Chapter Crest
EYe of Pi Kappa Phi March 2006 Hello brothers, This is an exciting time for our chapter, and we would like to tell you a few of our accomplishments and like to announce any of yours, so if you have any announcements that did not make it into here or anything you wish to share in the next newsletter please get that to me, Daniel Hannah (EY 352), by way of E-mail ( or calling me at (706) 551 0161. Once again, thank you for all your help, and please feel free to come down and visit us any time. We look forward to meeting you. Fraternally yours, Daniel “Huckleberry” Hannah EY352
Announcements Brother Wyatt Davis (EY 221) is awaiting the arrival of a son Harrison Lee Davis, CONGRATS WYATT! Brother Paul F. Sedor, II (EY 317) recently became engaged to Ms Heather Spandau. This past semester Ashley “Pappie” Rickard (EY 313) received his degree in management information systems, and he is currently working for Intellipeach as a help desk analyst. Malcolm Cohn (EY 325) recently had a heart attack and has had to go through a by-pass surgery, please remember him in your prayers. Donnie Croome (EY 238) and his wife recently had a child this past December.
Volume 21 Issue 1
20th Annual Rose Ball The Epsilon Upsilon Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi would like to announce that this year’ s Rose Ball is being held in St. Simons Island, GA on May 19th - 21st. We are looking forward to a hefty turnout and are hoping to have a large amount of alumni in attendance and encourage anyone who has questions to contact us, and ask. We will be staying at the Best Western Island Inn, and will be holding the awards ceremony and banquet there also. The ladies of Rose Court will be providing babysitting during the day on Saturday, so please do not allow something like
not having anyone to keep your children keep you from attending Rose Ball. To make room reservations please call 1800-673-6323, and request to a room in the “fraternity block,” the rooms are $75 a night (its possible to share a room), and the dinner ticket prices for are $60 per couple, and $35 per person. Rose Ball T-shirts will be available at the event, prices for these are not yet available. As of right now we are looking to accommodate around 200 guests, but we will be more than able to handle more if we sell enough ticket. Catering is being pro-
vided by Barbara Jean’s (a local restaurant in St. Simon’s). If you have any questions or you wish to buy your ticket, please call (706) 551 0161
Thanks for the help The chapter would like to thank the alumni for all the ideas which we received for fundraising. This semester the chapter is going to be very active in fundraising. A couple of weeks ago Craig Bowers (Alumni Relations Chair) posted a message asking if any alumni had any fundraising ideas, and we received many great ideas. The ideas were forwarded to the fundraising chair, and many of these
ideas are in the process of being used. Also, if anybody thinks of anymore ideas or any good ways to make money for the chapter we would love to hear your thoughts. If you do have ideas you can post them on the EY loop, or email the ideas to Craig (TheGeneral8985@yahoo.c om). Also, we would like to invite everybody to come down to the college and visit. The undergraduate
brothers would love to meet alumni, and hear stories about their college days. Many of the new brothers have not met or gotten to know many of the alumni and we would love to see the people we only hear stories about. Thank you again for your ideas, and we look forward to meeting all the alumni.