Beta Eta Data | Spring 2005

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After years of inactivity, the newly reconstituted and incorporated Beta Eta Alumni Chapter looks to connect the 1,000-plus living Beta Eta alumni to each other and to their fraternity. In a new and exciting effort to reach out to Beta Eta alumni, a revitalized alumni chapter has been formed with new leadership, mission, and focus following a five-month planning process that culminated January 7-9, 2005, with a strategic planning retreat held in Charlotte, NC. After initial discussions took place over the summer among several interested alumni, a broad based steering committee, representing several generations of Beta Eta alumni, was formed to examine the issues surrounding this alumni outreach effort. “It all started with a frank realization this past August at Supreme Chapter,” said Alumni Chapter President Mike Loy ‘91. “There was a moment when we collectively realized that our generations of Beta Eta brothers hadn’t followed the good example that was set for us by our predecessors in the 1950’s and 1960’s… and we wanted

ALUMNI RECEPTIONS The Beta Eta Alumni Chapter is hosting the following events to encourage alumni members to reconnect and learn about the new alumni chapter. For more information, please visit our temporary web site at alumni.alumnievents.cfm.


Beta Eta alumni members are seen here after signing the national fraternity’s alumni chapter petition during a strategic planning retreat in Charlotte, N.C. in January. During the retreat, more than $2,000 in initial capital was pledged by these members to launch the newly reconstituted Beta Eta Alumni Chapter. Pictured from L to R are Jeff Pujals ‘94, Brian Baber ‘92, John Pierce ‘86, Jeff Butler ‘92, Tom Atwood ‘92, Eric Wahlen ‘85, Jeff Niedenthal ‘67, Mike Loy ‘91, Lee Nichols ‘87, Chris Mueller ‘92 and Travis Olson ‘92.

to change that. We understood that being a brother is easy while you are still in college. However, the true test of brotherhood is staying involved and connected after you graduate.” What Loy and others had in mind was to create an alumni organization that took into consideration the diversity of the Beta Eta Chapter, the expressed desire of Beta Eta alumni to reconnect and communicate with one another, and how the new alumni chapter could help promote the values of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity as expressed by our Ritual and Supreme Laws.

As work progressed through the fall, it was universally determined by those on the steering committee that a faceto-face meeting would be the best and most efficient way to accomplish the goals that had been developed. Toward that end, a two-day planning retreat in Charlotte, NC, to be held in conjunction with the fraternity’s Mid Year Leadership Conference, was planned. At that retreat, directors and officers of the new corporation were elected, bylaws were reviewed, a mission statement was adopted, a petition to the national fraternity was

The mission of the Beta Eta Alumni Chapter shall be to reestablish a viable alumni group, dedicated to connecting alumni with each other and to their fraternity through timely communication of relevant alumni news and through meaningful events. This group shall promote the ideals of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity as expressed in our ritual of initiation and Supreme Laws and encourage Beta Eta alumni to renew their lifetime pledge to the brotherhood and this fraternity.

Saturday, May 7, 2005 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Whiskey Park RSVP by May 1 Chris Mueller (813) 831-9323


Saturday, April 30, 2005 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. John Martin’s Irish Pub RSVP by April 25 Jeff Pujals (305) 546-5470


Sunday, October 2, 2005 10:00 a.m. – Noon Marie Livingston’s Texas Steakhouse Buffet Brunch (No RSVP needed) Brian Baber (850) 248-8587

signed, and a game plan for the first 12 months was agreed upon. “We worked as a team because ultimately we shared the same vision – an alumni chapter that would serve the interests of our alumni, is inclusive in nature, and

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DATA Beta Eta Alumni Chapter, Inc. P.O. Box 11244 Tallahassee, FL 32302-3244

The Beta Eta Data is published three times per year by the Beta Eta Alumni Chapter, Inc. Please submit questions, comments and corrections to Tom Atwood at

SPRING NOTES ANNOUNCEMENTS • NAMES–The number after each name in this newsletter represents the year of initiation. • WRITERS NEEDED–The editorial committee of the Beta Eta Data is putting together a writers bank to call upon for assistance in writing the newsletter. Are you a writer? Want to get involved? Please contact Tom Atwood at to express your interest. • YOU CAN HELP–The Beta Eta Alumni Chapter is looking for a volunteer to provide server space to host the Alumni Chapter’s official web site. This communication tool will be updated regularly with new content and will serve as an important communication hub for alumni updates and event promotion. Please contact Brian Baber at if your business can provide that service. •SPECIAL THANKS–Beta Eta Housing Corporation, Don Bowlin, Chris Spring


Are you a Beta Eta brother on active duty? Are you serving (or have you served) in the global war on terror? We would like to tell your story in the next issue coming summer 2005. Please contact Tom Atwood at with your information and photographs.


