Fall 2014

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FALL 2014

Current Executive Board Archon – Victor Tran Vice Archon – Christopher DeRosia

Table of Contents

Treasurer – Tyler Blaze Hulet

Pg 1 - Officer Reports

Secretary – Peter Littlefield

Pg 2 - Officer Reports Cont.

Warden – Matt Cain

Pg 2 - Blast from the Present

Historian – Jalen Onorati

Pg 3 - Alumni Spotlight

Chaplin – Jared Szymanski

Pg 4 - Update from the Alumni Advisor

Push America Chair – Michael Lane

Pg 6 - Introduction of the Nu Class

Risk Manager - John Kalmink

Pg 7 - Recognitions and Historian Report

Housing Manager - Demetrius Robinson

Pg 8 - Blast from the Past

Current Justice Board Chief Justice – Michael DeVito Associate Justice – Cam Wolbrink Associate Justice – Adam Randall Sargent-at-Arms – David DaMour Scribe – Brian Schoonover

Letter from the Archon Fall 2014 was a big semester for Theta Rho! We finished the semester with 51 members, making us the second-largest chapter on Western’s campus and the largest we have ever been! This was helped greatly by the Nu associate class of 14 amazing men who we are proud to call brothers. Not only was the Nu class the largest associate member class, it was also the first class in a very long time to have a retention rate of 100%! This summer our Vice Archon Victor Tran and I attended the 54th Supreme Chapter in Atlanta, Georgia. This summer also saw Theta Rho continuing its tradition of developing leaders when three of our members attended Pi Kapp College in Charleston, South Carolina, making us the chapter with the largest presence at the week-long leadership development camp. Finally, our academics were by far the most important this semester. Our brothers participated in a revamped scholarship plan and it paid off: we had the second highest new member GPA at 2.99 and the second highest chapter GPA at 2.99, which also placed us above the all-men’s average at WMU! Theta Rho has shown how resilient it can be, and I am proud to have been a part of our success this past year. Yours in Pi Kappa Phi, Tyler Sauer Archon

Ability Experience Update For the Fall 2014, the Pi Kappa Phi chapter, on behalf of The Ability experience, has made new strides in volunteering and campus and community involvement. During the fall semester as a chapter we averaged over 13 volunteer hours per brother, just under 700 hours total. As a chapter our fundraising effort raised about 300 dollars. For our campus and community involvement we have worked with several organizations such as the Kalamazoo promise, and Heartland hospice outside of campus. On campus starting a relationship with (SVA) Student Veterans of America and continuing our relationship with Best buddies. As a chapter we have started taking a new step in bringing awareness and support to those with disabilities on campus with our Pi Kappa Phi lead campus improvement project which is just in its infant stage but with support from the university as well as brothers we hope to have this continuing project for the Theta Rho chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. Want to contribute to The Ability Experience? Click the link and help people with disabilities today! http://support.pushamerica.org/site/TR?pg=team&fr_id=1440&team_id=2136

Fall 2014 Recruitment Report Having tackled our second round of Formal Recruitment at Western Michigan university, we did such an incredible job. As a chapter we competed against all the others and came out with a 14 man associate class! All 14 passes which makes them the largest class to go through Theta Rho as well as 100% retention. We currently are a 53 man chapter, the largest Theta Rho has ever seen. and 2nd on campus In due time while recruiting the best quality of me possible, we will see the day when we sustain at 70 or even more brothers! With the help of the Alumni and our great support here at home, the chapter is going to skyrocket to some amazing places. I am happy to have served as the 2014 Vice Archon and give the best of luck and support to Chris DeRosia as he takes on the challange! Yours in Brotherhood Victor Tran Vice Archon


ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: G. BLAKE WILLIAMS I’m working as a student teacher in Baton Rouge, LA right now. My experience at WMU was unique, and it stands as a testament to the culture and values of the school. In transferred to WMU from Delta College near Saginaw in the spring of 2008. It was frigid cold, snowing, and I didn’t know anyone before I got there. I really didn’t feel like it was home until I got an email from Pi Kapp who was looking for new members to become founding fathers. I was hesitant prior to getting to the meeting, but once I walked in and met Erik Granning, Boe Trosset, and Robert Bethke I knew it was right for me. After a full semester of getting to know the brothers, I was given the opportunity to become an Orientation Student Leader which led me to get to know everyone on campus. There truly wasn’t a time or place that I could go in Kalamazoo that I didn’t run into someone that I had met through Pi Kapp or as an orientation leader. WMU became my home and everyone I met became family. To this day, I look back at my time at WMU, with Dr. Dunn’s ‘heads up campus’ mentality, with pride and yearning. It was a truly a special place. When I first joined Pi Kapp, there were only about 13-14 members. It was a great group of men that were accepting and on a mission to change the face of Greek life at WMU. We had Chuck Ringer and Chris Praedel who were involved in Student Government, Joe Nino, Kevin Moore who were involved in CAB and Orientation, Bart Major who was involved in ROTC, and the list goes on and on. Everyone wanted to see a shift in the culture of the Greek community. We wanted to be the catalysts of change. As I see through Facebook, its good to see the chapter making strides still to stand out as one of the best fraternities. Life since graduation has been a series of unique opportunities and challenges. I graduated WMU with a degree in Comparative Religion, which didn’t necessarily open any doors. I applied for several positions for student development, but was not hired for any. My last semester was exhausting, but I spent it raising money for Journey of Hope, working at a restaurant, and finishing up my degree. I put it in my mind that I was going to move to Louisiana after I got back from Journey. It just so happened that Kevin Moore had a few friends who had just moved down to New Orleans, who opened their home to us for a month or so until we got on our feet. When we got down there, I worked in everything from being doorman at a bar in the French Quarter, to working in the service industry again, then into patient registration at a hospital, to finally working as a Human Resourced Coordinator at a hospital network. Unfortunately that didn’t last, the company did some restructuring and I chose to leave rather than work in a call center. After about a year of going from job to job, just trying to make a living, I had an epiphany. I wanted to be a teacher. I did my research, and made trip after trip to LSU to find out what I had to do to get my certification. This past may I was accepted into LSU’s Holmes Program to work toward my Master’s of Arts in Teaching degree. I’ll be graduating in May and then looking to either move back to New Orleans or possibly Washington, DC. I don’t have much free time at the moment because I essentially work for free as a student teacher 40 hours a week. When I do have free time, I spend it with friends having a barbecue or even a Crawfish boil, depending on the season. I still hold Bell’s and Founder’s brewery near and dear to my heart, so I also make my way to the local dive to enjoy a few good local beers. This seems to be the best question so far. My time at Pi Kapp and my experiences through the Journey of Hope have impacted my life greatly. The most important element that I’ve integrated into my day to day life is the idea of Ultimate Respect. I can’t tell you how often people don’t use it. In my future classroom, the first thing I will ‘preach’ to my students is this idea of Ultimate Respect. Simply put, direct communication always trumps anything else. So many conflicts I’ve had have been a result of either me or the other person not using it effectively. Nobody’s perfect, but it is something to shoot for in every interaction you have with someone. I feel like I’ve answered this in previous questions, Just know that eventually I’m going to make my way back to Michigan to meet all of you guys. I really have felt guilty for losing track of everyone. Facebook just isn’t enough. In brotherhood, G. Blake Williams

Fellow brothers and friends of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, Over this past semester, the fraternity has seen strides which have intended to increase Theta Rho’s impact on the community. Both new ideas and revitalizing old ideals keep this chapter alive with prospering intentions. The active members are working to continue the legacy the alumni have left behind but interaction between the two groups still needs commitment. With the development of an alumni chapter this progress should see considerable growth and a reinvigorated pledge to developing men of CLASS. While some of us alumni have moved far from our college chapter, a lot of us havent forgotten the friendships we forged. As an advisor, I have the privilege to interact with these young men on a regular basis and want to assure everyone that these Active Members are capable of great things! They are talented and intelligent. While at times that previous statement may be put to the test, we cannot forget we were once in their shoes. As an alumni who loves this organization, I ask that any of you who may have the time to volunteer to their development, please step up! We need your ideas, your voice, and your commitment. These guys can accomplish so much more with the support of people like you! In Truth, Bradley Kaczmarek Alumni Relations Advisor

I ask all of our members to think back to their moment of initiation. The link that connects us all together in a common brotherhood was being draped in those initiation robes and stepping from the known to the unknown. I personally was unaware of what was in store for me that night but I did know I trusted those who surrounded me, those who recruited me, and those who would now initiate me. This brotherhood is meant to build men into leaders not only on their campus, but in their communities as well! We are connected to each other long past our college years for we know the oath we have taken towards our Fraternity’s letters is a life long commitment. The chapter is in a position where those sacred robes have become tattered and worn from years of creating leaders and need replacement. We are now asking for your generosity at any financial level in order to purchase new ones. Thank you for your continued commitment to Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity! Bradley Kaczmarek (586) 817-0493 Kaczmarek.bradley@gmail.com Victor Tran (517) 677-7926 Victor.t.tran@wmich.edu

Cash, check or money orders can be made out to Pi Kappa Phi - Theta Rho Chapter and mailed to 1714 Fraternity Village Dr., Kalamazoo MI, 49006 Any questions can be directed to Brad or Tyler.

