Gamma Delta - Summer 2009

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STAR & SHIELD GAMMA DELTA’s 43rd founders’ day Gamma Delta chapter celebrated its 43rd Founders’ Day on November 23, 2008, with an event at the Crescent Club of Memphis. This is the first time in recent years that the event has been held at a new location. The event began at noon with an opportunity for networking between alumni, and for active and alumni members to reconnect. The brunch buffet was well received by alumni and undergraduate members. The program officially started with an introduction by Gamma Delta Alumni Chapter president Doug Littlejohn. Immediately following, Gamma Delta Chaplain Will Stephens gave the invocation and reflected on the reason for our gathering. The afternoon continued with a “state of the chapter” address from former Gamma Delta Gamma Delta Archon Jake Shaffer. Kim Hunter, chapter advisor, reported Executive Council on additional milestones and aRCHON achievements of the chapter since Rob Lackey our last Founders’ Day. ANDe Vice Archon Demetriou , regional governor of Derek Fleming the Smoky Mountain Region and Treasurer Gamma Delta alumnus, reported Josh Asplund on the initiatives that the national Secretary office is spearheading, and Travis French potential changes to the region Warden with new chapters opening in our Jonathan Joy area. Alumni Wes Russell and Historian Ryan Crews gave a report of the Kyle Bailey current housing initiatives that are Chaplain slated for 2009. Doug Littlejohn Joey Fairbanks gave a brief report on the Gamma

Delta Alumni Chapter and its initiatives to promote and reconnect alumni. An alumnus from the Alpha Sigma chapter at Tennessee, David Yawn, gave an informative keynote address regarding the recent economic climate. Next, the associate members were called forward to introduce themselves. Immediately following, the incoming officers for the active chapter David Yawn, Alpha Sigma (Tennessee), was invited to were placed in office. be the keynote speaker at Gamma Delta’s Founders’ Day celebration. (The Gamma Delta executive council is listed in the box to the left.) Alumni Tom Carter recognized three undergraduate brothers and presented them with scholarships from the Gamma Delta Chapter Investment Fund. Those brothers who received scholarships are Travis French, Joshua Asplund and Joey Fairbanks. Founders’ Day is held traditionally on the Sunday prior to Thanksgiving. This year’s event is scheduled for Sunday, November 22, 2009, at noon at the Crescent Club of Memphis. Please mark your calendar and make plans to join us this November!

CHAPTER ADVISOR’S REPORT The brothers of Gamma Delta chapter have put in hours of hard work and have recruited six associate members for this spring. Vice Archon Derek Fleming and his recruitment team are working to find other interested men to join the Pi Kappa Phi brotherhood, and we hope to pick up one or two more recruits during formal rush. Recruitment is a topic that is continuously on our minds, and we are expecting 12 to 15 of our active brothers


to graduate between spring 2009 and spring 2010. With their departure, the chapter is more focused than ever on maintaining size and expanding on campus. Repairs and additions to the house are looking good. We have a new tankless water heater and double-paned vinyl windows to decrease our energy consumption and monthly bills. Looking forward, we anticipate improvements on the roofing, siding and


steps. A new fundraising drive has begun to help move these projects forward. I can’t say enough to thank Rich Franklin, Rick Crews and Scott Haff for their blood, sweat and leadership on the housing committee. We hope to have several alumni events this year in addition to Founders’ Day, so watch your e-mail and make plans to join us. Feel free to stop by the house, see the progress and share in our excitement and pride!

