Beta Eta Data | Fall 2014

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FALL  2014


Loy Recognized For Dedicated Service Earlier this year Michael S. Loy (Mike) stepped down as President of the Beta Eta Alumni Chapter (BHAC). For the past ten years, Mike has provided exceptional leadership and has been an integral part of BHAC’s entire history. In 2005, he led a small group of alumni in a planning retreat that led to the birth of our alumni chapter. Mike also drafted the organization’s articles of incorporation and bylaws. Since 2004, he has provided content and editing for every issue of the Beta Eta Data. He has represented BHAC at every national fraternity convention since BHAC’s inception. During his tenure as President, BHAC won the national fraternity’s “Newsletter of the Year” numerous times and the “Alumni Chapter of the Year” seven consecutive years. Mike has traveled from his home in Northern Virginia to nearly every annual meeting of the BHAC. Mike Loy, your Beta Eta brothers salute you for your servant leadership. We thank you for going above and beyond the call of duty.

Social Media & Alumni Chapter Website Improvements As Social Media continues to become a main part of younger generations (and a growing part of older ones), Beta Eta is striving to keep up with this trend. This is one of the main reasons we brought on Jonathan Schillace as a BHAC board member. With his skills in the media profession and as a sports broadcaster for Florida State, he is constantly interfacing with all types of communication media. He was instrumental in our website update earlier this year ( Jonathan had this to say about our website: “We cleaned it up. We have taken old news out and filled it with more relevant information. There were a lot of TBAs or blank information, so we did an entire overhaul, looked at what we had and how to make it cleaner.” Jonathan is also managing our Facebook and Twitter accounts and said, “We needed a way to appeal to the younger generation. In order to keep an alumni chapter going, you need

new members and this is a way. With Facebook, it is mainly a way to get our events out...other than email. Twitter is the same way. It is one of the fastest growing mediums and we did not have a presence. We need to stay up with the times if we are going to survive and this was one way. Now with all that said, we still have a lot of work to do. We need to have uniform platforms with our logos, message, and updates. We need to get more followers on Facebook and Twitter to really be able to get forward looking communication out to people beyond the updates in our newsletters. The more we can appeal to younger people, the better our chapter will flourish in the future.” The student chapter’s website is new, dynamic and a terrific rush tool. It helps parents visualize the fraternity in different ways and adds credibility. Eventually, our current platform ( will need to be upgraded to accommodate the evolution of technology, but for now an overhaul / update works just fine for our needs.



Beta Eta Alumni Chapter, Inc. P.O. Box 11244 Tallahassee, FL 32302-3244

The Beta Eta Data is published by the Beta Eta Alumni Chapter, Inc. Please submit questions, comments, and corrections to JIM SCARBORO at

NOTES NAMES: The number after each name in this newsletter represents the year of initiation. NEED TO FIND A BROTHER? The BHAC would like to help you stay connected with fellow Beta Eta brothers. Email us at to request contact information for alumni you would like to contact.



FSU Homecoming Parade at House

7:00 p.m.

Alumni Dinner at Giorgio’s RSVP to Chuck Cutajar | SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2014

9:00 a.m.

Annual HC Meeting at 423 West College Ave.

4 Hours Prior to Game

Tailgate at House Bueller House Tailgate/Chili Cook-off SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2014

10:30 a.m. - Noon

Sunday Brunch at 423 West College Ave.




Beta Eta Chapter; Striving for Excellence It has been another exciting semester for the Beta Eta Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. At a time when school pride is at an all-time high after winning the BCS National Championship, Beta Eta is definitely doing its part to “uphold the traditions and activities of our college.” We are excited to welcome the 11 new associate members of Kappa Class as they begin the life-changing process of becoming brothers this past spring. Coming from all parts of Florida, across the U.S., and even internationally, these men developed into true men of CLASS (Character, Leadership, Achievement, Scholarship and Service) and added to the diversity that we take great pride in at our Chapter. Academics still remain one of our top priorities as Beta Eta boasts one of the best GPA’s of fraternities on campus with a 3.05 cumulative grade point average, which is higher than the All Men’s average. Regarding philanthropy, we had one brother complete the Journey of Hope this past summer, one participant in Build America, and two brothers take part in Gear Up Florida. Through our spring philanthropy BBQ, brother’s donations, and t-shirt sales, Beta Eta raised over four thousand dollars for Push America! Beta Eta also plays a dominant role in Florida State University’s own philanthropic events as we have over 40 brothers participating in Dance Marathon, which raises money for Shands Children’s Hospital and Children’s Miracle Network. Last year we placed third among fraternity/ sorority pairs, and with the events this past spring, we raised over ten thousand dollars! Pi Kappa Phi at Florida State remains active in campus activities. We are a dominant force in athletics as we consistently placed at or near the top of almost every sport, finishing third among fraternities on campus in athletics. A majority of the brotherhood holds at least one leadership position on campus. This past semester one of our brothers served as IFC President. In addition, we have student senators, the chair of the campus recreation board, the director for The BIG Event and many other prestigious positions on campus. Finally, with the help of the BHHC, we held a work day party with alumni before the fall semester, and several brothers attended Supreme Chapter.