Collegiate Report


Beta Eta has been responding to recent challenges, working in cooperation with the national fraternity and the Florida State Office of Greek Life to overcome such challenges. The Executive Council remains committed to doing the things which will ensure a better Beta Eta in the future. Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. We initiated 19 men in the fall and pledged seven associate members this spring. We intend to have the new pledge class ready for initiation this semester. At present, the chapter has a little less than 100 active members. As you may have seen on a recent trip to Tallahassee, there is a tremendous amount of development along the College Avenue corridor. Directly across the street from our house, Kappa Alpha Order has just finished construction on a new facility. There are also plans for a five-story condominium project (with shopping center) adjacent to us, and a developer will soon begin the transformation of an old office building (across from the post office) into luxury condos as well. The rumor mill has also produced news that Sigma Chi will be moving across the street into a new house and that their current facility will be converted into a restaurant. Right now, we are very excited to host the first Rose Ball formal in many years. Together, we are working to make this the most memorable function in the past four years. The event is scheduled to take place Thursday, April 14 in the Grand Ballroom B of University Center Club, located in Doak Campbell Stadium. We have planned for this to be a formal date function to include a plated dinner, a slideshow, an awards banquet, a senior send-off and the serenading of our Rose Queen. We are excited to bring back this special, annual event. The executive council of the chapter invites you to the chapter house at any time. To make sure someone is there to greet you, please call me at (813) 294-4213 or by e-mail at chs02@ga We would love to meet alumni and see some familiar faces! If you know an undergraduate at Florida State University who would be a good candidate for membership in Pi Kappa Phi, please contact Recruitment Chair Steve Messer at

BOARD BIOS MICHAEL S. LOY – PRESIDENT Michael Loy was initiated into Beta Eta in November 1991. He graduated with honors, earning a degree in English Literature and a History minor. Mike was active with the chapter while at FSU, serving as Archon and Warden and winning the Brother of the Year award in 1994. He was named Pi Kappa Phi’s Student of the Year in 1994 and was hired by the national fraternity as a Leadership Consultant and Director of Expansion. Following his work with the fraternity, Mike earned his law degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. After practicing law in Seattle with Preston, Gates & Ellis LLP, he began working for Eaton & Van Winkle LLP, an international boutique firm in New York City. A commercial litigator, Mike specializes in international litigation and arbitration, sophisticated business disputes, maritime law, and construction matters. Mike still remains involved with Pi Kappa Phi; he is currently a member of the fraternity’s Expansion Committee, which provides oversight and coordination for Pi Kappa Phi’s colonization efforts. Mike and his wife, Nil, recently moved to Alexandria, VA. BRIAN C. BABER – VICE PRESIDENT Brian Baber was initiated into Beta Eta in the fall of 1992. A 1997 graduate with a degree in Finance and MBA in 1999, Brian has a General Contractors and Real Estate Brokers license and currently owns an Arthur Rutenberg Homes franchise building luxury homes in Panama City, FL. Brian has also worked for Ford Motor Company in Product Development Finance and William R. Hough & Co. as an Institutional Bond Salesman. As an undergraduate, Brian served as Archon in 1996 and was involved in a number of campus organizations. He has since volunteered for the fraternity as a District Councilor and Chapter Advisor and will also be riding across the state as a member of the 2005 Gear Up Florida Team. Brian and his wife, Jessica, live in Panama City. (continued on page 6)


A Model Beta Eta —by DON BOWLIN

James Nettles was from Chipley, FL. Known by his high school buddies as Jim, Jimbo, Slim and Scrawny, he was truly unique—one of a kind.

Jim Nettles ‘56 passed on to Chapter Eternal in 2002, but his memory remains alive in the hearts of those who knew him. The example he set is as important today as it was many years ago.

