Eta Omicron - Fall 2009

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Brothers from past and present celebrate a wonderous fifteen years of brotherhood.

CELEBRATE BROTHERHOOD Scott Sims #0272, Historian

For a List of Alumni in attendance, please refer to page two.

November has always been a good month for Eta Omicron. It reminds us not only of our fraternal ties to our chapter, but also signals to us that the holidays are coming. On the weekend of November 6, 7 and 8 brothers from both past and present set out on a quest – a quest to return to the arms of brotherhood in San Francisco. While most brothers knew that there would be surprises in the mix, few knew that it would rekindle their love for Pi Kappa Phi. A much needed reprieve from normal life, the weekend celebrated Eta Omicron’s wonderous fifteen years of brotherhood. As everyone talked and reminisced about the times when they were active, it also rekindled the reason why we chose Pi Kappa Phi. Whether it be for Push America, or

for the family you never had, we are here for a reason. As the weekend’s events panned out, brothers had a chance to reacquaint themselves with their brothers. People change throughout the years, and we are no exception. Some brothers now have families, children and some even live out of the country. But this doesn’t change anything, we are all still Pi Kappa Phi. On Saturday night we had a formal banquet dinner. We were also graced to have Todd Sargent (Eta Sigma #0022) speak to us on behalf of the National Headquarters. One thing that he said really reinforced the motto of Eta Omicron, Strength Through Diversity. He said that our Alumni make the house what it is today, the Active brothers make the house of the future, and our brothers to

come, make the house forever. Among other things said at the event, we also took a moment to honor some of our brothers. We honored our brothers whom have served in our countrys’s military, and those brothers whom are in the Chapter Eternal. Our hearts go out to the families and loved ones of Ray Uribe #0048, Dan Kingman #0082 (whom was laid to rest that day), and Pat Savage #0122 whose family was in attendance. Finally on Sunday we had our annual Actives vs. Alumni softball match. While the Alumni managed to win again, it wasn’t a total run-away. The Actives gave the Alumni a real run for their money all the way until the last inning. Yours in Pi Kappa Phi,

Scott Sims – #0272







Scott Sims (


ALUMNI PRESENT donovan davis #0001 james jeunelot #0002 rip bains #0004 gary goodrich #0010 cedric cheng #0011 ray bernheim #0017 john harasciuk #0021

TREASURER Chris Garretty (

david mitroff #022

SECRETARY Martin Castillo (

johnson hor #0028

WARDEN Andrew Bryson ( HISTORIAN Marc McAlpin ( CHAPLAIN Randall Cunningham (

ETA OMICRON 2010 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ARCHON Lucas Cummings ( VICE ARCHON Sean Smith ( TREASURER Chris Garretty ( SECRETARY Sal Mattos ( WARDEN Evan Trevers ( HISTORIAN Scott A. Sims ( CHAPLAIN Graham Ulyshen (


This publication is the semesterly publication of the undergraduate chapter of Pi Kappa Phi at San Francisco State University bearing the designation Eta Omicron. This newsletter was distributed in electronic PDF form to both our Chapter’s Alumni, it’s undergraduate Active brothers, and the Active’s parents. To recieve a printed copy of this publication please send a self-addressed return envelope and $5.00 (no cash please) containing the note “Fall 2009 Link” to: Scott Sims, Historian 750 Font Boulevard VCS-B #322 San Francisco, CA 94132

house website: national website:

josh koslov #0035 greg baker #0037 eric hammer #0058 william hodgson #0064 matt pritchett #0065 jag mahil #0067 chris heil #0070 jeff bloom #0071 nick maxson #0073 alex arai #0078 reginald mudaliar #0087 steve ly #0092 aaron zukoski #0095 john lowry #0142 evan thomas #0159 grant smith #0179 shawn makinson #0190 dan nicholson #0191 will guerin #0193 matt day #0199 shane sourgose #0206 matt doylemason #0212 blake cohlan #0225 ed parker #0229 thomas quinlan #0230 kai feder #0232


“Andrew Dinh #0252 singlehandley saved our chapter from a demise that we certainly wouldn’t have recovered from. Without him, Eta Omicron would have been lost in the land of chapters without charters. I am glad that we have brothers like him to help save the day. Long live Eta-O!” Scott Sims #0272 on the chapters financial difficulties.

