Gator Tales, Spring 2018

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Spring 2018 | Alumni Relations Ofce | 2015 Ayrsley Town Boulevard, Suite 200, Charlotte, NC 28273 |



CHAIRMAN Dear Brothers: This past February 23/24th Alpha Epsilon held our most recent…and what I believe to be…most successful Annual Alumni Meeting at the Gainesville Hilton. With over 210 alumni and guests in attendance, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who was able to join us, for helping to make this event as successful as it was. It was also great to see the growing number of “new” older alumni who were able to join us this year for the first time. We have done our best to capture the highlights of that weekend and fold them into this edition of our E – Newsletter: Gator Tales. Our hope is that we can stir the interests of those who have not had the opportunity to join us in years past to make plans to join us in February of 2019 when we gather to dedicate our new Chapter House. Aside from a review of the weekend events, there are three rather significant initiatives highlighted in this publication which I would like to call your continued page 2

Our chapters Annual Meeting was held in Gainesville on Saturday February 24. President Mike Sullivan welcomed over 210 alumni and friends. The first order of business was to elect the coming years Trustees. Bert Luer, Immediate Past President nominated Mike Hill; Craig Morrison; Tim Rurey; Gregg LaRoche and Ken Purcell for 1-year terms; and Bill Charland; Rick Riisma; Don Morrison and Mark Thurn for 3-year terms. No other nominations were received from the floor and all those nominated were voted on as presented. The Officers for the coming year are Mike Sullivan, President; Bob Halcrow, Vice President; Mark Montgomery, Treasurer and Don Morrison, Secretary. Bill Charland gave a wonderful presentation on the status of the new chapter house and its' unique features. Included in the presentation were pictures of the furnishings and interior design elements. In summary, the house will be professionally finished and is scheduled for completion on time and within budget at 5.2 million. Mike Sullivan was able to secure a donation of material for moldings and trim that had a value in excess of $50,000. Bill also noted that the only items salvaged from the old house were solid wood planks from the stairway and challenged the brotherhood to come up with a way in which the salvaged planks could be incorporated into the new house. Additionally, Bob Halcrow announced the re-establishment of the AE Gator Club. Moving forward, outright donations and the subscription fees collected through the AE Gator Club will be the only sources of revenue generated that our Board of Trustees can use to drive our organization forward. In order for this group to continue the good work which has been done in the areas of: AE Scholarship Awards, Alumni Communication Campaign, Recognition Awards for the Chapters Executive Committee for Leadership as well as the Annual Alumni Meeting, we need to support a budget of $25,000 per year. We continue to receive tremendous feedback with regards to the alumni website, the Pi Kapp Gator, as well as the AE Gator Tales electronic newsletter which was launched last year. Our hope is that everyone sees the value of these efforts to keep us all connected and that this initiative will be supported by ALL ALUMNI for the annual fee of $100. See more about the AE Gator Club in a separate article. Most of the other items discussed during the meeting are detailed throughout this issue of Gator Tales.

Don Morrison Spring ‘70 AE 924

AE launches new Alumni Mentorship Program... At the celebration of AE Founder's Day in Gainesville on February 23, an initiative to bridge the gap between the lives of student members and their alumni counterparts was announced.

FROM THE CHAIRMAN continued from Page 1

attention to: the AE Gator Club, the AE Walkway and our new Alumni Mentorship Program. I hope to see you at the dedication of the new house in February 2019

The AE Mentoring Program was enthusiastically launched via an address from Chapter Historian, Joe Lavoie, to those gathered at the Hilton in Gainesville. Joe, with assistance from Alumni Relations Director, Ryan Gamarra, has developed a matching plan that starts with identifying a student's academic pursuits and professional ambitions. The next step is pairing those individual's needs with those AE alumni who have already navigated the myriad of moving parts and trekked a similar career path. The student partnership guidelines for the plan are:


Mike Sullivan Fall '68 AE 886 Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Mr. Alpha Epsilon Teen Timers Supporting AE since 1948 –Tom Fitzgerald AE 405 –Merle Harrison AE 436 –Charlie Rigl AE 413 –Joe Schretzmann AE 394 –Jack Usher AE 443 –Sandy Durrell* AE 435 –Martin Perkins* AE 486 –Bob Scott Emeritus 2015 AE 432 *CHAPTER ETERNAL

If you haven't done so already… please consider dona ng to the Capital Campaign as every dollar counts to making our new house #1 on Frat Row Naming opportuni es are s ll available! Remember ….don't be a $0

A commitment from the student to initiate and maintain contact with his mentor, Establish a path to success that is individualized to their specific scenario, Develop a timeline that includes frequency and mode of communication, and Schedule a time to meet face-to-face, if possible.

