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This issue Wild-Game P.1 Carolina Cup P.2 Roseball P.2 Alumni Spotlight P.2 Save the Date P.3
Alumni Dinner
For all alumni in the surround area, Wild-Game this year will be on March 20th! In lure of 2010, we are excited to challenge all those in attendance to a first annual Actives vs. Alumni softball game. The game will be played on the field behind the football stadium and will start at 3 p.m. Feel free to bring out your wife, kids, and significant others because it will be a family safe environment. The chapter is happy to supply everyone with hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, and soda for those who decide to join us! In addition, if softball isn’t your favorite past time at Eta Mu, come on out and reunite with brothers and share old memories! We are excited to see many of you who already RSVP to this event. Here is a list of some who confirmed: Matt Scott #118 Ryan Brown #140 Alec LaFontaine #187 Anton DeBoard # 138 Forrest Williams #194
John Palermo #185 Craig Earls #167 Tyler Schroth #166 Isai Robledo #149 Robert Cotton #169
Alex Vanden-Bulcke #195 Kevin Roberson #186 Boyce Adams #114 Matt Ziberna #135 Corey Green #124
Come on out and meet up with some of Eta Mu’s founding fathers! Who: Eta Mu brothers What: Casual dinner Where: Quaker Steak and Lube Speedway Blvd. - Concord NC When: April 13th at 6 p.m.