Delta Iota - February 2010

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THE ∆ING February 2010

Gentlemen, I hope everyone is having a great start in 2010. Do to popular request; the name of the newsletter has been changed to the ∆ING. It is very unique and chapter specific. This led me to an idea. For the following newsletter, I am going to change something each time. It will operate just like a chapter because we are always trying to make changes to better ourselves. You can also look at is as kind of a challenge to try to see the change. One reason the newsletter this month was a few days later opening out is because of Spring RUSH. I wanted to be able to include the details and also how many new associate brothers we have. See page 2 for the full details.


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Middle Year Leadership Conference Alumni Brother Bio

I’ve been working on the History of Delta Iota. If you have any stories or pictures that you would like to go into the historical achieve, please email or call me. Right now I have about 1500 pictures in there dating back to 2005. It is starting to take shape and turn into something that will be very unique. A few days ago I was rummaging around in the house and found a large amount of documents about our history. So, I spent about three hours reading through everything and it has given me a much better grip about the men who developed our chapter. It was really interesting.

Active Brother Bio Events/Important dates Spring RUSH 2010

Steam Boat Bill 1

Mid-Year Leadership Conference This past month on the weekend of January 15-17th we had Mid-Year Leadership Conference in St. Louis. We received some good ideas for the chapter and are implementing them this semester. Unfortunately I could not attend the meeting due to family issues. However from what I've heard from the people who went it made me really wish I would’ve gone. These are the words from our archon about what happened in St. Louis. “Well for me, we showed up at the Pi Kappa Phi house on Friday morning and Moody and Goldberg were still in bed when we were supposed to meet at 8. Once we got everyone together we went to Shoney’s to eat breakfast which wasn’t that great. Then we got on the road to St. Louis. We stopped only twice to eat and then about 4:20 we made it to the hotel where we were staying. Ben and I went and parked the car in a parking garage, and headed down the elevator to go back to the hotel. We came out on the wrong side of the parking garage and had to go down this very creep and scary ally. Once we were to the other side and safe we start walking across the street and Ben got stopped by a man that wanted him to buy a watch. Now Ben tells the man “No” and starts to walk off, and I decided it was a good idea to yell to Ben, “Didn’t I tell you about talking to strangers?” Ok now we have checked in and then we had to get all dolled up in our formal attire. We headed down to the meeting room shortly after and see Vfab or Vince Fabera and he ask for Wil to help him out. Wil does so by yelling out simple choices. After the meetings that night we went out for some pizza and wings with Jon Cambell. The next night we woke up way to early, which is 7, and start meeting once again. That night we ate dinner which is where the "New tradition"-Vfab started. After dinner we all went to a “How to recruit class,” which was a lot of fun. Then we get a great idea to go out to this bar that did not card the night before for a drink. We walk about five or six blocks in the cold and find out on this night there were going to card. Since Trimble and I were the only two that are of age we turned around and started walking back. And now that I am single I decided to mumble little words to the women around. We get back to the hotel and go to the bar where they don’t card, sit around and talk for a bit, and then decided that we are all tired so were going to bed. The last words from my mouth to everyone are, “Be down stairs at 9 so that we can get back early.” Well 9 rolls around and I get a knock on my door from Logan. Ok guys I fudged up comes to mind. So Wil and I grab all of our things and throw it in the bags we brought and headed down stairs. We get into the cars and head out. About 45 minutes later on the highway we get caught in a speeding trap and both get about a 75 dollar ticket. Once we get back to Murfreesboro we pull into a gas station and filled up and drive the car in the back so we can act like we were leaving Ben at the gas station. As we are sitting back there a car pull back there and a woman opens her door and Goldberg says "And that is a great ending to this trip."

I wish I had pictures of these epic events to explain some of the inside jokes however I don’t. If you have any questions just ask me or one of the other brothers.

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Alumni Brother Bio Name: James Scott Davidson DOB: December 6, 1980 Delta Iota Number: 78

