FALL 2014
Loy Recognized For Dedicated Service Earlier this year Michael S. Loy (Mike) stepped down as President of the Beta Eta Alumni Chapter (BHAC). For the past ten years, Mike has provided exceptional leadership and has been an integral part of BHAC’s entire history. In 2005, he led a small group of alumni in a planning retreat that led to the birth of our alumni chapter. Mike also drafted the organization’s articles of incorporation and bylaws. Since 2004, he has provided content and editing for every issue of the Beta Eta Data. He has represented BHAC at every national fraternity convention since BHAC’s inception. During his tenure as President, BHAC won the national fraternity’s “Newsletter of the Year” numerous times and the “Alumni Chapter of the Year” seven consecutive years. Mike has traveled from his home in Northern Virginia to nearly every annual meeting of the BHAC. Mike Loy, your Beta Eta brothers salute you for your servant leadership. We thank you for going above and beyond the call of duty.
Social Media & Alumni Chapter Website Improvements As Social Media continues to become a main part of younger generations (and a growing part of older ones), Beta Eta is striving to keep up with this trend. This is one of the main reasons we brought on Jonathan Schillace as a BHAC board member. With his skills in the media profession and as a sports broadcaster for Florida State, he is constantly interfacing with all types of communication media. He was instrumental in our website update earlier this year ( Jonathan had this to say about our website: “We cleaned it up. We have taken old news out and filled it with more relevant information. There were a lot of TBAs or blank information, so we did an entire overhaul, looked at what we had and how to make it cleaner.” Jonathan is also managing our Facebook and Twitter accounts and said, “We needed a way to appeal to the younger generation. In order to keep an alumni chapter going, you need
new members and this is a way. With Facebook, it is mainly a way to get our events out...other than email. Twitter is the same way. It is one of the fastest growing mediums and we did not have a presence. We need to stay up with the times if we are going to survive and this was one way. Now with all that said, we still have a lot of work to do. We need to have uniform platforms with our logos, message, and updates. We need to get more followers on Facebook and Twitter to really be able to get forward looking communication out to people beyond the updates in our newsletters. The more we can appeal to younger people, the better our chapter will flourish in the future.” The student chapter’s website is new, dynamic and a terrific rush tool. It helps parents visualize the fraternity in different ways and adds credibility. Eventually, our current platform ( will need to be upgraded to accommodate the evolution of technology, but for now an overhaul / update works just fine for our needs.