Joe and Ryan have built accountability benchmarks to insure a student's participation and honor the valuable use of our alumni's most precious resource, their time. The vision is to create an environment from which AE can serve its stakeholder's best. This program's success, like all embraced by AE, will be measured in several unique facets.

¯ A benefit of membership highlighted during Rush, ¯ A conduit of starting and nurturing relationships that bridgedecades-long gaps, or

¯ Bolstering our work force through preparing and placing quality UF grads. Response from both parties has been robust with 29 students and 34 alumni agreeing to partake. In fact, many the mentor/mentee combinations were able to “break the ice through breaking bread” as they met over lunch in Gainesville on Founder's Day. Occupations and interests already matched include (but are not limited to) Health Care, Engineering, Law, Financial Services, Politics and Business.

If you are interested in engaging or would like to discuss the program, please feel free to reach out to Craig Morrison 352.317.8992 See more information on page 3 2

AE AE Alumni Association is proud to launch its annual fund raising program, design to support the three critical components of our success...

« Undergraduate Scholarship Program our campus initiative in its 3rd year for excellence in academics, leadership, and campus/community involvement. Eight scholarships awarded annually to deserving undergraduate brothers who have demonstrated outstanding contributions to AE and UF. « Alumni Communications Program, recognized consistently by National as the best comprehensive program in all of Pi Kappa Phi. Two print Pi Kapp Gators, three-four electronic Gator Tales, and numerous informative e-mails throughout the year. Now it its 6th year. «Founder's Day Alumni Meeting and Weekend, annual event started a seven years ago with less than 15 attendees and has now growth to over 210. Meet and Greet Friday Night, Annual AEHC Board meeting, State of the Chapter and all related activities. Join your AE brothers and support the AE Gator Club by contributing a minimum of $100 per year, all the funds will be used to support our key three activities Regional Leadership Team for the AE Gator Club West - Dave Boden AE 1337 East- Rich Levy AE 1830 South - Bob Halcrow AE 868 Contribution can be made two ways: Via check: Mark Montgomery, Treasurer, AEHC 4300 Polk Street, Hollywood, FL 33021 Payable to AEHC-AE Gator Club Via Credit: Logon on to PayPal Proceed to AE Gator Club and follow the prompts. It's great to be a Florida Gator... and even better to be AE Gator. Bob Halcrow ΠΚΦ AE 868

After the Annual Housing Corporation over 125 brothers gathered in a block to watch the Florida Gators take on, at that time ranked, Auburn Tigers. One of the highlights of the see-saw Florida victory 72-66 was a shot by KeVaughn Allen as time ran out in the first half. He took an inbound pass from the far end of the court with 2 seconds left, turned, fired from over half court, and sunk a 3 pointer, much to the delight of the fans. It was a great turnout of old and new brothers. This is likely to become ver 125 Alumni and members a new event of the active chapter (based on the descended on the O'Connell teams schedule) Center Saturday evening of the Alumni every year. Weekend and watched the Gators trounce the Auburn Tigers 72 – 66.


AE Mentoring Program... A personal note... This has been a busy year for the Housing Corporation with the founding of a Mentor Program being spearheaded by Craig Morrison...more to come in the next issue. I wanted to personally share my experience with the brotherhood: I was paired up with a young man by the name of Charles McMillan and we were introduced at the meeting. After exchanging the necessary information about each other we agreed to set a teleconference meeting in the near future. Charles is a Junior from Jacksonville majoring in Occupational Therapy and we were matched because of my background in Medical Practice Management prior to retirement. We have a conference call on the first Friday of the month to discuss such things as preparing resumes and ideas on preinterview research on the company. We compared notes on our families, what to expect when you apply for your first mortgage, etc. So far my participation has been extremely rewarding and I look forward to many interactions with Charles. I would encourage any brother who has a skill to be shared with a young brother to contact Craig Morrison at 352-317-8992 or and volunteer to be a mentor to a young man. I guarantee you will get more from it than you think. Mike Hill #815 3

A Lifetime of Achievement, A Lifetime of Friendship, A Lifetime of Pride

Sandy ll e r r o D

William S. “Sandy” Durrell (10/14/31 - 3/19/17) began his freshman year at the University of Florida in the fall of 1949. He and a few other Ft. Lauderdale High School graduates, pledged together at Pi Kappa Phi in their first semester. The older students at the fraternity, who were veterans of World War II and a bit more mature, affectionately referred to this band of fun-loving brothers along with 5 3 4 E the others in their class as the “Teen Timers”. A SP '50 Even though careers and family moved the Teen Timers to different parts of the country and world over time, the friendships forged during those years never diminished. Sandy remained committed to his Pi Kappa Phi family throughout his lifetime, through all the ups and downs. One of his proudest achievements was to be honored by Pi Kappa Phi with the Diamond Legion Award.


