Beta Delta | Spring 2015

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Spring Spring 2015

The BeDeltian Pi Kappa Phi Newsletter

Pi Kappa Phi Beta Delta In This Issue Drake Relays Events, Journey of Hope, New EC, New Members, & New Philanthropy week!

Beta Delta Alumni Events With the 106th Drake Relays nearing, it is time to talk about the events that the Beta Delta Chapter will be hosting. There will be two alumni events at the house during Relays weekend. On Friday, April 24th, members who have joined since the re-chartering are invited to the house from 7 – 9 PM to talk and reminisce with current members of the chapter. On Saturday, April 25th from 11-1 we will be grilling hotdogs and hamburgers. The house is located at 2846 Brattleboro Avenue, one block from campus and the Drake Alumni House. All alumni and parents are welcome, and the house will be open to visit throughout the week. We look forward to seeing you there! Where: 2846 Brattleboro Ave

Where: 2846 Brattleboro Ave

When: Friday, April 24, 7 - 9pm

When: Saturday, April 25, 11 - 1pm

Who: Rechartering alumni

Who: All alumni

Contents Alumni Events


New Members


New EC


Journey of Hope


Tell Us Your Story


New Philanthropy


Alumni Site


Thank You


RSVP by email to

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