Gamma Delta - Spring 2007

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STAR & SHIELD Pi Kappa Phi alumni at Gamma Delta’s Founder’s Day and anniversary celebration. L to R: Bill Finney (former National Council Member), Scott Finney, Glenn Aspinwall (Pi Kappa Phi Properties President), Tom Carter, Curt Heaslet (Gamma Delta Chapter Advisor).

GAMMA DELTA CELEBRATES ANNIVERSARIES On November 19, 2006, Gamma Delta celebrated its annual Founders’ Day and observed the 40th anniversary of the chapter’s founding and the 10th anniversary of its re-founding. The event included an open house at the chapter house, as well as a dinner and program at the University Club of Memphis. Keynote speakers from the 1966 and 1996 chartering classes were in attendance, along with representatives from Pi Kappa Phi’s national office. The event drew nearly 100 undergraduate and alumni members from Gamma Delta and other Pi Kappa Phi chapters and was the largest alumni event in the chapter’s recent history. The event was organized and sponsored by the newly formed Gamma Delta Alumni Chapter. Beginning the day-long celebration, the Gamma Delta Alumni Chapter hosted alumni at the new chapter house at 520 Brister Street for an open house, food and refreshments. Members of the active chapter’s executive council were on hand to give tours of the new facility. Also in attendance were two members from the original 1966 founding father class. Bryan Cottingham, initiate no. 7, and Jim Surprise, initiate no. 8. Several alumni from outside the Memphis area made the trip for the double-anniversary event. Those coming from out of town included Bryan Cottingham from Nashville, Tenn., Jon Simmons from Houston, Texas, and Tom Carter of Charleston, S. C.

Many brothers made a weekend of the anniversary, making city tours and casino visits part of their agenda. Following the open house, alumni from a multitude of chapters were greeted at the University Club of Memphis with a cocktail reception as a prelude to the banquet dinner program. Those brothers visiting from other chapters included David Yawn, Scott Finney, Bill Finney and Glenn Aspinwall. The opening reception was a great opportunity for alumni to re-connect with friends and meet members of the undergradute chapter. The banquet dinner began at 7:00 p.m. with a warm welcome and introduction by then- Chaplain James Wilkie. He reflected on the founding fathers and their unique qualities, an annual tradition at Gamma Delta’s Founders’ Day. Following dinner, the program continuted with remarks from a multitude of officers from the undergraduate and alumni chapters. Doug Littlejohn, president of the Gamma Delta Alumni Chapter, gave some opening remarks and the state of the alumni chapter, goals, and recent milestones. He explained how alumni are involved in a multitude of areas within the fraternity whether it is through the Housing Corporation or the Board of Alumni Advisors. Littlejohn stressed that the Alumni Chapter was open to all alumni of Gamma Delta, and other alumni in the area, and would serve as a strong support group for the undergraduate chapter. ANDe Demetriou, regional governor for the Smokey Mountain region, gave an update on the other chapters in the region as well as some initiates that the national office is coordinating.

Curt Heaslet, then-chapter advisor, spoke of the achievements and inititatives of the undergraduate chapter. Immediately following, then-Archon Ryan Crews reported on the state of the chapter and noted progress in the chapter’s financial goals and a solid recruitment. Later, he introduced each of the associate members. Glenn Aspinwall, president of Pi Kappa Phi Properties. traveled from Atlanta to represent the national office at our anniversary event. Aspinwall spoke about some national housing initiatives currently in the works and how Properties could assist Gamma Delta. The event culminated with the introduction of Jim Surprise. Surprise recalled the great impact Pi Kappa Phi made on him as a student and the impact Pi Kappa Phi continues to make on him as a professional. He reminded us of the importance of the ritual in our daily lives. Following Surprise, Bryan Cottingham also spoke for a few moments about the importance of Pi Kappa Phi in his life. Next, Gamma Delta initiate no. 367 Craig Peterson, a member of the re-chartering class of 1996, spoke of his experience in the chapter and what it was like to build a chapter from the ground up. Peterson’s comments

Founding Gamma Delta members Jim Surprise (GD #8) and Bryan Cottingham (GD #7) surround one of the newest associate members, Eric Pratt, who was initiated in Dec.

were very entertaining, as he reflected on the chapter 10 year ago. Next, Tom Carter presented the annual scholarship awards to two deserving students. Tom also commented on the recent involvement with the chapter’s volleyball court and certain “letters” to the university, which erupted the crowd in applause. Overall, the event was an absolute success and strengthened the bond of brotherhood between undergraduates and alumni members alike. Please plan to attend this year’s Founders’ Day event at the University Club of Memphis on Sunday, November 18, 2007. We can grow our Founder’s Day celebration each year with your help. Call two or three chapter brothers and bring the along with you.




