Beta Eta - Fall 2010

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FALL  2010


Beta Eta Reigns Supreme From August 5th to 8th, Orlando, FL played host to Pi Kappa Phi’s biennial legislative convention, the Supreme Chapter, which Beta Eta used as a chance to celebrate its leadership role within the greater fraternity.

The Hilton Hotel at Walt Disney World was the headquarters hotel for Pi Kappa Phi’s 52nd Supreme Chapter. But more than just the fraternity’s national convention, the Supreme Chapter was also a backdrop against which Beta Eta alumni and their guests from across the Southeast joined together to acknowledge the unique accomplishments of three chapter alumni who were being recognized during the four day event. In all, close to 40 Beta Eta alumni and guests participated in at least one event during the convention. Friday’s opening general session, as with every Supreme Chapter, is done in ritualistic fashion where all student chapters are ceremonially dissolved and reconstituted as the Supreme Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi – the fraternity’s ultimate legislative body. It’s here where policy is made and the fraternity’s Supreme Law is amended for the upcoming biennium. Representing Beta Eta Chapter throughout the convention was Archon Phillip Kelley and Vice Archon John Frazier Strickland. Each was assigned to a committee and also represented the chapter’s interest during the general sessions. Later Friday evening, the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation hosted its black tie Nu Phi Society Banquet at the nearby Lake Buena Vista Palace Resort & Spa. The purpose of the Nu Phi Society is to recognize sustained commitment to the fraternity as evidenced by an alumnus’ attendance at Supreme Chapter. Alumni become eligible to join the Nu Phi Society at their fifth convention. This year, Beta Eta alums John Pierce ’85,

Beta Eta alumni at the fraternity’s Supreme Banquet celebrating Frank M. Ryll, Jr. as the 2010 Hall of Fame inductee.

Lee Nichols ’87, and Jeff Pujals ’96 were inducted into the Society. They join fellow chapter alums Jeff Niedenthal ’67, Mike Loy ’91, Jeff Wahlen ’81 and Tom Atwood ’92 who were inducted in previous years. Beta Eta now has the fourth most Nu Phi members of any chapter in Pi Kappa Phi Saturday was a great day for the chapter and it began with the awards luncheon sponsored by the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. It was during lunch that the Beta Eta Alumni Chapter (BHAC) was acknowledged, for the fifth consecutive year, as Pi Kappa Phi’s leading alumni group. Brothers Mike Loy and Frank Kaney ’55 were present to receive the award on behalf of the executive committee. Also during lunch, student members Ryan Chiarello and William Boyce were recognized for their academic achievements for the previous school year. Chiarello was awarded a $500 scholarship and named as one of four Outstanding Associate Members by the Foundation and Boyce was awarded a $1,000 scholarship and identified as one of seven Pi Kapp Scholars for the 20092010 academic year. Both competed nationally for their recognition and beat out the competition with impressive applications. The Pi Kapp Scholars award is the fraternity’s highest academic honor which it has been bestowing upon talented students since 1927. Boyce joins just a handful of other Beta Eta’s to have received this award. Later Saturday evening, the BHAC sponsored an alumni reception to honor Frank M. Ryll, Jr.’62, Pi Kappa Phi’s 2010 Hall of Fame Inductee, Jeff Wahlen, outgoing National President and John Pierce, outgoing President of the Push America Board of Directors. It was a special evening for Beta Eta and for the friends and families of each of the honored alumni. Together, Wahlen and Pierce leave a legacy of CONTINUED ON PAGE 5



Beta Eta Alumni Chapter, Inc. P.O. Box 11244 Tallahassee, FL 32302-3244

The Beta Eta Data is published by the Beta Eta Alumni Chapter, Inc. Please submit questions, comments, and corrections to Tom Atwood at

NOTES NAMES: The number after each name in this newsletter represents the year of initiation. NEED TO FIND A BROTHER? The BHAC would like to help you stay connected with fellow Beta Eta brothers. E-mail us at to request contact information for alumni you would like to contact. CHAPTER ETERNAL: The following brother were reported to the National Fraternity as having passed to the Chapter Eternal since the last publication: Jim Ralston ’50 (d. 4/23/2010) John Adams ’54 (d. 8/28/2010) Peter J.F. Newell ’64 (d. 5/14/2009) Sidney Wilson Jr. ’66 (d. 5/8/2010) THANK YOU to Randy Lenczyk for his work on the Bob and Joan Elefante story.

