Epsilon Rho - Fall 2010

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Epsilon Rho

RAIDERS DIGEST Following up a stellar year in the 2008-2009 school year, Pi Kappa Phi at Lenoir-Rhyne University entered the 2009-2010 year with a great deal to sustain and once again prove. While still a very strong fraternity, many of the workers and doers of our chapter had graduated and several others transferred for various reasons. We were left entering the school year with a small brotherhood and big shoes to fill. Pi Kappa Phi set out this year to recruit quality men, build strong inter Greek relationships and have a great time with each other while working to serve others. Our ultimate goal as our mission states is to lead. We not only aim to lead as a fraternity but as individuals as well. The Epsilon Rho Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi returned to LR from the summer as 2008- 2009 Champion Master Chapter, an award fewer than twenty chapters of the 140 around the country received. Two Brothers returned yet again from a cross-country cycling trip, raising $10,000 for the physically, mentally and Learning disabled. One of the brothers was awarded Push America’s highest honor, the Bruce Rogers Award. Another brother was awarded Pi Kappa Phi’s National Student of the Year. Individual accomplishments were everywhere to be found in Pi Kappa Phi. We set out to pool this diversity, motivation, and success in order to further foster the growth of one another as leaders.

Epsilon Rho

The Conover School is one of the biggest relationship’s we have with and outside organization. They provide an education for children with special needs, which suit the objectives of our philanthropy well. This year we have helped out on numerous occasions including. Spring Prom – we as brothers dressed to impress and headed over to assist with handing out food and drinks. We also were there to show the students a good time but it turned out to be the other way around. With only two brothers helping with the food and drinks, the rest of us stayed on the dance floor entertaining the students. It was a blast for all of those who attended. Fall and Spring Festivals – brothers ran the events like the ring toss. Biker Run and Christmas Pageant- Motorcyclists rode in Christmas presents for the children and brothers were invited to support the students in their Christmas pageant. Fall Fashion Show – Conover students were grouped by theme and walked the runway as they presented well known outfits from famous sports teams, celebrities, and from various decades. The brothers assisted students in walking the runway, and supported their performances. Every February, the Hickory Police and Alexander County Sheriffs Department host the Polar Plunge, a fundraiser for the North Carolina Special Olympics. Pi Kappa Phi was invited back for a fourth time as a major contribution to the polar plunge. Our chapter raised $200 for the jump in the 17degree water of Lake Hickory. Most all brothers attended and enjoyed good music, hot chocolate, and a freezing fun time. This is a prime example of how Pi Kappa Phi carries out Push America’s fundraising objective while raising funds for an organization other than Push America itself.


Epsilon Rho

Pi Kapp Classic Golf Tournament Every year, Pi Kappa Phi at Lenoir-Rhyne hosts a charity golf tournament as one of its major fundraisers for Push America. This year, we teed it up at the Warrior Golf Club near Mooresville, NC. We had ten teams participate, and rose just over $1000. The brothers either played on teams or worked the tournament, coordinating closest to the pin and long drive contests. Following a day of golf, we held a raffle for contestants to win door prizes donated by businesses in the Charlotte area. Brothers were joined by dads, uncles, family friends, and parents’ business associates for a day of great weather, great golf, and great fun. Community Service Not only are the brothers of Pi Kappa Phi highly involved with their own philanthropy, but they are proud to help out others and support their causes as well. When the Zeta Tau Alpha Women’s fraternity hosted their annual Big Man on Campus competition, Pi Kappa Phi entered two brothers into the competition, while another was entered by another organization. Most of the brothers attended this event to not only support their brothers, but the cause of breast cancer awareness as well. We helped the Kappa Delta sorority out by raising $100 for their Shamrock Walk helping to prevent child abuse. During the basketball season we assisted in the fundraising efforts and t-shirt sales in the Pink Zone game on behalf of breast cancer awareness. Hundreds of dollars were raised during that particular women’s basketball game. The community service of the brothers is not limited to helping out other Greek organizations. Pi Kappa Phi has helped out with setting up Christmas decorations at Lutheran Home Hickory West nursing home. We set several Christmas trees, wreaths, lights, and other decorations throughout the hallways and lobby areas. Additionally we returned to St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church to once again help them set up a 22 foot Christmas tree plus but the lights and decorations on it. 2nd Annual Push America Charity Basketball Game In a friendly competition, the members of Pi Kappa Phi fraternity played an exhibition game against the Conference Champion Lenoir-Rhyne Women’s Basketball Team. Overall we raised approximately $200 through donations, admissions cost, and a 50/50 raffle. At halftime, we organized a scrimmage featuring the Catawba County Special Olympics Basketball team. You could tell as soon as they hit the floor it changed everyone in the stands and ours, by opening our eyes to what we have to be thankful for and what we are here to support. Also, we hosted a slam dunk contest, featuring students and members of the LR Men’s Basketball team. We unfortunately lost by three points but it was a game all the way to the last second on the clock.