CE - Chapter Eternal



After his graduation in 1953 with a BS in Organic Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Sandy married Jane Kusbel. They welcomed twin daughters a year later as Sandy began graduate school and Jane was finishing her degree in Physical Education. Upon completion of his PhD, he began a long and distinguished career as an industrial chemist, research and development manager, and corporate executive. Sandy was honored as a Fellow in the American Chemical Society in 2011, for a lifetime of outstanding achievements in and contributions to science, the profession, and the Society. Many patents have been credited to Sandy's research efforts, most notably for the agricultural chemical, Atrazine. Over time, Sandy's career in R&D in plastics, agricultural and specialty chemicals took the family from Florida to Alabama, Rhode Island, New York, and Pennsylvania. These changes in scenery brought three more children, new friends and new adventures, including skiing, sailing, and traveling around the world. Sandy lived his life as a Teen Timer - he loved to sing, play the ukulele and tennis, travel, make people laugh, dress up for Halloween, teach his grandkids to play tennis and guitar, and take them zip lining, hiking and horseback riding. Throughout his life he had a deep devotion to his Catholic faith, and with humor and grace he loved his friends, the Florida Gators, adventure, martinis, strawberry milkshakes, the latest gadgets, funny movies, and serenading his wife, Jane. 4

ALUMNUSSpotlight (AE 436)

We've heard about them; we've seen them; and now you get to meet one in our Alumni Spotlight….The Teen Timers as remembered by Murle Harrison… January 1950 Initiate! Who are the Teen Timers? I was recruited by an older AE brother by the name of Joe Pyle in 1949. If you remember, this was just after the war and many of the folks going to college back then were a little bit older than we were. I figure they were about 25 or so years old. Well you had these bunch of wet behind the ears guys that were only 17 or 18 at the time and one day, one of the “adults” just started calling us the Teen Timers… and that is what we were known as throughout our college career! How many Teen Timers were there? If I recall, there were about 25 of us. All good friends but as you can imagine, our numbers are dwindling. There was Sandy Durrell; Charlie LaPradd; Joe Schretzman; Bob Scott; Tom Fitzgerald; Charlie Rigl and so many others. A couple of us came from Ft. Lauderdale including myself. I remember one pledge by the name of Bill Lewis. I believe by the time he left Florida, he might have been the oldest “freshman” at the University…. He must have been there 3 or 4 years but never made the grades so I think he left as a freshman. Now there are about 10 of us still around and we see each other when we can… Great friends and our families remain very close! Why did you attend University of Florida? Survival mostly. I was working construction with my dad in Ft. Lauderdale at the time and after one summer, I decided that college was a better alternative than doing what I was doing. Back then, tuition was free but there was an activity fee of $50.00 per quarter. The activity fee included everything you can imagine including sports, the infirmary and all other activities. I figure it cost about $3,000 back then to get a college degree. What was your degree upon graduation? Well during college, I worked all the time honing my business skills. I figured that business administration and accounting was the way to go. With my experience in building construction working for my dad and my accounting degree, I went to work in Jacksonville for a real estate firm… and spent my entire career doing that. After I retired the first time, I went to work with a buddy of mine, Herb Peyton. You probably know of Herb's success as Gates Petroleum. After 14 years there, I re-retired! What is the most significant thing you got from the fraternity? I got more out of being a Pi Kapp than any book learning! The fraternity provided me and all the brothers the greatest education you can get… that of social acclimation! To be able to meet people; talk with them and the ability to be hospitable are all great learning tools. Remember the pledge paddles? Well you better darn well know each

I got more out of being a Pi Kapp than any book learning! The fraternity provided me and all the brothers the greatest education you can get… that of social acclimation!

murle0612@a .net brothers name, where they came from, what their major was and any other information they thought you ought to remember. I learned incredible social skills during my time at school and being a Pi Kapp! Additionally, I was also the President of my Pledge class; House Manager; Social Chairman and Treasurer. I became the House Manager because the House Mother left. I didn't think that one through because throughout the day and night the door was being banged on by everyone wanting to discuss their bill. Really bad decision on my part! All in all, the fraternity is one of my most wonderful life experiences. And to see the boys and men now it just gives me a warm feeling that we, the Teen Timers were able to contribute too… Pikappharrison0318

