Alpha Upsilon Dusak—Fall 2017

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Dates to Remember - Mark Your Calendar Golf Outing at Turtle Creek 1:00 pm Shotgun Start Friday September 15

Join Us


Questions / Registration Contact Steven Markey

will be held 3rd Friday of October 20 at 6:30 pm. Fraternity House - 3405 Powelton Avenue


Qu #1

Send your guesses to

Lunch includes: Hamburgers, hot dogs, cold sandwiches & chips…and beer Dinner includes: Pulled pork sandwiches, steak sandwiches, with macaroni salad, home made baked beans, pickles, chips & cookies…and beer.

Vice President of PreConstruction Hunter Roberts Construction Group Telephone 215.832.4308 Fax 215.832.4392 Mobile 215.384.5425

Fall Alumni Meeting...

Can anyone identify the “Who, What, When and Why” in the photograph on the left provided by one of our alumni?

$110 for alumni $75 for students Fee includes green fees and cart, lunch and dinner, and tournament awards. $25 if only dinner.

DUSAK COMMITTEE Keith Sheppard ( Alex Sheppard ( Please send personal updates/pictures to be included in the next issue of DUSAK!

An article from the Winter / Spring 2017 Drexel magazine.


Thank You for Your Service

2016 marked the centennial of the Reserve Ofcer Training Corps (ROTC), signed into effect on June 3, 1916, by President Woodrow Wilson. Drexel has a long history of receiving and promoting veterans on campus. Currently , it has more than 800 student ceterans, 400 alumni-veterans and 200 military dependents. On Veterans Day, Drexel TOTC inducted the rst ve honorees into its Hall of Fame. The individuals were recognized for their work related to past or present military service, for their contributions and commitments to theis communities and vocations, and for their afnity to Drexel.

Brother Jack Stoner (Chapter #237 Initiated May 11, 1947) was a key Alumni leader in the rebuilding and opening of the Alpha Upsilon Chapter House in 2008. (pictured first from left)

Thomas “Tom” A. Masci Jr., BS business administration ‘68 After graduation, Tom Masci joined the Army and spent a tour of duty in Korea during the Vietnam War. Now retired, Masci was the co-founder and the executive vice president and chief financial officer at Health Advocate Inc. Masci supports the Goodwin College’s Veterans Student Resource Center, which helps returning veterans with academic services so they can successfully navigate college life. Specifically, his donation goes toward a University 101 course specifically designed to help veteran students acclimate to the rigors of Drexel. Lt. Col. (Ret.) Charles “Chuck” Vincent, BS electrical engineering ‘57 Lt. Col. Vincent, aKorean and Vietnam War Veteran, served in the Marine Corps. After graduating from Drexel, he enlisted in the Army as a 2nd lieutenant. His military career included deployments in Europe and Asia and included numerous years of distinguished service marked by citations, medals and ribbons.

THE HONOREES, PICTURED FROM LEFT TO RIGHT, ARE: Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jack K Stoner, Jr., BS chemical engineering ‘51 Maj. Gen. Stoner is one of the highest-ranking military officials to have graduated from Drexel. Following his graduation, where he served in the ROTC, he received an Army commission as a second lieutenant, artillery. He completed the Chemical Corps School Advanced Course and supsequently served in both Korea and Vietnam. In 1978 he became the first commanding general of the CommunicationsElectronics Material Readiness Command until his retirement in June 1980.

Col. (Ret.) Thomas “Tom” Matthews, BS business administration ‘72 Col. Matthews served in the united States Army, retiring in 2001. In 1993, in the Battle os Mogadishu, Somalia, he served as the Air Mission Commander of the Black Hawk Helicopters of Task Force Ranger. The event later inspired the major motion picture :Black Hawk Down,” for which Col. Matthews served as the technical advisor. During his 28-year career he commanded the 101st Aviation Brigade, comprised of nine battalions 3,400 soldiers and 300 helicopters.

Bennett S. LeBow, BS electrical engineering ‘60 HD ‘98 (not pictured) Bennett LeBow is chairman and CEO of BSL Capital and is founder and chairman of the board of the Vector Group Ltd. He also serves as chairman of Signal Genetics Inc. Before devoting himself completely to private business, in 1968 LeBow served in the Pentagon, initially as a first lieutenant and subsequently as a civilian, serving as assistant to the assistant vice chief of staff of the Army. At Drexel, LeBow served as a trustee from 1986 to 1994 and the LeBow College of Business is named in his honor.