Beta Eta Alumni Chapter

ALUMNI DUES REMINDER! Beta Eta Alumni Dues: $35 Send check to: Beta Eta Alumni Chapter, Inc. P.O. Box 11244 Tallahassee, FL 32302-3244 Or Visit to renew via PayPal.


The BHAC Annual Meeting, reception and dinner will be held in Orland, Florida, in early spring 2011. Details to follow.


Housing Corp. Hosts House Improvement Day Over 40 man-hours of work were donated to the Beta Eta House Corporation (BHHC) on Saturday, August 14th during its third annual summer house improvement day. Students and alumni worked side by side through much of the day tackling various projects around the chapter house. Projects included room inspections, a thorough cleaning, complete kitchen renovation and the installation of a new front door system. Thanks to BHAC Director Scott Middlebrooks ’93, the chapter house now has a new, handsome Masonite front door, side lights and transom. Middlebrooks, an employee of Masonite, was able to secure the materials at cost and assisted with the installation. BHHC Board Member Chris Mueller ’92 was in charge of this year’s event and Alumni members Bill Cotterall and hopes to see it grow in the years to come. If you have gifts in kind Chris Mueller work to install a new front door at the chapter house. you would consider donating to the House Corporation, please contact BHHC President Brian Baber ’92 at or (850) 258-8587.

Brothers Support House Corporation in Campaign The Beta Eta House Corporation conducted a mini-campaign earlier in the school year to fund some needed, but unbudgeted enhancements to the chapter house. Thirty-three alumni participated and raised $12,580 in a very short amount of time. The following brothers stepped up in a big way and are recognized to the right.

JEFF KORB ’92 Greg McMahon ’91

James B. Newman ’56

Tom Atwood ’92 Brian Baber ’92 Michael Loy ’91

Chris Mueller ’92 Eric Wahlen ’85

Don Chao ’65 Phil deYoung ’93 Jim Lloyd ’59 Scott Middlebrooks ’93

Lee Nichols ’87 Bob Rivers ’61 Chris Ryle ’93 Jonathan Stevens ’92

Leo Almerico ’53 DON BOWLIN ’56 Marvin Bass ’64 Geoff Bowles ’96 Hugo de Beaubien ’67 Bret felberg ’98 Michael Gaudio ’95 Robert Gittings ’67 Richard Hall ’64 Frank Kaney ’55

LENNY LORENZO ’84 Chuck MacMillin ’66 Jay Newman ’61 James E. Newman ’62 Mike O’Dair ’64 Mark Ostoits ’93 Larry Rowe ’68 Frank M. Ryll, Jr. ’62 Emilio Sanchez ’93 JAMES WHITE ’90

Coley Joins Foundation Board of Trustees Alumnus Tom Coley ’63 joined the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Board of Trustees at its Annual Meeting this August. Coley, a retired bank executive with SouthTrust and briefly with Wachovia, is the first Beta Eta alumnus to serve on the board of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Board of Trustees. The Foundation is currently run by Beta Eta alumnus, Tom Atwood ’92, who is in his fifth year as the Foundation’s Executive Director. Coley and his wife, Dee, live in Atlanta, GA. The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation is the charitable arm of the greater Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity and is headquartered in Charlotte, NC.

Douglass Hosts Inaugural Graduation Luncheon Alumnus Jim Douglass ’67 played host to the BHAC’s inaugural graduating senior luncheon in April at the University Center Club. Biochemistry, political science, finance, economics…Seemingly all the majors were represented when seven of the chapter’s ten graduating seniors met for a private luncheon sponsored by alumnus Jim Douglass ’67 last April. Held the same weekend as FSU’s Spring Game, the campus was abuzz with the forthcoming debut of Seniors catch a quick photo with Jim Douglass following Coach Jimbo Fisher’s football team. lunch. Pictured left to right are: Carl Raeckers, Matt Clark, Matt Wilson, Jim Douglass, Adam Fox, Chad Ausley, Corey At the same time, Pi Kappa Phi was Watt and Charlie Golenbock. energized by having alumni and students meeting over lunch to talk about fraternity and the future. During the luncheon, Douglass shared his experiences in life and business and reflected on his time as a student member of the chapter. He talked about how important Pi Kappa Phi was in helping him find a place at FSU and that many of the lessons he learned in serving the chapter will also helped him succeed in life. Students had the opportunity to ask questions, seek counsel and advice. Joining Douglass from the alumni ranks were Chapter Advisor Jim Scarboro ’82, BHAC Treasurer Lee Nichols ’87 and alumnus Tom Atwood ’92. Chapter officers Phillip Kelley (Archon), John Strickland (Vice Archon) and Ben Gauntlett (Historian) were also in attendance. The purpose of the BHAC’s graduating senior luncheon is to remind the chapter’s seniors that fraternity doesn’t end when you claim your diploma. In doing so, the BHAC seeks to find alumni who are interested in sponsoring the lunch and in return, allowing that alumnus the chance to share his insights, wisdom and experience about life after college with our newest class of alumni members.

