Eta Beta - Fall 2008

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Golden Scroll Fraternity Journal Pi Kappa Phi ~ Eta Beta Volume IV, Issue I

Indiana State University

October 23, 2008

First inaugural No Boundaries Week a grand success September 29 to November 3 quired in order to hit a Pi Kapp in the their thumbs tapped to the palm of their marked the first inaugural No Boundaries face with a pie tin filled with shaving hands. Alpha Chi Omega, Zeta Tau AlWeek for Eta Beta in a week that every cream. Based on previous experience, pha, Gamma Phi Beta, and Sigma Phi man will rememEpsilon particiber. It was a long pated in the event. and strenuous The week week leading up concluded Friday to the start of night with an Emwhat everyone pathy Dinner in wa s hop in g which a disability would be a grand was assigned to success for someparticipants for the thing Indiana duration of the State University meal. Zeta Tau has never seen Alpha was also before. voted winner for Tensions Lego Wars. ran high prior to P u s h the kick off America chairman event, however Michael Moore with everything was the coordinasaid and done, tor for the event most Brothers and was chalwould agree that lenged with the the week was task at hand. something they “I exBrian Candlish will never forget. pected setting up BROTHERS JENNINGS and Steele stand proud atop the scaffold at DeDe Plaza Friday marking This be- the 100 hours of continued service atop the appropriately nicknamed “Pi Kapp Tower”. No Boundaries ing the first time Week to be simEta Beta has ever set up an event of this whipped cream was a poor choice as it ple. So much had to be taken care of, and magnitude it was a challenge in getting would spoil and set in clothing. that was not even including advertising, the appropriate paperwork and certificaTuesday was marked with a 24 and spreading the word for the Empathy tion done for all the events being held. hour Bike-A-Thon, from midnight to dinner and other events. Without the help The primary and most identifiable feature midnight two members were always on of Brothers Morris, Galloway, and Canat the central DeDe Plaza on campus, was two stationary bike. dlish, this week would have been a huge a scaffold set rising 12 feet into the sky. Wednesday was intended to be a failure” Two members of the Fraternity wheelchair obstacle course, but due to The amount fundraised through were atop the scaffold from Monday at unforeseen difficulties it was not held. the whole week amounted just shy of 10 in the morning until Friday at five in Thursday was a continuation of $1,000. the afternoon, totaling 103 hours. Mon- Pie-a-Pi-Kapp followed by a Lego Wars “Raising a thousand dollars in a days activity was Pie-a-Pi-Kapp in which event in which other Greek organizations week is rough, but we somehow came (Continued on page 5) a one dollar minimum donation was re- were to construct a Lego structure with 1

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