GAMMA BETA – February 2018
A Perfectly Frank Fundraiser
(Pictured above) The brothers gifting our beautiful sweethearts roses on Valentine’s Day QUESTIONS/COMMENTS? CONTACT US! gammabetahistorian@gmail.com
The brothers of the gamma beta chapter of Pi Kappa Phi put on a successful philanthropy fundraiser at Perfectly Frank, a very popular eatery in the Norfolk, VA community. Students of Old Dominion University gathered at the restaurant on February 18th and brought in a grand total of 106$ in just two short hours, which ranks amongst one of the best Greek fundraisers in the establishment’s recent history. All proceeds went towards The Ability Experience. It was truly a great time and we cannot wait for the next Chapter Address fundraiser.
| A newsletter from the Gamma Beta Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi |
Upcoming Events:
• St. Patrick’s Day Brotherhood Event – March 17th
Please welcome our Spring 2018 Associate Members!
Newsletter The men of the gamma beta chapter of Pi Kappa Phi have been striving in the month of February as scholars and as men. We are continuing to better our lives as students in and out of the classroom at Old Dominion University with more hours in the library and with philanthropy. March should be a big month for gamma beta with moments of more exciting and fun times for the chapter while we keep working to bring our overall gpa up. We wish you, the reader, a happy and healthy month of March; and hope all is well in your endeavors.
Yours in Pi Kappa Phi, Will Salwen - Historian
The Gamma Beta chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Historian Phone Number: 941-773-4659 gammabetahistorian@gmail.com | @PiKapp_ODU on Social Media