The BHAC Congratulates the following graduates: Adam Fox—Coral Springs, FL Political Science Former Archon Member, Council of Archons Matt Wilson—Tallahassee, FL Political Science, Economics Former Treasurer Chad Ausley—Leonardtown, MD Finance & Entrepreneurship Matt Clark—Baker, FL Biochemistry Corey Watt—Lauderhill, FL Finance Charlie Golenbock—St. Petersburg, FL Political Science & Social Science Carl Raeckers—Tampa, FL Sociology Thomas Cwalinski—Fort Lauderdale, FL Business Management Justin Bruland—Marathon, FL Accounting Jonathan Klepper—Crestview, FL Economics & Political Science

Kelley Cycles across Florida for People with Disabilities Chapter Archon Phillip G. Kelley was goal of $2500 by over 22%. He was in the top one of 25 cyclists who participated in Push quartile of fundraisers on the team. America’s 2010 Gear Up Florida team last May. Push America was created in 1977 by Pi Cycling from Miami, FL to Tallahassee, FL over Kappa Phi Fraternity as a way to create service the course of two full weeks, Kelley and his learning opportunities for its members while teammates (all Pi Kapps from across the country) supporting the disabled community. The raised money and awareness on behalf of people Gear Up Florida cycling event began in 1997 with disabilities. and over 300 Pi Kappa Ph’s have participated The team left Miami on May 14th and arrived in the program, including Beta Eta members: Phillip Kelley is welcomed home at the Florida Capital in in Tallahassee over Memorial Day weekend. Durwood Thompson ’95, (GUF 1998) Tallahassee by chapter brothers and friends. Along the way, they made ten “friendship Chris Mueller ’92 (GUF 2005) and Brian visits” at local facilities which serve the disabled community. At these Baber ’92 (GUF 2005). The ride is open to both students and friendship visits, the cycling team and their support crew would play, alumni. If you would like more information about Push America, or are interact and do activities with the people who benefit from the facility. interested in supporting Gear Up Florida next summer, please contact Kelley raised $3128.00 for Push America, exceeding his minimum Push America at


Beta Eta Founder Ralston passes to Chapter Eternal Beta Eta Founding Member Jim Ralston (Jennifer); 4 grandsons, 2 granddaughters, ’50 passed to the Chapter Eternal on April 23, and twin great-grandchildren. He was born in 2010. He was 79. A past Archon of the chapter, Tampa, FL, attended Brandon High School, Ralston’s service to and interest in Pi Kappa and graduated from FSU with a degree in Phi began at a very early age. He cherished Physical Education. He was a member of Phi his fraternity experience and, when given the Mu Alpha, Omicron Delta Kappa and Gold opportunity, would often entertain young alumni Key at FSU. During his life, he had 2 great and students with stories of what Florida State passions: sports and music. He coached the University and the fraternity system was like in FSU Freshman Baseball team, managed youth those early days after the University went coteams at NE Little League and played Softball Alumni Chapter President Michael Loy ’91 presents Jim educational. Ralston was Beta Eta initiate 29— Ralston ’50 with a Resolution of Appreciation from the Beta in the St. Petersburg Church League for many Eta Alumni Chapter Board of Directors on the occasion of years. He sang the lead in the premier of Carlisle the last initiate of the chapter’s founding class. Ralston’s 60 years of membership in Pi Kappa Phi. Ralston’s interest in Pi Kappa Phi never Floyd’s Slow Dusk and was a dedicated church waned. Despite poor health in recent years, he made every effort to musician. He was an active member and ordained Deacon at FBC of St. stay engaged and up to date with the affairs of Beta Eta. In February, Petersburg. Jim was proud to be a Sgt. in the 11th Airborne Div, and Ralston was honored by the Beta Eta Alumni Chapter with a resolution his volunteer service with Campers on Mission, Bay Pines Out Patient of appreciation, not only commemorating his 60 years of membership in Pharmacy, Wordless Books Ministry, Anchor Fellowship Choir of FBC the fraternity, but also acknowledging the extraordinary effort to which and his work with the Supervisor Of Elections Education Dept. He he had gone in upholding his membership oath over six decades. owned his electrical agency for many years and ended his working life as Brother Ralston is survived by his wife of 54 years, Charlaine; V.P. at A Randy’s Electric. Many will remember his glorious tenor voice, children, Michael (Sue), Patrick, Cynthia (Billy Bob), and Keith his jovial manner and his love of family and fraternity.

