Beta Beta - Spring 2013

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Pi Kappa Phi

Spring 2013

Beta Beta Byline Florida Southern College

Beta Beta Alumni Dinner On Saturday, April 6, we decided to have a large dinner with some of our alumni. In total, there were about 40 alumni consisting of two different groups. One group was a small group of alumni from the 1970’s, with one of those men being Beta Beta’s alumni advisor, Mike McKinley. The other group was a larger group of alumni from the 1960’s, who call themselves the Old Guard. The day started out with Mike’s group visiting some of the undergraduate brothers in their chapter room. Later that same night, everyone got together in the Honeyman Pavilion for a formal dinner. During the course of the dinner, the undergraduate brothers had the opportunity to meet all the alumni, and the alumni from both generations got to meet each other. Everyone at the dinner had the opportunity to introduce themselves, and speeches were given by Mike McKinley, Drew McIntosh, Ken Brown (Archon in 1964), and Rev. Marlin Simon. Towards the end of the dinner, Ken Brown presented Nick Fineo with an 80-page memory book from the 1960’s. At the end of the dinner, all of the brothers got together and serenaded all the wives, past sweethearts, and dates by singing the 1960’s Pi Kappa Phi Sweetheart song. Along with having this amazing occasion with our alumni, we received a number of donations. These donations included some citations from the Old Guard, a piece of Beta Beta’s old totem pole, and money donations to the chapter. We would like to thank everyone for coming out to the dinner, and we would like to thank everyone for all their help and support. We would also like to thank Mike McKinley and Ken Brown for helping us get everyone together, and we would also like to thank Paul Murphy for organizing the dinner. Everyone had a great time getting together for this dinner, and we look forward to having more occasions like this in the future.

Alumni Open Chapter Room In February 2013, Florida Southern hosted their Alumni Homecoming. This gave us the opportunity to meet our alumni, and for the alumni to see their fraternity back on campus as an Associate Chapter. During the Homecoming, we opened up our chapter room, allowing our alumni to come visit. Through this event, we met several of our alumni and sweethearts of the Beta Beta Chapter. This was Beta Beta’s first alumni event.

Beta Beta Hosts Basketball Game

Special Recognition

Florida Southern vs. Lynn University In February 2013, we sponsored a Mocs basketball game against Lynn University. While at the game, we worked to promote Push America, as well as raise money towards the philanthropy. In the end, we raised $70 towards Push America.

Jimmy Ecker was initiated into Kappa Mu Epsilon (Math Honors Society). Brad Ehmer was initiated into the Order of Omega (Greek Honors Society). Drew McIntosh was initiated into Omicron Delta Kappa (Academic Honors Society). Ben Rusk and Andrew Colarte were initiated into Delta Sigma Pi (Business Honors Society). Andrew Colarte was elected as Beta Beta’s new Push America Chairman. Chris Meadows graduated Florida Southern College with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Interpersonal and Organizational Communications. Samuel Goncalves was serenaded as Alpha Omicron Pi-Kappa Gamma’s Spring 2013 sweetheart. The Beta Beta Associate Chapter won the Pi Kappa Phi Leadership Foundation’s National Presidents Circle March Madness competition. We won for having the highest percentage of members join the National Presidents Circle.

Beta Beta Serving the Community In February 2013, the brothers of Beta Beta decided to participate in the “97 Country St. Jude Children’s Radiothon”. This radiothon was brought to the chapter’s attention by Chris Meadows, who was interning at 97 Country Radio Station. The event lasted from 5:00am to 8:00am. The brothers who participated were Zach Zimmer, Samuel Goncalves, Tyler Van Dyke, Brenden Peterson, and Chris Meadows. The event was held to raise money towards cancer research. In early March 2013, Samuel Goncalves and Zach Zimmer assisted a few of the sisters of Alpha Omicron Pi at the SPCA of Lakeland. SPCA of Lakeland is a no-kill animal shelter and adoption agency. There, they assisted in doing specific yard work, and helped in taking care of the animals. Later on during March 2013, a charity event called “Up ‘til Dawn” was being held on campus. This event had people addressing letters to friends and family. These letters were from St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and each letter asked people to donate money towards fighting childhood cancer. Two of our brothers, Nick Fineo and Tyler Van Dyke, decided to participate. In the end, Nick and Tyler addressed a total of 22 letters.

Sorority Mixers In February 2013, we joined the sisters of Alpha Omicron Pi for a game of sand volleyball. This allowed for the two organizations to have a chance to meet each other’s new members and potential recruits. This also allowed for more time to build and strengthen relationships between the members of both organizations. In March 2013, we held a get-together with the sisters of the Beta Omicron Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega. We decided to have a social, which had a thrift shop theme to it. Therefore, everyone came to the event wearing an old looking article of clothing. This was the first event that was planned by our new social chairman, Tyler Van Dyke. He did an amazing job at putting this event together, and everyone had a great time at the event. It was a great opportunity for us to expand our sorority relations, and we look forward for more mixers to come.

Spring 2013 Recruitment

Reverse Career Fair

This semester was our first time experiencing Spring recruitment by ourselves. At Florida Southern, Spring recruitment is entirely informal, unlike the Fall semesters. In other words, there aren’t any rush weeks in the Spring semesters. Over the course of this semester, we were able to recruit three good quality men. The newest members of the Beta Beta Associate Chapter are Tyler Van Dyke, Robert Williams, and Josh Stanz. We are very grateful to have these men be a part of our fraternity.

In January 2013, four of our brothers participated in Florida Southern’s 3rd annual Reverse Career Fair. The idea of the fair was for organizations, such as the Beta Beta Associate Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi, to present themselves in front of representatives from various corporations. This allowed for those brothers to network with representatives from Fortune 500 companies and local area businesses.

Message from Andrew McIntosh To The Beta Beta Chapter and Those to who this may concern, After much prayer and months of thought, I have decided that this semester will be my last semester at Florida Southern. I know that this may come as shock to you, and over the next few weeks you may hear speculation and rumor on why I am leaving, but I thought it would be best that you hear it straight from me. My time here at Florida Southern has been one of great success and happiness. I have had a great group of friends that touch my life and my heart, but the time has come for me to leave. On August 26th, 2010, I started out here at Florida Southern College because the Admissions staff believed that I could flourish here at Florida Southern, but what I never expected was the yellow brick road of blessings that have lead me to this moment. These years with you, my brothers and friends, have enriched my life beyond all measure. My relationship with you is one that I hold very dear, and your trust in me and the sharing of your precious time every day with me has brought me the greatest joy that I have ever known. So here is the real reason why I am stepping down as Archon. I love you all and this college has been my life, but we all know when it is the right time to move on. It feels right to move on and I feel that my time here is done, and that there is nothing else I can do to make this chapter a better and more meaningful chapter. I pray that you all can forgive me for keeping this a secret and not telling you until now, but I know that it was the right decision. So where do we go from here? I worked hard to make sure that the acting Archon will be able to fully run the Fraternity over Summer break and during the first few weeks in the Fall. I am not abandoning the chapter or hanging to out to dry. I am always a phone call away, and hopefully will be closer than we think in the Fall. I will leave you with this: The Lord bless you, and keep you; The Lord make His face shine on you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace."' God Bless, -Drew Andrew McIntosh Archon 2012- Summer 2013 Beta Beta Chapter Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity

Follow the Beta Beta Chapter Be sure to look at our Chapter’s website: LIKE us on Facebook: Pi Kappa Phi-Florida Southern

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