Eta Beta - Fall 2008

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Golden Scroll Fraternity Journal Pi Kappa Phi ~ Eta Beta Volume IV, Issue I

Indiana State University

October 23, 2008

First inaugural No Boundaries Week a grand success September 29 to November 3 quired in order to hit a Pi Kapp in the their thumbs tapped to the palm of their marked the first inaugural No Boundaries face with a pie tin filled with shaving hands. Alpha Chi Omega, Zeta Tau AlWeek for Eta Beta in a week that every cream. Based on previous experience, pha, Gamma Phi Beta, and Sigma Phi man will rememEpsilon particiber. It was a long pated in the event. and strenuous The week week leading up concluded Friday to the start of night with an Emwhat everyone pathy Dinner in wa s hop in g which a disability would be a grand was assigned to success for someparticipants for the thing Indiana duration of the State University meal. Zeta Tau has never seen Alpha was also before. voted winner for Tensions Lego Wars. ran high prior to P u s h the kick off America chairman event, however Michael Moore with everything was the coordinasaid and done, tor for the event most Brothers and was chalwould agree that lenged with the the week was task at hand. something they “I exBrian Candlish will never forget. pected setting up BROTHERS JENNINGS and Steele stand proud atop the scaffold at DeDe Plaza Friday marking This be- the 100 hours of continued service atop the appropriately nicknamed “Pi Kapp Tower”. No Boundaries ing the first time Week to be simEta Beta has ever set up an event of this whipped cream was a poor choice as it ple. So much had to be taken care of, and magnitude it was a challenge in getting would spoil and set in clothing. that was not even including advertising, the appropriate paperwork and certificaTuesday was marked with a 24 and spreading the word for the Empathy tion done for all the events being held. hour Bike-A-Thon, from midnight to dinner and other events. Without the help The primary and most identifiable feature midnight two members were always on of Brothers Morris, Galloway, and Canat the central DeDe Plaza on campus, was two stationary bike. dlish, this week would have been a huge a scaffold set rising 12 feet into the sky. Wednesday was intended to be a failure” Two members of the Fraternity wheelchair obstacle course, but due to The amount fundraised through were atop the scaffold from Monday at unforeseen difficulties it was not held. the whole week amounted just shy of 10 in the morning until Friday at five in Thursday was a continuation of $1,000. the afternoon, totaling 103 hours. Mon- Pie-a-Pi-Kapp followed by a Lego Wars “Raising a thousand dollars in a days activity was Pie-a-Pi-Kapp in which event in which other Greek organizations week is rough, but we somehow came (Continued on page 5) a one dollar minimum donation was re- were to construct a Lego structure with 1


Gamma class pre-initiates as close group of brothers Eta Beta pre-initiates the Gamma Class and is proud to dually mark a successful associate class retreat so they could grow as a class. As the semester rolled into high gear with homecoming and midterms, the Gamma class continues to grow as the third preinitiating class. On September 19, six men pre-initiated into the Gamma class, Sean Aldridge Benjamin Delacruz Jon Ellinger Douglas Gehrke Dane Krull Mark Neville These men quickly found their place in Eta Beta by participating in intramurals, sports, and the first inaugural No Boundaries Week. Eta Beta is also proud to welcome back Beta class pre-initiate Matthew Dessuit who, due to time constraints, was focused on his academics this past spring. With more determination than ever, he returns as a member of the Gamma class. Sadly, however, Dane Krull had to halt his time as an associate member for personal reasons, but will try to be back as a member of the Delta class. We hope Dane will stick around as much as he can and make it back in the spring. With the new associate class spread out in not only majors, but living locations, they have had little time to interact with one another. Eta Beta Chaplain Isaac Hart commented on this as well as the improvements made recently, “From the beginning

the Associate class was very spread thin and knew little about themselves. At the retreat you could see the sparks of brotherhood forming in the hearts and souls of each person there.”

Gamma class has between its member is amazing. I personally feel that the retreat brought us so close together.” The Gamma class has certainly left an impression with some of the active mem-

Cody Parks

ASSOCIATES ELLINGER, Neville, Gehrke, Aldridge, Dessuit, and Delacruz enjoy a laugh on their associate only retreat.