State of the Chapter PI KAPPA PHI


STAR & SHIELD publisher

The Star & Shield of Gamma Delta is published and printed by Pi Kappa Phi National Headquarters through the fraternity’s alumni newsletter program. Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224 (800) 929-1904


The GDHC manages, maintains, and leases the current fraternity property on Brister St. president Richard Franklin ( vice president Richard Crews Sr. ( treasurer Scott Haff ( GAMMA DELTA BOARD OF ALUMNI ADVISORS

The BOAA provides guidance and support for the active chapter. Alumni Advisor Doug Littlejohn ( Chapter Advisor Kim Hunter ( Finance Advisor Scott Haff ( Rush Advisor Gary Bridgman (


Officially recognized by the Pi Kappa Phi National Office, the GDAC serves as an outlet of communication between alumni by coordinating alumni affairs and outreach to the active chapter, providing annual newsletters to all alumni, and organizing alumni events. The annual dues are $25. President Doug Littlejohn ( Treasurer Gene Mangiante (


Though we have been faced with many challenges, the brotherhood has stepped forward and worked their hardest to make the chapter run smoothly, and we have had an excellent start to 2009. Last fall, we had one of the most successful No Boundaries Week events our chapter has seen in many years. We have won two intramural sporting events and are looking to win one more championship before the end of the term. In the fall, we placed in the top three fraternities for homecoming, placed in the top three fraternities for our collective G.P.A. and won the Greek Homecoming Step Show. Pi Kappa Phi showed our school pride once again by winning the award for the top Greek attendance during the basketball season. Spring recruitment showed that hard work and dedication by the entire brotherhood builds a better chapter. We extended bids to six rushees and all signed on as associate members. The six are still active and are proving to bring great and varied talents to the chapter. Through the help of the Gamma Delta Housing Corporation, the Alumni Association, and the active brotherhood, the fraternity house is in great shape! The chapter has been making steady strides toward building a better fraternity and building better men on the University of Memphis campus. Our sincerest thanks to all our alumni who continue to support us and help to bring our fraternity into a new era of great men and great leaders.

HOUSING CORPORATION UPDATE In the past several months, the Gamma Delta Housing Corporation has embarked upon a campaign to raise funds for major improvements and upgrades to the chapter house. To begin the campaign, the GDHC set the following criteria to help guide the selection and prioritization of house improvements: 1) Safety and security 2) Comfort 3) Efficiency 4) Curb appeal In keeping with these goals, the GDHC has invested more than $16,000 in the chapter house in 2009. Mid-January saw a new high efficiency HVAC unit installation, providing heat and air to approximately onethird of the house. Two weeks later, energy efficient windows were installed throughout the entire house. These projects not only help improve the curb appeal of the house, but also helped to create a more comfortable environment for the undergraduates living in and utilizing the house. The chapter is projected to save up to 30 percent in utility costs annually, approximately $2,000$3,000, related to heating and cooling the house! The two projects bring the total investment in the house over the past nine months to approximately $25,000.


As we move forward, the GDHC is making plans to replace yet another HVAC unit at the house, the roof and siding, and completely refinishing and refurbishing the kitchen and public bathrooms. If our fundraising efforts are successful, many of these projects can be completed in the next six to nine months, which will enable us to move forward with a long list of other future projects and truly make the Pi Kappa Phi house something we can all be proud of. To date, we have received pledges and donations totaling more than $45,000, including a substantial contribution from the undergraduate chapter by way of increased rent and housing fees paid on a monthly basis. Additionally, the chapter is considering summer fundraising projects to aid the campaign. Unfortunately, without the help and support of dedicated Pi Kappa Phi alumni chapter, the GDHC and undergraduate chapter will not be successful in their goal of investing over $100,000 into the chapter house over the next three years. There are many ways to get involved and lend your support. We hope you will consider making a financial contribution as soon as possible. No amount is too large or small and every donation puts us one step closer to our goal.

