Epsilon Alpha - Spring 2008

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Homecoming Draws Record Numbers


The Epsilon Alpha Alumni Chapter, in partnership with the undergraduates, hosted its second annual Homecoming Celebration over the weekend of October 26-27, 2007. While the weekend had many scheduled events, the hallmark event was again the pig pickin’ in the Harper Center parking lot during tailgating. One hundred percent of the active brotherhood, including ten associates (now brothers) and 160 alumni had the chance to have great food and reconnect with old friends. For the second consecutive year, alumnus Cory Wilkinson ’01, his uncle and a friend prepared the food. We owe a debt of gratitude to these men. Their presence and contributions added to the weekend’s success. Following the tailgating, alumni and students packed Rhodes Stadium to celebrate Pi Kappa Phi’s participation in the Homecoming Week activities. The undergraduate chapter placed 3rd in the overall Homecoming competition. Andrew Wilen ‘05 represented the chapter as its King nominee and placed as first runner-up and the chapter sweetheart Kim Glazer was crowned as Homecoming Queen.


Alumni make thier way through the buffet line. The alumni chapter thanks everyone who attended the events. We look forward to seeing you back on campus for Homecoming 2008, Nov. 7-9! Check the Website (www.pikappea.com) for more details, set to be released later this summer.

Young Alumni Council

Christian Wiggins ‘01 presents to Council. This past fall, Elon took a big step forward in young alumni relations by creating a Young Alumni Council. Elon’s new Young Alumni Council seeks to strengthen connections between young alumni and the university. The council advises the Office of Alumni Relations and the university on programming and communication with young alums and current students. Council members are responsible for planning young alumni activities at Homecoming and with local chapters, as well as programming for seniors, young alumni giving, and alumni career and financial education. Lindsay Hege, assistant director of alumni relations for young alumni, who advises the Young Alumni Council, met with the Epsilon Alpha Alumni Chapter Board of Directors and other members during Homecoming weekend. Hege said, “Elon has established a commitment to young alumni through the creation of the new young alumni council and through the creation of my (her) position. Both are resources for our young alumni and I hope that we can work together to get more young alumni back to the University.” Of the 34 members on the Council five are Pi Kappa Phi alumni. Patrick Gallagher ’01, Christian Wiggins ’01, James Lewis ’01, Darris Means ’02 and Bob Koons ’03 all serve as At-Large members on the Council. Additionally, chapter sweetheart from 2001-2002, Caroline Sage, is the Council Vice President. Members travel to campus twice a year to take part in meetings. Additionally, they all serve on one committee that holds conference calls monthly. Having strong representation on a key alumni council ensures that Pi Kappa Phi and Elon are synergistic in programming and communication for all Pi Kappa Phi alumni.

JUNE 2008

Pi Kappa Phi PO Box 352 Elon, NC 27244




Board of Directors President: John Reaves red_wolf@bellsouth.net Vice President: Tim Peregoy jtperegoy@yahoo.com Treasurer: Brian O’Shea boshea@elon.edu Secretary: Teddy Coin richardcoin@gmail.com Historian: Brent Odom bodom@greenville.k12.sc.us Chapter Liaison: Dan Ragna daniel.ragna@gmail.com Chaplain: David Henkel dahenk5@hotmail.com Director of Alumni Communications: James Lewis jlewis@seventhpoint.com Director of Alumni Events: Travis Lock tlock26@yahoo.com

Committee Chairmen Development: Christian Wiggins cwigginns@pikapp.org Chapter History: Brent Odom bodom@greenville.k12.sc.us

Chapter Celebrates Founders’ Day

A Letter From The Alumni President

In early December, the undergraduate chapter held an unprecedented Founder’s Day celebration, highlighted by a key-note address from Pi Kappa Phi CEO Mark E. Timmes in McKinnon Hall on Elon’s campus. The brothers gathered on a Sunday afternoon to honor all those brothers who had come before them and to enjoy each other’s company. The program started off with the invocation from Chaplain Joshua Donde ’05 and followed with a hearty, catered meal. During that time several alumni brothers including Alumni Chapter President John Reeves ’79, Rick Steele ’79, Brian O’Shea ’01, and Darris Means ’02, were able to discuss the chapter with the undergraduates, explaining where the chapter had come from while offering some insights about the years to come and the future of Epsilon Alpha. Following the meal, Archon-Elect Jay Kahn ’06 introduced Timmes, citing his story of turning a chapter of less than twenty people into on with over one-hundred brothers at the University of Florida to highlight the struggles a chapter can face, overcome, and use as future reminders. Timmes began his address by commenting on the growth of Elon since he first visited the campus during Epsilon Alpha’s rechartering in 2001. He went on to say that he knew there was something special about Elon and that he hoped to see the current growth continue but to always be mindful of the promise he made on the chapter’s behalf and to be sure to live up to the expectations of founding fathers both past and recent. The event concluded with two awards presentations. The first was by Historian Andrew Redman ’05, to the alumnus most involved with the chapter over the past year. Named after its inaugural recipient Christian Wiggins ‘01, the Christian A. Wiggins Continued Service Award will hopefully be a way to maintain and develop a strong connection between Epsilon Alpha and its ever-growing alumni base. A dues scholarship was also awarded by the Alumni Chapter Executive Council to one undergraduate brother who demonstrated both merit and need. The inaugural recipient of the scholarship was senior Joshua Donde ‘05. The event concluded with the benediction by Chaplain-Elect John McMillian ‘07. This formal event marked a new type of Founder’s Day celebration for the Epsilon Alpha undergraduate and alumni chapters, and will no doubt be a strong tradition carried into the future.