As any active brother of Eta Beta can tell you, the retreats are one of the biggest brotherhood building exercises we go through as a fraternity. Speaking first hand about this experience was Associate Gehrke, “It was one of the most emotional experiences of my life. I have loved being an associate member, but it has been a lot of work. I know that it will all definitely be worth it. I really look forward to being an active member and getting to enjoy all that Pi Kappa Phi can offer to me. I absolutely feel the bond that

bers already, Brother Hart spoke about that with high esteem for the Gamma class, “They are the most prepared Associate Class than any before them. They have ideas and are ready to take them to the chapter to make Pi Kappa Phi better, the criticism is they might be jumping out of the gate a little too fast. “They are ready to do stuff and bring it too the chapter. But at the same time they need to know their place, that they are only Associates and they aren't full Brothers yet.” The associates have been given the opportunity to 2

participate in most of the events we have held thus far. Associate Delacruz shared the sentiment held by others and cannot wait to become an active brother. Through Pi Kappa Phi he has already noted that it helps you become a better man and have better morals towards life. As s oc ia t e Ma r k Neville also commented on the experience as a whole and how it has effected him, “It has offered a closer relationship with my friends that I probably wouldn‟t be able to achieve in regular circumstances and it gives me the feeling of belonging to something that really matters.” Through it all the Gamma class has already been off to a tremendous start. During No Boundaries Week they were all ready and able to not only assist in the activities, but got to interact with the active brothers and get to know them better. They have grown together as a class and have gotten closer during their retreat at Lake Waveland. What was going to be a night out to get to know each other became so much more when they got down to business with their member educator Brother Cody Parks and Brother Hart. While they have already demonstrated a huge driving force and dedication to their associate membership, they are more than driven to make it all the way. As the member education program comes to a close, all eyes are on the Gamma class, they are front and center stage as the semester comes to a close.


Brian Candlish dedicates summer to Push America This past summer Brother Brian Candlish completed an unprecedented feat and completed not only Gear Up Florida, but also finished The Journey of Hope South Route from San Francisco to Washington DC. It what has been described by Push America staff as a “Super Summer”, Brother Candlish devoted his whole summer off to help people with disabilities. It all started with a desire to change the lives of individuals throughout Florida and ended up turning into a cross country marathon of sorts. It began as a two week excursion with 34 other men of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity and ended up being the trip of a life time with 90 other Brothers. Brother Candlish had the following to say about his trip around the country, “My experience with Push America this summer was almost indescribable. Not only doing Gear Up Florida, but also Journey of Hope, I was lucky enough to meet so many different people.” How does such an amazing summer happen? The chances of a fraternity member doing a full summers worth of events does not happen that frequently. From May 10 to August 16, Brother Candlish was dedicated to the safety and security of cyclists, but above all, the thousands of people he would interact with and help through his whole personal journey of hope. “After Gear Up Florida, I was 30 min out of Charlotte from driving the vans back from Tallahassee. I got a

phone call from my fellow amount of dedication in the ticipating in a summer Push Brother Ezra McCalment who fundraising process and time event, although not the main was seeing how GUF ended spent spreading the ideals of reason any Pi Kapp goes on a summer event is membership to the Pi Alpha society, exclusive to participants of Gear Up Florida, The Journey of Hope, and Build America. Brother Candlish is a dual Pi Alpha member, “To be a Pi Alpha is a great privilege. Only so many Pi Kapps have had the opportunity to experience a Push event to be considered a Pi Alpha, and to know all the work that I have put into being a Pi Alpha is a great honor and I am proud to be one.” Since Brother Candlish departed in May he has come back a new man, “I think I have changed a great deal from before my „Super Summer‟ to after my „Super Summer‟. Seeing what I did this summer and how it impacted so many people's lives is really moving. Seeing how people live everyday with a disability, it really puts into perspective how lucky I am to be able to get up in the morning, shower and shave with no difficulty. My summer has really put life into perspective and has shown me Christopher Allen that I need to treasure everyBROTHER CANDLISH stands proud at The Capitol after dedicating day.” 98 days to Push America and people with disabilities. Brother Candlish has and then proceeded to ask me Push America to help build indicated that he is considering if I wanted to help out the awareness within our own another active summer with south team on JOH and crew communities. Push America although he is with them. Didn't take much “Advice I would give uncertain of which event he for me to accept because of the to anyone that even has a hin- will be participating in. amazing time I had on GUF.” kling of doing a summer event Eta Beta strives to With summer Push is to not think about it too send a Brother through at least America events being the pin- much, just sign up and do it. I one summer event every year. nacle event any man of Pi promise you won't regret a We wish Brother Candlish the Kappa Phi Fraternity can at- single moment about it.” best on his next summer event tend, it does take a certain One prospect of par- and hope more will join. 3


