Delta Iota - January 2010

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STEAM BOAT BILL January 2010

Gentlemen, I want to wish everyone Happy Holidays and welcome to the 1st issue of “Steam Boat Bill.” This will be the monthly newsletter about the Delta Iota Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. Each month I will include information about brothers, both alumni and active, events, and issues within the chapter. The New Year is upon us which means a new Executive Council. The newly elected are: Archon – Brother Joseph Phillips Vice Archon – Brother Joshua Goldberg Treasurer – Brother Andrew Moss Secretary – Brother Grant Hartford Warden – Brother Wil Richardson Historian – Brother Barrett Ratliff Chaplain – Brother Logan Ross

Right now I am in the process of creating the history of Delta Iota in an electronic historical archive. This will be stored on a computer at the Pi Kapp house, so that anytime you wish to stop by please take a look and see our amazing history. This archive will be a work in progress all year long; I will be contacting many of you to find out stories, search for photos, and also be sending out brother bios for everyone to fill out.


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The Lambda Class Alumni Brother Bio Active Brother Bio

So, once again I welcome you to “Steam Boat Bill” and hope you each enjoy it.

Events/Important dates Founder’s Day

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The Lambda Class The fall semester is behind us now and as we prepare for the spring semester, we begin it with seven new brothers of Pi Kapp. The fall associate class consisted of a very diverse group of young men.

The Iota Class consisted of: • Brother Drew Whitley • Brother Joshua Peglow • Brother Wes Calhoun • Brother Bobby Lucas • Brother Eric Stockton • Brother Kyle Deitrick • Brother Chris Moody

Alumni Brother Bio

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Name: Michael Foster

1. Where did you grow up? I have lived all over but I guess I claim St. Joseph, MO as my hometown. I lived there for 9 years; from 4th grade through high school. 2. Did you take part in sports, include Middle/High school? In middle school I played basketball and football. When I got to high school, it was all about football and track. I love basketball, but their time commitment was crazy. So, I played in a YMCA league with a bunch of guys who were in the same boat as me, except for the fact that they were all actually good at basketball. I also played semi-pro football 2008-2009 for the Murfreesboro Red Devils and played in a plethora of intramurals at MT. 3. What are your hobbies? Anything fitness! I have a natural passion for observing what the human body’s limits are and I find it fascinating. I am also really into sports (GO ‘CANES!), music, and cars. 4. Why did you choose MTSU? I chose MT thinking I could walk onto the football team with no problem. I had a really lazy summer after high school and had a reality check the second I walked on to campus my freshman year! I loved my experience at MTSU and have now found there are several other reasons I am glad I found it: location, excellent academics, ample opportunities with student organizations, and an incredibly friendly atmosphere. 5. Why did you choose Pi Kapp? The Pi Kapps were the first fraternity that contacted me after I said I was interested in Greek Life at summer orientation. I went out to a BBQ Delta Iota was having with their philanthropy, Push America. The BBQ was in conjunction with Build America. I met the entire chapter as well as about 30 guys who were giving up their summer to help others in need. Needless to say, I’m a sucker for first impressions. 6. Now that you are a graduate, what are your plans? I just got a job as a Health Fitness Specialist with a company called MediFit. We specialize in corporate fitness. I plan to get my master’s degree as well, in either entrepreneurship or exercise science, but I haven’t figured it out yet. My 10 year goal is to have my own fitness facility.

Active Brother Bio

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Name: Joshua Patrick Peglow DOB: July 9, 1991

1. Where did you grow up? Well let's see I was born in Norfolk, Virginia however whenever I was in the 4th grade my dad retired from the Navy and we moved to East Tennessee were all of my mothers family was. So from then on I live in a little one red light town called Niota, Tennessee. Population of about 350 people, needless to say I know everyone. 2. Did you take part in sports, include Middle/High school? Well I'm not much of an athletic person anymore in fact not much of one at all. I played basketball for about two and a half years while in high school but did not feel the urge to continue my career. Now since I have not even touched a basketball since them I am very disappointing to watch. 3. What are your hobbies? Throughout the year I was involved in many different things in which I enjoyed. One of my biggest hobbies is going to the lake and doing different activities such as boating, tubing, wakeboarding, fishing, just stuff like that. I love to fly airplanes in my spare time. And even though there are many more the last one that I am going to list is, I love being outdoors and farming. Just doing work outside makes me feel good about myself. 4. Why did you choose MTSU? The reason that I chose MTSU is because of the aerospace program they have to offer. I did not have anybody help influence me in going here; I chose it on my own... There was only one other person from my high school that came here and I didn't even know she was going here until the first day of school. 5. Why did you choose Pi Kapp? I chose Pi Kappa Phi because the first time I came out to the house a couple of the guys were having a bonfire. I was sitting around them and was talking to them about some random stuff. I had the wrong impression of a fraternity and they explained to me what it was about. They never pushed the subject of me rushing they just kind of let it happen. I did not have to pretend to be someone I wasn't around these guys. I could act myself and they were fine with it. It just felt like one big family and I didn't feel the same connection with any other fraternity.

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Event Description The Poker night will be a 10 dollar buy in, with the winner receiving 1/3rd of the money and the other 2/3rd going to PUSH. The event will be at the Pi Kapp House on Lascassas Pike.







Event: Poker Night Place: Pi Kapp House Time/Date: 6 pm January 30th Event: Fishing tournament Place: TDB Time/Date: 12:00 pm February 27th Event: Rose ball Place: The Chattanoogan Resort Hotel Time/Date: 7:00 pm March 27th Event: Alumni BBQ Place: Pi Kapp House Time/Date: 2:00 pm April 24TH

The fishing tournament will work similar to the poker night. Just a 10 dollar entry fee and will be split up just the same. I have not selected the lake nor the time in which the tournament will take place. Many fish are nesting around this time of year and I have always found it to be good fishing. I have selected the location for Rose Ball and it will be held at the Chattanoogan Resort Hotel in Chattanooga. I will be meeting with the event coordinator Wednesday January 13th to finalize the menu. Also, for those coming from out of town I will be able to reserve hotel rooms for you but will need to know prior to the event. Once the menu is set with all the prices I will contact everyone again. The Alumni BBQ with be the same as last year, which Brother Joseph Phillips hosted. We will have BBQ burgers and hot dogs; also any food you bring would be greatly appreciated. We also have games going on. There is a possibility of having an alumni/active softball game in the morning around 11 am. After the BBQ, there will be a croquet course set up and others. Family is also invited to this event for both alumni and active brothers. As the events draw closer I will provide more information and the specific details. I will also give a reminder the week before the event.

Founder’s Day Steam Boat Bill 5

Founder’s Day took place this year in the JUB on campus on Saturday December 12th. The picture above want presented to us by Miss Kalyn Riggs. Also, we selected Miss Loretta Kelma as our Rose princess. It was a very successful however I would’ve liked to have more Alumni involvement. You all build our chapter and helped make it what it is today. Therefore, this semester I will try to keep everyone more up to date than previous semesters. Also, I am very open to criticism and suggestions for the newsletter and events. So if there is something you would like to see in the newsletter, please let me know. I will try to have the newsletter out on the 5th of every month so there will be a sufficient amount of time to plan for events around your busy schedules. I look forward to meeting many of you that I have never met before. Fraternally yours, Brother Barrett Ratliff ∆ Ι # 176

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