Drexel Day

Giving 2017

Pi Kappa Phi's Alpha Upsilon Chapter would like to thank all who participated in the Drexel Day of Giving 2017 by donating to the Frederick W. Schmehl Memorial Endowment Fund. In 2017, 98 individuals donated to the Scholarship Fund reflecting a 6.5% in givers over the Drexel Day of Giving 2016 and increasing the Scholarship Fund by $3,436.01, increasing our two year total to $10,453.The attached list reflects the names of all doners per Drexel University. All those with an * by their names reflects giving in both 2016 and 2017. In a ranking of organizations (based on the number of donors) compiled by Drexel University on the 2017 Day of Giving - Pi Kappa Phi finished 11th. Only two Greek Organizations Ranked higher then Pi Kappa Phi based on the number of donors - Sigma Phi Epsilon and Phi Kappa Psi A note on our results from the 2016 Drexel Day of Giving - the following names were not reflected on the original giving lists provided by Drexel University. - The following donors should have been included in our Winter 2017 Dusak - Alexander Noce, Samuel J. Costa, Jr., and A. Stanley Norkiewicz. Please notify me accordingly if you donated to the 2017 Day of Giving and your name has not been included in the attached list so that I can assure that Drexel's records reflect the correct information.

Mr. Laurence Akwe

Mr. Steven R. Markley*

Mr. James H. Atkinson*

Mrs. Mary M. Matcovich

Mr. Walid Abdul Baki*

Mr. Robert T. Matcovich*

Mr. Patrick R. Battaglia*

Mr. Matthew Matwiejczyk*

Mr. Jamison Chad Beiriger

Mr. Andreas A. Mazarakis

Mr. John A. Berger

Mr. Christopher R. Moalli*

Mr. Joseph A. Betesh*

Mr. Sean C. Moran*

Mr. Joe Bilotti*

Mr. Koncheng Moua*

Mr. Quintin Bounsy

Mr. Justin Ben Moy

Mr. Ian Elias Brown

Mr. Alexander Noce*

Mr. Alexander Grant Butler

Anthony M. Noce, Esq.*

Mr. Vincent M. Canzanese*

Ms. Emily G. Noce*

Mr. Christian S. Coassin*

Mrs. Kathleen A. Noce*

Mr. Samuel J. Costa, Jr.*

Mr. Michael R. Noce*

Mr. Chase D'Arcangelo

Mr. A. Stanley Norkiewicz*

Mr. James A. D'Arcangelo Mr. Michael L. DiPillo Mr. James P. Douglas* Philip R. Earley, Jr., CCIM* Mr. Thomas F. Farag Mr. Ira W. Fedder Mr. Matthew A. Franzen Mr. Antoine Fulton Mr. Henry Giancarlo Mr. Luke Giancarlo Daniel J. Ginsberg, CPA* Mr. Ryan T. Gnap* Mr. Daniel C. Gormley* Mr. Jack J. Hagan* Mr. Justin B. Halpern* Mr. Jareed A. Hasan Mr. John M. Heffernan

Mrs. Angela Passo Norkiewicz Mr. Brian R. Nunziato Mr. Orlando Pacheco* Mr. Adam J. Paluszynski* Mr. Nicholas Paoletti Mr. Samuel L. Pastuzyn Mr. Ravi A. Patel* Mr. Cory Rayfield Mr. Christopher C. Rocco* Mr. Joshua Rodriguez Mr. Dennis Roy Mr. Drew R. Sacher* Mrs. Laurel F. Sheppard* Mr. W. Keith Sheppard* Mr. Zac Silverstein* Mr. Matthew J. Sinclair*

Ms. Janette Henry-Atkinson

Mr. Cyrus K. Sobhani

Mr. Nicholas M. Hoffmann

Mr. Rob Sobhani*

Mrs. Galina Imms

Mr. Dylan Collins Spain

Michael T. Imms, Esq.

