Eta Tau - October 2007

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October 2007

Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity • University of Kentucky

Inside this issue: Special Points of Interest: • October brought with it a renewed sense of brotherhood in the chapter. • Associates have their Big Brothers now and are working towards Initiation.



What Are The Associates Up To?


ASTP Program


Events Coming This Spring


• Recent ASTP Program dealt with alcohol-related issues, plus the chapter’s expectations from alumni at such events. • Spring Recruitment, Alumni Golf Day, Rose Ball are some of the chapter events coming up this spring.

OCTOBER The month of October has brought with it an increased sense of brotherhood in the Eta Tau chapter. At the start of the semester, the Eta Tau’s members came to a unanimous agreement that the chapter was starting to lack strong brotherhood; therefore, we took the initiative to have brotherhood events that everyone would enjoy, not just a

handful of people, alienating the rest. Events such as a mid-

Hensley’s performance in the play, “Trifles,” and a couple of games of laser tag at Champs a few examples of what the chapter has done in terms of increasing brotherhood in the chapter.

night showing of “SAW IV,” going out to eat, attending our Associate Member, Andrew

W H AT A R E T H E A S S O C I AT E S U P T O ? Eta Tau’s Phi class was presented with their Big Brothers this month; here is who got who as a Big Brother: 1) Assoc. Andy Hensley got Daniel Burlew. 2) Assoc.

Chris Probus got Jonathan Walker. 3) Assoc. Gavin Jones got Kyle Auble. The Phi class continues to work towards Initiation. No doubt it’s been a long and slow road

for them, but with their Big Brothers behind them, the brothers are certain that they will all pull through successfully.

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