Chapter Investment Fund The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation exists for provide financial support to our national fraternity and annually gives educational grants in excess of $200,000 to our overall operations. These dollars fund many of our risk management and educational activities such as the Mid Year Leadership Conference and Pi Kapp College. Of course, the Foundation holds tax exempt status, so it is the entity to which each brother can contribute with a corresponding tax deduction. If you wish to contribute directly to your home chapter, the means to do so is via the Gamma Delta chapter investment fund (CIF). The chapter’s CIF has been in existence for many years but was basically dormant until roughly 10 years ago. According to foundation rules, the CIF cannot disburse funds for any purposes until it


reaches a certain level of funding, and that didn’t occur until Mat Lipscomb wrote a significant check. Following that occurrence, the fund has disbursed checks annually to several undergraduate brothers whose academics, fraternity participation and need have met certain standards. The chapter may also draw upon those funds for academic related purposes. Today the CIF amount is probably near the top 25 nationally, and for a number of years, I have personally replaced the dollars disbursed to the undergraduates each year. Other brothers have also contributed from time to time, and I particularly want to thank my spring ’71 pledge brother Terry Benton for his generosity over the years. A few other Gamma Delta brothers have also contributed to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation’s annual fund, and I know

alumnus spotlight As social chairman, historian and Journey of Hope cyclist, Walter Brooks spent the majority of his college experience gaining a solid, formidable reputation for our chapter and himself. He helped the chapter recharter and regards the experience as one of his fondest memories. Brooks studied commercial music at the University of Memphis and joined the fraternity in August of 1993 for a few reasons: he knew ANDe Demetriou and really connected with other brothers in the chapter. He was instantly drawn to the service element of Pi Kappa Phi and was impressed with the Push America program, valuing the unique ownership we have over the organization. To this day, he credits his

that the national fraternity appreciates that generosity as well. If you want your donation to go specifically to the Gamma Delta CIF, simply state so on your return correspondence. Lastly, if there are any of you who would like to consider endowing a scholarship in your name, I’d certainly like to discuss that with you. We all know how difficult it can be to fund our college careers while working and trying to be an active brother. Our undergraduates can use all the financial help that we can provide, and it gives me great pleasure every year to return to Memphis to see all of you and present these scholarship checks to these deserving undergraduates. The brotherhood that I have felt over the years makes every single penny contributed to the chapter investment fund worthwhile. BY JONATHAN JOY

experience working with committees and the Gamma Delta chapter as a development experience and uses those skills to oversee two Ducks Unlimited chapters. A Gamma Delta brother inspired him to complete the Journey of Hope as a cyclist. Brooks was deeply impacted by the program: “Journey of Hope made me realize how good we have life, and that we should not complain about some of the things we find reasons to gripe about. The kids and folks you meet on the ride put up with a lot more than you or I will ever have to and still go on smiling day to day.” Alumnus Walter Brooks, Gamma Delta 382, currently lives in Oakland, Tennessee, with his wife, Betsy, and son, Trevor.

alumni Updates Matt Dailey #009 Dailey has switched airplanes at UPS and is now flying through Asia, the Middle East and Europe as an international captain on the Boeing 747-400 out of Anchorage, Alaska

Chris Wilson #388 Wilson recently launched his own business, Forward Gear (, which is a distributor for aftermarket motorcycle parts.

Terry Morris #320 Morris ran two marathons for Team in Training and raised more than $7,000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

Brad Hogue #456 Hogue is engaged to Ms. Amanda Ward with plans to marry on August 22, 2009, in Oklahoma City, Okla.

ANDe Demetriou #375 Demetriou started a business, Gemini Media Transfer Service (, which transfers videos, photos, slides, negatives and reels to DVD format.

Ryan Crews #510 Crews started as the assistant compliance coordinator at the University of Memphis in August, responsible for monitoring all recruiting activities for 17 collegiate sports.

The newly re-chartered Gamma Delta Pi Kappa Phis pose with their charter at the evening banquet.