The Star & Shield of Gamma Delta is published and printed by Pi Kappa Phi National Headquarters throught the fraternity’s alumni newsletter program. Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224 (800) 929-1904



The GDHC manages, maintains, and rents the current fraternity property on Brister St. HOUSING CORP. MEMBERS Ryan Barnes ( Craig Peterson ( Max Snyder ( Kim Hunter ( GAMMA DELTA BOARD OF ALUMNI ADVISORS

The BOAA provides guidance and support for the active chapter. ALUMNI ADVISOR Doug Littlejohn ( CHAPTER ADVISOR Kim Hunter ( FINANCE ADVISOR Scott Haff ( RUSH ADVISOR Gary Bridgman ( GAMMA DELTA ALUMNI CHAPTER

Officially recognized by the Pi Kappa Phi National Office, the newly formed GDAC serves as an outlet of communication between alumni by coordinating alumni affairs and outreach to the active chapter, providing annual newsletters to all alumni, and organizing alumni events. The annual dues are $25. PRESIDENT Doug Littlejohn ( TREASURER Gene Mangiante (



About three years ago, a small group of Gamma Delta alumni and a few local Pi Kapps from other chapters came together to begin a new, invigorated alumni chapter. We collected signatures, contacted Pi Kapp Phi Headquarters for the proper documentation, elected officers and decided on a small amount for annual dues. We also agreed on a few tasks: 1. Take over the annual Founder’s Day event from the undergraduate chapter – dinner, program, and alumni contacts. 2. Publish an annual alumni newsletter within the next few years. 3. Incrementally boost alumni participation in Founders’ Day, the alumni chapter, and the undergraduate chapter. This past year we celebrated our 40th year of Gamma Delta’s founding and our 10th year of our re-founding. We had the largest attendance ever (including a record number of alumni) at our annual Founders’ Day event held at the University Club of Memphis. One of the original Gamma Delta founding members gave a great example of what Pi Kapp brotherhood means. To him, brotherhood was when you get a call one evening from one of your close fraternity brothers, and that brother asks you to meet him tomorrow afternoon in Boise, Idaho, with $300. And you do so without hesitation. For those brothers still in the greater Memphis area, we need to fill open positions in the alumni chapter, housing chapter, and other support groups. These positions will require a small amount of your time annually. Please think back to your time at the University of Memphis (Memphis State to some of us older guys) in the chapter. Remember the good times, the funny stories, the brotherhood, and life-long friends you made. You joined Pi Kappa Phi as a life-long brotherhood. I have been asked by several men over the years to get involved in the Masons or Shrine. I have always responded that I already belonged to a life-long fraternity. Please contact Doug Littlejohn at (901) 937-7599 or or Gene Mangiante at (901) 767-6555 or for an alumni chapter application form or to volunteer for the alumni or undergraduate chapters. Plan now for Founders’ Day at the University Club in Memphis in November 2007 on the Sunday evening before Thanksgiving. See you there!!



Have you ever had a case of déjà vu? It seems that I am having one now. At Founders’ Day last fall, then-chapter advisor Curt Haslett asked if I would be interested in being the chapter advisor. Some of you “old guys” may remember that I did a stint as the chapter advisor back in the early 80’s when I was young, married, and had no children. During that time it seemed that I continually met with—or should I say—was summoned to Dean Carson’s office for discussion of the finer aspects of college life. I am still married to the same lovely lady, and we have two grown adult children. I wanted to ask my son—who is currently an undergraduate member—what he thought about me becoming the chapter advisor for his chapter. I was not sure he wanted me around the house as it might cramp his style. After I received his approval, I agreed to take the torch from Curt. Curt has done a yeoman’s of guiding the brotherhood back to strength, and orchestrated the move to the new house on Brister. I would also like to recognize Scott Half for his loyalty and continued service to the chapter, along with his years of service to the housing corporation. Fall 2006 was a significant year for the Gamma Delta chapter. We had the largest pledge classes in the history of the chapter since being re-chartered. Unfortunately, some of the members of the class had a less than stellar G.P.A., which creates future problems for the chapter. We are placing additional emphasis on grades, as one cannot individually contribute to the success of the chapter if you are not in school. On a positive note, we are current with most of our financial obligations due mainly to the increase of the rolls. Our recruitment efforts need to continue the entire year, so if you have a son, or know of a potential candidate please contact me. (continued on page 3)

