Eta Zeta - Spring 2009

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Pi Kappa Phi- Eta Zeta

April 11th 2009 Volume 1, Issue 1

Chapter Update Written by Justin Lafreniere With only two rising seniors next year, Eta Zeta promises to be in young hands. However, after a successful fall rush that brought in ten new Brothers and a spring rush that brought in a single, dedicated Associate, the chapter seems to be in good hands. The new Executive Council consists largely of sophomores, but their leadership and dedication knows no limits. The Chapter continues to be dedicated to Push, with brothers going most Saturdays to bowl with people with disabilities. They are inspiring to the attending Brothers and to the House as a whole. Rose Ball promises to be an exciting event, being held in Rock Hill, South Carolina on April 25th and the Actives have promised to blow out the Alumni in the upcoming Brotherhood Football Game (actives lost..).

Brotherhood Spotlight Interview by Dallen McKinnis 1. Can you tell us a bit about your personal life? Are you married? Do you have any kids? What do you do for a living? I am married to Staci Benson McBride, who was also in the class of 1992 at Queens and in the Phi Mu sorority. We have two boys – Jonathon (age 5) and Nicolas (age 2) and hopefully will be future Pi

Kapps. While I am a CPA, I currently work for Radiator Specialty Co. managing their financial reporting. I have been with them for over three years. Prior to that I have worked for Price Waterhouse (public accounting – audit group), Thos. Somerville Co. (plumbing wholesaler – Accounting Manager), Collins & Aikman (automotive supplier of carpet and plastic interiors – Manager, Internal Reporting and Financial Systems Manager) and Jensen USA (Commercial and Heavy

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