ARCHON’S CORNER Lucas Cummings #0259, 2010 Archon

The Eta Omicron Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi has gone through many exciting and intense changes over the previous for semesters. These concerns that range from financial issues, the Chapter’s philanthropic success with Push America and the Janet Pomeroy Center, and certain risk management issues, all helped us achieve a brotherhood tighter than any other chapter. Over the past semesters with much help from Andrew Dinh #0252, Eta Omicron has picked itself up from a significant financial downturn that could have crippled the chapter. Since then we have become an organization that is fulfilling its economic situations with ease. Also in the coming semesters we will be utilizing the resources of Omega Financial to help maintain a high standard of financial success and accountability. They have the ability to conduct all of our accounts billable (and people can even pay online using credit cards!!!) and recievable. It will take a lot of the strain off of the future Treasurer and Executive Council as a whole. Another perk of Omega Financial is something that brothers have been asking about is their transparency when it comes to where money is coming and going. Demonstrations of improvements can be seen through the Chapter’s philanthropic success, as over the past year the Chapter has raised over $2000 dollars for Push America. Also this year through a new Push America program, our chapter qualified for a give back donation of $320 for our partner organization, the Janet

Pomeroy Center (see page six). For the next year I will be stiving to usher Eta Omicron into a new age – an age of prosperity with financial success, lots of time volunteered and money raised for Push America and the Janet Pomeroy Center, great brotherhood events to build our already strong and cohesive brotherhood, and finally the legacy that will be Eta Omicron for years to come. With no new incoming students this semester, rushing men will be difficult, but I know that our chapter can not only meet our goals of ten quality men, but hopefully exceed it. We have planned our rush events, and we will be tabiling diligently in the quad to cultivate the future of Eta Omicron and Pi Kappa Phi. If you know someone that would be an asset to the chapter please let us know so that we can show them Pi Kappa Phi. Finally, It is my privilege to accept the office of Archon of our chapter. I promise to take in any advice and to learn from the Alumni, campus advisors, and former Executive Council officers so that Eta Omicron maintains its status as one of the most successful chapters on the West Coast, and across the Country. Yours in Pi Kappa Phi,

Lucas Cummings – #0259


“Be respectful and cognizant of the past. Our shared history and ritual is what separates us from a group of dudes. There are guys reading this I’ve never met but due to our common background would always be glad to assist them.” Josh Koslov #0035 on what it means to be a brother.

ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT Q: Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? A: I always planned on being a Fraternity member as a college student. So…The absolute second I parked on Font Drive to move into the dorms as an inbound freshman I saw Danny Gumacal (#0032) and Rip Bains (#0004) wearing letters walking towards the dorm. I stopped them and we spoke briefly about my interest in joining a house. They promised to come by my dorm room and pick-me up at 6pm and take me out and introduce me to some folks. I actually didn't believe they would show...but right at 6pm Rip poked his head into my dorm room, remembered my name and said let's go! The guys I met that night read like a "who's who" of PKP: Rip, Danny, Mike Hollis, Aaron Dong, Charles Damewood, Ron Gill, John Harasciuk, Gareth Grandt and host of others. However, the thing that grabbed me and really stuck out to the 18 year old jock version of Josh Koslov was each guy's diversity but more importantly these guys actually weren't selling me on the house...they were just enjoying each other's company. As new guys trickled into the party they were mobbed and hugged by their bros while serenaded to melodious shouts of "you know!" I wanted to be part of what they had...that night I told Danny Gumacal I was gonna rush. So to be quite truthful I didn't rush for PUSH, Parties, to get chartered...I rushed to gain Brotherhood.

Q: Who influenced you the most while you were active? A: I had a lot of different role models for different aspects of my "active" life. Q: What have you accomplished since you left SFSU? A: Most importantly I married my college sweet-heart and best friend Jen. We’re expecting our Son to arrive this April. Professionally, I’m a Major in the US Air Force. I’ve deployed 6 times in support of OIF and OEF. In my current assignment I’m an instructor at the Air Force Weapons School (think Top Gun) and I just was selected to serve as a Congressional Military liaison. Q: What advice do you have for future brothers of Eta Omicron? A: As the White Diamond says “Welcome to the best, Welcome to Pi Kappa Phi.” Other than that be a good student and a good brother. You’re in college to gain an Academic/Life education. You need to graduate school. Q: What role did you play in the house while Active? A: I’d like to think I was a member of the team that built the foundation for SFSU’s most successful Fraternal organization. I was a successful student, starting RB/CB for the House football team, fundraising chairman, treasurer, social chair, archon, and leading scorer on the first Pi Kapp Raider Championship Soccer team! •Josh is a Major in the US Air Force. To contact Josh, e-mail him at



