Eta Rho - Spring 2007

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eta rho alumnus Issue 1, Volume 1

March 2007

P.O. Box 726 San Marcos, TX. 78667

Inside this issue:

Letter From The Archon My name is Ricky Neal. I’ve been a member of Pi Kappa Phi since spring of 2004. I’m very excited to have the opportunity to serve as Archon for the next two semesters. We have an extremely motivated and diverse Executive Council that has set a main goal of creating more effective channels of communication between the active and alumni chapter. To this point, it seems as if after actives graduate, there is not really any avenue to keep in touch with them. We are planning to change this. First of all, we are starting this newsletter. Next, we are putting to-

gether an alumni database. Our goal with this is to create a profile of each alumnus from this chapter, complete with contact information. We are excited about the opportunity to get all of you involved in your chapter. We are working on new outlets for communication and ways to encourage your feedback. Please feel free to contact us anytime you would like to chat. I look forward to serving as Archon and communicating with all of you. In Pi Kappa Phi….

The Latest on the Eta Rho Chapter

Letter From The Archon 1

2007 Executive Board 1

Alumni Spotlight: Mr. Dustin Alexander


2006 Awards and Ac- 2 complishments 2007 Archon Ricky Neal

Senior Farewells


A Look Into The Past


Ricky Neal

Special Points of Interest: 2007 Executive Council The 2007 Executive Council takes office after 2 years of building. The chapter is in better standing now than it has been in 2 years. We have a GPA above the All Men’s average and the All Greek average. The Executive Council has made it a priority to better serve alumni and to move the chapter forward in service and most importantly academics.

Archon: Ricky Neal Vice-Archon: Chris Anderson Treasurer: Patrick Stevenson Secretary: Rob Prazak

Warden: Dylan Cooke


Formal: April 27,2007


Push Awareness Week: March 5th-9th


Kinetic Kids Service Project: March 25th


Golf Tournament: Fall 2007 Historian: Mike Neely Chaplain: Jason Navarro

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