Former Beta Eta Rose Queen Diagnosed with ALS

“Joan’s Gems” are supporting former Rose Queen, Joan Elefante, in her battle against ALS. Beta Eta alumni are encouraged to support Joan in her fight. Earlier this year, Joan Elefante (Trevithick), a former Beta Eta Rose Queen, was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). Joan became the chapter’s Rose Queen in 1969, while being pinned to Bob Elefante ’65. During his undergraduate years, Bob served as Archon, Treasurer and steward of the chapter. Bob and Joan were married in 1970 and raised their two girls, Christine and Sharon, in Miami, Atlanta and Dallas. They are proud grandparents now residing in the Atlanta area, where Joan is an art teacher. Joan and her family are now actively involved in raising awareness of ALS, while fundraising for the local ALS Association which is solely dedicated to fighting the uphill battle against this insidious disease. The family has set up a page on the ALS Association’s secure website


with some 50 fundraising walkers collectively referred to as “Joan’s Gems”. These friends and family members recently participated in the Atlanta-area ALS Walk over the weekend of November 6. The Beta Eta alumni family is proudly supporting Joan and asks you to visit the family’s website at to make a secure, tax-deductible contribution via credit card. Your gift not only makes a statement against such a terrible disease, but supports the Elefantes in a meaningful way. If you wish to send a check, make it out to the ALS Association of Georgia. Make sure you include Joan Elefante’s name or Joan’s Gems team name on the memo line of the check. Mailing address: ALS Association of Georgia 1955 Cliff Valley Way #116 Atlanta, GA 30329 Contributions collected enable the ALS Association to provide programs and services to families challenged by Lou Gehrig’s Disease and also fund global, cutting-edge ALS research. To reach out to the Elefantes and offer encouragement, e-mail them at Let’s help Bob and Joan and the thousands of persons afflicted with ALS each year by contributing to the fight against this disease.

BETA ETA REIGNS SUPREME CONTINUED FROM COVER board leadership that spans well over two decades, and Ryll joins fellow Beta Eta alumnus Alan Sundberg ’50 as the second Beta Eta inductee into the Hall of Fame – an award given to alums who have distinguished themselves in their career and thus brought credit to Pi Kappa Phi. The convention closed on Sunday as National President Mark F. Jacobs, Delta Psi (Texas-Arlington) gave his inaugural address exhorting Pi Kappa Phi alumni to continue the legacy of leadership which has sustained the fraternity over the last two, difficult years. Alumni (and especially Beta Eta alumni) were invited to attend Pi Kappa Phi’s 53rd Supreme Chapter at the JW Marriott Hotel in Washington, D.C. in August 2012.

Boyce, Chiarello Join Elite Company Rising Sophomore Ryan Chiarello and Senior William Boyce join elite company with their selection as scholarship winners from the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. Chiarello is the third Beta Eta student to win the Outstanding Associate Member award while Boyce is the fourth Beta Eta student to be identified as a Pi Kapp Scholar. Since 1927, the fraternity has used the Pi Kapp Scholar designation to identify its best and most academically talented students in the nation. Traditionally, between four and seven are selected for this honor each year.

Beta Eta Outstanding Associate Members William Boyce (2009) Jonathan Shillace (2009) Ryan Chiarello (2010)

Beta Eta Pi Kapp Scholars Ed Tenewitz (1972) Eric Wahlen (1985) Dave Wisniewski (1988) William Boyce (2010)

National President Jeff Wahlen presents Frank M. Ryll Jr. with his Hall of Fame certificate.

Alumni Chapter takes Top Honors

Each year Pi Kappa Phi recognizes alumni groups Alpha Omicron Club - Iowa State (2005) that achieve excellence Beta Eta Alumni Chapter (2006) in alumni programming. Beta Eta Alumni Chapter (2007) The Beta Eta Alumni Beta Eta Alumni Chapter (2008) Chapter, Inc. again Beta Eta Alumni Chapter (2009) has taken top honors, Beta Eta Alumni Chapter (2010) stretching its streak to five consecutive years. According to fraternity records, no other alumni group has achieved such a string of continued success and excellence.