celebrating sixteen years of brotherhood

NOVEMBER 6, 2010 Join us for another round of the Actives vs. the Alumni softball to celebrate the sixteenth anniversary of the chartering of Eta Omicron Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. Additional information will be forthcoming. Contact Scott Sims #0272 with questions:


Push Place, made possible by Push America in 1991, proudly displays Eta Omicron’s continuous dedication to the Janet Pomeroy Center for more than fifteen years.

PUSH THE BOUNDARIES Lucas Cummings #0259, Former Push Chair Over the previous semester, Push America at SFSU has seen a dramatic increase of school wide support from the Active Chapter, the Greek community, and help from the campus coordinators. The Active House has made Push America one of our chapter’s first priorities and the result has proven so. Push America is one of the largest fundraisers on campus, and receives recognition for its organization, community involvement, and leadership coordination. Push America is also recognized by the SFSU Greek community as a leader in philanthropy success. Our Fall fundraiser, No Boundaries Week, has been altered to a sorority competition “Pi Kapp Sweet Heart,” and the change has lead to a dramatic increase in donations received from $755 in Fall 2008 to $1050 in Fall 2009. Over the past 3 semesters, we have raised over $2000 dollars for Push America, and we don’t show signs of slowing down. For our success, Push Head Quarters had presented the Chapter with a check for $322 to give to the philanthropy of our choice. Naturally, we donated the funds to the Janet Pomeroy Center, for improvements and maintenance to the Push Place that was built in 1991. It was my greatest pleasure to serve as Push Chair for my chapter, and know that the performance of future Push America Chairmen from SFSU will be of the highest caliber and quality that Push America deserves. Yours in Pi Kappa Phi, Lucas Cummings – #0259

Adam Phillips (Eta Zeta), Push America Director of Marketing Push America was founded in 1977 by Thomas Sayre (Kappa, UNC-Chapel Hill) to help make the lives of those with disabilities a little bit easier. Little did Brother Sayre know that his initiative would help create the only Philanthropy that has been continuously owned and operated by a fraternity. Right now at Push America headquarters in Charlotte, NC, we were all worried about how the year would go with the economy in the shape it is, but we had yet another successful year and were able to continue to give out numerous grants to support people with disabilities across the country. This year though has also seen the real emergence of Push America Challenge, Push America's newest program that urges alumni and non-Pi Kappa Phi members to push their abilities by joining a team or individual event (such as a marathon or triathlon) and raise money for people with disabilities while training. It's been pretty exciting to see it all grow in the last year. We also have our other programs such as the Journey of Hope, Gear up Florida, Give-A-Push Weekend, Push Camp, AccessABILITY, and Build America. Since Push America’s inception we have been able to help countless people across the nation. For some of the latest happenings, visit:

Yours in Pi Kappa Phi,

Adam Phillips - Eta Zeta

nic durst #0293

jonney tang #0298

Hometown: Yuba City, CA Year and Major: Class of 2011 (Product Development and Design ) Big Brother: Kendall Bartelheim #0263 Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? I joined Pi Kappa Phi to experience something that was bigger than just myself as it is a proactive approach to life. I enjoy the camaraderie as well. Where do you see Eta Omicron in five years? I see Eta Omicron thriving in five years! I feel that Alpha Eta will provide a solid class of brothers to help continue the establishment of Pi Kappa Phi through commitment and dedication to the fraternity.

Hometown: Union City, CA Year and Major: Class of 2013 (Economics) Big Brother: Tim Moyer #0278 Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? A friend of mine at Chapman told me about fraternities and I got interested. Pi Kappa Phi is the best one at SFSU. Where do you see Eta Omicron in five years? Five years from now I see Eta Omicron continuing to be the biggest and best fraternity here at SFSU!

alvaro centeneo #0294

arman shahidzadeh #0299

Hometown: Palm Springs, CA Year and Major: Class of 2011 (Liberal Studies) Big Brother: Sal Mattos #0284 Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? I wanted to be active in the community and I was tired of all the clubs on campus being unresponsive and never getting around to it. I was also really interested in Push. Where do you see Eta Omicron in five years? This chapter has great potential and is dedicated to what it does. I see that with the dedication these men have, this chapter will head towards the right direction, continuing to recruit great men that will lead it to success.

