FALL 2016
ALUMNI CELEBRATE BETA ETA’S 65TH ANNIVERSARY: GLENN MAYNE NAMED MR. BETA ETA The Beta Eta Alumni Chapter celebrated the 65th anniversary of the Beta Eta Chapter over the weekend of April 15th, 2016, in Tallahassee. The festivities began Friday night with a social gathering at Finnegan’s Wake, followed by a private tour of the Moore Athletic Center on Saturday morning. On the tour, brothers were treated to an inside look at the FSU football program, which included access to the Seminole locker room, team meeting rooms, weight room, trophy room and a viewing of the program’s three, original National Championship trophies. BHAC Director Tim Atkinson ’84 commented, “truly an impressive facility for an impressive program!” The Beta Eta Housing Corporation held its annual meeting on Saturday, April 16th at the Chapter house. The meeting concluded with
a cookout hosted by the Student Chapter. Later that afternoon, the Alumni Chapter had a pre-meeting mixer, followed by the annual meeting, cocktail reception and formal dinner at the University Center Club. Board elections were held during the BHAC annual meeting, and Scott Middlebrooks ‘93 was re-elected to serve a three-year term as President of the Alumni Chapter. Phil DeYoung ‘93 was also elected to serve a three-year term on the Alumni Chapter Board of Directors. Officer and committee reports were presented and featured discussions regarding a retooling
of the betaeta.com website, social media improvements and an exciting Treasurer’s report by Lee Nichols ‘87. Reports were also presented from the Student Chapter Archon, Dana Keller ’14 and the BH Housing Corporation. A special “shoutout” was received from Breece McCray ’50 who was unable to attend. The formal dinner was emceed by BHAC President Scott Middlebrooks and featured a video presentation from recent Pi Kapp Hall of Fame inductee, Ron “Zap” Zlatoper.