STAR & SHIELD Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224

SAVE THE DATE MEMPHIS-AREA ALUMNI BASEBALL OUTING Friday, July 31, 2009 Round Rock (Astros) vs. Memphis Redbirds (Meet at front gate to buy tickets at 6:30 p.m.) For more information, contact: Gene Mangiante at (901) 849-6555 or


JOIN NOW! Membership in the Gamma Delta Alumni Chapter (GDAC) helps to

underwrite the ongoing costs of publishing the GDAC Newsletter and other initiatives to help Gamma Delta alumni stay connected to each other and their fraternity. See the back of this form for information on frequently asked questions. Instructions: Complete this form and return along with your $25 check or money order to: Gamma Delta Alumni Chapter PO Box 771811 Memphis, TN 38177-1811

Name: Spouse: Graduation Year: Initiation # Chapter Home Phone: Work Phone: Cell Phone: Preferred E-mail: Address:

___________________________________________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ (if other than Γ∆) _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________

In an effort to keep production costs low, we are encouraging all Gamma Delta alumni who have an active e-mail address to consider receiving the GDAC newsletter in an electronic format. Future editions of the newsletter may be sent in PDF format. Coming soon, the Gamma Delta Alumni Chapter will be launching a web site dedicated to promoting alumni events and facilitating more effective alumni communication. An “opt-in” is required to post your listing. * PRIVACY AGREEMENT. By providing the above personal information, I understand and consent to such information being shared with the records departments of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity and The University of Memphis. Questions regarding the Gamma Delta Alumni Chapter should be directed to: President, Doug Littlejohn,, (901) 937-7599 Treasurer, Gene Mangiante,, (901) 767-6555 x101

Contributions or gifts to the Gamma Delta Alumni Chapter are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

GDAC MEMBERSHIP FAQ What are my alumni chapter dues used for? The dollars raised each year from the membership drive will be used to support the ongoing expense of producing the GDAC Newsletter, the organization and promotion of Gamma Delta alumni social events, the development and ongoing expense of hosting a dedicated website for Gamma Delta alumni, filing fees for the corporation, annual alumni chapter dues to the National Fraternity, bank fees, and other miscellaneous charges associated with the direct management of the corporation. What do I receive in return for my annual contribution of $25? Official membership in the Gamma Delta Alumni Chapter is reserved for those who pay the annual membership fee. In return for their support, members of the Alumni Chapter: (1) will be listed in the GDAC Newsletter and on the Alumni Chapter website, (2) may run for election to the Alumni Chapter’s Board of Directors, and (3) are eligible to vote at the annual meeting. Do all Gamma Delta alumni members receive the GDAC Newsletter? Are all alumni invited to the annual meeting and alumni social events? Yes. The Alumni Chapter believes it is important to communicate with all Gamma Delta alumni. Therefore, all alumni members in good standing with the Fraternity (i.e.not expelled) will receive the newsletter and invitations to all gatherings. It is the Alumni Chapter’s opinion that quality events and a timely, wellwritten newsletter will naturally draw support from the existing alumni base.

Are my Alumni Chapter dues tax deductible? No. The Gamma Delta Alumni Chapter is a 501 (c) (7) not-for-profit corporation and therefore contributions or gifts are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Why are dues set at this amount? The Alumni Chapter believes that price should not be an impediment to membership. Rather, the dues structure is loosely modeled after other alumni associations, whereby a premium is set on participation, not necessarily total dollars raised. This IS NOT a capital campaign for the Fraternity or Alumni Chapter, but an opportunity to help support the outreach to and program development for Gamma Delta alumni. Is the Gamma Delta Alumni Chapter different from the Gamma Delta Housing Corporation? Yes. Each are separately incorporated entities, with different missions and boards of directors, designed to support the greater Gamma Delta vision of providing the preeminent fraternity experience at the University of Memphis. The Alumni Chapter focuses on alumni communication and outreach while the Housing Corporation focuses exclusively on housing issues and the management of the property. What is the ‘dues cycle’ for the Alumni Chapter? The fiscal year for the Gamma Delta Alumni Chapter runs from December to November, and dues shall become due by Founder’s Day each year.

The Gamma Delta Alumni Chapter sends out a newsletter to all alumni. We would like to include information about recent milestones in your life. Please give us some information about you! Recently married? New job? Completed grad school? Children on the way or just arrive? Recently deployed? These are just some of the stories we’d like to tell about you. Please feel free to include pictures as well. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

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