Hometown: Portland, OR Year and Major: Class of 2010 (Marketing and Corporate Finance) Big Brother: Chris Garretty #0249 Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? I was influenced by a few active brothers who got me interested. I also joined to have a connection with a group of people after leaving school. Where do you see Eta Omicron in five years? In five years Eta Omicron will be a bigger, stronger chapter. Pi Kappa Phi will be the leader on campus in terms of Greek orgs and we will be respected for our hard work, dedication, and commitment to brotherhood.

franky morazan #0295

matt cartagena #0300

Hometown: Elk Grove, CA Year and Major: Class of 2013 (Mathematics) Big Brother: Graham Ulyshen #0285 Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? I joined to meet people and stayed because of them. I also joined for Push America, it showed me this was not just about the parties. Where do you see Eta Omicron in five years? I see the Eta Omicron Chapter maintaining a good image at San Francisco State, hopefully being a great leader and role model for other Fraternities and Sororities to follow.

Hometown: Cypress, CA Year and Major: Class of 2013 (Music) Big Brother: Adam Keene #0250 Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? I wanted to try something different and to challenge myself. Where do you see Eta Omicron in five years? I see the Chapter as being bigger in size and still the most influential fraternity on campus heading a growing Greek system.

fino balanza #0296

guillermo parra #0301

Hometown: Sacramento, CA Year and Major: Class of 2013 (Photo Journalism) Big Brother: Marc McAlpin #0256 Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? Joined Pi Kappa Phi for building character, brotherhood and to prepare myself for life as an adult. Where do you see Eta Omicron in five years? In 5 years I see the Eta Omicron Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi 5 times larger and stronger than this Fall 2009 AM Class- larger in numbers in terms of presence on campus. stronger in the brotherhood bond with each and every member, along with commitment to finances and service.

Hometown: Bogota, Colombia Year and Major: Class of 2011 (Business) Big Brother: Randall Cunningham #0251 Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? I joined for brotherhood because I missed having a close group of friends, that and also to get the American college experience while im here. Where do you see Eta Omicron in five years? I see the Eta Omicron Chapter being an ideal example of brotherhood to other chapters for years to come.

ken ma #0297

kyle mogliev #0302

Hometown: San Francisco, CA Year and Major: Class of 2011 (Political Science) Big Brother: Brian Cole #0287 Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? Being an only child, I wanted the opportunity to have real brothers. Where do you see Eta Omicron in five years? I see Eta Omicron continuing to be the biggest and most awesome fraternity on SFSU’s campus!

Hometown: Rhonert Park, CA Year and Major: Class of 2011 (Hospitality Management) Big Brother: Serge Krasilovskiy #0271 Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? School has been the place for me to just go for classes and leave at the need of the day, as opposed to many people who get involved in campus activities and student leadership. Where do you see Eta Omicron in five years? In 5 years, I see Eta Omicron being the strongest chapter of a fraternity on the San Francisco State campus.

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bijan ghods #0303

carlos navarez #0308

Hometown: Year and Major: Class of 2011 (International Business) Big Brother: Derek Fortier #0213 Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? I joined Pi Kappa Phi because I missed the brotherly love from home. Where do you see Eta Omicron in five years? I see Eta Omicron in five years still atop the list of fraternities at SFSU. We will be larger numbers wise and with that we will be able to do more things for Push with our larger member base.

Hometown: San Francisco, CA Year and Major: Class of 2010 (Business) Big Brother: Toreh Simpson #0291 Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? I Joined Pi kappa Phi for the brotherhood. I want to have the same sort of friendship i had with my high school friends. Where do you see Eta Omicron in five years? I see the Eta Omicron chapter growing at a faster rate than the rest of the fraternities on campus. They will lead in community and volunteer service throughout campus and represent themselves as the ideal fraternity.

eric meyers #0304

steven chou #0309

Hometown: Sherburne, NY Year and Major: Class of 2011 (Journalism) Big Brother: Mark Thomas #0292 Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? Every one of my best friends in high school recommended Greek Life, and Pi Kappa Phi is the top fraternity on this campus. Where do you see Eta Omicron in five years? I see myself coming back to 20-year anniversary and seeing our chapter still be the top Greek org on campus, with expanded numbers and increased quality of these members who continue tradition, because thats what makes this all so meaningful.

