Castle Alpha Tau Foundation, Inc. Not responsible for errors or omissions.
Although I was the only alumni in attendance, I did not feel out of place. The current undergraduates embraced my presence as an alumnus, & welcomed me back with great fondness. Throughout the night, I had the opportunity to speak with current undergraduates whom I had not
previously spoken with. I vastly enjoyed the nights festivities, which I shared with my old & new connections. For the first time (in recent memory at least), the Founders Day Formal was held at the chapter house instead of an outside venue. And although it was a different experience, the environment and the sentiment I “I would urge each & every experienced one of you to keep this bond brought many of brotherhood alive. Your fond memories initiation into this brotherhood to the forefront was a lifelong pledge.� of my mind. The camaraderie, and the bond of brotherhood that we all share, was and still is, very alive. I would urge each & every one of you to keep this bond of brotherhood alive. Your initiation into this brotherhood was a lifelong pledge. Do not be discouraged by your age, or that you have not visited the chapter house in many years. Do not be afraid to visit, to reach out to the current undergraduates, or to attend a formal as an alumnus. And do not hesitate to reach out to a Brother whom you have not spoken to in many years. Perhaps the flame you once had has waned over time, but it will never die. Our lives are ever changing and pull us in many different directions - Careers, families, whatever it may be. But I hope that my message may serve as a rekindling if you have lost sight of what once was. I sincerely hope that you all enjoy this newsletter, which provides a wealth of information regarding what the organization has been up to. May we all prosper in this new year, and in the future. And let us not forget the experiences, the encounters, the successes, the adversities, and the journey that moulded us into the individuals we are today. YIPKP, Dave Slaw President - Castle Alpha Tau Foundation, Inc. RPI Class of 2014 | AT #1281