Alumni Updates We want to hear from you! Let the alumni chapter know what is going on in your life. We’ll include your story in the next EA Journal. Please E-mail your updates to pikappea@gmail.com

Yours in Pi Kappa Phi,

The alumni chapter has taken on the task of compiling the Epsilon Alpha chapter history from the original chartering in 1979 to the present day. We need the help of all alumni! If you are interested in serving on the alumni history committee or if you have any important dates, events, or stories to share, please e-mail alumni chapter historian, Brent Odom ‘01, at bodom@greenville.k12. sc.us. Our goal is to compile a scrapbook/historical record by the 2009 Homecoming.

Supreme Chapter The Epsilon Alpha Alumni Chapter invites you to attend Supreme Chapter in Denver July 25-28, 2008. Please contact Christian Wiggins at cwiggins@pikapp.org for more details. Please visit denver.pikapp.org for more information and registration. Our alumni chapter plans to send a delegation. We hope you choose to join us in the Rockies!

Pi Kappa Phi Charter presentation.

John G. Reaves, Jr President Epsilon Alpha Alumni Chapter Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity

Suggestions Please send your suggestions for improving the EA Journal to jlewis@seventhpoint.com


Our second anniversary as an alumni chapter is rapidly approaching. Two generations of Pi Kapps at Elon University have successfully come together to plan alumni events, assist the undergraduate chapter and encourage lifelong brotherhood for alumni and student alike. We are proud that our membership has more than tripled over the previous year and expect greater things to occur in 2008. Homecoming Weekend was a great weekend for Elon Pi Kapps. More than 160 alumni attended at least one event during the weekend. Our first initiate, Jim Stephenson, traced the history of the chapter and introduced alumnus Raymond Beck, who presented the original charter to the undergraduate chapter. We began a new year with goals to draw Elon Pi Kapps together and assist the student chapter. We aspired to make our alumni chapter one of the best in the nation. We were honored to have Pi Kappa Phi CEO, Mark E. Timmes, provide the keynote address at the chapter sponsored Founder’s Day Celebration. I was also honored to present our first Lifelong Brotherhood Scholarship, a $250 grant provided from alumni chapter dues, to senior Joshua Donde. December was the kick-off of the Alumni Chapters’ regional events. In all, eight regions will begin hosting get-togethers with the hope of bringing Epsilon Alpha alumni together for occasional events. Similarly, we have been hard at work planning the Spring Alumni Weekend, set John G. Reaves, Jr President, Epsilon Alpha for April 26-27. We have launched the Alumni Chapter’s Alumni Chapter, website (www.pikappea.com) and plan to Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. provide three newsletters this year to enhance our communication efforts. We came together quickly to raise the needed funds to preserve and protect our Charter for years to come. We reached our goal in less than 48 hours! The alumni chapter has made major strides with our Chapter Investment Fund (CIF). I believe we can surpass our goals to support the future leaders of Pi Kappa Phi at Elon. To reach our goals we must uphold the lessons of leadership, scholarship and bravery of the seven men that brought us together as Pi Kappa Phi brothers in this great fraternity.

History Experts

Restored Pi Kappa Phi Charter.

Chief Executive Officer of Pi Kappa Phi Mark Timmes, Alpha Epsilon (Florida), speaks to alumni and students at the Epsilon Alpha chapters’ Founders’ Day lunch.


Alumni Updates 2004 John Sirabella is working as a Production Assistant for Walt Disney Entertainment, a division of Walt Disney World Parks and Resorts that produces and develops all of the live shows, parades, characters and fireworks on the property and with Disney Cruise Line. He resides in Orlando, Florida.

