Epsilon Lambda Spring 2014 Newsletter

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Upcoming Events 

Push Event: 48-Hour Bike Ride

The Epsilon Lambda Chapter will be holding its annual 48-hour bike ride to raise money for Push America as well as Push-ups for PUSH.

Rose Ball: November 15, 2013

Formal dance function with brothers in Charleston SC

Parents Day: April 13, 2014

We are hosting a Parents Weekend for brothers and associate members to show them what we are about.

Semester End/Graduation: May 7, 2014

We will be having 2 brothers graduate this semester: Nick Krull, Jerrod Phelps, and Anthony Bluemmel .

Continuing the Success After reaching our goal of doubling our chapter size in the fall, we wanted to continue our success of expanding our chapter. For the spring semester, we

Pi Kappa Phi Times Issue 04 February 2014

accepted 8 new associate members. Bringing our grand total of brothers and associate members to 27, which is a

The Associate Member Class of the Spring 2014 Semester Josh Tate Joseph Lara Bryan Gooding Tanner Rodgers

huge improvement from recent years. With everyone pitching in and doing their part,





continues to grow each year. As of right

Pi Kappa Phi

Commitment to Continued Growth Award Archon Nicholas Krull and COO Christian Wiggins

now, our chapter is in the running for

Eps ilon Lambda

chapter of the year at the national level, and will be a huge award if we are able

800 University Way Spartanburg, SC 29303 864-812-6474 ph

to win. It has taken much time and effort to get us where we are today, but now

Issue 04

that we are here we would like to continue the success and hopefully have

April 2014

the best chapter of Pi Kappa Phi at the national level.

Annual Newsletter of the Epsilon Lambda Chapter

To win chapter of the year we have set a few goals that we are going to try and achieve this semester to put us at the top for the award: 

90% Retention Rate

$1,425 raised for PUSH

Accumulative GPA of 2.75

Pi Kappa Phi Eps ilon Lambda

Contact Information Brief letter from chapter advisor

Archon: Mason Matsuda EΛ 326 (864) 384-4433

Dear Brothers: This semester starts out with the Chapter on a major upward swing. They are all highly motivated and have a strong desire to increase their relationship with their alumni.

Vice Archon: Alex Avinger ΕΛ 335 (803) 465-1567 Alexavinger@yahoo.com

Letter Treasurer: Ben Warner EΛ 350 (864) 542-6691 Bwarner@email.uscupstat e.edu Secretary: Mateo Bautista ΕΛ 346 (864) 425-0045 bautistm@email.uscupstat u.edu Warden: Matt Graham EΛ 328 (864) 529-1732 Grahammj@email.uscupst usc.edu Historian: Dawson Jordan ΕΛ343 (864) 634-9450 Jordan45@email.uscupsta te.edu Chaplain: Seth Frase ΕΛ 336 (803) 412-2368

Frase@email.uscupstate.ed u

A Letter From the Archon: As current Archon of Epsilon Lambda chapter I want to have this current version of the newsletter to be beneficial and also hopefully answer any questions stirring in your heads about the current status of the chapter. The chapter currently is in very good standing for the academic year of 2013-2014. For the second fall semester in a row we as a chapter have accepted 12 new members into our fraternity. This is a great accomplishment for Epsilon Lambda to have consistency from year to year without any drop off and a personal accomplishment to our Recruitment Chair, Alex Avinger for continuing the traditions of our chapter while still being able to find quality guys. It shows that we as a chapter are still very focused on growing in numbers and in the quality of men that become brothers. This spring we currently have 4 associate members and are very quality guys that the entire chapter has confidence in. On campus our chapter is continuing to excel in the daily activities. We have won another intramural hardware to the case with a sweeping victory of the men’s volleyball in the fall. We were also determined with our basketball team this year making it to the championship game as well. Strength in numbers is a good thing to have on your side but it isn’t our only Focus here at Epsilon Lambda. For Fall 2013 our chapter took a large step forward in field of academics raising our fraternity average GPA to a 2.71, which is higher than the All Greek Men’s Avg. We had our entire Executive Council plus an additional 2 other important members to the chapter all attend the Mid-Year Leadership Conference held this past January. Our Vice Archon, Alex Avinger, and myself will also be attending the Supreme Conference being held in Atlanta, GA, this August. One of our main goals of the semester and the upcoming summer break is to strengthen some of the relationships that have been lost from our Alumni. We know that your love for the chapter is still there and that is a resource the chapter needs to start working harder on. These accomplishments mentioned are only a small amount what Epsilon Lambda is trying to achieve. We are continuing the growth of our chapter, our campus, our philanthropy, and above all Pi Kappa Phi. Any other questions about what our chapter is participating in or any additional information that you would like to hear in more detail do not hesitate to ask. Mason Matsuda Archon Epsilon Lambda 326

For the spring semester we have a set a Push goal to raise $1,000. This semester I would like our brothers to focus on the “Why” not just the “What” when advertising PUSH. This semester the on-campus events will include a 48 hour BikeA-Thon, which made $162.26! Also to mention the support we get from our alumni as well. This spring on April 10th we will be trying out a new event called “PUSH-ups for P.U.S.H.” In which brothers will do 10 push

-ups for a dollar. We’re hoping that this will be a great success. We greatly appreciate any donations to Push America. To reach this goal of $1,000 we are going to need all the support we can get. . Feel free to contact myself for any questions regarding donations and events. Push Chairman Elliott Corder ΕΛ 342 (843)-442-3354

Thank You Alumni Over the past year we have seen a continuous improvement in all aspects of the Epsilon Lambda Chapter. With your help we have potentially tripled the chapter size in less than one year. The most functional and well-working EC structure that the Epsilon Lambda Push Chair: chapter has ever seen in recent history has all been part of a Dawson Jordan ΕΛ343 (864) 634-9450 renewed relationship with alumni and the newly created BOAA. We appreciate the efforts of you, our alumni, consistently supporting our chapter as we continue to grow more and more each semester.

Due to the strong alumni support, I was able to set up a BOAA, Board of Alumni Advisors. Currently we have Brother Alan Dursterhaus serving as Academic Advisor, Brother Dan Dupler serving as Alumni Relations Advisor, Brother Kiley Gilmore serving as Financial Advisor, Brother Blake Coffey serving as Recruitment Advisor, Brother Monti Desai serving as Risk Management Advisor, Brother Richard Allen serving as Standards Advisor and I am continue to serve as Chapter Advisor. We have an opening for PUSH Advisor if anyone is interested. Please contact me if you are interested in serving as the PUSH Advisor. Please call me with any questions or concerns. Your Brother Shawn K. Desilets Chapter Advisor sctrupe@aol.com 864-706-9175

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