Beta Eta Brothers Celebrate 50 Years of Marriage On June 21, 2014, brothers Glenn Mayne and Jay Newman hosted an event at the Duval Hotel’s Level 8 ballroom in Tallahassee, celebrating their 50th wedding anniversaries, along with their wives Kathleen Fosen Mayne and Betty Sue Holley Newman. These two couples were in college together at FSU back in the 1960’s and have remained friends over the years. In fact, Glenn and Jay were in the same Beta Eta pledge class during the fall of 1960. Their weddings were one week apart in 1964, on June 20th for Jay and Sue and June 27th for Glenn and Kathy. Fellow brother Dave Michael provided music for the party as the DJ, with recorded songs from the 1960’s. Both the Newmans and the Maynes ended up back in Tallahassee after careers that took them to various places around the country. For the past 15+ years, these two couples have gotten together during the week between their anniversaries for a celebration dinner. More than 100 people were in attendance at the celebration with some travelling from as far away as California, Colorado, Tennessee and New Jersey. The attendance of several Pi Kapps from the 1960’s — Bill Branch, Rick Corbett, Chuck Cutajar, Dave K. Michael, Paul Nichols, Bob Rivers, Ed Tunstall, Ken Rouse, and Frank Ryll helped make the event a great success.

Changing of the Guard at Beta Eta ALUMNI UPDATES House Corporation: Baber & Wahlen Recognized for Outstanding Service Brian Baber and Eric Wahlen were both recognized for their outstanding service to the Beta Eta House Corporation (BHHC) for the past 5 years. While Brian served as President, he oversaw the $350,000 renovation to the chapter house. Brian and our new Treasurer, Chris New, were also able to refinance BHHC’s outstanding loans into one loan with a lower interest rate and shorter amortization. Brian has been incredibly responsive to the needs of the house and the chapter even though he lives in Panama City, FL. Under Eric Wahlen’s guidance, BHHC built a cash reserve fund that is now at $90,000. Eric utilized his financial skills and perseverance to resolve several issues and bring the House Corporation to a new level of financial security. BHHC is well-funded, organized and financially viable due to Eric’s efforts. Both Brian and Eric are to be commended for the outstanding service to the BHHC and the Beta Eta Chapter. Thank you Brian and Eric! I would also like to thank Scott Boudet, Bill Cotterall, John Eaton, James Godwin, Brian Murphy, Chris New and Chris Ryle for their continued service as BHHC Board members. Mike Moody (’03) has recently joined the BHHC Board and serves as Secretary. ­— Chris Anderson, BHHC President

Graduating Senior Luncheon and BHAC Annual Meeting On Friday, February 28th, Beta Eta alums Scott Middlebrooks, Jeff Wahlen, Jeff Eacker, Steven Louchheim and Jim Scarboro sponsored a luncheon for Beta Eta’s 2014 graduating seniors. The event was held at the University Center Club, where these 17 seniors were treated to a wonderful lunch as well as words of wisdom from the alumni. The Alumni Chapter began holding this luncheon several years ago, and it has been well received and very much appreciated by the graduates.

The following day, the Beta Eta Alumni Chapter annual meeting was held at the University Center Club. The meeting covered various business matters, including particularly recognition and appreciation for Brother Mike Loy’s dedication and service to the Alumni Chapter. After adjournment of the meeting, brothers walked to Dick Howser Stadium to attend the FSU vs. Miami baseball game. The 10 – 2 Seminole win was a great way to cap off a wonderful weekend of brotherhood.