2006 Dan Ragna works as a Production Technician for NBC-17. He lives in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Chapter Seniors The Epsilon Alpha Alumni Chapter welcomes the following seniors into our alumni ranks. Each of these men were presented with a gift at a graduating senior ceremony on Saturday, April 26, 2008. Alex Satterfield Drew Redman Mike Purcell Josh Donde Chris Hood Brian Foley Eric Garren Corey Jahner Gray Hunter Kyle Shade Dan Cariello Rob Saunders Justin Garren Andrew Wilen Brian Donald Michael Pisano Alex McLean Jake Emerson Paul Schifano


Letter From The Archon

The Journey of a Lifetime

We hope this letter finds you well. The fall semester has been extremely successful for the undergraduate chapter of Epsilon Alpha. Coming off our fourth Mixon Award in five years, the chapter carried over our momentum from last spring. The fall semester began with a successful recruitment season, yielding Epsilon Alpha’s largest fall class ever. The Mu class, consisting of ten sophomores, was initiated on November 2nd 2007. Parent’s weekend followed shortly after, where our brothers and their families enjoyed a group tailgate and football game. After the game, everyone gathered again at the house for an informal get together. It was an excellent opportunity for us to express our gratitude for everything that our parents have done for us. Early in the semester, we gathered as a brotherhood for our biannual Brotherhood Retreat. The retreat consisted of an afternoon and evening of card games, barbeque and athletics and was a great chance to recommit to our ideals of brotherhood and assess our future goals. Aside from enjoying the company of brothers, a SWOT analysis was performed. This unified our goals and vision for the chapter. The following weekend, October 26th to the 28th, was homecoming. As a chapter we co-hosted an alumni tailgate with the alumni chapter. Our sweetheart, Kim Glazer, was elected Homecoming Queen and Brother Andrew Wilen was the first runner up for King. That night there was also a date party at West End Bar and Grill where undergraduate and alumni brothers gathered with a guest for a memorable night. We hope that every alumnus enjoyed coming back, and we can’t wait to see you again next year! The fall semester was also full of philanthropy. As a chapter we participated in many events for other Greek organizations including Frats at Bat, Bump it Thump it, Dodge Ball, and Greek Man and Woman of the Year. For Epsilon Alpha, the fall also means No Boundaries Week. The week kicked off with the annual Sorority Football League. There was a one hundred percent participation among the sororities, and it was one of our most profitable years ever, bringing in almost $1,500 for Push America. The same week we also hosted an Empathy Dinner to raise awareness for people with disabilities and had a brotherhood auction to fundraise for banquet. We elected a new EC at the end of the semester. The group is as follows Archon - Jay Kahn; Vice Archon - Jeff Casullo; Treasurer - Bobby Hoppey; Secretary Chase Rumley; Warden - John Lynn; Historian - Tim Johnson and Chaplain - John McMillian. We would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate Dan Cariello, Sam Christenbury and Ben Kaufman on being selected to this summer’s Journey of Hope Team. We invite you to check their progress or make a donation by visiting http:// www.pushamerica.org/events/JOH/. As always, if you have any questions, concerns or comments about Epsilon Alpha’s undergraduate chapter, please feel free to contact us at jkahn@elon.edu or tjohnson15@elon.edu.

This summer, three Epsilon Alpha brothers will join the ranks of 24 other brothers of the Epsilon Alpha chapter and over 1,300 Pi Kappa Phi’s to come before them by participating in the Journey of Hope. Daniel Cariello ‘05, Samuel Christenbury ‘07 and Ben Kaufman ‘07 have been hard at work preparing for what will be the summer of a lifetime as they travel from San Francisco and Seattle to Washington, D.C. Their trip will take them each to over 55 different cities. Established in 1977, Push America is the national philanthropy of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. Pi Kappa Phi is the unequivocal leader in the area of community service in the Greek world. Over the years, the single largest project of Push America has been the Journey of Hope. The Journey of Hope started out as one man’s dream: to ride a bike across the country. In the summer of 1987, Bruce Rogers from Chi chapter at Stetson University rode his bike alone from Florence, Oregon to Norfolk, Virginia, to benefit Push America. Inspired by his Daniel Cariello ‘05 inaugural trip, a 21-person team led by Jim Karlovec from the Delta Sigma chapter at Bowling Green State University began the Journey of Hope in 1988. Today, the Journey of Hope has three routes and over 100 participants each year. The cyclists and crew fundraise more than $500,000 annually and touch millions of people through their efforts. Epsilon Alpha’s long history of brothers participating in the Journey Ben Kaufman ‘07 of Hope began in 1992 when Scott Athen ’89 made the trip. It wasn’t until the re-founding of the Epsilon Alpha chapter that another brother followed Scott. Ryan Buckley ’01 was the first of the re-founded chapter to participate in the Journey of Hope; he crewed during the summer of 2001. The 24 cumulative men from Epsilon Alpha have raised almost $110,000 for Push America and together have cycled and traveled 95,000 miles to raise awareness for people with disabilities. Epsilon Alpha is proud to have such a strong tradition in supporting Push America, an organization that not only makes a difference in the lives of people with disabilities and their families, but changes the lives Sam Christenbury ‘07 of the men who are members of Pi Kappa Phi.

