Beta Sigma - Fall 2006

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Pi Kappa Phi Beta Sigma Chapter Chapter Overview The active brothers of the Beta Sigma Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi have made great strides in making our presence known on NIU's campus. Our chapter is continuing to grow. We have recently moved into a larger house, initiated 8 new brothers, and continued to be involved on campus. We have also continued to work with PUSH America, to raise awareness and funding for people with disabilities. We have recently elected our new executive council for the next year. Finally, we have hosted our first Founders Day Memorial at our own house.

PUSH America Journey of Hope The chapter has continued to show its support for our philanthropy. PUSH America, serving people with Continued on page 2

Founders Day December 10, 2006 Werecentlycelebrated 102 years of pi Kappa Phi. The festivities began at lP.M. with a reception for the alumni that were in attendance. This year's Founders Day was attended by Dick Nelson, Andy Anderson. Charlie Middleton, Cesar Vega. Scott Henke, John Jenkins, George Melchin. and Mike Altendorf. We began the day with the Founders Memorial Service and followed it up with a memorial service dedicated to all of the brothers of the Beta Sigma chapter that have preceded us to the chapter eternal. Dick Nelson was presented with the 'Living the Ritual' award, for outstanding service and dedicatior~to the chapter. Also, Cesar Vega received the 'Pi Kapp Crusader' award, for his years of exemplary works and actions for the chapter. The awards presentation was followed by all in attendance sharing personal memories of Pi Kappa Phi. Some of the memories discussed were the homecoming float that was a Trojan horse and an underdog win over the Tekes to win the tug-o-war. The day was concluded with a fabulous dinner, catered by the Hillside Restaurant. It was truly a day of observance and fond memories. We hope to see you at next years Foundlers Day, iand hear )tour memories of Pi Kappa Phi. '.



Founders Day


PUSH America


Upcoming Events



Continued from page 1

disabilities. Brother Dan Melchin went on the Journey

Greek system here at NIU, we have to have housing

of Hope, Trans America Route, as a crew member

that competes with other houses on campus. While a

over this past summer. He!Nas responsible for getting

house does not make a chapter it sure can help with

more mc?diacoverage on tht? annual blike ride than any

recruitment. We also have to be able to compete with

other route in the history of the cross (xtuntry bilte ride.

the conveniences of other housing options in the De

Brother Melchin will once again be palrticipating in the

Kalb area, such as dorms and apartment complexes.

i m m ,,, nn , 3 bike. JOH this upcoming summer, only this +.,,,,,

Recently we found out that the City of De Kalb is

This year there will be four brothers representing our

interested in revamping the houses on Greek Row. We

chapter on the JOH. Brothers Mike Algozine. Dan

have a meeting scheduled with the City Planner in

Diaconu, and Steve Peters will also be riding in the

January, to discuss subsidizing some of the costs of

JOH. In addition to so many brothers participating in

building a new house. If you are interested in investing

this year's JOH, Brother Matt Altendorf recently

in this venture, please let us know. We will certainly

participated in a Give a Push Weekend at the Easter

need alumni support to see this dream come to

Seals Camp in Wisconsin, to help with building an


awning on the arts and crafts building at the camp. Brother Eric Johnson is also intending to volunteer at a PUSH Camp over Spring Break; other brothers may still join him at that.

Congratulations to Our Alumni initiates and Graduates Alumni Initiates: John Jenkins BX 149 George Melchin BE 150 Mike Altendorf B t 151 David Russo B I 152 Donald Kessler, B I 153 Graduating Seniors: Eric Vicencio BX 115 Steve Peters B I 117 Bryan Grant BX 125




Luke Gotfryd B t 131

The Pi Kappa Phi house is now locatea at trz4

Sean Kenny B I 135

Greenbrier Rd for the 2006-07 school year. Ovc?r the summer. a number of active brothers worked tirelessly to convert a boarding house from unlnrable st: jndards .--- inlo one 01m e cleanest fraternity houses on campus. I-.-



The hou:

)thers as ()fright no


grow we vvill look in1

larger and better living quarters for our brothers. In order to continue to shape better men and reshape the


Alumni Memories


A couple o f brothers decided to conduct some research about the chapter from 1958-1960. They found a wide

WHAT:NIU MEN'SBASKETBALL WHERE: CONVOCATION CENTER WHEN:JANUARY 27.2007 @ 2:00 P.M. Come cheer on the Huskies too victory as they take on Kent State. This is an excellent opportunity to meet newly initiated brothers, rec Ini initiates. and all of our families. The will be a rea the house following the conclusion of the game. For U e l d l l s or rlr;net prices, please contact our Historian, Matt Altendorf.

variety o f articles about Pi Kappa Phi at NIU. One article that sparked quite a bit o f interest at the chapter was that about an all-school "Playboy Party" hosted by Pi Kappa Phi in 1958. There were also many articles about Pi Kapps winning in all intramural sports. We would love to hear about this party and other tales o f Pi Kapps at N I U from you. This will help provide a more complete history o f the chapter and will provide an enjoyable segment to read in

WHAT:OURANNUAL FORMAL DANCE WHERE:UNKNOWN WHEN:APRIL 28,2007 This year's event will most likely be held in the Naperville or Rockford area. We will be mailing out invitations by the end of January, which will include exact time and location. For more details, please contact our Historian Malt Altendorf.

future issues ofthe Besigmian. Once again, if any Alumnus wishes to submit any stories please, contact our Historian, Man Altendorf.

Alumni L


As of right,now, w e have not received any announcements from alumni to place in this section. If

WHAT:SUPREME LEGISLATNEMEETING WHERE:DENVER, CO WHEN:FRIDAY.Juc,25.2008 -TUESDAY. JULY29.2008 Every two years, the greater Pi Kappa Phi fraternity gathers together representatives from each chapter for the purpose of exercising supreme legislative power. The focus of the meeting is to vote on new legislation, amending existing national laws, and the election of the next National Council

you wish to post announcements for your fellow brothers to read about, please contact our Historian, Matt Altendorf. These announcements will be posted in the Spring Semester Issue of the Besigmian.


Man Altendorf Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity 824 Greenbrier Rd, Apt 8 De Kalb. 1L 601 15

Phone: (630)947-5814 Email:

lntramurals W e would like to congratulate our intramural soccer team on this year's success. Do to their hard work and sportsmanship Pi Kappa Phi was able to win our fimt


intramural championship since rechartering.


Recruitment Recruitment has started off well for this school year. We have 8 new brothers from this semester, who will keep Pi Kappa Phi at NIU for years to come. Our new Vice Archon, Adam Roach, has set the goal of 20 new recruits for the spring semester. This will continue to


aid us in reestablishing Pi Kappa Phi as the leading fraternity at Northern Illinois.

- .,,..

For the 100'~Hamwarning, the Beta Sigma Chapter of Pi Kappa ~



' with~th6 lovely u ~ladies of ~ l p h a

Delta Pi to co&&te inM6week's competitions. We competed in events such as Yell Like Hell, the Amazing Race, made a Banner and cheered the Huskies onto victoryover Temple:

Pi Kappa Phi 824 Greenbrier Rd De Kalb, IL 60115


Cesar Vega 1500 Gander CT Crystal Lake, IL 60014




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