Pi Kappa Phi
Eta Rho September 2005 Volume 1, Issue 1
Executive Council:
Archon: Christopher Molho Vice Archon: Brett Beitler Treasurer: Jonathan Nelson Secretary: Danny Kruoch Warden: Matthew Herring
Chapter Update
Historian: Kyle McKemy Chaplain: Israel Ruiz
The Spring 2005 semester
the brothers of the chapter.
Formal was held in April and
ended on a high note with
All payments of dues have
was a complete success.
the completion of the
now been streamlined into a
Members of the active
associate membership
simple process that my be
brotherhood as well as
program by Rho Class. The
taken care of by making
distinguished alumni
associates demonstrated a
payments online or in
attended the “Rose Ball” at
great level of excellence and
person to the treasurer.
The Terrace Club in Dripping
proved themselves worthy of
The system is guaranteed to
Springs. The gentlemen of
initiation into Pi Kappa Phi.
a substantially larger
Eta Rho accompanied by
amount of dues than the
their dates enjoyed a
Chapter finances were
previous system. We hope
banquet and awards
reformed as the introduction
that this effort will help hold
of an independent credit
brothers accountable for
agency was contracted by
concerning their share of the
the chapter. The credit
financial burden of the
agency will conduct
collections of dues owed by
PUSH America Pi Kappa Phi- Eta Rho P.O. Box 726 San Marcos, TX 78667 E-mail KM1256@txstate.edu
America’s Leading Fraternity.
As always, Eta Rho set the
respective sorority will be
standard for communitiy
displayed throughout the
service at the Texas State
week encouraging the ladies
campus with more service
to out match each other in
hours logged than all other
donations to PUSH. An
Pan-Hellenic and IFC
award will be given to the
organizations combined!
sorority with the most donations.
Our Annual PUSH week will be held this fall where
For more information
brothers will spend a week
regarding PUSH America,
in the quad working to raise
please visit:
money for people with disabilities. Sororities will We’re on the Web!
Visit us at: www.txstatepikapp.com www.pikapp.org
be encouraged to wage a “penny war” where buckets corresponding with each