LEGIONAWARDS Diamond Ken Perkins AE 600 Gold Bob Adams AE 844 Dave Pope AE 856 Bob Halcrow AE 868 Silver Bram Maravent AE 1838 5

FROMADVISORGilley I just had a conversation with a couple of current brothers after Founder's Weekend. One of them said, “What did we do to deserve a house like the one being built?” My response was that they didn't deserve it, but they can make sure to do their part to be worthy of it and to carry it forward after they graduate. I am honored to be serving as the chapter adviser in this time of transition. Watching the house be demolished, removed, and now starting to be resurrected in a grand new fashion has been a fascinating process to behold. For many of you that started with this project when it was just a wild dream, I can only imagine the pride you feel. That is really what we want to communicate to you. The pride the current brothers feel in being a part of a fraternity that cares enough to invest in something so nice on their behalf. The active brothers are a solid group of great young men. They have recruited to a very high level despite not having the advantage of a physical

house. They continue to live out the values that make our fraternity great. While it might be different to be in a fraternity today with all that is happening on the national landscape, our brothers continue to strive to uphold the legacy that so many of you have worked hard to provide for the brothers of AE. Eddie Gilley Fall ‘16 AE 2592 Chapter Advisor

AE Kick–Off 2.24.2018 AEHC Funding Source Communication Program–Scholarship Program –Alumni Events

Organized Regionally Subscription Based $100 per year Full details on page 3

PI KAPP COLLEGE FORChapter Officers On January 12-14, our newly elected chapter officers and several committee chairmen attended Pi Kapp College for Chapter Officers in Birmingham, Alabama. Aside from meeting brothers from all over the Southeast, they attended various informational sessions to ready themselves for the task of leading Alpha Epsilon in 2018. Reflecting on AE's past prowess, the new executive board took home awards recognizing the chapter's excellence in member experience and recruitment. Archon Matt Farah has high hopes for this new term, saying "2018 is going to be a fantastic year for Alpha Epsilon. We have the right vision and a dedicated executive board to take us where we need to be." The brothers of Alpha Epsilon enjoyed welcoming alumni home to Gainesville during Founders' Weekend held on February 23-24.


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Archon: Matt Farah Vice Archon: Nick Zinoble Treasurer: Brett Steinfeld Secretary: Stephen Greep Warden: Krishna Muhundan Historian: Joe Lavoie Chaplain: Charles McMillan Standards Chairman: Brandon Furry Philanthropy Chairman: AJ Kerwin Risk Manager: Matthew Davis 6

ChapterNews ARCHON REPORT I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Matt Farah and I am the current Archon of our Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. I am a third year finance major from Jacksonville, Florida and have previously served in the role of treasurer. Below, is a detailed list of everything that has happened over the last year and items that we have planned for this semester. Recruitment « in the spring of 2017 we initiated 20 new members « in the fall of 2017 we initiated 34 new members, totaling 54 new members. « We now have a chapter of over 130 active members Intramurals « our softball team took home the championship title last Spring « our basketball team lost to Beta Theta Pi in the finals last Spring, placing second overall Academics « our current overall chapter GPA is a 3.15 Involvement « we have an extremely involved chapter ranging from brothers participating in the Dance Marathon (heavily), The Big Event (heavily), Student Government, IFC, and Gator Growl « since last spring we have had 3 brothers initiated into Florida Blue Key. Matt Farah (Fall '17), David Hicks (Spring '17) and Trevor Pope (Fall '17) Philanthropy « our large philanthropic event for spring '17 is scheduled for February 18th and will be a 3v3 soccer tournament benefitng The Ability Experience Awards and Recognition « At Pi Kapp College for Chapter

Officers the we were recognized as a Master Chapter and for Recruitment Excellence « we won two awards: “Best Member Experience” and “Most Success in Recruitment and Retention”

