Eta Tau - September 2007

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September 2007

Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity • University of Kentucky

Inside this issue: Special Points of Interest: • Eta Tau chapter continues to grown in brotherhood at the University of Kentucky. • Not only is this newsletter a way to keep alumni informed about the chapter’s news and events, but it’s also a way for the alumni to be heard.

Eta Tau Welcomes 2 Phi Class

• Eta Tau welcomed Phi class this fall. Associates are showing promise and commitment to the chapter’s future.



The Floor




E TA TAU — T O DAY The Eta Tau chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity started the fall 2007 semester with a completely new attitude. Under the leadership of a new Executive Council, the chapter’s brothers vowed to give it their all throughout the semester. One point that has been empha-

sized a lot this semester is recruitment. Cur-

don’t let numbers deceive you! Although Eta Tau is struggling with retention of active members, the chapter has grown immensely in the real purpose of a fraternity — brotherhood.

rently, the chapter has 12 active brothers, but

T H I S I S A B O U T YO U As Historian, one of my goals is to bring back as many alumni to the chapter as I possibly can. One way to make this happen is by conducting events that would interest the chap-

ter’s alumni, primarily. I want to hear what you, the alumni want to do; I want to know which direction you want to see the chapter go in; I want the alumni of this great chapter to come

back to something that interests them, as well as the active members. So, please, if you have any comments, suggestions, concerns, let me hear them!

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