A specific group of boys in grades 10 through 12, with a potpourri of personalities, had nicknames. It was the “in” thing. In most situations, everyone would check with Jim . . . or Scrawny. He always put things in understandable terms with a touch of humor. Jim was a natural leader. He continued to add to his qualities after high school, and in 1950, when Korea erupted, like many of us, he joined the Air Force (to beat the draft), and ended up as an airplane radio operator with missions over the Pacific and around Korea. Upon discharge, he enrolled at FSU and was soon in the mainstream of campus life, joining the small (in numbers), struggling Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. It wasn’t very long before it began to grow, mostly because of Jim’s natural salesmanship and leadership. He hooked me and many others. (continued on page 7)

A longtime friend of Jim and Doxie Nettles, Don Bowlin ’56, currently lives in Houston, Texas. His novel, “Danaville’s Rainbow,” will be released by AuthorHouse later this year.

ALUMNI CHAPTER REACTIVATED (continued from cover)

not rely on the undergraduate chapter to plan our events,” said Jeff Niedenthal ’67. The Beta Eta Alumni Chapter, Inc. has three primary goals. First, it will focus on providing meaningful and timely communication of alumni related news through this newsletter, a soon to be built web site and a new electronic bulletin board. Secondly, the alumni chapter is committed to organizing at least one meaningful alumni event per year for Beta Eta alumni. This event will be planned and executed by other chapter alumni to ensure that a sense of quality and decorum will be present. Lastly, the alumni chapter is committed to reaching out to graduating seniors of the undergraduate chapter to reinforce the belief that fraternity does not end when you claim your diploma; in other words, that this is a lifetime commitment to uphold the values of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity and maintain the brotherhood for future generations. To help promote and build awareness of the new alumni chapter, receptions will be held in Miami on Saturday, April 30, in Tampa on Saturday, May 7, and in Tallahassee on Sunday, October 2 – following the home Syracuse football game [see alumni receptions on cover]. The Beta Eta Alumni Chapter is committed to working with the Beta Eta Housing Corporation to build a lasting and successful organization at Florida State University. Though the missions of the respective organizations are related, there are clear distinctions. The Alumni Chapter will focus on true alumni development and programming – connecting alumni to each other and to their fraternity through news and social events. This will allow the Housing Corporation to focus exclusively on its core mission of providing a safe and competitive housing option for our student members. “With the new Greek row on Ocala [Road], the Housing Corporation will need to rely on the time and talent of our alumni to be successful in the long-term,” reflected Housing Corporation President Brian Murphy ‘87. “Having an organized and consistent alumni outreach effort, performed by someone other than the Housing

Corporation, will allow us to concentrate on some of the most critical needs of the property at 423 West College. I’m looking forward to working with Mike [Loy] and the others to build a better Beta Eta.” Membership in the Beta Eta Alumni Chapter is open to all alumni of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, but all recruitment and solicitation efforts will be directed to those affiliated with the Beta Eta Chapter. Annual membership dues, which go to support the production of this newsletter and other projected expenses like the web site and event invitations, are set at $25. [See Beta Eta Alumni Chapter Reply Insert for details]. The Beta Eta Alumni Chapter is a Florida 501 (c)(7) not for profit corporation and was established with the assistance of Jeff Wahlen ‘81. For additional information, please contact Alumni Chapter President Mike Loy.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Michael Loy, President (703) 836-5980 Brian Baber, Vice President (850) 248-8587 Lee Nichols, Treasurer (850) 893-6267 Eric Wahlen, Secretary (770) 938-8101 Chris Mueller (813) 831-9323 Jeff Niedenthal (757) 222-2808 Jeff Pujals (305) 595-2905 Brian Murphy, Housing Corp. (850) 893-3299 Chris Spring, Archon (813) 294-4213


ALUMNI UPDATES Elbert SCOTT ‘50 Elbert is Beta Eta No. 2 and is one of the few remaining “founding fathers” of the chapter. After initiating into the Beta Eta Chapter on February 18, 1950, he transferred to the University of Florida and affiliated with the Alpha Epsilon chapter. There, he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering. He retired from the Miller Electric Company in 1996 as Vice President for Special Projects. He has a son, daughter and grandson, and currently resides in Jacksonville, FL. Richard LUKAS ’54 Richard was recently interviewed for a segment on the relationship between genealogy and history for the nationally syndicated PBS television series, Simple Living. Dick’s segment should air sometime this year. James (Jay) NEWMAN ‘61 Jay Newman, Jr. resigned his position last year as Executive Director of Citizens Property Insurance Corp. and is actively involved in a range of insurance consulting activities. He is also teaching an insurance course at Florida State University this spring. John SHAFFER ‘64 John is now in semi-retirement, sharing an apartment in Dulles, VA, with several other airline employees. He is a flight attendant with United Express, part of United Airlines, and is looking to see the parts of the world that he has not yet seen.


