Epsilon Upsilon - Spring 2010 (2)

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Volume 26 , Issue 2


March 23, 2010

Special Dates: • Rose Ball 2010 is on May 15-Tickets are $40 for a single and $75 for a couple. Shirts will be $13

EYe of Pi Kappa Phi Spotlight: David Harrell EY 193 In the fall of 1993, David Har-

worked to develop inclusive

Now, David works for Alli-

rell started his first semester at

and accessible programming

ance for Inclusion in the Arts,

• ROI is on April 16

Georgia College. He stayed

and performed in a few plays

who are advocates for Diversi-

• Pedal for PUSH is April 13-14

here until the spring of 1995

over the next two and a half

ty and inclusion in television,

on a theatre scholarship, but it


theatre and film. He also, like

• David Harrell will be on Law and Order: SVU March 24

only took him one day to find

• Graduation is on Saturday, May 8th starting at 8:45

After two years, David packed

“The Quest”; the story of his

his car and left for the Univer-

journey of growing up with

sity of Southern Mississippi on

one hand. He performed the

a full scholarship. He earned

show all throughout the

his BFA in theatre in 1997,

Southeast, in schools, church-

and worked for Barter Theatre

es, theatres and conferences.

his way to the Pi Kapp house.

and Phoenix Theatre Circle for a year.

While he was in Raleigh, David wrote a solo play called,

every actor in New York, works in a restaurant as well. Very recently, David will be in an episode of Law and Order: SVU, which will be on TV this Wednesday at 10pm est.

In 2005, Greensboro was David’s next stop to get his MFA

For three and a half years,

in Acting at the University of

David was in Atlanta, doing

North Carolina. The summer

plays with many of the thea-

of 2008, David moved to New

tres. But in 2001, he moved

York after Graduating. There,

to Raleigh, North Carolina to

he restructured his solo show

be the Accessibility and Out-

and renamed it, “A Little Pota-

reach Director of the Raleigh

to and Hard to Peel”, which

Ensemble Players Theatre

he performed Off-Broadway

Company. There, David

for four weeks this past Fall.

Alumni Happenings: David Irwin, EY 282, got married on March 20th John Irwin, EY 276, is heading to 1st BN 12th Marines in Hawaii. He finished up his three year tour in West Palm Beach FL last month. Joe Winner, EY25, had a son Christopher Robert on December 3

EYe of Pi Kappa Phi Page 2

Noah Sword, EY 340, had the birth of his first child, Morgan Hailey Sword on March 10 at 5:49pm, weighing 6lbs 5 ounces

Kevin Theobald, EY226, got married in 2007, and had a daughter, Ava Kathryn on St. Patrick’s Day 2009.

Our Brothers Overseas: This is an update from a few brothers that are coming home from serving our country. Paul Creech EY 393, is expected to return from Afghanistan in April this year. This is Brother Creech’s third deployment since he joined with the Army. He is an Army medic and his current rank is Staff Sergeant or E-6. Brother Creech has also served in Iraq and the Republic of Georgia. He has helped provide security for the General of the Army, Stanley McCrystal, and President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai. Another Brother we would like to highlight is also a medic within the Army is Brother David

Arnold EY 344. Brother Arnold just recently returned from his first deployment in Iraq on January 10th where he earned the rank Specialist. He has hopes to join with other aid organizations in order to provide relief for the people of Haiti. Brother Cort Webb, EY 333, is a member of the Army National Guard and is planning to return in late March. David

Bill, EY 118, returned to the states Tuesday morning. Brother Alden Williams, EY 338, is an E6/ SSG. Combat Medic and will return soon. As always we are proud of all our Brothers overseas and would like to keep them in our thoughts and prayers. We hope the best for all of them and wish them success in all their endeavors.

Volume 26 , Issue 2

Down: 1. The “honorary 4th founder� 2. The follower of Pi Kappa Phi 4. First initiate under the Ritual 5. State that is home to the National Headquarters 7. The one event that makes us all brothers 8. Month when Pi Kappa Phi was founded 9. The last founded to pass to the Chapter Eternal 12. The national outreach project of Pi Kappa Phi 14. The first Mr. Pi Kappa Phi 15. City where the first Pi Kapp College was held 16. To operate in secret 18. Organization started that led to the founding of Pi Kappa Phi

Across: 3. Associate Member Manual 6. Color of ink used in first minutes 10. This chapter made Pi Kappa Phi a truly National Fraternity 11. Current CEO of Pi Kappa Phi 13. City where Pi Kappa Phi was founded 17. Youngest of the three founders 19. This college is home to the Beta Chapter 20. Current National President

Want to be in the Newsletter? Contact Historian David Bartz at: Historian.EpsilonUpsilon@gmail.com

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