Epsilon Rho

Dear Brothers of Epsilon Rho, My name is Michael Owens. I am in my third year here at LR, and it’s my third semester being the Historian for this chapter. I wanted to write you personally to apologize for this newsletter taking so long to be sent to you. I wanted to wait until I found out for sure if brothers had signed up to do push events this summer in order to inform you of there plans and a chance for them to put some form of an ad in the newsletter to help them raise the money required for these events. I also had planned to add an update of what you as alumni are doing in your daily lives, but only getting a few of the responses I wanted to wait and send out questions that way I would be able to get more responses to put in the next newsletter which will be sent out this spring towards the end of the year. Again I am very sorry for the wait of the newsletter getting to you. I felt that if I rushed through the newsletter just to get it turned in on time then it would be halfway done and wouldn’t benefit this chapter in anyway possible. So I’ve made it my goal for this newsletter to have you as alumni give me any feedback you wish. I’d like it if you would first just send what you are now doing and any recent events that you would like to address the brotherhood about and any comments, questions or other types of information that will help this chapter. This year we came back with many high hopes. With us having two years in a new house, coming back after winning Fraternity of the Year for the second year in a row, a new dean of students, the Theta Chi Fraternity no longer being apart of campus, and this year being the largest freshman class that LR has every head. As you can see we have a lot we can build off of, however it’s come to our attention that we have to basically beg people to consider Greek life let alone joining Pi Kappa Phi. Due to the sudden increase in enforcing every rule imaginable it’s getting harder and harder to get our name out there with everything we have to go through. I’m not asking for a pity party at all but any feedback from you as alumni in general would be more than appreciated. 4

Epsilon Rho

Hello Brothers of Epsilon Rho, My name is Brian Lewis, and I am an active member (Alpha Omega 451) of the Epsilon Rho chapter. I am a senior double majoring in political science and sports management with hopes of attending the University of Georgia for Law School. Before I get to Athens, I have a few things that I am setting out to accomplish. My biggest adventure over the next year, outside of graduating, is participating in the 2011 Journey of Hope. Push America is one of the main reasons I was attracted to Pi Kappa Phi, and since my initiation, my love for the Push has only grown. My most memorable moments in college are those related to Push and the fraternity itself; therefore I could not think of a better way to conclude my undergraduate career at Lenoir-Rhyne. In recent years, Epsilon Rho has been very well represented during the Push Summer projects, and I am really looking forward to the opportunity to continue this tradition next summer. That being said, I have set a personal fundraising goal of $12,500 (I have to raise a minimum of $5000). This is a large amount of money, but I have broken it down to a simple "science" - 500 people/couples at $25 per will get me to my goal - I realize not everyone will donate $25 but everybody little bit puts me one step closer to achieving my goal. Therefore, I will be working diligently over the next couple months to make contact with the alumni that helped make Epsilon Rho what it is today in hopes of gaining whatever support I can. In other words, I look forward to catching up with all of you and talking Pi Kappa Phi! Thank you and God bless! Brian P. Lewis Alpha Omega 451

-Brian Lewis Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity - PUSH Chairman Lenoir-Rhyne University 625 7th Ave. NE P.O. Box 7176 Hickory, NC 28603 lewisb@my.lr.edu 704.305.2581 “Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it.� - Bill Cosby


Epsilon Rho

I chose to participate in Push America's Philanthropy Event Gear up Florida because I wanted to participate in a life changing event that helps others. Also, I knew that this event would be a physical and mental challenge to complete. Gear Up Florida is a two week 800 mile bike trek from Miami to Tallahassee, Florida. The purpose for this event is to raise funds and awareness for Push America and people with disabilities. I am very excited about participating in this event and believe that it will be an amazing opportunity for me to complete. If you would like to find out more, or get in contact with me, please check out the following link: https://secure.pushamerica.org/events/profile.cfm?rID=1175052&ridecode=guf2011

-Jeremy Buchanan Undergraduate Assistant for Athletic Administration Student Director of LR Intramurals President Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Epsilon Rho Chapter (W) 828-328-7125 (C) 828-275-5984

Brother Brian Lewis Brother Jeremy Buchanan

Epsilon Rho My brothers, In closing I hope this newsletter finds you all doing well and we hope to hear from you in the near future. At the bottom of this page you will find the 2010 Homecoming information. One other thing that I would like to ask of you all is to help us start an Adopt-A-Brother program. What this would mean would be for us to have you help out an associate member, or a brother with their dues. As we all know dues are a big concern when a lot of freshmen choose to rush. What this program would do is help alleviate some of those concerns and allow them to go through pledge period with a lighter load. It doesn’t have to be much as much as $5 a month could go a long way in persuading a freshman to make the right decision and join Pi Kappa Phi. Thank you for your continued support and we hope to see you soon.

In Pi Kappa Phi,

Jason Lazo Chapter Archon

2010 Homecoming Saturday October 9th 9:30 am – 11:00 am Homecoming Parade starts at 10:00 am Football Game is at 2:00 pm


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