Stephen EVERHART ‘65 Stephen was awarded a 20042005 US Fulbright Scholarship to teach and lecture in the People’s Republic of China. He is currently posted in the Wuhan Province, but teaches and lectures at universities and law schools all over China. He is also training Chinese judges and lawyers and will be working with the Ford Foundation while overseas.

Craig DIERKSHEIDE ‘77 Craig is married with four kids – twins Jake and Anna are 12 years old, Matt is 10 and Paul is six. He has recently changed career paths and after a year and a half in the automobile industry, Craig now does commercial real estate with Coldwell Banker. He began his real estate career in September, and in two months was the top listing agent for the office. He enjoys playing a little golf and coaching his son, Matt, in a church basketball league. The Dierksheide family resides in Myrtle Beach, SC. Carl JOHNSON ‘85 The Johnson family – Carl, Stephanie and sons, Alec ( two years) and Will (six months) – currently live in Atlanta. Carl is a Regional Sales Manager with Mercury Interactive, Enterprise Software Company. He enjoys seeing his fellow Pi Kapp brothers in the Atlanta area and would like to hear from old friends. Terry SMITH ‘86 Terry currently resides in Miami with his wife, Christine Dwyer Smith. The two met last March and knew they were right for each other. After a brief engagement, they were married. Terry is the Director of Human Resources for the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale and would love to reconnect with alumni from 1986-1988. B. Dan BERGER ‘88 Dan Berger, his wife Aimee and daughter Shelby, live in Alexandria, VA. Dan moved from Florida to , D.C. to be Congresswoman Katherine Harris’ Chief of Staff. He is now Vice President of Government Relations and a lobbyist for America’s Community Bankers. Greg BECKMAN ‘89 In March of 2004, Greg became the Director of Sales for the Delmarva Shorebirds, minor league affiliate of the Baltimore Orioles. In September, Greg was promoted to Assistant General Manager

of the club. Prior to moving to Maryland, Greg spent three years with the Jacksonville Jaguars as a sales rep and ESPN Radio as a part-time on-air personality, co-hosting their college football today show on Saturday mornings in 2002-2003. Prior to living and working in Jacksonville, he spent six years in Atlanta working in the I.T. industry for a couple different companies. Greg and his wife, Amy, have two sons, Bradley, six, and Andrew, four. Steve COOK ‘90 Steve has been living in Dallas, TX, for over three years. He is currently the Director of Marketing and Sales for Six Flags over Texas. Steve finished his MBA from the University of Florida in 2001 and will be married on May 1, 2005. George COTTO ‘90 George and his wife, Diana, celebrated the birth of their son Alex (9 lbs 22 inches). They have five children: three boys and two girls. George recently joined Wachovia Trust as a Trust Advisor after serving previously with Merrill Lynch Trust. Jeff HANNEKEN ‘90 Jeff recently graduate this past year from the University of Phoenix in Tampa, FL, with an M.B.A. He was promoted to Director of Marketing and Business Development for A. Camacho Inc., a subsidiary of The Angel Camacho Group, based in Seville, Spain. Recent additions to the Hanneken family include Jonah Simeon Hanneken (one year) and Emerson Donna Hanneken (due May ‘05). Pat POLITO ‘90 Pat currently resides in Jacksonville, FL, and is the Human Resources Director of Northeast Florida for Enterprise Rent-ACar Corporation. He has been happily married for over four years. Pat has no children yet, but God willing, looks forward to starting a family next year.

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ALUMNI UPDATES (continued from page 4)

Bryan HAMILTON ‘91 Bryan recently was promoted to 1st Lieutenant and will be deployed to Iraq sometime in early 2005 for a 12 to 15-month assignment. He is currently working as an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) platoon leader for the 3rd Infantry Division at Fort Stewart. Bryan will miss his wife and FSU football while oversees.

1st Lieutenant Bryan Hamilton poses with his unmanned aerial vehicle.