1. Where did you grow up? I grew up in Germantown, TN. 2. Did you take part in sports/extra curricular, include Middle/High school? I played basketball in a church league from 4th grade till I was in high school. When I was a freshman, I tried out for the high school team and was the first one cut. I was pretty terrible, but I still love the sport! When I was at MTSU I was pretty involved on campus. I was a Raider Rep, and SOA, on the student programming committee, President of the Order of Omega, an Academic Assistant on the aerospace floor in Cummings, and in Future Airport Executives & Alpha Eta Rho. I think that’s everything… 3. What are your hobbies? In college I was into rock climbing but I haven’t been in ages. Now I enjoy running, trivia night, and live music. I’ve become very involved in my parish, and I’m currently teaching Sunday School for our middle school age youth. That is practically a full-time job! 4. Why did you choose MTSU? I went to the University of Memphis for two years and studied History and Anthropology. I always wanted to be an airline pilot so after a couple years I took the plunge and transferred to MTSU for the Aerospace program. 5. Why did you choose Pi Kapp? My best friend growing up went to Christian Brothers University here in Memphis and was a Pi Kapp there. He would relentlessly recruit me to join at Memphis but I just wasn’t interested in that group. Then, when I transferred he started making arrangements for me to be Alumni Initiated at his chapter but they lost their charter. Then, one day I was meeting Liz Baker for lunch at the KUC, ran into two guys named Kenny Oubre and Mike Kudravetz. I saw a Star Shield, associated it with Push America, walked over and said to Kenny, “Hi, are you raising money for Push America?” to which re responded, “No, we’re starting a chapter. Would you like to join?” Three days later Tommy McNeill, Joey Scavone, and I all signed our bids. 6. Now as a graduate from MTSU, what are you currently during and what are some plans for the future? I am currently a First Officer on the Saab 340 at Mesaba Airlines. I have my eye on a company called Allegiant Airlines but I need another 1000 flight hours before I can apply there. Long term, I’d like to end up at FedEx. I’ve been staying involved with Pi Kapp at the national level since I left staff as a Leadership Consultant in 2006. I’m going to be attending Supreme Chapter in August and then hopefully in Washington DC in 2012 will be inducted into the Nu Phi Society. Here in Memphis I’m a member of the Friends of St Jude and I’m working with another MTSU alumnus to get a Memphis area BRAA started. I’m a Master Mason in DeSoto Lodge #299, a 32° Scottish Rite Mason, and a Knight Templar in the York Rite.

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Active Brother Bio

Name: Joseph Timothy Phillips DOB: April 1, 1985 Delta Iota Number: 145

1. Where did you grow up? Nashville Tennessee. 2. Did you take part in sports/extra curricular, include Middle/High school? McGavock Marching band and Track team, DuPont Tyler Football, Pi Kappa Phi, Marines, Red Devils football team 3. What are your hobbies? Working Out, Outdoors, MMA fighting, Video games. 4. Why did you choose MTSU? Closest to Home 5. Why did you choose Pi Kapp? The Best Fraternity out there.

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Event Description







Event: Fishing tournament Place: J. Percy Priest Lake in Nashville Time/Date: 12:00 pm February 27th Event: Rose ball Place: The Chattanoogan Resort Hotel Time/Date: 7:00 pm March 27th Event: Alumni BBQ Place: Pi Kapp House Time/Date: 2:00 pm April 24TH

The fishing tournament will work similar to the poker night. Just a 10 dollar entry fee and will be split up just the same. The tournament will start at 12:00pm and run until 4:00pm. It will be held at J. Percy Priest Lake in Nashville. Here is the hyperlink for directions. shing.htm Many fish are nesting around this time of year and I have always found it to be good fishing. Please RSVP to this event so I will have the number of people who will be there. Rose Ball will be at the Chattanoogan Resort Hotel in Chattanooga. The website I have setup for Rose Ball is You will be about to reserve a spot and make payments through this site. Also, for those coming from out of town I have reserved a courtesy rate of 109.00 for Saturday Night. The cost per person is 35.00 and the menu is on the website. The Alumni BBQ with be the same as last year, which Brother Joseph Phillips hosted. We will have BBQ burgers and hot dogs; also any food you bring would be greatly appreciated. We also have games going on. There is a possibility of having an alumni/active softball game in the morning around 11 am. After the BBQ, there will be a croquet course set up and others. Family is also invited to this event for both alumni and active brothers. As the events draw closer I will provide more information and the specific details. I will also give a reminder the week before the event.

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Spring RUSH 2010 This spring was a successful RUSH for us. We decided to extend RUSH for an extra week and that allowed us to gain another associate member. Our total number of new men is three.

Travis Jamison

Andrew Wright

Evan Sells

We are very excited about these new men and they each show great potential. After bid day we also have a new tradition which now has carried into its’ second RUSH. The Sig Ep’s and us go out and eat at Caminos. The only problem this year was it was 30 degrees and we were on the patio however it was still a good time especially because it was Wil Richardson’s 21th!

Fraternally yours, Brother Barrett Ratliff ∆ Ι # 176

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