Seven men help Give-A-Push to local Midwest camp Seven members of Eta Beta traveled to Toledo, Ohio to change the lives of campers at Camp Miakonda in what would be the first Push America experience for almost all of them. Introduced in 1989, Give-A-Push weekends are held around the country at camps that need minor construction work. In a short weekend, brothers from chapters around the country meet in throughout the semester to enhance the lives of people with disabilities. On October 10, by road and air, Push America veteran Brian Candlish traveled with first time Push America participants, Brother Jacob Schiller, Travis Alsup, Michael Morahn, Josh Scott, John Ricketts, and Matt Ulery. Brother Candlish particularly enjoyed the trip because it was not only an opportunity to continue to help people with disabilities, but it was an opportunity to meet up with summer Push America participants, “I think the best part of the weekend was not only to know that I was helping people, but the time spent with brothers from around the region and even some of the brothers that I was on Journey of Hope with. A great time to catch up on and reminisce on old times.” While this was the first Push America event for Brother Alsup, his experience was positive and that which many men share when they first experience an event like this, “Give-A-Push week-

end was an amazing experience for me. It's impressive to see such a large number of Pi Kapps that attended, it shows that a lot of Pi Kapps are devoted to Push America. Getting to meet other Pi Kapps was also another great aspect of the trip. All the Pi Kapps

leave behind a lasting structure. “No matter how much any one individual works, you can never accomplish the grand scale of success without everyone working together to reach their goal.” The idea of teamwork

Courtesy, Jacob Schiller

BROTHERS SCHILLER, Ricketts, Scott, Morahn, Ulery, Candlish, and Alsup at Camp Miakonda in Toledo, Ohio for Give-A-Push event.

there shared the same enthusiasm for the fraternity and our philanthropy, as they should. It was quite awesome to see all these men who didn't know each other come together and complete several difficult projects.” Brother Schiller also commented on the feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction it was in not only constructing a facilities to enhance the lives of people with disabilities, but also knowing that Pi Kappa Phi‟s from around the country came together to

was the pinnacle point of the weekend in being able to work together as a group to reach the ultimate goal in a finished product. Every Push America event changes and teaches each man differently. This was also the first Push America event for Brother Josh Scott who had the following to say about his experience, “My general experience with Give-A-Push weekend was that helping others makes you feel better about yourself and that you're mak4

ing a difference no matter how small it is. What I took from the GAP weekend experience was that teamwork in key in getting one common goal completed. This showed me that a small group of people could get many goals completed. Take this philosophy to your own chapter and many goals could get accomplished.” While Give-A-Push weekend was only for a single weekend, the lasting impression of the experience is not over for any of the men. With Give-A-Push weekend being a small taste of what a summer Push America event has to offer, interest in summer events has gone up. Brother Candlish and Scott are both considering Build America at some point as Give-A-Push weekend was geared towards construction. Brother Alsup is currently in the process of applying for The Journey of Hope as a cyclist and Brother Ulery is considering Gear Up Florida or The Journey of Hope. Eta Beta is also proud that Brother Christopher Allen will be participating in Build America this summer, he was the first member to join the 2009 team and has already fund raised over $2,000 for Push America and hopes to raise over $7,000 for Push America. Our hope is that every brother will participate in a Push summer event, as Brother Candlish states, “It's Push America events like these that really spark interest in the summer events!”“


No Boundaries Week concludes awareness week with empathy dinner ana State and is hopeful for future No missed some rush events and was able to really close. The monetary goal is really Boundaries Week events to be more in- bond with the other Brothers. the only tangible goal we had set. We did clusive. It was also a true opportunity for This was also the first major acan amazing job at raising awareness. We the Brothers and Associate members to tivity in the Fraternity for Associate had people stopping by on more than one get to know each other in a more relaxed member Doug Gehrke and he shared day to see how it was going. People con- setting. similar feelings about the week, tinued to ask why we “Well, this were up on a scaffold was my first experiall week, or why we ence with any fraterwere riding stationary nity service project. I bikes at odd hours of was truly impressed at the day. We spread the how dedicated all the word about Pi Kappa brothers were to the Phi, and Push Amercause. I definitely felt ica, but we also edulike a part of the fracated people as to ternity by bonding what we are doing” with these guys on the The excitescaffolding. ment and sentiment “It was a great was felt throughout the feeling to go into class chapter, not just with and hear people talkBrother Moore. While ing about how cool it the relief of a successwas to see a bunch of ful No Boundaries guys spending 24 week is shared with hours out in the rain, few, the chapter as a cold, heat just to supwhole got to enjoy the port Push America. I week as a whole, had a blast and the spending all available event really gave me a free time at the foungreat impression of Pi tain with their fellow Kappa Phi and I look Brothers and doing forward to more aceverything possible to tivities with this great raise as much money group of guys.” as possible for Push The Brothers America. at large had a great Christopher Allen Brother Crider time helping out with BROTHER HART enjoys dinner at the Empathy Dinner Friday night. He was unable to had seen a similar the event and it was use one arm, others in attendance could not walk, see, talk, or had limited speech. event put on by other clear that by the end of “The No Boundaries Week for the week, the university was more aware Fraternities where they simply camped out, but nothing on the magnitude of No me was a great opportunity to spend some of what it was Pi Kappa Phi does and the Boundaries Week. time with the brothers and get to know a commitment we have to Push America. “My experience from the week lot of them on first name/nickname basis, We look forward to next years was one of great enjoyment. Not only did I also enjoyed interacting with the passers No Boundaries Week. Some planning has we do a valiant thing by raising money by that were curious as to what we were already commenced into how it will go for people with disabilities, but also our about and who we were raising money next year. Brother Moore was very proud brotherhood grew to a stronger bond by for.” of what we had accomplished in only a Associate Aldridge commented all the interaction and time we spent with weeks time, that not only was it advantageous to reach each other.” “We planned the week, but that Senior Gamma Associate mem- out to the Indiana State community, but it was only providing the chapter with an ber Sean Aldridge had not seen any event was also an amazing opportunity to get to opportunity. The chapter is what made on campus in the last three years at Indi- know everyone on a personal level as he the week such a great success.” (Continued from page 1)