Jason KLEIN ‘91 Jason’s daughter, Shelby, is six and his son, Danton, is three. Jason is working in the music business and has songs on major labels and on radio. In honor of his fraternity experience, he named his publishing company Beta Eta Music. Jason also has an accounting practice, handling several music clients and others. Jason’s wife, Rebecca, who he met at a Pi Kapp party, works in public relations. The Klein family currently resides in Miami. Jason’s music site is Seth KLONDAR ‘91 Last November Seth was promoted as the Channel Director for Body Glove Mobile Accessories within Fellowes, Inc. His responsibilities include oversight of all sales and marketing initiatives among the company’s wireless carrier partners, distributors and handheld electronics manufacturers including Cingular Wireless, T-Mobile, Nextel, Motorola, Siemens, Nokia, LG, and Samsung. In light of the promotion, the Klondar family relocated to Kildeer, IL, a Northern Chicago suburb in June of 2004. Avery, five, and Ethan, two, settled in quickly and have enjoyed the area immensely. Seth’s

wife, Hilary, began consulting for Creative Memories in July and her business is doing well. Mike ORLANDO ‘91 Mike has been living in Atlanta since leaving Florida State University. He has been married for nearly two years and is a full-time Financial Management consultant with Parson Consulting.

Nick MAROTTA ‘92 After several years in the U.S. Army, Nick switched services in 1997, and is currently a Captain in the Air Force. Most recently stationed at Hurlburt Field (near Fort Walton Beach, FL) doing Special Operations work, Nick has since had several deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq over the last three years. Nick and his wife Kimberly are expecting their first child and currently reside in Warner Robins, GA.

Darren SCOTT ‘91 Darren, his wife Jennifer, and their son Ryan, proudly announce the newest member of the Scott family – Peter Maddox “Max” Scott, born on August 26, 2004. Darren is still employed by Wallace Welch and Willingham, the same firm since leaving Florida State University in 1994. Todd COTTRILL ‘91 Todd was recently named Partner in Pappas Metcalf Jenks & Miller, P.A. Todd, his wife Sara, and their daughter Isabel currently live in Jacksonville, FL. Ryan HAY ‘92 Ryan and girlfriend, Kelly Baeshore, were married in November. Many Pi Kapps were in attendance. Ryan is an Account Support Consultant with HP. Ryan and Kelly currently reside in Greenacres, FL.

Wedding party members and guest gather for a quick photo at the Hay reception. Pictured are from L to R are (front row) Jim Williams ‘93, Ryan Hay ‘92, Mike Loy ’91 (back row) Travis Olson ‘92, Jason Klein ‘91, Rob Reed ‘94, Walker Jackson ‘91, and Mike St. Louis ‘91

Nick, pictured here with the famous gilded AK-47 once owned by Uday Hussein, recently spent time in Iraq.

Dean MILLER ‘92 Dean and his wife, Elizabeth, just celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary in September. Their first child, Olivia, was born in August of last year. Currently, Dean is a Supervisor of Client Services for MPS Group in Jacksonville. Beau LOMBARDI ‘93 Beau has recently moved to New York City and is now the Regional Sales Manager for Fiji Water. His new sales territory includes New York and New Jersey. Scott MIDDLEBROOKS ‘93 Scott currently works for Simmons Bedding Company as a Marketing Analyst, reporting, pricing, forecasting and a variety of ad hoc analysis and special projects. He was married in March 2004. He will finish his MBA program this April. Scott, and his wife Mary live in Woodstock, GA. ((Photo and caption on page 6) 770-516-2370 (continued on page 6)


ALUMNI UPDATES (continued from page 5)

BOARD BIOS (continued from page 2)

LEE NICHOLS – TREASURER Lee Nichols was initiated into the Beta Eta Chapter in the fall of 1987. A 1991 graduate with a degree in Accounting, Lee is currently working for the Capital City Bank Group in Tallahassee which he joined in December 2004. Prior to this, he was working in London and Amsterdam in the telecommunications industry performing mergers, acquisitions and a variety of other finance roles. Lee joined KPMG as a CPA in Tampa upon graduation, moving to the London office in 1997. As an undergraduate, Lee served as Archon in 1990 and was involved in a number of campus organizations. He worked for the national office as a Leadership Consultant in 1992. Lee and his wife, Lisa, have a one-year-old daughter named Hannah and currently reside in Tallahassee. Brothers celebrate at the Middlebrooks’ wedding. Pictured from L to R are Chris Ricci ’94, Chris Downs ’94, Scott Middlebrooks ’93 and Jonathan Stevens ‘92