Fraternally Yours,

Jay Kahn and Tim Johnson

To find out more about Push America, the Journey of Hope or to contribute to their fundraising, please visit www.pushamerica.org. To donate to Daniel Cariello: https://secure.pushamerica.org/events/profile.cfm?rID=1145883&ridecode=joh2008 To donate to Ben Kaufman: https://secure.pushamerica.org/events/profile.cfm?rID=1170935&ridecode=joh2008 To donate to Sam Christenbury: https://secure.pushamerica.org/events/profile.cfm?rID=1163535&ridecode=joh2008

Alumni Updates 1979 Jim Stephenson currently serves as Treasurer of the reelection campaign of Judge John Arrowood to the North Carolina Court of Appeals. Jim is Senior Partner in the Cary, NC law firm of Stephenson, Stephenson & Gray, LLP and previously served four years as State Treasurer of the North Carolina Democratic Party. He resides in Cary, North Carolina with his wife Theresa. John Reaves works as a Staff Account for the firm of Garrett, Dodd and Associates in Durham, North Carolina. He serves as the treasurer for the SouthEast Raleigh Assembly and the Caraleigh Neighborhood Association. Reaves resides in Raleigh, North Carolina.

1984 Dave Foreman works as the district director for United States Congressman Tom Davis of Virginia. Dave lives in Fairfax, Virginia with his wife Susan. Ken Bobbitt is in sales for Trane and lives in Cary, North Carolina with his wife Ann.

1988 Jeff Zammit is a customer support supervisor with Brighthouse networks. He resides with his wife Lynn and daughter Amanda in New Port Richey, Florida.

1989 Bob Bennett is the supervisor of finance for Campus Community School in Dover, Delaware.


Alumni Updates 2001 Ryan Buckley recently accepted a job with CNN as an associate producer. He lives in New York. Brian Conley is completing the last year of his Ph.D in Organic Chemistry at the University of Southern California. He will complete his thesis over the summer of 2008. Bob Frazer started his own brokerage insurance firm, Marathon Insurance Group, LLC, and lives in Charlotte. Patrick Gallagher recntly accepted a job with the law firm Potter Anderson & Corroon and is preparing to take the Delaware bar exam this summer. Mark Gibson is working in Salt Lake City, Utah as a part of a relationship management team for E*Trade Financial. Martin Haley moved to Charlotte to be a part of Grant Thornton’s family wealth planning devision and will be getting married in July to his fiancee, Cara. Ian Henderson was promoted last January to Ft Lauderdale with enterprise rent a car. He is the regional operations manager. He resides in Coconut Creek, Florida. David Henkel works with Wachovia. He resides in Charlotte, North Carolina with his wife Jessica. Reed and Katie LaPlante recently welcomed a new baby girl named Avery Alice to their lives. Avery was born 1/12/08 at 7lbs 7oz & 20inches. The LaPlate family lives in Cape Coral, Florida.


Alumni Chapter Act to Preserve Charter

Letter From the Development Chair

Many of the original charter members have contributed both time and resources to the alumni and students chapters. Recently, they made an invaluable gift and presentation to the student chapter. In May 2006, Jim Stephenson ‘79 had been consistently searching for the Epsilon Alpha 1979 Charter. In the spring of 2007 Stephenson discovered that the Charter was held by an alumnus of the chapter who had held it in safekeeping for many years. That alumnus was Chris Jernigan ’79. Jernigan had agreed to be the steward of the Charter after no one else wanted to keep it. The two men coordinated for months before presenting the Charter to the chapter at Homecoming 2007. Along with Stephenson, over one hundred fifty alumni and students were on hand to witness the presentation. Alumnus Raymond Beck ’79, Site Manager and Curator for the North Carolina State Tim Peregoy, Re-Chartering Capitol, suggested the 1979 Charter, along Archon, and Jim Stephenson, First with the 2001 Charter, be sent to an artifact Initiate, stand with the 2001 and specialist for treatment and restoration. The 1979 Charters. Alumni Chapter Board of Directors agreed and voted to raise the $1,500 in funds needed for the project. Within 48 hours the goal was reached. In fact, over $2,500 was raised for the project. The two restored Charters will be re-presented to the alumni, students and guests at Homecoming 2008. Thank you to all the alumni who have made this project a success!

