Eta Chi - Fall 2008

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Eta Chi Update Fall 2008

The Tau Class Eta Chi is proud to introduce the 32 associate members of the Tau class. After facing a completely redesigned IFC rush, which consisted of only two days of formal rush, Eta Chi had to rethink its entire rush strategy. We were able to utilize summer rush more than ever, resulting in 19 accepted oral bids before the first day of rush even started. Because of the hard work put in by the entire chapter, we are confident that the Tau class is not only the best associate class on campus this year, but one of the best in Eta Chi history. The class includes: a valedictorian, a Chancellor’s Scholar, several all-state and championship athletes in sports ranging from football to volleyball to triathlons and the reigning international Karate champion, who recently traveled to Japan for the international championships. Every associate is already involved on campus through a variety of organizations such as Ambassadors, Student Foundation, residence hall boards, RUF and many other organizations. Recently, the Tau class helped organize a Halloween carnival for the Kinderfrogs School, and placed 2nd in Delta Gamma’s Anchorsplash. They have already set the bar high for future associate classes, and we look forward to their future successes.

Supreme Chapter This summer marked the 51st Supreme Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi, held in Denver, CO. Eta Chi was well represented, winning the prestigious Fogarty Award which indicates the best chapter in the nation, and the coveted Push Cup which identifies the chapter with the most funds raised for Push America. Additionally Eta Chi won: Champion Brothers Matt Boaz and Justin Seagle accepting the Master Chapter, the W.E. Push Cup at the 51st Supreme Chapter Edington award for highest GPA in the nation, the Excellence in Recruitment Award, the Thomas Sayre Society Award, the Legacy Recruitment Award, the Gold Star Award, the Star of Hope Award, and Master Chapter Status in sound chapter operations, living the ritual, academic achievement and recruitment excellence. These awards are due to the hard work of all the brothers of Eta Chi, including all the alumni who have helped to pave the way.

Alumni Initiates This semester Eta Chi proudly initiated four alumni brothers into Pi Kappa Phi. Being that it has been several years since our last alumni initiation, we began brainstorming potential initiates last spring. After presenting the four candidates to the chapter, a unanimous decision was made to initiate all four. The new brothers are: John-Mark Day- originally from St. Joseph, MO. He graduated from TCU in 2003 and is currently the Assistant Director of Student Development Services at TCU. He has been a friend of the Eta Chi Chapter for many years through his involvement with Frog Camp and the First Year Experience. Because he works on campus, he expects to become involved with Eta Chi however possible in the future. Stephen O'Neal– graduated in 1972 from Cal State University at San Fernando Valley with a BS Finance. He then spent 4 years in the USMC and now is a CPA in Dallas. He served as Treasurer for Eta Chi’s Parents’ Club for three years and is the father of former Vice Archon and Treasurer Stephen O’Neal. Because he has a background in finance and accounting, he has offered to assist future treasurers by serving as a mentor on Eta Chi’s board of mentors (soon to be formed). Mike Seagle- graduated from The Citadel in 1978 with a BA in Chemistry, and has since received Masters in both business management and strategic studies. He served in the Navy for 28 years as a naval aviator and since retiring has worked as a civilian in weapon systems engineering in San Antonio, TX. He is the father of current Historian, Justin Seagle, and for the past three years has hosted the entire chapter during Roseball weekend in San Antonio. In the future, Mike has offered to assist with any leadership training Eta Chi may need and plans to be involved in any way possible. Rob Hambey– graduated from The Citadel in 1995 with a B.S. in Business Administration. He later moved to St. Louis, MO and began his work on a Masters of Divinity at Covenant Theological Seminary. After finishing Rob began a new RUF chapter at Furman University in the Fall of 2000. In the fall of 2006 Rob accepted a call to be the RUF Campus Minister at TCU where he still serves today. Rob and wife Kendal have two children: Wells, 9, and Simeon Hamby, 4. Rob looks forward to continuing to lead the Eta Chi Bible Study and getting to know the members on an individual basis.

Letter From the Archon Brothers of Pi Kappa Phi, This past year has been one of novel successes. Once again, the Fogarty was won, making that 7 out of the last 8 years that the Eta Chi chapter has been awarded this distinguished honor, recognizing the best individual chapter is all overarching aspects of fraternity life. In addition to this award, we received the W.E. Edington award identifying our 3.47 cumulative chapter GPA not only as the highest for any fraternity on TCU’s campus, but also as the highest for any chapter in the National organization of Pi Kappa Phi. These past two semesters also provided for an impressive accomplishment in fundraising for Push America. Receiving the Push America cup for the 8th year in a row, Eta Chi successfully raised over $25,000 to support people with disabilities. On TCU’s campus, our Push Week was regarded well by all sororities as being the most highly attended philanthropy event on a consistent basis. In addition to all of these fraternal triumphs, our chapter also won the overall Intramural championship for the University. With the continued success of these various aspects of our fraternity, and the addition of a joint tutoring program with Tri Delta at CC Moss, an underprivileged elementary school, Pi Kapp is heavily involved not only at TCU and with the national fraternity, but within the Fort Worth community as well. In order to continue on with these great accomplishments, we have turned to the parents and alumni for support. We are hoping to begin development of an alumni chapter which would aid in furthering relations between those who have graduated and the active chapter. But additionally, we look forward to improving our various programs through monetary donations. Therefore, if you find yourself able, the chapter has created a list of special areas of need, for which any type of gift for funding would be greatly appreciated. In parting, I thank each of you for your past contributions to the chapter. Were it not for you, none of us would be where we are today. We look forward to the continued accomplishment of the Eta Chi chapter of Pi Kappa Phi at TCU and hope that you will continue in your support. Sincerely, Matthew Boaz Archon Eta Chi – Pi Kappa Phi

Announcements Please send any updates or information you would like to include about yourself in the Spring Alumni Newsletter to the new historian TJ Shepherd at (pictures encouraged). Eta Chi recently contracted a company to redesign the outdated website and we are proud to show it off. Take a look around at Many of our alumni records are not current so please e-mail to with any contact information you have for other alumni. Also please forward this e-mail onto them.

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