Chris “Hosoi” PASIBE ‘93 Hosoi is a police officer in Atlanta. He recently became a detective in the sex crimes unit. His son, Braden, is now a year and a half old. Chris DOWNS ‘94 Air Force Major Chris Downs was promoted to his current grade last fall and serves as an Intelligence Officer at the Gordon Regional Security Operations Center at Fort Gordon in Augusta, GA. As a Joint Operations Division Chief and Flight Commander, Chris is in charge of over 200 joint-service military, civilian and contract personnel prosecuting the Global War on Terrorism. Chris and his dog Bowden are expecting orders for a new assignment late this spring. Hunter COCHRAN ‘95 After graduating from FSU where he lived five years in the chapter house, Hunter currently lives in Deerfield Beach, FL, and is employed by the Platinum Television Group. He enjoys living the “Buffet” lifestyle by the beach and would like to hear from chapter brothers from the late 1990s. Shane MESSNER ‘96 Army Captain Shane Messner is currently serving a one-year deployment in Afghanistan as the Intelligence Officer for an Infantry Task Force of over 1,000 soldiers. After a very short notice order


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ERIC S. WAHLEN – SECRETARY Eric Wahlen was initiated into the Beta Eta chapter in November 1985. Eric received his undergraduate degree in accounting as well as his master’s degree in accounting from Florida State. Eric works for Watkins Associated Industries where he is Vice President of Financial and Information Services. Eric has also worked for Watkins Motor Lines, Eckerds, and Arthur Andersen. While an undergraduate, Eric served in several executive committee positions, was the recipient of Pi Kappa Phi’s most prestigious student award – Student of the Year, and was “house mom” during his time in graduate school. Eric lives in Atlanta, GA, with his wife, Jennifer, and their two daughters. CHRISTOPHER D. MUELLER Chris Mueller was initiated into the Beta Eta chapter in December 1992. A 1997 graduate with a degree in Hospitality Administration, Chris currently owns and operates a very high volume smoothie and juice bar company called Xtreme Juice, Inc. in Tampa, FL. Chris has always been active with Pi Kappa Phi, serving as Secretary, Social Chairman, and participating as a cyclist for the Journey of Hope in the summer of 1995. In addition, Chris will be cycling across Florida with this year’s Gear Up Florida team, and is currently building and hosting the undergraduate chapter’s web site ( Chris and his wife, Lindsay, currently live in Tampa. JEFFERY NIEDENTHAL Jeff was initiated into Beta Eta in the fall of 1967. After graduation in 1969, he joined the Navy and spent 26 years sailing the world’s oceans. Upon retirement he went to work in the defense industry, and is currently on the national industry team designing the next generation of naval surface combatants. Jeff served on the fraternity headquarters staff for two years, from 1999 to 2001, as the Assistant Executive Director. He resides in Chesapeake, VA, and has four daughters, all of whom graduated from college and have jobs. As an undergraduate, Jeff served as Warden and was involved in Student Government. JEFFERY PUJALS Jeff Pujals was initiated into the Beta Eta chapter on December 10, 1994. He graduated with a degree in International Affairs and a French minor. Jeff currently is a Therapeutics Pharmaceutical Representative with Wyeth Pharmaceuticals in Miami. Jeff was active with the chapter while at FSU, serving as Archon, Vice Archon, Secretary, and Social Chairman. Jeff also won the Florida State IFC President of the Year award in 1998. He was also involved with a number of campus organizations. After his graduation, Jeff became a Leadership Consultant with the national fraternity. He continues his involvement with Pi Kappa Phi as a District Counselor for chapters in the South Florida region.

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CHAPTER ETERNAL These Beta Eta alumni members were reported to the national fraternity in 2004 as having passed on to the Chapter Eternal. Our thoughts and prayers are with these departed brothers and their families.

