Eta Zeta - Fall 2010

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The Eta Zeta Gata Pi Kappa Phi- Eta Zeta

November 2010 Volume 1, Issue 3

A Year in the Life of Eta Zeta Written by Brandon Harris Hey Guys! It’s been a very long year filled with tons of interesting events. We had an incredible amount of brothers participate in national Push events, with a special shout out to Andrew Chinn and Wes Clarkson for their incredible participation on Journey of Hope. However, Eta Zeta has completely surpassed that impressive precedent set by last year with a whopping seven brothers already on the roster for national Push Events and many others working on their applications. Brothers Ian Kowalski, Brandon Harris, Nicholas Liang-Meason, Ryan Cook, and Michael Flemming are all participating in the Journey of Hope. Brothers Jerrit Fuller and Zachary Blackmon are participating in Gear Up Florida. Eta Zeta alone will raise over 40,000 dollars, way to go guys! This year’s fall rush class was a huge success. We were able to recruit seven incredible men to the associateship process. These guys come from multiple states, and one even comes from Ireland. They are madly attempting to prepare for I week which starts at 12:00 AM on Sunday October 31st, so if you want to swing by campus and give them a scare, then please come by. There is a wide diversity of campus involvement in the house. Brothers are littered throughout SGA, CUB, College Republicans, Mock Trial (started by our own associate Skyler Smith), among countless other organizations. We have been working hard to apply the leadership and organizational skills that we have learned throughout our time as brothers to

Fall 2010 RUSH

Pi Kapp Photo shoot in Dana fountain

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