It’s all about IMPACT Interested in making a lasting legacy on your fraternity? Consider including Beta Eta in your estate plans. To join the other alumni who have done so, contact Tom Atwood at (704) 504-0888 ext. 104 |

some Things to consider

1) Endow SCHOLARSHIPS for academic excellence. 2) Support LEADERSHIP PROGRAMMING for tomorrow’s chapter leaders. 3) Improve OFFICER TRAINING for those chosen to lead.

TOP: William Boyce is recognized by Foundation Trustee Frank M. Parrish, Alpha Omicron (Iowa State) as one of seven Pi Kapp Scholars for the 2009-2010 academic year. BOTTOM: Ryan Chiarello and parents immediately following the Foundation awards luncheon.


Florida State Homecoming 1991. Comedians Jeff Foxworthy and Dennis Miller headlined FSU’s annual homecoming PowWow. The Seminoles beat Middle Tennessee State 39-10 that weekend and Dick Morgan ’63, Ron Boersma ’60, Glenn Mayne ’60 and Dave Michael ’60 (from L to R) visit during the annual Friday night alumni dinner.


Beta Eta Alumni Chapter, Inc. P.O. Box 11244 Tallahassee, FL 32302-3244

The mission of the Beta Eta Alumni Chapter is to enhance the lifelong fraternal experience for Beta Eta alumni by maintaining an active alumni group that is dedicated to connecting alumni with each other and to their fraternity by providing timely communication of relevant alumni news and organizing meaningful events. This group shall promote the ideals of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity as expressed in our Ritual of Initiation and Supreme Laws and encourage Beta Eta alumni to renew their lifetime pledge to the brotherhood of this fraternity.

Beta Eta Alumni Chapter, INC.

Alumni Membership Roster

THANK YOU, BROTHERS! The BHAC would like to thank the following brothers for their generosity toward Beta Eta during our last fiscal year which ended on June 30, 2010. A total of 174 brothers supported the BHAC last year, funding the communication and alumni development efforts of the organization. 1950-1959 John Adams ’54 Arden Anderson ’51 Don Bowlin ’56 William Branning ’56 Gene Caruthers ’56 E.E. Cheeseman ’54 Franklin Clark ’59 John Corbett ’59 Gerard Dobson ’54 John Eichelberger ’54 Gilbert Fernandez ’55 George Fordham ’57 Peter Kalmes ’59 Frank Kaney ’55 James Lloyd ’59 Richard Lukas ’54 Edward Mason ’57 Jim Newman ’56 Paul Perry ’55 Raymond Raines ’57 James Ralston ’50 Walter Smith ’56 Victor Spoto ’52 Burnett Stilwell ’56 Richard Sundberg ’50 Lewis Symmes ’51 Carlos Taylor ’50 Earl Williams ’50 1960-1969 Skip Archibald ’61 Robert Baker ’67 James Baldy ’62 Marvin Bass ’64 Ronald Boersma ’60 Frank Borzen ’66 Bill Branch ’61 David Brown ’63 James Bultman ’68 Don Chao ’68 Tom Coley ’63 Robert Costin ’63 Christopher Cottrill ’68 Louis Crawford ’64 Ralph Cross ’63 Charles Cutajar ’62 Hugo de Beaubien ’68 Reg Dickey ’63

James Douglass ’67 Robert Elefante ’65 Steve Gulledge ’69 Johnny Guy ’61 Richard Hall ’64 Jim Harrison ’68 Jeffrey Hogan ’66 Guy Hollingsworth ’61 Phillip Irvine ’61 Lester Kaney ’66 Vernon Khail ’66 Henry Land ’60 Randolph Lenczyk ’66 Ken Lippincott ’60 Charles MacMillin ’62 W.W. Malphrus ’61 Howard McCall ’65 David Michael ’61 Robert Milstead ’67 Gordon Mize ’60 Richard Morgan ’63 Jay Newman ’61 Jim Newman ’62 Paul Nichols ’64 Jeff Niedenthal ’67 Michael O’Dair ’64 Robert Orr ’65 David Pavesic ’62 Randy Plotts ’64 Gordon Potts ’68 Robert Rivers ’61 Frank Ryll ’62 Howard Schleich ’62 John Shaffer ’64 Carl Springfels ’67 Donald Steiner ’67 Norman Stoddard ’64 Edward Tunstall ’61 Francis Williams ’65 1970-1979 Michael Bregar ’77 Mike Clifford ’70 William Holdorf ’75 Charles Krblich ’77 Christopher New ’75 Louis Webster ’71 Scott Webster ’75