–John F. Brooks ‘91 –Raymond E. Dantzler, Jr. ‘92 (alumnus initiate)

–David M. Hammond ‘69 –Edward I. Lief ‘91 –Steven A. McNeece ‘79 –Dewey R. Mills ‘90 (alumnus initiate)

JIM NETTLES (continued from page 3)

He received his bachelor’s degree in three years, then plowed ahead and had his master’s in geology in two years. During those first three years, he was the Beta Eta Archon, President of the Interfraternity Council, and was key in establishing Pi Kappa Phi as the leading fraternity on campus in size, academics, sports and singing. Yes, singing! After his undergraduate years, he and his new wife, Doxie, became advisors


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to the chapter for three years. Until the day he passed away in 2002, he never missed a homecoming . . . the epitome of loyalty! Jim had an outstanding professional career with the National Cash Register Company. He was extraordinarily loyal to his family, friends, Beta Eta and Pi Kappa Phi. Jim, Jimbo, Scrawny and I grew up together. I knew him well. With the love of golf he had, I have a feeling he and God are playing right now.

BOARD BIOS (continued from page 6)

EX-OFFICIO BOARD MEMBERS BRIAN P. MURPHY – PRESIDENT, BETA ETA HOUSING CORPORATION Brian Murphy, a proud member of the Lambda Pledge Class, was initiated into the Beta Eta Chapter in November 1987. He served on the Executive Council as Warden during the Spring semester of 1989 and as Vice Archon in the Fall of 1990. After graduating from FSU in 1991 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminology, Brian was employed with the Florida Department of Corrections and received his Master’s Degree in Public Administration in 1999. Brian is currently employed with the Leon County Clerk of the Circuit Court as the Director of Records and Court Services. In addition to participation with the Alumni Chapter, he currently serves as the President of the Beta Eta Housing Corporation. Brian and his wife Heather have been married for 10 years and live in Tallahassee, Florida with his two Daughters, Sarah Jane and Emily. CHRIS SPRING – BETA ETA ARCHON Chris Spring was initiated into the Beta Eta Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi in February 2003. His first official position in the chapter was that of the food steward. He successfully started and managed a fraternity meal plan for the Fall 2003 and Spring 2004 semesters. He became Vice Archon in the spring semester of 2004 and successfully initiated nine new members. Currently, Chris is serving as Archon of the chapter and is studying Human Resources at the Florida State University School of Business.

ALUMNI UPDATES (continued from page 6)

deploy from his previous assignment in Hawaii last summer, his wife Carrie took on the Herculean task of leaving her job, packing the house, shipping the car and traveling with their dog Maili back to Ohio where Shane and Carrie bought a house and plan to settle once he returns this summer. Michael ROVINS ‘96 Mike has recently moved back to Ft. Rucker, Alabama. after a three and a half year tour in Germany which included 13 months in Iraq for the invasion. While in Iraq, Mike was promoted to Captain and is a UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter pilot. Mike would like to thank his chapter brothers for their enormous amount of support while he was deployed. It made a world of difference and the soldiers he shared your thoughts with. Thank you.

In this photo, Captain Mike Rovins ’96 poses with his UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter at the Baghdad International Airport shortly after the fall of the city to Coalition Forces.

Greg YOUNGBERG ‘99 Greg graduated from FSU in August of 2003. In December of 2003, he was commissioned as an Officer in the U.S. Marine Corps. Currently a 2nd Lieutenant, Greg is stationed in Pensacola, FL, at NAS Whiting Field, for Primary Flight Instruction. Later this spring, Greg should select the type of aircraft he will be flying and will begin Advanced Flight Training, ultimately earning his Naval Aviator’s Wings. John OPRANDI ‘02 John graduated from FSU last June and was recently appointed as a Financial Advisor with American Express in Miami.


Beta Eta Alumni Chapter, Inc. P.O. Box 11244 Tallahassee, FL 32302-3244 REMEMBER

40 YEARS AGO In this photo circa 1964, the Dean of Men, H. Donald Loucks (left), is auctioned off by brother Chuck Wilson ‘62 (right) on the front steps of the Wescott Building as part of a chapter fund raiser.



JOIN NOW! Membership in the Beta Eta Alumni Chapter helps to underwrite the ongoing costs of publishing the Beta Eta Data and other initiatives to help Beta Eta alumni stay connected to each other and their fraternity. See the back of this form for information on frequently asked questions. Instructions: Complete this form and return along with your $25 check or money order to: Beta Eta Alumni Chapter, Inc. PO Box 11244 Tallahassee, FL 32302-3244 Payments may also be made through To pay via Paypal, type the following web site address into your internet browser: If payment is made electronically, please still mail this form to the above address. Name: ___________________________________________________ Spouse: __________________________ Graduation Year: __________________ Home Phone: _____________________