Hometown: Taipei, Taiwan Year and Major: Class of 2011 (International Trade) Big Brother: Dane McKinley #0289 Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? I joined Pi Kappa Phi because I wanted to build my personality and brotherhood with some great guys. Where do you see Eta Omicron in five years? I’m already seeing and I believe that Pi Kappa Phi will always be the strongest fraternity on campus at SFSU.

Hometown: Fairfax, CA Year and Major: Class of 2013 (Kinesiology) Big Brother: Sean Smith #0265 Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? I wanted to have the camaraderie among men like that which was shared in high school sports. Where do you see Eta Omicron in five years? I see Eta Omicron continuing to be the biggest fraternity at SFSU and growing.

Hometown: El Sobrante, CA Year and Major: Class of 2011 (Business Marketing) Big Brother: Airec Syprasert #0260 Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? I joined Pi Kappa Phi to develop deep bonds with a group of individuals that I was doing activities with on an almost daily basis. Where do you see Eta Omicron in five years? I see Eta Omicron changing quite a bit in the future. I see leadership not just as a focus in five years, but an end result of many initiatives to breed new skills into brothers and better equip them to be quality people in the future.

alex neylon #0305

brian kerr #0310

hazer ozcan #0306

mike yakovlev #0311

Hometown: Istanbul, Turkey Year and Major: Class of 2013 (Civil Engineering) Big Brother: Parul Gujral #0277 Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? I joined because I just moved to the United States and I wanted to meet new people and make new friends. Where do you see Eta Omicron in five years? In five years I see the chapter in good hands which is still being safeguarded carefully by new members and brothers who have kept careful watch over Pi Kappa Phi ever since the day they joined the fraternity.

Hometown: San Francisco, CA Year and Major: Class of 2012 (Communications) Big Brother: Lucas Cummings #0259 Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? In short, life is hard and I cant do it alone. Brotherhood is what I need. Where do you see Eta Omicron in five years? Way bigger and better than it is now. My associate member class is 20 people. Think of all the people we can recruit. We will be the best.

ryan sherman #0307

luke doylemason #0312

Hometown: Temecula, CA Year and Major: Class of 2013 (International Relations) Big Brother: Evan Trevers #0267 Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? I joined Pi Kappa Phi for the lifelong brotherhood. Where do you see Eta Omicron in five years? I see the Eta Omicron chapter as a big influence on the San Francisco State campus, and I also see it as one of the greater chapters of Pi Kappa Phi!

Hometown: Hercules, CA Year and Major: Class of 2013 (History) Big Brother: Scott Sims #0272 Why did you join Pi Kappa Phi? I originally joined because of my older brothers who are Pi Kappa Phi’s, but now I am here for brotherhood. Where do you see Eta Omicron in five years? I see Eta Omicron continuing to be a leader in brotherhood among the fraternity. It will be bigger and have a bigger presence on campus as the premier fraternity.


Living the Ritual. These are three simple words that are kicked around quite a bit in the Pi Kappa Phi circle. You have heard them at some point. But, what is the Ritual? Is it a onetime deal? How do you live the ritual? The Ritual is you. It is the embodiment of all that is a Pi Kappa Phi Brother... Think about what that means to you. What characteristics did you learn when you were an Associate Member? There were many; those put forth by the White Diamond, and those that are more exocentric. I recommend taking sixty seconds and reflecting on three of those characteristics. While some of the newly crossed men may have an easier time with this, some of the older brothers may find this a little more difficult. Go ahead, close your eyes and think about it for sixty seconds, I’ll wait. Now, keep those three things in mind, and think of how being a Pi Kappa Phi has enriched those individual traits. You were taught those things, but ultimately it was you that learned them, and again it was you that absorbed those lessons and defined what they personally meant to you. The Ritual is forever. There is a reason that it is called a Life-Long Brotherhood: because anywhere you go in life be it attached to the Active brotherhood or not, you carry with you many of the same traits that other brothers have. It is a fire that burns in every member of Eta Omicron, The fire of the Lamp, and it never burns out - even in the Chapter Eternal. Are you the Ritual? Yes, you are brother. Every individual Pi Kappa Phi is the Ritual. If you ever want to look back and realize that you are living the ritual, re-read this article, because brother, you have just read a ritual.