1980 - 1989 Marshall Atkinson ’84 Tim Atkinson ’84 B. Dan Berger ’88 Gerson Diaz ’86 Jeffrey Eacker ’82 Carl Johnson ’85 Leonard Lorenzo ’84 Steven Louchheim ’82 Reinhard Mabry ’87 Harry McIntosh ’87 Mark Mills ’88 Brian Murphy ’87 Lee Nichols ’87 John Pierce ’88 Richard Pope ’82 James Scarboro ’82 Jeff Wahlen ’81 Eric Wahlen ’85 1990 - 2009 Jolyon Acosta ’93 Thomas Atwood ’92 Brian Baber ’92 Seth Berger ’94 Chip Besse ’99 John Blihar ’09 Todd Bruner ’91 Jeff Butler ’92 Michael Calhoun ’96 Michael Casey ’93 Franklin Clark ’93 Marvin Clarke ’90 Joe Davidson ’95 Michael Dewberry ’91 Maurice Deyoung ’93 Christian Downs ’94 Brian Faircloth ’91 Adam Feldman ’92 George Forman ’91 Adam Fox ’09 James Fritz ’95 Michael Gaudio ’95 Andrew Gershon ’03 James Godwin ’95 Nevin Grushka ’90 Ryan Hay ’92 Greg Hoerbelt ’93

Walker Jackson ’91 Gregory Jones ’91 Raymond Jones ’91 Jeremy Kissel ’97 Jason Klein ’91 Seth Klondar ’91 Brad Lewis ’93 Chris Lindsay ’93 Michael Loy ’91 Philip McCully ’91 Gregory McMahon ’91 Christopher Meadows ’97 Michael Meitin ’97 Scott Middlebrooks ’93 Matthew Moran ’93 Chris Mueller ’92 Travis Olson ’92 Jason Pernell ’98 Jeffrey Pujals ’94 Christopher Reed ’94 Bryan Rendzio ’93 Christopher Ricci ’94 Michael Rovins ’96 Christopher Ryle ’93 Emilio Sanchez ’93 Darren Scott ’91 Ian Shapiro ’90 Steven Smith ’90 Michael St Louis ’91 Jonathan Stevens ’92 Daniel Thompson ’91 Michael Tugwell ’92 Geoff Voorhees ’94 Steven Warren ’94 James White ’90

Beta Eta Alumni Chapter Annual Membership Form 2010-2011


Membership in the Beta Eta Alumni Chapter, Inc. helps to underwrite the ongoing costs of publishing the Beta Eta Data, coordinate and host events for Beta Eta alumni, and other initiatives to help Beta Eta alumni stay connected to each other and their Fraternity. See the back of this form for more information regarding frequently asked questions. Instructions: Complete this form and return along with your $35 check payable to the “Beta Eta Alumni Chapter, Inc.” to: Beta Eta Alumni Chapter, Inc. PO Box 11244 Tallahassee, FL 32302-3244 Payments may also be made by Visit to link directly to Paypal. If payment is made electronically, please still mail this form to the above address.

Name*: ___________________________________________________ Spouse: __________________________ Graduation Year: __________________ Home Phone: _____________________

Work Phone: _______________________

Cell Phone: _______________________ Preferred Email: ________________________________ Employer: _______________________ 2010-2011 Dues/Contribution:

Title: _________________________ $35


The Beta Eta Alumni Chapter has launched a website ( dedicated to promoting alumni events and facilitating more effective alumni communication. An “opt-in” is required to post your listing. I would like to have my name, initiation year, and email address listed on the Beta Eta Alumni Chapter website. * PRIVACY AGREEMENT. By providing the above personal information, I understand and consent to such information being shared with the records departments of the Pi Kappa Phi National Fraternity and Florida State University. Questions regarding the Beta Eta Alumni Chapter should be directed to Alumni Chapter President Michael Loy at or (703) 346-0336 or by visiting our website (

I would like to learn more about including Beta Eta chapter in my estate plans.

Contributions or gifts to the Beta Eta Alumni Chapter, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

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