The Gam m a z et t e A Publication of the Gamma Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi The University of California, Berkeley
Cyclethon A Great Success At 10 am on January 22 the active members of Gamma chapter began the gruelling challenge of pedaling a stationary bike on campus for 48 hours non stop, through the night, through the rain, and through the cold. All 16 active members donated at least three hours of their time between January 22nd and January 24th to help raise over $1,200 for Push America. The event was located at Sather Gate and was able to draw a lot of positive attention for not only Gamma, but for Pi Kappa Phi and Push America’s nation mission of serving people with disabilities. Most donations came in the form of one dollar donations from passer bys who were given incentives to donate as the chapter also raffled off an IPod and gift certificates to local restaurants. The chapter’s efforts did not go unnoticed by the campus community as the Daily Cal decided to write about the event and staff members from the Office of Student life also worked closely with the chapter in making the Bike-A-Thon a successful event. Support not only came from the campus community, but from those in the community as well including Mike’s Bikes who donated the stationary trainer for the event, and Jamba Juice and Cheese Board Pizza provided gift certificates to be given away in the raffle. The event proved to be successful in promoting a side of social fraternities that often goes overlooked and unnoticed by the greater Cal community. In the future, the chapter would like to make this a traditional event as the attention and publicity the chapter received because of the event proved to be nothing but positive and supportive. Roberto Rivera ’04 Push Chair