Thinking back to the time when you were just another person at San Francisco State University for some of you is a long time ago while for others it was only last semester. Regardless of how long ago it was, the point still remains the same: you are no longer just another person, you are Pi Kappa Phi. Being Pi Kappa Phi encompasses many things that do not stop the day you graduate, such as being a man of C.L.A.S.S. willcontinue until the day you pass into the Chapter Eternal. Now though is the time to make sure that we as the Active House are recruiting all of the qualified possible to promote our Chapter into the new decade. Given that this semester, San Francisco State University is not accepting any new freshmen or transfer students due to an enrolment cap, recruting new members is going to be extremely more difficult. If you know someone that would be a good candidate for membership, or you have someone in your family that will be coming to SFSU in the future, please let us know so that we can proactivly pursue them, and teach them what it is to be Pi Kappa Phi.

Yours in Pi Kappa Phi,

Randall Cunningham – #0251

Yours in Pi Kappa Phi,

Evan Trevers – #0267



PASS THE GAVEL: ALUMNI STYLE for 8 years and has one daughter, Kylie James is currently working as an Opera- Elise. tions Manager at the Central Regional keith mcneal #0061 Office, Manufacturing Systems for a di- Keith is currently living in SF and workvision of Intelligrated. He has been ing downtown for as a with the company for 13 years holding Product Manager. He has been happily several positions from Engineer to Proj- married for 5 years to a great lady and has ect Manager. James is married and will no kids. He will continue to play soccer be celebrating ten years on Nov 25. He until someone drags him off of the field. also has great two children (a boy of 14 From the sound of things with all the and a girl of eight) and three dogs. brothers having kids at the same time he


james jeunelot #0002

fred gonzalez #0009

Fred Gonzalez currently works as the Web Accessibility Specialist for the City and County of San Francisco conducting Web site accessibility reviews, analysis, remediation, and training. Since Fred started volunteering with Push America in 1993, he has volunteered his time and efforts to various organizations by promoting accessibility on the Web.

william burke #0013

William has been living in Japan since 2002 and is the manager of technical translation/interpreting services for a small firm. He bought a house last year by paying in full and although he has to rebuild his savings, being debt free is the way to be. Bill just turned 36 and had his 4th child. He loves being a Dad, he loves his wife and his job, life is magnificent. He gives tremendous credit to Eta Omicron for his happiness. He is an hour from Tokyo by train. “Brothers, you’re welcome at my home year-round. Green Diamonds stay for free...all others BYOB, you know!”

kevin dahlin #0045

Kevin is a Staff Sergeant in the US Marine Corps currently on recruiting duty in San Antonio TX. His specialty is a Air Delivery Specialist or "rigger" for short. He packs and maintains all types of personnel and cargo parachutes. He is also a Military Freefall (HALO) Jumpmaster, meaning he is qualified to lead HALO qualified personnel out of aircraft at up to 30,000 feet. He has been married to the former Kristy Wagner from San Antonio, TX

could be coaching a full team of PiKapp's kids in the next 10 years.

matt pritchett #0065

Matt is currently going back to school at the California Institute for Jewelry Training in Carmichael, CA. CIJT is a great school where he has been learning about jewelry repair, making rings, pendants, and bracelets from scratch, wax carving & casting, etc.

chris heil #0070

Chris is living in Fresno California and working as a Tribal building official and 3rd party inspector for an architecture, engineering and inspection firm. His wife Marrisa is presently living part time in LA and finishing up her advanced PA degree so he spends quite a bit of time in Southern Cal as well. He has o kids, just two dogs; Ozzy the English bulldog and Eddie the Yorkshire terrier. He currently plays drums in a rock band called From The Fallen and they are planning on releasing their debut album in 2Q 2010 with touring scheduled for the summer. When not playing music he likes to golf, snow or wakeboard, and spend time with friends and family.

garrett davis #0137

Garrett currently is a Police Officer (since July 2008) in the Honolulu Police Department, on patrol in the North Shore from Mililani to Turtle Bay. He got his Bachelors in Criminal Justice, and graduated in 2005. He has one daughter, 17 months old named Mackenzie.