In the two short years that the Epsilon Alpha Alumni Chapter has been in existence we have made great achievements in the areas of alumni communication and programming. The leadership has kept the alumni informed through consistent, timely newsletters and e-mail communication and provided meaningful opportunities for reconnection through regional events, Spring Alumni Weekend and Homecoming Weekend. In 2007, a record number of brothers joined the alumni chapter or made a gift to the Epsilon Alpha Chapter Investment Fund. Together, we raised almost $4,300! This is a milestone for our alumni. We also contributed more than $800 to other national fraternity campaigns. This success would not be possible without your generosity. Thank you for your continued support. As we approach our 30th anniversary, we are presented with the opportunity to look at not only where we have been, but where we are going and how we can better serve the students who have filled our shoes within the chapter. I have been tasked by our alumni leadership to form the first Epsilon Alpha development committee. This committee will be responsible for all fundraising for our Chapter Investment Fund and associated campaigns. As such, I will be reaching out to alumni of all generations to help lead this effort. Our past is rich with tradition and our future is bright with opportunity. With your leadership we will achieve our greatest aspirations.

Triangle Alumni Gather For Event Chris Morse ‘02 brought the Triangle region brothers together on Founder’s Day. Despite the holiday season alumni came together for a happy hour and toast to the founders that evening at Village Draft House in Raleigh, NC. Not only did the Triangle brothers get updates on the alumni and student chapters, we saw meshing of old and new. Plans were made to hold numerous events throughout the year to reconnect almni in the Triangle. Throughout the nation, Epsilon Pictured left to right: Turner Sothoron ’03, Alpha brothers will come together John Reaves ’79, David Zell ’02, Matt locally in at least eight regions Hobbs ’03 and Chris Morse ’02. to fan the flames of brotherhood. Epsilon Alpha Regional Event Coordinators working in these areas from Los Angles to New England hope to rekindle brotherhood and friendship with fellow Elon alumni brothers in their areas. Not only will the events allow better communication to brothers throughout the nation, but the excitement generated in these local groups should bring increased involvement and growth to the Epsilon Alpha Alumni Chapter.

Annual Report

Yours in Pi Kappa Phi,

Mr. Ben F. Brundred IV (#304) Mr. P. Ryan Cunningham (#209) Mr. Andrew J. Taylor (#345)

Expenses Alumni Initiate Gifts 5% Graduating Senior Cookout 3%

Provisions for General Reserve 4% Awards and Recognition 3% Homecoming 4% National Dues 2%

Senior Gift 8% Newsletters 50% Scholarship Fund 11%

$100-$249 Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

David L. Beahm (#23) Michael J. Dunlap (#322) Adam C. Lentz (#228) James V. Lewis (249) J. Scott Nelson (Delta #313) W. Brent Odom (#254) Brian C. O’Shea (#253)



Mr. Trent R. Gilbert (#178) Mr. Christian A. Wiggins (#185)

Homecoming Tailgating Revenue 10% Homecoming Golf Revenue 10%

Mr. Dan Z. Ragna (#393) Mr. John G. Reaves (#14) Mr. Chad W. Ritter (#328) Mr. Greg H. Robson (#235) Mr. Andrew S. Rushton (#350) Mr. Rick E. Schlieper (#351) Mr. Ben D. Seay (#242) Mr. Barry W. Simmons (#17) Mr. Ross J. Simpson (#382) Mr. Matt D. Smith (#277) 1st Lt. Eric Bradley Snyder (#342) Mr. Turner H. Sothoron (#333) Mr. James B. Stephenson (#1) Mr. David E. Tyner (#411) Mr. Will B. Warihay (#361) Mr. Perry S. Warren (#41) Mr. Spencer B. Welborn (#224) Mr. Joey H. White (#263) Mr. Cory Wilkinson (#192) Mr. David A. Zell (#291)


Christian Wiggins Development Committee

Web Site Development 10%


Dues and Donations 52%

$1,000-$2499 Mr. Timothy A. Martins (#251)

Officials Giving 28%


Annual Report Honored here are those donors who made a contribution to either the Epsilon Alpha Alumni Chapter or the Epsilon Alpha Chapter Investment Fund between January and December 2007. Donors are listed with their initiation number under their annual giving level (dues payment is included in total giving). For a comprehensive list of donors, including those who gave to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Leadership Fund and other national campaigns, please see the Spring 2008 Star & Lamp.

$1-25 Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.


Raymond L. Beck (#88) Mark F. Bliley (#326) Matt P. Bourguignon (#195) Michael G. Bumbry (#358) Wendell S. Bunker (#60) Kevin P. Burrows (#201) Richard E. Coin (#287) Brian L. Conley (#244) Gregg R. Davis (#372) Sean M. Deakins (#334) Richard J. Fain (#58) Jamey S. Falkenbury (#353) Brian J. Gill (#289) W. Brent Henderly (#318) David A. Henkel (#180) Brian J. Hetherington (#233) Andrew S. High (#359) Robert M. High (#412) Matt E. Hobbs (#315) Brandon W. Inscore (#197) Randall C. Jarrell (#71) Chris M. Kaas (#374) Bryan P. Kernodle (#360) Alex J. Kreitman (#309) Reed A. LaPlante (#241) Travis M. Lock (#282) Andrew M. Mackey (#250) Todd D. McGirk (#164) Darris R. Means (#278) Chris R. Morse (#285) J. David Nichols (#18) Bill F. Peach (#75) Josh J. Phoebus (#217)