ALUMNUS SPOTLIGHT: MODERN MAJOR GENERAL A particular Pi Kappa Phi Gamma Delta alumnus who can be found at the podium during most every Founders’ Day is an individual who also is known not only in national circles, but international ones. General Thomas ‘Tom’ Carter, Gamma Delta 98 and Class of 1974, is a widely respected government relations and congressional liaison specialist with nearly 25 years of experience in Washington, D.C. His experience includes high-level positions in the White House, the U.S. Senate, and the Department of Defense. Most recently, he served as U.S. Ambassador L. Paul Bremer’s senior counselor for Legislative Affairs in both Iraq and Washington, D.C. Interestingly, his son is a legacy to the father chapter of the fraternity. Will Carter is Alpha chapter number 1047. Perhaps the most visible part of Tom’s involvement with our chapter is the scholarship given each Founders’ Day. It is also named after him, a gesture by fellow contributor and fraternity brother Mat Lipscomb of the wellknown Lipscomb & Pitts insurance agency. A plaque hangs in the chapter house with nameplates recognizing the two deserving brother-designates of each year. The funds have been principally funded by Tom and Mat. The selection criteria is based on scholarship, fraternity participation, leadership potential and need. Recipients are generally sophomores or juniors. There are only about two dozen chapters in the nation that have such funds large enough to give out similar scholarships each year.

“I think the undergraduates have a solid program as proven by their recruitment successes last fall. Certainly, we want to maintain that momentum,” said Carter. “Tell them to please keep up the good work and remember that many of us are watching from a distance, and we cannot be as close to the chapter as we would like to be. Our fraternity experience there, though, still means a tremendous amount to us.” Fraternity-wide, Tom most recently served as vice chairman of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation and was on the foundation for nine years. The Foundation’s chief mission is to raise funds to support educational programs of the fraternity. With many notable achievements, Tom’s work on behalf of the United States is worth mentioning. Tom served as the Department of Defense’s principal Senate liaison under Secretary Dick Cheney. Prior to this critical assignment, he was the assistant to Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole for National Security Affairs responsible for staffing many high priority issues. This key position followed two years in the White House as the Air Force Aide to the president, where he carried the famous defense-related secure briefcase known as the “football” for President Ronald Reagan. Tom received his bachelor of science degree from the University of Memphis and went on to attain his master of arts from Georgetown University. He is also an Air Force Reserve Major General and serves as the Mobilization Assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force Additionally he has more than 10,000 hours as a military and civilian pilot.


CHAPTER ADVISOR’S REPORT (continued from page 2)

Mark Baker Ryan Barnes Gary Bird Gary Bridgman Jason Bryan Thomas L. Carter Stephen Cobb Joel Crews Charles Demetriou ANDe Demetriou David Everson Bill Finney Scott Finney Nick Fong Henry Groves Scott N. Haff

Brad Hogue Kim Hunter Tom Liddy Doug Littlejohn Gene Mangiante Russ McSwain Josh Newman Craig Peterson Jeffrey N. Radford Michael Riker Shane Russell Wes Russell Chris Whitestone Chris Wilson David Yawn


Tom most recently returned to Iraq and Afghanistan in December to visit and support our troop operations. His full-time job, though, is serving as a senior executive with Commonwealth Consulting Corp. in Washington. The company works with government agencies as a strategic business advisory firm with expertise in the defense, homeland security, and aerospace sectors. Its clients span the spectrum from Fortune 100 companies and multinational corporations. We certainly are glad to have Tom on our team, too. —David Yawn

Spring has sprung at the house, and we are doing some minor repairs. However, there are some “big” projects that will need “big” dollars. We will be contacting you about those plans in the near future. This spring will be very busy as we are participating in Follies with Phi Mu, and there are many intramural events during the week where our teams battle for the honor of the chapter. Push Week is April 16 – April 20, 2007, where members of the chapter will be pushing a wheelchair around campus to raise money and awareness for individuals with disabilities. Also, this summer brother Rob Lackey is participating in Push America’s Journey of Hope. Rob’s fundraising goal is $5,000, and he is about $1,700 away from this amount. If you would like to help Rob while helping others you can make a tax deductible donation at www. Rob would sincerely appreciate a gift of any amount. Remember to save the date for the alumni-active golf tournament on June 11, 2007. We hope to see you there! If you need to contact me my email address is




40 YEARS AGO CHARTERING MEMBERS OF GAMMA DELTA IN 1966 L to R: Pat Osborne, Reginald Dalle, Larry Vaughters, Ed Savage, Warren Cruzen, Loy Lee, Larry Watson, John Lafferty, Don Cherepski, Chuck McKenzie




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