Mr. Noah M. Spear

Mr. Joseph L. Jackson

Mr. Parker D. Spiro*

Mr. Nick Jerant-Hendrickson

Mr. Patrick John Stewart

Mr. Liam Kelly*

Mr. Trey Joseph Swanson

Ms. Pam Kelly

Mr. Joseph M. Tighe*

Mr. Alex Kirk*

Mr. Christopher Vincent Torres*

Mr. Michael N. Le

Mr. Anthony R. Varenas

Mr. Jacob H. Levinson*

Sharon Jean White, M.S., R.D.

Mr. Barrington Lynch, Jr.

Mr. Stephen J. White, CPA*

Mr. Jasper K. MacNaughton*

Mr. Kyle A. Wise*

Mr. Nicholas P. Maddaloni*

Mr. Phillip D. Wolfe*

Ms. Donna Maddox

Mr. Jackson Wright

Mr. Samuel Maddox

Mr. D. Yoan L. Yomba*

Mr. Christopher Mager*

Mr. Zachary J. Young*

Mrs. Laura L. Markley*

Alumni News / Updates SAMUEL COSTA Samuel Costa, BS, Psychology Drexel Class of 1974 - Alpha Upsilon Chapter #733 retired from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on April 30, 2016, after nearly 15 years with the organization and almost 30 years working in the area of HIV surveillance and prevention. One of his sons, Jeremy, Drexel Class of 1998 is also a member of Alpha Upsilon --Chapter #1229.

GARY KNAPPICK Gary Knappick Sr., BS Civil Engineering Class of 1974 - Alpha Upsilon Chapter #746, was named the 2016 Government Engineer of the Year by the Philadelphia Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Send your news / updates / notices to to be shared in upcoming DUSAKs.

GOLF Outing Course Register If you are golfing, lunch will be served under the Big Top starting at 12:00pm, followed by a shotgun start at 1:00pm. Dinner and awards to follow golf. If you're not a golfer or can't leave work early, then join us for dinner and reconnect with brothers you haven't seen in a while. Important: While registration closes Friday, September 8th, Turtle Creek is looking for us to guarantee our numbers this coming Friday Sept 1 because of the Labor Day holiday. If you plan on attending but haven't signed up with Drexel or you haven't let Steve and Paul know, please send Steve a note so he can hold your space and please sign up as soon as possible We must have a final headcount to reserve tee times. Drexel registration will still close on Friday Sept 8th but you will also be able to pay cash the day of the outing so don't let any of these deadlines stop you from showing up. This email has been sent to over 300 brothers from #731 thru #1415. But clearly we've missed a lot of guys. So, please forward to any brother missed. Put it on your calendar to call 3 pledge class brothers and join us on the 15th for a great time!

Your in Pi Kappa Phi, Paul Abeln

SPECIAL FALL 2017 DUSAK CONTENT In 2001, Fred Schmehl, Chapter #400 initiated in 1954, was awarded the highest honor bestowed on a brother by the fraternity - Mr. Pi Kappa Phi. Fred was honored for his continuous dedicated service to the Alpha Upsilon Chapter for over forty-five years. Fred wasn't a sports hero, wasn't a business tycoon, never gave either the university or the fraternity large sums of money, and was never active in the National Organization of the Fraternity. He was just someone who cared about the local chapter and stayed active as an alumni supporting that chapter his entire adult life. We have all heard about the “Brotherhood for Life” aspect of the fraternity - Fred was the pure example of that ideal - supporting the Alpha Upsilon Undergraduate and Alumni Brotherhood in both the good and hard times. The Alumni Chapter of Alpha Upsilon has created a Scholarship in Fred Schmehl's honor and we have encouraged all brothers and friends to donate to the scholarship on Drexel's Day of Giving. In the two years of the Drexel Day of Giving, 138 brothers and friends have raised $10,453 for the scholarship. Through Tony Noce's efforts, an agreement has been initiated with Drexel University regarding the scholarship that established (I believe) new ground for our fraternity - as we open the scholarship application process to any Alpha Upsilon Alumni's children - male or female who attend Drexel University. What better way to honor someone who demonstrated the “brotherhood for life” ideal through his lifetime of commitment. Hopefully someday, we will be able to expand the scholarship application process to grandchildren of Alpha Upsilon Alumni who attend Drexel. On the attached pages of this DUSAK, we have included the names of those brothers and friends who participated in the 2017 Day of Giving, the Memorandum of Understanding with Drexel, the Scholarship Application and Instructions. In our next DUSAK, I will attempt to provide a full status of the Schmehl Account with Drexel and information regarding the undergraduates who have been awarded scholarships in 2016 and 2017. I am currently investigating through Drexel four other scholarships that I have been told were created by Alpha Upsilon brothers and may be available to our greater Alumni Family's children attending Drexel. My hope is to assure that all of our alumni brothers are made aware of these opportunities and if applicable to have information to facilitate taking advantage of potential financial support that might benefit their children. Walter Keith Sheppard Alpha Upsilon #725