Edward James miller 133 1-5-1995 Major: Flight management and operations Minor: business Big: Luis Coronado Facts: I went Pikapps because they actually did things on campus and we’re active and cool. I’m a glover, and I’m out there

Christian Forrest Doran 138 05-03-1996 Hometown: Leland, MI Major: occupational therapy Big: Rob Neff Facts: I was a chef at a restaurant when I was 15, and I had 19 kids in my graduating class

Evan Kohler 134 Hometown: Saline, MI Major: Dietetics and Exercise Science Minor: Chemistry Big: Blaze Hulet Facts: I was an Orientation Student Leader this summer with Victor Tran

Austin George 139 Hometown: Flushing, MI Big: John Kalmink

Craig James Qualley 137 7-23-1995 Hometown: Iron Mountain, MI Major: Finance Big: Victor Tran Facts: Parents own a diner and I’m from the U.P. Cameron Mitchell Wolbrink 141 10-07-1994 Hometown: Zeeland, MI Major: General Psychology Minor: Sociology with a social psychology focus, social work, and management. Big: Nathan Lamont Alford-Tate Facts: I have a giant phoenix tattoo, and my friend pierced my ears with thumb tacks Bradley Jon Kochheiser 143 5-11-1996 Hometown: Okemos, MI Major: integrated supply management Big: Adam Randall Fact:s never broken a bone before, and I ran cross country in high school

Dylan Frederick Hayes 140 6-1-1996 Hometown: Flushing, MI Major: Criminal Justice Big: Brandon Brown Fact: I’ve had heart surgery, and I’m an avid outdoorsman Robert Allan Nyhuis 142 9-12-1995 Hometown: Zeeland, MI Major: Marketing and Management Minor: Non-Profit and General Business Big: Benjamin DeRyke Facts: I’ve never had a cup of coffee in my life Interesting, and I can play the trumpet Darryn Taylor 135 Big: Mike Lane Joe Delia 136 Big: Matt Cain Major: Engineering Fact: I have many names

This is the new Fall 2014 Nu class! Here are some quick bios of each of them. Top: Cam, Joe, Dylan, Rob, Andrew, Evan, Stephen, and Patrick Bottom: Brad, Christian, Austin, Darryn, Ed, and Craig

Andrew Trewhella 144 11-10-1993 Hometown: Granger, IN Major: Finance Minor: Marketing Big: Davy D Facts: Packers Fan, and I like the tangy zip of miracle whip Stephen John Cleland 145 7-24-1996 Major: Food marketing Minor: Spanish Big: Brian Schoonover Facts: I have broken all my fingers, and I’m the most diehard Detroit sports fan you’ll meet Patrick Allan Schick 146 6-15-1995 Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI Major: English Big: Tyler Sauer Fact 1: Everytime I eat bread I sneeze, and I played competitive Call of Duty and won money

Know of any men who would make great Pi Kapps either active or alumni initiate? Contact Chris DeRosia! We are always looking for men of C.L.A.S.S. who would be a great part of our chapter. A lot of these men come from recommendations from alumni like you so feel free to give one of us a yell if you know of any! Chris DeRosia (989) 326-2043 cderosia@gmail.com

Congratulations to our recruitment team and Brother Victor Tran for winning Most improved in recruitment this past semester at Pi Kapp College for Chapter Officers (Mid Year). I hope to continue all his good work as Archon this year!

Congratulations to brothers Jared Szymanski (Speaker of the Senate) and Tyler Sauer (Political Affairs Chairman) for being election onto the Western Student Associations Cabinet!



FACEBOOK.COM/PIKAPPWMU TWITTER.COM/PIKAPPWMU PIKAPPWMU.ORG This past year becoming active in Pi Kappa Phi Theta Rho and being elected Historian made me feel like I had a lot to prove. Keeping the relationship strong between the current active chapter and now the recently started alumni chapter is vital and I hope to start a good trend that will follow on after my time has passed. Any alumni I appreciate if you can keep up to date contact information so we may keep you updated on anything going on in the chapter. I had a great time and learned quite a few things including event planning which I had previously had no experience in before. Now the torch is being given to our brother, Jalen Onorati. Best of luck to him in this position! Yours in Brotherhood Luis Coronado Historian Please feel free to contact Brad,Victor, or Jalen whenever you want to get information on what is going on or if you want to throw us an update on your contact information. Luis Coronado (720) 987-6271 Jayonorait@gmail.com

Bradley Kaczmarek (586) 817-0493 Kaczmarek.bradley@gmail.com

Victor Tran (517) 677-7926 Victor.t.tran@wmich.edu


We are still are looking to fill some more advising positions. It is a fantastic way to give back to the chapter and we are always looking for ways for alumni to get more involved. So why not give it a shot? You may already be an expert in the advising position that is needed.

Advisor of Recruitment Advisor of The Ability Experience Advisor of Member Development Advisor of External Affairs

Interested? Give Victor Tran a call or email at... (517) 677-7926 Victor.t.tran@wmich.edu

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