Eta Beta improves campus rank, places first in soccer Since the colonization of Eta only the fraternity championship, but also together, also we had a lot of team chemBeta at Indiana State University intramu- the men's all campus championship. istry.” said Brother Crider. ral sports have been a focal point for not Through all the lessons learned In addition to the factors based only stress relief and personal gratifica- throughout the season, it was stated to on experience, much was done during the tion, but also to help raise the name of Pi never get overconfident in yourself or the season to help boost camaraderie accordKappa Phi on campus. team as Brother Parks explained how the ing to Brother Parks, If a Greek team can participate in season went, “I think it had a lot to do with the an intramural sport, Pi Kappa Phi is rep“The only down part was when fact that we play so much together. A lot resented. Several members not only play we got beat by Alpha Tau Omega in the of the guys played a couple times a week on our own intramural this fall to get ready. teams, but also particiAnd most of the guys pate in independent split up into two teams teams simply for the and got with some girls love of the sport. and jumped into the So far Pi coed league to get some Kappa Phi has commore playing time in.” peted in wiffleball and Currently Pi soccer tournaments. Kappa Phi is playing While much training flag football and will had been put into wiffinish the semester with fleball we did not rank dodgeball and volleyas high as we would ball. Eta Beta is curhave liked, however rently ranked second on every game was played campus due to time with huge enthusiasm conflicts with tennis from both the players and pre-initiation, but on the field and brothwill likely rank first in ers on the side line. It the very near future. was apparent everyone As intramurals Courtesy, ISU Intramurals involved was having a continue, the hope is BROTHERS HUNTER, Leistner, Associate Neville, Sorsor, Ulery, Henry, Crider, Holgreat time playing. that not only will combach, Gettelfinger, and Parks stand proud after victory in the all men’s standing. “T he first patible teams be made, game we got rocked by I think Pike like last regular season game, but I think that but that true teamwork will be shared in 40-1, but we were all out there laughing really made us realize that we could be not only a victory for the team, but for Pi and having a good time. But then we fi- beat and if we didn‟t play to the best of Kappa Phi. nally figured out how to hit and we our ability that we would get beat again. When all is said and done, it does started playing really well.” commented Then we got campus championship and not matter that you won the game or that was, by far, the best game we played placed first. The demonstration of brothBrother Cody Parks. Intramural Chairman Brother all season. The team we played had a lot erhood and appreciation for what was Cody Crider said performance was great, of really good players and were a solid accomplished is truly greater than any but not enough to help win the big games team. It was one of the most nerve rack- victory could amount to. down the line towards the championship. ing games I have ever played in and I‟ve “Not only is it great for the glory Brother Parks also had the following to played soccer for 14 years.” of winning it, but it was great that we There are many factors that con- could win this for Pimp C (Brother say on wiffleball, “We weren‟t that great at wiffle- tributed to the success of what was an Crider). He‟s been trying to win this since ball, but it was nice that both of our teams unbelievable soccer season. his freshman year and we were able to “The factors that attributed to our help him win it. Being able to help one of made it into the sportsmanship bracket and that one of our teams made it to the success in soccer was that we had a team the brothers win it and accomplish one of of players that all played in high school. his goals is hands down the best part of championship game of the bracket.” Soccer on the other hand was a plus we had a couple players, Brandon the whole thing. I can‟t wait for next seahuge success for Eta Beta having won not and myself, that played in high school son and trying to repeat our victory.” 6

ΠΚΦ This issue of The Golden Scroll written, designed, and formatted by Brother Christopher Allen.


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