About Your Alumni Chapter

Top 40 Under Forty

What is the Epsilon Alpha Alumni Chapter? The Epsilon Alpha Alumni Chapter is the incorporated alumni organization for the Epsilon Alpha chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. It was created to provide consistent communication and programming for EA. The alumni chapter presents a unique opportunity for the original members, re-chartering members and undergraduate brothers to develop a strong connection between all groups of the Epsilon Alpha chapter of Pi Kappa Phi.

Darris Means ‘02, has been named one of the Triad’s “40 Leaders Under Forty” by a weekly regional newspaper that covers the business community. The Triad Business Journal recognized Means for his dedication to making a positive difference in the Triad and in the lives of others. The 10th annual award celebrates the successes of some of the area’s most prominent young professionals. “My career and my civic engagement work are devoted to college access, equity, and diversity,” Means, 24, said. “Being recognized for this award means that these themes are still critical in our community and in our society. And it means that I still have a lot of work to do and a lot of collaboration that I need to make happen.” Means helps coordinate the Elon Academy, a collegeaccess program for academically talented high school Darris Means ‘02 students in Alamance County. He graduated Elon in 2005 with a degree in political science and sociology and received a graduate degree in counseling education, with an emphasis in student affairs, from Clemson University in 2007. Means served a two-year term on the Elon University Board of Trustees as the Youth Trustee. He also serves on the Alamance County Closing the Achievement Gap Committee, the American College Personnel Association’s Commission for Social Justice Educators, the North Carolina College Personnel Association, the Elon University Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Elon University’s Young Alumni Council and is the Pi Kappa Phi Chapter Advisor. “He is intelligent, hardworking, and passionate about serving others,” Deborah Long, Means’ supervisor, wrote in his nomination. “As a student, and now as a member of the Elon Academy staff, he has distinguished himself as a leader with great character.”

What is the structure of the Alumni Chapter? All alumni are automatically members of the alumni chapter. The organization is governed by a seven member executive board which is elected at each Homecoming. The executive board is responsible for programming (regional get-togethers, Homecoming, Rose Ball, etc.) and communication (newsletters and group e-mails) from the alumni chapter to all alumni. The alumni chapter has a small operating budget based on $25 dues paid by each member. What does my $25 dues get me? The alumni chapter is an incorporated organization and therefore must operate by state and federal guidelines. Each alumnus is asked to pay $25 in dues to off set the costs of being an alumni chapter (see the pie chart for the budget). By paying dues, you are helping to achieve the following goals and objectives: Produce two newsletters annually Provide a gift to each graduating senior Maintain a merit-based dues scholarship fund for undergraduate members Ensure a successful Homecoming (supplement for band and food) How do I pay my $25 dues? Checks should be made payable to: The Epsilon Alpha Alumni Chapter Mail to: Brian O’Shea 6791 Leaf Crest Dr Apt 2D Whitsett, NC 27377-8742

Remember When

Chapter Investment Fund The Epsilon Alpha Chapter Investment Fund is an endowment account for the Epsilon Alpha chapter that is managed by the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation as a part of the Foundation corpus of assets. Once the account reaches $10,000 in value, the alumni chapter will begin receiving five percent of the value back annually to distribute to the chapter in the form of educational support (i.e. local academic scholarships, monetary supplement for conference fees and travel and other educational expenses). This is an excellent way to secure the future for the men to come at Epsilon Alpha.

2001 Adam Lentz recently completed Ironman Arizona, a triathlon that includes a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike and 26.2 run back to back to back. That’s 140.6 miles in the exhausting 95 degree heat of Arizona! It took him 14 hours and 38 minutes. Lentz works for Push America as the director of logistics and lives in Charlotte, North Carolina. Jamie Lewis was promoted to Project Manager, a new position developed to maximize the company’s profitability. Jamie works closely with all of the agency’s key accounts across the company’s six offices to increase efficiencies, improve workflow and manage process improvements. After over 25 years and the loss of one of its founding partners, Lewis’ company is changing its name to Seventh Point, the name he submitted as his suggestion for the new company name. The name Seventh Point refers to the six degrees of motion and the company’s ability to take its clients from where they are now to where they need to go, the seventh point. Lewis recently purchased a new home and lives in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Brent Odom works as a social studies teacher at Woodmont High School. Odom will receive his Masters in Educational Administration from Clemson this year. He lives in Mauldin, South Carolina with his dog “Acorn”.