Tom Atwood ’92 Tom and his wife, Faith, are enjoying life in Charlotte, NC. They will celebrate 10 years of marriage this May. Their son, Sam Atwood, will turn 2 in the fall. Tom is still the Executive Director of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, and Faith is a Marketing Manager with Snyder’sLance, Inc. Corey Watt ‘09 Corey recently earned an MBA degree from the University of Miami with a concentration in mergers, acquisitions and Six Sigma management. James W. (Jay) Newman ‘61 After 37 years in the insurance business, where Jay specialized in insurance regulation, public policy and residual markets (such as Citizens Property Insurance Corp.), Jay has recently retired. Jay and his wife Sue will live the winter months in Tallahassee and spend the summer in Chicago to be near their younger son and daughter-in-law. Reinhard Mabry ‘87 Reinhard is President & CEO of Alphapointe, a nonprofit located in Kansas City, MO. Reinhard lives in Overland Park, KS with his wife and two teenage sons. The attached photo was taken at Sporting Park, home of the 2013 Major League Soccer champions, Sporting Kansas City. Franklin Clark ‘59 Franklin and his wife, Manuella, recently celebrated their 54th wedding anniversary with a cruise on the Columbia and Snake Rivers. Manuella was the Beta Eta Rose Queen in 1958 and 1959.


Paving a Path to the Future Beta Eta has a long and proud history at Florida State University and the upkeep of the house is important in keeping the tradition alive. Over the years, house improvement projects helped keep the chapter thriving. The latest project the Alumni Chapter and Housing Corp. are sponsoring is decorative pavers to replace the existing concrete in the front of the house. Currently the public symbol is painted on the concrete leading to the front porch. We decided to keep that tradition, but enhance it by inlaying the symbol (with bricks) into the center of the walk way. This will add a nice center piece for the project and add curb appeal. In order to fund this project the Alumni Chapter and Housing Corp. will offer permanently engraved bricks to be sold to students and alumni. Personalized pavers are available for purchase and offer Beta Eta members an opportunity to be a part of this permanent legacy. The new pavers will upgrade the existing concrete walkways at the front of the house and a limited number of pavers are available for purchase. The pavers are 4” x 8” and allow personal messages of up to 3 lines each of 18 characters. The cost is $100 per paver. Larger pavers, 8” x 8”, are available for $250 and provide up to 6 lines of 18 characters. The larger pavers are reserved for the borders of the walkways and are further limited in the quantity available. To order your personalized paver, please visit www. Payment may be made with PayPal (no account required) or check. Orders may be

submitted through November 1st, 2014. Chapter Archon Jared Dubosar said, “The student chapter is excited about the opportunity to leave a permanent mark with the house, as well as enjoy an exciting upgrade to an area we all hang out at. We’re eager to see the finished product.”

Beta Eta Brotherhood; Creating Lifelong Traditions Several years ago, a group of Beta Eta Chapter members from the early 1960’s began gathering for lunch once a month in Tallahassee. After a few months, we decided that we should focus on independent and privately-owned eating establishments. Recently, we visited the 75th such eatery, and we still have a list of a couple of dozen more to go! Upon completing the FSU portion of our education, we spread out around the state and nation to pursue careers in our selected fields of study. We also found mates and started families. Eventually, we all ended up back in Tallahassee or close by. While we are mostly all retired now, our mix includes an attorney (Ken Rouse), a technology manager (Glenn Mayne), an insurance executive (Jay Newman), a chamber


of commerce executive (Frank Ryll), an oceanographer (Ed Tunstall), a business entrepreneur (Chuck Cutajar) and a personnel administrator (Paul Nichols). Even with this diverse set of backgrounds and experiences, we enjoy immensely the combination of building on our early Pi Kappa Phi experiences and patronizing the large number of unique, locally-owned restaurants in Tallahassee. We cannot recommend more highly to our brothers elsewhere that you try to copy or improve on the monthly lunch group concept that we have in Tallahassee. You will not regret reestablishing relationships with your fraternity brothers in your area and getting to know them in ways quite different from when you were undergraduates. — Glenn Mayne

Meet Chapter Advisor Craig Filar


What led you to become involved? I was originally approached by two of the founding brothers, William Boyce and John-Frazier Strickland. I had worked with Will on his application for the Fulbright student scholarship, and I had the good fortune to mentor him the full four years he was at FSU. He and John-Frazier asked me initially if I would like to be the chapter’s scholarship advisor. This is my first fraternity experience, as my undergraduate institution did not have Greek life on campus during the time I was enrolled.