ryan scott #0176

Ryan is in South Korea right now teach-

ing English in the Korean Public School system. He lives in a town called Sokcho (속초) that's on the East Sea. He is currently working to travel. In the next few years he’ll be scrounging around the world before (or if) he comes back stateside. “Good Luck in life Brothers!”

matt doylemason #0212

Matt is currently living in Pinole, CA and is preparing to move across the country to New York City, NY on February 1st. He is going to pursue his dream of making it big in the film industry in any way possible. While he is sad he is leaving both his family and friends behind in California, he is happy that he is starting over and hopefully the next time you see him he will behind the next major blockbuster in theaters near you.

edward parker #0229

Ed is out working in Reno, Nevada as a recent graduate in Business Management. He is definitely not using his degree as of now and is building a highway through the mountains of South Reno. His actual job is title is a miner and he works at a rock crushing plant. He is excited to be done with school and living the high life (high altitude, since I'm right next to Tahoe). If you wanna ever come visit bring a sweater since its around 5 degrees in the winter. He hopes to see everyone at next year's Alumni Weekend. “Long Live Pi Kappa Phi!”

niles hollowell-dhar #0246

Niles is currently living in Los Angeles and playing in his band, The Cataracts, which is signed with Universal Republic. He has been on tour up and down California, and currently has songs on the radio such as “Club Love” featuring E-40. To have your update here contact: Scott Sims #0272 – Historian

lucas cummings #0259, archon Hometown: Winters, CA Year and Major: Class of 2011 (International Relations) E-mail Address: What goals do you have for your term as Archon? My goal as Archon is to promote the Chapter as a highly diverse and strong organization that promotes improvements through general consensus. I also will promote brotherhood through creative and effective philanthropy, social and educational events, provided by active brother’s initiative and participation. Finally I want to reinforce and further our seven stances so that we can act accordingly.

sean smith #0265, vice archon Hometown: Dana Point, CA Year and Major: Class of 2011 (Communications) E-mail Address: What goals do you have for your term as Vice Archon? My central goal as Vice Archon is to make Eta Omicron competitive with large Greek organizations at other campuses while still retaining our strong brotherhood. Our chapter is currently the strongest is has ever been and I want to push our chapter to even loftier heights. Although large pledge classes are set goals, I plan on emphasizing quality over quantity. As the largest fraternity on campus, it is important to start becoming more involved with other campus organizations and I will strive to make it so. Eta Omicron is a great chapter and I am honored to serve it.

chris garretty #0249, treasurer Hometown: Redondo Beach, CA Year and Major: Class of 2011 (Economics) E-mail Address: What goals do you have for your term as Treasurer? I have committed myself to achieving the most I can out of school and the fraternity. Working as treasurer has been a valuable experience for me. I plan to bring further accountability to the position by bringing our finances into the 21st Century. Using electronic methods to pay dues and Omega Financial, a financial firm that works exclusively with Greeks, I will increase the paper trail and make our chapter one of the most financially sound in all of Pi Kappa Phi.

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sal mattos #0284, secretary

Hometown: San Francisco, CA Year and Major: Class of 2012 (Creative Writing) E-mail Address: What goals do you have for your term as Secretary? My primary goal going into the role of secretary is ensuring that everyone in the house is kept in the loop at all times. One of the easiest ways for any organization to fall apart is through poor communication, and as secretary I'm going to be the hub of communication for the House. I plan on immediately sending information out to the entire House via email as well as through the new forum, which will help people who either missed the meeting or need to double check information. Also, working with each Chair holder to make sure that there is a short yet comprehensive report on file each week. As Secretary my primary job is to make sure everyone is aware of what the House is doing at all times, and to make sure every Brother's voice is heard at all times.

evan trevers #0267, warden

Hometown: Laguna Niguel, CA Year and Major: Class of 2011 (Communication and Business) E-mail Address: What goals do you have for your term as Warden? As Warden of the Alpha Theta and Alpha Iota classes of Eta Omicron, I shall be the guiding star and the best friend of the associate members. I will play a significant role from the very beginning through my involvement with the rush process. I will be there, first hand, selecting who will succeed through the process and thrive as a future brother. I believe the chaplain and warden shall collaborate and incorporate a larger role for myself as Warden into ritual events. I truly feel that the house as a whole must plan the associate member curriculum. Each class is different and I believe in a program that will be tailored to fit my future associate members, one that will personally give them the finest experience and one that will need every brother’s help to create.