Checks should be made payable to: The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Mail to: Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity C/O Christian Wiggins P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224

Alumni Updates

(Front row l to r) Rick Fain ‘81, Ralph Mueller ‘81, Steve Clark ‘81, David Beahm ‘80, Barry Simmons ‘79, Ron DeGroot ’81 (Row 2 l to r) seated with flat football on head David Smith ‘80, Standing Greg Hart ‘81, John Reaves ‘79, Mike Mazur ‘81, Vernon Hallis ’80 (Top row l to r) Craig Harris ‘81, Ken Sellers ‘80, Allen Bass, ‘79 Hidden and partially seen Mark Brammer ’81 (Back row by himself) Chris Drozdowicz ’79.

Tim and Leslie Peregoy are expecting their first child. They reside in Burke, Virginia.


Alumnus Barry Simmons, Leadership L Through Service Alumni Updates 2001 Brian O’Shea works at Elon as the Assistant to the Vice President of Student Life and Dean of Students. In his role he handles a variety of important projects for the division of student life. O’Shea is pursuing his Masters in Liberal Studies at Wake Forest University with a completion date this fall. He resides in Whitsett, North Carolina. Jake and Lisa Pope live in Hillsborough, North Carolina with their 21 month old daughter Kayla Marie. Jake works at Duke University as a stewardship coordinator for financial aid. Stuart and Kathy Reid live in Monterey, California and recently celebrated their one year anniversary. Josh Sype moved to Florida almost two years ago, where he has been working as a substance abuse counselor first in the greater Tampa area and now in his hometown of Lakeland. About two months after moving his girlfriend joined him in Florida. After being together four years, Holly and Josh will be married at a beach wedding on July 19, 2008 in Siesta Key, Florida.

2002 Richard “Teddy” Coin works as a Legislative Liaison to United States Congresswoman Jo Ann Emerson of Missouri. Coin is applying to law schools for fall 2008 admission. He resides in Arlington, Virginia.


small financial aid program, although a If leadership could be measured by few new financial aid programs were on how much energy and time we spend the horizon. The second year of his job on others, alumnus Barry Simmons ’79, he managed $5 million in financial aid. would be a leader for all generations. As Most of the money came from the state or the director of scholarship and financial federal government. aid at Virginia Tech, Simmons touches Simmons stayed with Elon until 1983 the lives of 15,000 students through the when he left on a year long sabbatical distribution of grants, scholarships and financial aid at one of the nation’s largest “Try your wings as much as possible because you have the safety net of your brothers and college to support you. Take risks in institutions. He has worked leadership and personal development. Remember change is with countless only natural, aging is change, therefore change is natural, not to alumni and students change you die.” at our fraternity to obtain his Masters at the University and university. He holds positions at of North Carolina Greensboro. He the national and state level within his continued his passion for student services profession. Still, he is humble in his by working in the UNC - Greensboro’s manner, persuasive in his leadership, financial aid office. Through his work ever-changing in his approach to he was able to connect with university higher education and unwavering in his administrators, including the dean of commitment to the values that tie us all the graduate school. That relationship together. helped him secure a spot in the doctorate Barry Simmons grew up in Chase program. Upon his acceptance he City, Va. and entered Elon as a freshman resigned his position with Elon. in 1968 on a partial music scholarship. It took him three years to receive his His love of music and the scholarship doctorate, but he received his Doctorate helped him find the college marching in educational administration with band, where he was a member throughout emphasis on public policy and cognitive his undergraduate experience. He was psychology. His doctoral dissertation also involved with the student government built on his senior thesis and reported on association. Later he tried to start a college North Carolina’s financial aid programs radio station, but was unsuccessful in his to private colleges. He had assisted the attempt. state in developing the program as the As a student Simmons decided not director of financial aid at Elon. His to affiliate with a college fraternity. He dissertation allowed him to further the says that “the reason was because many subject by researching college/university of the fraternities on Elon’s campus at self-accountability in the program. the time were local and didn’t offer the After earning his doctorate he left for image I wanted to be a part of.” A few of St. Paul’s College, a traditionally African his friends did affiliate, but still, Simmons American College of about 600 students decided he would stick to his values and remain independent. in South Eastern Virginia. The school was close to home and had several interesting In 1973 he graduated with a bachelors programs. He was hired as director of of science. He majored in political science financial aid and within two months was and minored in Latin, history, sociology, promoted to Vice President of Enrollment, English, music and social science. He where he gained the responsibilities of had written his senior thesis on school the registrar, admissions and financial desegregation and incremental nature of aid. integration. This was the beginning of a He remained at St. Paul’s for four passion that has served as the motivation years before moving on to Virginia and foundation of his lifelong career. Commonwealth University as the Assistant Through his attempt to start a radio Director of Financial Aid and Director station and an internship he developed a of Academic Campus Financial Aid good friendship with Vice President Bob Counseling Center. This was significant Baxter. It was through that relationship because it was his first experience at a that Simmons secured his first job as large university. At the time VCU enrolled the Director of Financial Aid at Elon almost 26,000 students. He later took College. on responsibilities on VCU’s medical Graduation occurred on a Sunday and campus. Before leaving he assisted in he started his new job on Monday. At the the major reorganization of enrollment time Elon had 1800 students and a very