2001 Mr. Pi Kappa Phi - Frederick William Schmehl

Frederick William Schmehl Alpha Upsilon (Drexel) 2001

WHEREAS, the Supreme Chapter of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity has established the Mr. Pi Kappa Phi award as its highest honor; and WHEREAS, Frederick William Schmehl was initiated into Alpha Upsilon Chapter on May 23, 1954, thus having been a brother for over forty-five years; and WHEREAS, he has given unselfishly of his time, leadership, and sound character in numerous capacities to brothers; and WHEREAS, he became a member of the Alpha Upsilon Housing Corporation Audit Committee in 1960, just two years after graduation from college and continues to serve in that capacity today; and WHEREAS, he became treasurer of the Alpha Upsilon Housing Corporation in the mid-1960's and served in that capacity for over ten years; and WHEREAS, he became President of the Alpha Upsilon Housing Corporation in the mid-1970's and still serves in that capacity today over twenty-five years later; and WHEREAS, he was the leading force in rebuilding the Alpha Upsilon Chapter House after a fire destroyed the facility in the early 1990's; and WHEREAS, he has answered the call of the Alpha Upsilon Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi for budget meetings, alumni meetings and university meetings for over forty continuous years; and WHEREAS, he has put into practice on a daily basis the ideal of lifelong commitment to Pi Kappa Phi and has shared the spirit of brotherhood with generations of brothers of the Alpha Upsilon Chapter; THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED, that the National Council of Pi Kappa Phi does hereby declare Frederick William Schmehl to be officially designated Mr. Pi Kappa Phi 2001.


MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING The Fredrick W. Schmehl Memorial Endowed Scholarship

DREXEL UNIVERSITY (“UNIVERSITY”) of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, an educational institution organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and a tax exempt charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, hereby agrees to establish The Fredrick W. Schmehl Memorial Endowed Scholarship (“FUND”) to be governed in accordance with the terms of this Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”). 1. The FUND shall be known as The Fredrick W. Schmehl Memorial Endowed Scholarship. The FUND shall be established with gifts from members and alumni of the Alpha Upsilon Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity (“FRATERNITY”). The FUND shall be held and administered as a part of the University Pooled Endowment Fund. This MOU in no way limits the ability to make additional gifts and/or transfers to the FUND. 2. The FUND shall be used to provide financial support in the form of scholarship awards to undergraduate students enrolled at the UNIVERSITY based on the following criteria: 1 ) full-time prejunior, junior or senior; 2)members of the FRATERNITY of children of alumni members of the FRATERNITY; 3) service to either the FRATERNITY, the UNIVERSITY's Greek Life or the community; 4) GPA of at least 3.0; and 5) demonstrated financial need. Selection of award recipients shall be determined by the Office of Financial Aid, in consultation with the most senior level member of the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life. 3. It is the policy of the University to establish individually named endowment funds only upon receipt of amounts equal to or greater than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000), with all gifts and commitments designated for the same purpose totaling an amount equal to or greater than TwentyFive Thousand Dollars ($25,000). In the event gifts intended for individually named funds are less than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000), the University will place these gifts into a pending, nonendowed account, until such time as the total amount of the gifts received by the UNIVERSITY for the FUND equals Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000), with additional commitments of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000) to be paid in a reasonable time frame. At that time, the UNIVERSITY will establish the individually named FUND. After a period of three (3) years, should the UNIVERSITY not have received a total of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) for the FUND, the UNIVERSITYT will allocate the gifts received to a no-endowed account for scholarships, serving as close a purpose to criteria listed in Section 2, above, as is feasible at the time. 4. Awards from the FUND shall use a total return spending approach to calculate the annual amount available for spending. Th amount of income made available for expenditure shall be prudently determined in accordance with the UNIVERSITY Spend Policy in effect for that year. The UNIVERSITY shall have sole discretion of the investment of the fund and such investments shall be made in a manner consistent with UNIVERSITY policies and procedures. In determining the net total investment of the FUND, the UNIVERSITY may deduct reasonable and necessary expenses as approved by the Board of Trustees. 5. If the purpose of the FUND shall subsequently be determined to be unattainable or legally impermissible, the UNIVERSITY may modify the purpose of the FUND to remove the barriers to its successful utilization; provided, that the principle and income therefrom shall be utilized as closely as possible to the original purpose of the FUND, that all other terms of this MOU shall remain unchanged, and that the FUND shall continue to be named as set forth in section 1 above.