Richard Lukas ‘53 Richard is a retired professional historian and currently lives with his wife on Hutchinson Island, Florida. He continues to lecture and recently completed the third revised edition of his bestselling book, “The Forgotten Holocaust.” Richard and his wife enjoy cruising and have completed 30 cruises all over the world. An extensive biography of Richard is listed in Wikipedia.

Filar has served as the Beta Eta Chapter Advisor for the past two years.

What does your typical week look like as Beta Eta Chapter Advisor? A regular week with the Beta Eta guys usually starts with attending the executive committee and chapter meetings on Sunday evenings. Also, throughout the week I meet with individual brothers to discuss issues they are facing. I also meet with all of the new associate members during their probationary period. I usually have faceto-face meetings with two or three brothers any given week, and receive emails and texts from many of the brothers every week. In addition, I have been working on a couple of committees for the national organization. What has been your most rewarding experience as Chapter Advisor? Most challenging experience? The most rewarding experience I have had as chapter advisor is to see brothers grow into young men of character. It is such a great thing to see these young men come into the chapter and learn to navigate the challenges of their lives. My hope is that they accept the challenge to grow into their own potential as a chapter and as individuals. The most challenging experience has been to help the brothers achieve balance as a chapter and prevent lethargy from setting in. Given your role with FSU, what do you see as the biggest challenge, or challenges, facing the overall student population today? Two things come to mind. First, social media has everybody under a microscope at all times. Everyone has a camera and information spreads quickly. This can be a difficult environment for the students to navigate. The other big challenge facing students is the pressures placed on them by others and themselves to have everything figured out at the age of 19 or 20. Students tend to feel undervalued if they don’t have their major, their career plans, and their lives figured out by the time they arrive at school.

Doug Burgett ‘87 Doug lives in Atlanta, Georgia and is an Associate Program Merchant with Home Depot. Todd Homan ‘94 After an active military career as a Navy fighter pilot, Commander Homan is now a flight instructor in the Navy reserves at the Naval Air Station Key West. He trains pilots in the tactics of air-to-air combat in the F-5 aircraft. Commander Homan also has the opportunity to perform flyovers for various sporting events and political conventions. Todd currently lives in Fort Worth, TX with his two children, Luke and Ryan, and his wife Andrea.

Have you seen Greek Life at FSU help students with these challenges? Absolutely. Greek life at FSU provides great support for the brothers through programming, classes, advising, and other educational and support initiatives. Can you describe the role of the Council of Advisors and who they are? The Council of Advisors is the advisory board to the student chapter. Our COA is comprised of alumni from Beta Eta and other chapters. They work with me to support the activities and development of the student chapter. What makes Beta Eta stand out from other fraternities on campus? Aside from having our own philanthropy, I think that it’s the exceptional character of the brothers that makes them stand out. They embody the ideals of the gentleman of CLASS (Character, Leadership, Achievement, Scholarship and Service). The brotherhood is incredibly strong; they are stand-up guys who watch out for one another. It is one of the best aspects of the chapter.

Dave Pavesic ‘62 Dave retired in June 2012 after a 26 year career teaching at Georgia State University in the School of Hospitality Administration. Dave and his wife Tana have been married 48 years and reside outside Atlanta in Woodstock, GA.

If Beta Eta alumni want to provide assistance, what is the best way to do so? If any alumni would like to be involved with the student chapter, they can email me directly at We could use members for the COA.


Courtesy of Pi Kappa Phi National Archives

Homecoming has always been Beta Eta’s strongest gathering of alumni. Pictured here at the annual alumni cocktail reception and dinner on October 18, 1991, (from L to R) Dick Morgan ’63, Ron Boersma ’60, Glenn Mayne ’61 and David Michael ’61 spend time catching up with one another.


Beta Eta Alumni Chapter, Inc. P.O. Box 11244 Tallahassee, FL 32302-3244

The mission of the Beta Eta Alumni Chapter is to enhance the lifelong fraternal experience for Beta Eta alumni by maintaining an active alumni group that is dedicated to connecting alumni with each other and to their fraternity by providing timely communication of relevant alumni news and organizing meaningful events. This group shall promote the ideals of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity as expressed in our Ritual of Initiation and Supreme Laws and encourage Beta Eta alumni to renew their lifetime pledge to the brotherhood of this fraternity.

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