services and became the assistant director of enrollment services, responsible for overseeing strategic planning, personnel and public relations. Simmons arrived at Virginia Tech in 1998 as the director of university scholarships and financial aid. At the time he managed $180 million in financial aid. Today he manages and distributes approximately $262 million to Virginia Tech students. When asked why he enjoys his job he says, “three things are most appealing to me. First, the higher education setting is exciting with a wide diversity of students, faculty and staff, but everyone is working toward a common goal. Financial aid allows me to trace my interest back to my senior thesis and dissertation. Lastly, my undergraduate education in political science and public policy helps to navigate state and federal regulation. Those are two things I very much enjoy and use the most.” Outside of his responsibilities at Virginia Tech, Simmons serves on several boards and groups, including the National Alumni Executive Board at Elon and the alumni marching band. He is a leader within his profession, recently elected as the chair-elect for National Association for Financial Aid Administrators, where he will take office on July 1, 2008. In his administration he plans to work on professionalism, access to college and diversity and innovation. He will serve as the chair-elect during the 2008-2009 year and the chair during 2009-2010. Simmons also serves on a six member panel which advises the federal government on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Aside from his career and university dedication, Simmons has also always found time to serve his fraternity. Although not an undergraduate member, he has been a present and persistent alumnus since the inception. Simmons had friends in a service fraternity named Alpha Phi Omega. He agreed to help them as an advisor. When the group decided to become coeducational, the men split and founded the local chapter of Sigma Rho. In 1978, Simmons worked with the men to help find a national fraternity to affiliate with and in the end selected Pi Kappa Phi.

Alumni Updates The men of the chapter elected to alumni initiate him as a part of their chartering group. Simmons remained involved with his students and alumni attending Supreme Chapters in 1979, 1981, 1985, 1987, 1989, 1992 and 1994. Upon his fifth Supreme Chapter he became the first Epsilon Alpha brother to be initiated into Nu Phi, the elite society reserved for those alumni who have attended five Supreme Chapters and made a significant contribution to the fraternity. At the Supreme Chapters he worked with other national leaders to approve a set of special rules of order for sessions and work on the Ritual of Initiation. He has served as financial advisor, scholarship advisor and currently the academic coach for the Delta Alpha chapter of Pi Kappa Phi at Virginia Tech. When asked what the fraternity has done for him, Simmons says, “it has given me personal relations, leadership skills and negotiation skills. The personal skills came from the work I did with the chapter, specifically the work advising the executive members where he worked with many personalities.” In his advising capacity he further developed his leadership skills by asking students to set standards and hold themselves accountable. The national conferences helped him to hone his negotiating skills. He encourages current members to “try your wings as much as possible because you have the safety net of your brothers and college to support you. Take risks in leadership and personal development. Remember change is only natural, aging is change, therefore change is natural, not to change you die.” Simmons lives in Baskerville, Va. He has two children including a teenage son, Barry Jr., who graduates from high school this year, and a daughter, Mary Sue and one granddaughter, Courtney. In the history of Epsilon Alpha, Simmons has established himself as a leading alumnus. It is only fitting that we recognize him as an outstanding alumnus, motivational and influential leader and steward of not only an institution, but more importantly the traditions, values and love of our fraternity.

2002 Chris Litchfield recently accepted a job as marketing coordinator with American Sun Systems in High Point, North Carolina. He has also purchased several homes as he begins to build a real estate investment company. He recently moved to downtown Greensboro.

2003 Steve Sypole works for the environmental consulting firm the Cadmus Group with the company’s contracts with the Environmental Protection Agency. Steve is also enrolled in classes at Georgetown University where he is pursuing business. He lives in Arlington, Virginia with his girlfriend. Brendan Clearkin currently works in the construction business as a general contractor for James J. Clearkin Incorporated as an Assistant Job Supervisor.

2004 Michael Bumbry is currently pursuing his Masters in Higher Education at North Carolina State University where he is a Resident Director. Rick Schlieper recently accepted a position with Vanguard as a client relationship associate. He is engaged to Ashley Krueger ‘07 and plans to close on a house in late February. He resides in Charlotte. Eric Snyder is the Scout Platoon Leader with 2-4 INF Battalion, 4th Brigade, 10th Mountin Division. He was promoted to 1st Lieutenant this past December and is 2 months into a 15 month deployment in Baghdad, Iraq.


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