The Pride A Publication of The Gamma Phi Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Spring 2008
The Archon’s Corner
From Where I Sit
David Shaw
Tom Peterson
Chapter Advisor
Dear Alumni,
Welcome to the Spring 2008 edition of The Pride, the newsletter for alumni of Gamma Phi. The goal is to make this newsletter something that you can use to keep in touch with your chapter and other Alumni.
This semester has been filled with exciting events that will make you very proud. We have been involved with every facet of campus and Greek life. I believe that we started our semester looking for ways to improve our chapter. At the beginning of this semester the new executive council, the old executive council, Brother Jay Hunt, and Brother Tom Peterson held an officer transition retreat. At this retreat we evaluated the chapter as it was and decided what to focus on to better the chapter. One week later eight other actives and I attended Mid Year Leadership Conference in St. Louis. The next weekend we held a leadership retreat, where Brother Hunt and Brother Peterson guided us on how to become good and effective leaders. During this retreat we decided on a mission statement for the semester, "Building a Stronger Brotherhood." A few weeks later we began working closely with Brother Richard Rose and Brother David Rose for a special Homecoming celebration. Brother Hunt helped and guided us as we … continued on page 2
The Archon’s Corner
How Can You Help The Gamma Phi Chapter?
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After we leave college, our mix of friends change and our priorities shift. As we navigate through our careers and kids (and grandkids for some), we encounter a lot of people, but we really only get to know a few of them beyond the level of acquaintance. Why then is it that after we have experienced true brotherhood in Pi Kappa Phi, we are willing to let those relationships slip away? I am glad that I have church, family, and friends, but without my Gamma Phi Brothers, I’d be missing a crucial piece of the puzzle. For some, professional lives and family obligations can make Gamma Phi seem like a nice little college memory that doesn’t have a place in their busy aftercollege life, but I would challenge you to set aside just half an hour this month to call a brother that you haven’t seen in a while. Talk about the old times and catch-up with what’s going on in his life. A little bit of your time to keep in touch will enhance your life and his beyond measure. Contact me if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this newsletter or about your chapter, Gamma Phi. Yours in Lifelong Pi Kappa Phi Brotherhood, Tom Peterson, Gamma Phi 93
Officer Reports; Alumni Briefs; Scholarship 20 Year Anniversary; Homecoming Celebration
251-621-9377 (h), 251-689-5730 (c), 251-436-8238 (w) The Pride 1