scott sims #0272, historian

Hometown: Redwood City, CA Year and Major: Class of 2012 (Italian and International Relations) E-mail Address: What goals do you have for your term as Historian? For my term I would like for our brothers to feel very connected to Pi Kappa Phi, regardless if they are active or alumni. I am also going to strive for the best possible communication between the Active house and our Alumni brothers. Among other things I want to make sure that the house records on alumni brothers are up-to-date, as is the Family Tree. Finally, I want to make sure that the Actives win against the Alumni in the next annual softball match!

graham ulyshen #0249, chaplain

Hometown: Lodi, CA Year and Major: Class of 2011 (Political Science) E-mail Address: What goals do you have for your term as Chaplain? My goals as Chaplain are simple goals. My plan is to bring more meaning to living the ritual. I will do this by incorporating more emphasis on the meaning of being a man of CLASS and the four pillars of our fraternity: Empathy, Integrity, Accountability (I prefer this as a pillar rather than ability), and Team Work. I have designed some rituals that I feel will help build teamwork and I have also worked closely with the previous Chaplain to understand the deeper meanings of rituals. I will use this to adapt the rituals to be more pragmatic and applicable in daily life. Building men of CLASS is my overall goal during my term as Chaplain, and I know with the house behind me it will be made possible.

vince naqishbendi #0201 keith nicosia #0211 derek fortier #0213 jaime hinrichs #0231 eric louie #0233 taylor mac kenzie #0240 andrew bryson #0243 adam bridges #0247 chris garretty #0249 adam keene #0250 randall cunningham #0251 martin castillo #0253 justin shin #0254 marc mcalpin #0256 lucas cummings #0259 airec syprasert #0260 derek jones #0262 kendall bartelheim #0263 steve marais #0264 sean smith #0265 kevin ball #0266 evan trevers #0267 greg hill #0268 trevor lillis #0269 matt lauderdale #0270 serge krasilovskiy #0271 scott sims #0272 tom maendle #0274 eric bigornia #0275 frank passantino #0276 parul gujral #0277 tim moyer #0278 alec baer #0281 brando alvarez #0283 sal mattos #0284 graham ulyshen #0285 brett ferrara #0286 brian cole #0287 andrew post #0288 dane mckinley #0289 toreh simpson #0291 mark thomas #0292

UPCOMING ALUMNI EVENTS February 5-13, 2010 Rush Week Contact: Sean Smith, Vice Archon

February 16, 2010 Pre-Initiation Contact: Graham Ulyshen, Chaplain

*April 23, 2010* Ritual of Initiation Contact: Graham Ulyshen, Chaplain

August 5-9, 2010 Supreme Chapter (Orlando, FL)

Contact: Steve Evans, Senior Director of Alumni Development

November 6, 2010 Alumni Weekend Contact: Scott Sims, Historian

The star (*) symbol denotes that dates are subject to change. For the most up-to-date information on upcoming alumni events contact: Scott Sims #0272 – Historian

THE NEW 2010 HOUSE With twenty new brothers in the house and a brand new executive council, the Eta Omicron chapter at San Francisco State University has made it a personal mission to ensure that the House becomes even more cohesive than it ever has been before. With our strong new Archon’s leadership, Mr. Lucas Cummings, this chapter will become the best chapter Pi Kappa Phi has seen in years. Also under the careful watch of Warden, Mr. Evan Trevers our Associate Members of the Alpha Theta and Alpha Iota classes will no doubt become some of the newest and greatest men Eta Omicron has rushed in years. The main core focus of the Executive Council for this next year is communication, communication in the house, with the associate members, with the alumni and the National Organization to ensure that our chapter, Eta Omicron, will be in good hands for years to come built on the cornerstone of lifelong brotherhood. Building on the new core focus of the Chapter, we hope to both kindle the brotherly love that our future Associate Members will come to love, our current Active Brothers already love, and of course our Alumni Brothers who have loved it for years. If you are interested in joining the House for a meeting or a ritual should you be in the San Francisco area, the Active Brothers would encourage you at all means to make an appearance and lets us show you what the Chapter is currently doing. Long Live Eta-O! The Active House.



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