Alumni Corporation of Alpha Upsilon Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity

Frederic W. Schmehl Memorial Endowed Scholarship Program Application The Alumni Corporation of Alpha Upsilon Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity annually awards scholarships to current Drexel students based on demonstrated leadership and achievement under the Frederic W. Schmehl Memorial Endowed Scholarships criteria. 2016 was the inaugural year of this scholarship and we will be awarding one $500.00 scholarship.

Scholarship Criteria Quali ● ● ●

ications: Recipients must currently be: pre-juniors, juniors or seniors attending Drexel; members in good standing of the Alpha Upsilon Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity; or children (male or female) of an alumnus of the Alpha Upsilon Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi.

Leadership Skills: Recipients will be selected on the basis of leadership demonstrated through participation in chapter or university activities and involvement in community organizations and activities. Service to the Chapter: Recipients must demonstrate a history of service to the chapter by holding an of icer role in the chapter or on the Inter Fraternity Council. Academics: Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 to qualify. Note: All applicants must be in good standing with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher and must have been enrolled at Drexel University for at least three terms. Students who have already been awarded a full tuition scholarship are not eligible.

Applicant Information Full Name:

University ID#:

Email Address:

First year at Drexel:



Cell Phone Number:

Class Year:

Cum. GPA:

Contact Information Permanent Address: Local Mailing Address:

Same as above

Frederic W. Schmehl Memorial Endowed Scholarship Program Application - page 1

Legacy Information, if applicable: Class year:

Name of PKP AU Alumnus: Relationship to Applicant:

Chapter and IFC Leadership History Please list any Chapter Leadership Positions held. Include Leadership positions in the IFC also. Position Held Dates

Drexel Clubs and Organizations Please list any Drexel clubs and organizations in which you have participated and positions held. Indicate if the participation was ongoing or one day only. If needed, list any additional organizations on a separate sheet. Club/Organization Dates Hours/Week or 1 Day Positions Held

Club, Organization and Volunteer Roles Outside of Drexel Please list any clubs and organizations outside of Drexel in which you have participated while enrolled as a student at the university and positions held. Indicate if the participation was ongoing or one day only. If needed, list any additional organizations on a separate sheet. Club/Organization Dates Hours/Week or 1 Day Positions Held

Awards and Honors Please list any honors and awards you have received from and outside of Drexel. If needed, please list any additional awards and honors on a separate sheet. Award/Honor Date Presented by Description

Frederic W. Schmehl Memorial Endowed Scholarship Program Application - page 2

Essay (Please attach additional sheets if more space is needed.) 1. Please describe your service to the Chapter and the Greek Community at Drexel?

2. In what ways have you contributed to the Drexel community?

3. Give an example of one of your greatest accomplishments and how you achieved it.

RĂŠsumĂŠ Provide a copy of your resume with your application

Application Submission Please email your completed application to Paul Abeln at with a copy to Tony Noce at All applications are due by no later than May 31, 2018. Recipient will be noti ied at the Spring 2018 Alumni Meeting. If there are any questions about the application, please email Tony Noce at .

Frederic W. Schmehl Memorial Endowed Scholarship Program Application - page 3

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