Work Phone: _______________________

Cell Phone: _______________________ Preferred E-mail: ________________________________ Address:_________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ In an effort to keep production costs low, we are encouraging all Beta Eta alumni who have an active e-mail address to consider receiving the Beta Eta Data in an electronic format. Future editions of the newsletter will be sent in PDF format. Please check the box below indicating your preference. Leave the square blank to receive a hard copy in the mail. I would prefer to receive future editions of the Beta Eta Data in an electronic format. By doing so, I understand that I may need to adjust my spam filter or e-mail preferences to receive this publication. In 2005, the Beta Eta Alumni Chapter will be launching a web site dedicated to promoting alumni events and facilitating more effective alumni communication. An “opt-in� is required to post your listing. I would like to have my name, initiation year, and e-mail address listed on the Beta Eta Alumni Chapter web site. * PRIVACY AGREEMENT. By providing the above personal information, I understand and consent to such information being shared with the records departments of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity and Florida State University. Questions regarding the Beta Eta Alumni Chapter should be directed toto Alumni Chapter President Michael Loy at or (703) 836-5980. Contributions or gifts to the Beta Eta Alumni Chapter, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

F.A.Q. BETA ETA ALUMNI CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP What are my alumni chapter dues used for? The dollars raised each year from the membership drive will be used to support the ongoing expense of producing the Beta Eta Data, the organization and promotion of Beta Eta alumni social events, the development and ongoing expense of hosting a dedicated website for Beta Eta alumni, filing fees for the corporation, annual alumni chapter dues to the National Fraternity, bank fees, and other miscellaneous charges associated with the direct management of the corporation. What do I receive in return for my annual contribution of $25? Official membership in the Beta Eta Alumni Chapter is reserved for those who pay the annual membership fee. In return for their support, members of the Alumni Chapter: (1) will be listed in the Beta Eta Data and on the Alumni Chapter website, (2) may run for election to the Alumni Chapter’s Board of Directors, and (3) are eligible to vote at the annual meeting. Do all Beta Eta alumni members receive the Beta Eta Data? Are all alumni invited to the annual meeting and alumni social events? Yes. The Alumni Chapter believes it is important to communicate with all Beta Eta alumni. Therefore, all alumni members in good standing with the Fraternity (i.e. not expelled) will receive the newsletter and invitations to all gatherings. It is the Alumni Chapter’s opinion that quality events and a timely, well-written newsletter will naturally draw support from the existing alumni base. Are my Alumni Chapter dues tax deductible? No. The Beta Eta Alumni Chapter is a 501 (c) (7) notfor-profit corporation and therefore contributions or gifts are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes Why are dues set at this amount? The Alumni Chapter believes that price should not be an impediment to membership. Rather, the dues structure is loosely modeled after the Florida State University Alumni Association, whereby a premium is set on participation, not necessarily total dollars raised. This IS NOT a capital

campaign for the Fraternity or Alumni Chapter, but an opportunity to help support the outreach to and program development for Beta Eta alumni. Is the Beta Eta Alumni Chapter different from the Beta Eta Housing Corporation? Yes. Each are separately incorporated entities, with different missions and boards of directors, designed to support the greater Beta Eta vision of providing the preeminent fraternity experience at Florida State University. The Alumni Chapter focuses on alumni communication and outreach while the Housing Corporation focuses exclusively on housing issues and the management of the property at 423 West College Avenue. Understandably, there is a great degree of coordination between the two corporations (the Housing Corporation President is automatically an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Alumni Chapter’s Board of Directors), but their missions are exclusive of one another. What is the ‘dues cycle’ for the Alumni Chapter? The fiscal year for the Beta Eta Alumni Chapter runs from July 1 to June 30, and dues shall become due July 1st each year. By joining the Alumni Chapter now, your first year’s membership will run approximately 16 months (until June 30, 2006) before you receive a second solicitation. How should I prepare my e-mail inbox to receive the Beta Eta Data? First, make sure your spam filter is set to receive emails from and fsupikappalumni@yah These are the two primary email addresses from which Beta Eta related information will be sent. Second, be aware. We will send a delivery announcement several days before the newsletter is to be sent. If you haven’t received the newsletter within the indicated time frame, please send an e-mail to the email addresses listed above to receive another copy. Delivery can be problematic for a number of reasons. However, the important thing is that you receive the information. As a last resort, please know future editions of the Beta Eta Data will be available for download once the website is established.

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