Matthew Gregory Farah

AE 2560

Fellow Brothers, Having served on the previous executive board, I can personally attest to the fact that at this time last year our entire chapter was extremely nervous about the year to come without a central location. How will the absence of a house affect the brotherhood bond? Will the lack of a house negatively affect our involvement on campus, our culture of academic success, our recruitment numbers, our social events, etc.? As we near closer and closer to the reality of moving back to 11 Fraternity Row, I am pleased to report that the Alpha Epsilon Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi is still as strong as ever. I want to thank each and every one of you for your continued support, both financially and motivationally, as it has made this pivotal year that much more successful. To start the semester, we executed a very successful recruitment process that put us in the top three of all fraternities in terms of pledge class size. Our Vice Archon, Nick Zinobile, and our Recruitment Chairman, Matthew Davis, secured a 16-man pledge class on 17 bids extended, giving us a 94% acceptance rate. At our annual Pi Kapp College for Chapter Officers conference, we were awarded the excellence in recruitment accolade for the year of 2017 amongst all Pi Kappa Phi Chapters across the country and we continued to carry on the tradition of quality recruitment into the new year. Our involvement on campus has been nothing short of spectacular. Currently, we are considered one of the “elite houses” with 7 active brothers in Florida Blue Key and many men involved with student organizations such as Dance Marathon, Gator Growl, The Big Event, Florida Cicerones, Senate, Student Government, Best Buddies, Florida Greek Ambassadors, and UF Preview Staff. In terms of GPA, we have continued to maintain our top-ten position among all 27 IFC fraternities on campus. Philanthropically, as a chapter, we have raised $3,500 for The Abilities Experience this spring semester and over $15,000 for Dance Marathon between the past fall semester and this spring. Our campus involvement, academic success, and philanthropic mindset remain at the core of what we strive to accomplish on a daily basis. Regarding intramurals, our teams are highly competitive within the Orange League. This semester, we are expected to defend our championship title in softball as well as bring home the trophy in basketball as we are currently undefeated and the number 1 seed in our playoff bracket. Overall, any previously set expectations for this past year without a house have been blown out of the water. We continue to operate effectively and under the principles of which we were founded upon. We are more than a fraternity; we are a brotherhood that sets goals for ourselves and that continues to exceed expectations over and over. We are just a few short months away from moving into the premier fraternity house on campus and the active chapter could not be more excited. Again, I want to thank each and every one of you for continuing to support us day in and day out. It means more to us than you know. We look forward to seeing you all in the fall for the opening of the new house but, until then, Go Gators! 7


Walkway will be laid with different patterns of bricks, 12X12 will be the header Symbols can include a company, sports team, pledge class etc. Please email Rick or Steve for any special requests, patterns, custom symbols. 4X8, 8X8, and 12 X12 Bricks Available

First Phase Available Now – May 15 6’ Wide, 12’ Deep Phase 2 May-Dec - next 6’ Deep Phase 3 2019 - Final 6 Feet

While we strive to make our new AE house the best it can be on the inside, we are working just as hard on the outside. One of our many goals is to make sure this house touches everyone, and honors our history and members, both past and future. Our first impressions is one of the special initiatives...a quality brick walkway with personalized impressions. We are pleased that many options are available to make this walkway special to every individual, including custom requests. Not only will this entrance be unique, but it also will give members another way to contribute to our fundraising efforts. Rick Riisma & Steve Steinfeld

Small symbols on 4X8, and Large Symbols Avail on 8X8 and 12X12 Standard Symbols Available


Project Managers

Purchase Online Now For special requests please email Rick or Steve. DIRECTIONS FOR WEBSITE

U. S. Military Medallions (1-5/8 in.) available for 12x12 and 8x8 Bricks $25 – email Rick for details

This is a very user-friendly site. Select which Brick you would like from the right menu, Foundation, Executive, Supreme. Select type symbol from left menu, or none if not required. Select which line on which you would like the symbol to appear.




Enter in the text you would like on the brick on applicable line. Note: You can adjust the lines to add what content you desire.



Bricks are concrete, then Sandblasted for Epoxy Paint to fill. Long Lasting! (Please do not include any offensive symbols!)

Enter your personal information as required. Select “Pay Pal Checkout,” you can then select to use your account or credit card. If you would rather mail Payment select “Print Order and Mail Payment.” Please add any Specific Notes in the “Notes” section. That’s it, you are done!! Thank you! 8


PROGRESS RETURN TO GREATNESS Founder’s Day offered a perfect opportunity for alumni to view the progress on the new chapter house. It was a special surprise to be able to actually tour inside the building. To see this project take shape and to share the progress is very exciting. We are now to the point of looking forward to the details and decor. The actual construction is beginning to resemble the vision rendered above. And since a picture is worth a thousand words...


T I M E L I N E MAY 2017




FALL 2018





copyright 2018 The Pi Kapp Gator/Alpha Epsilon/Pi Kappa Phi/kmb Not responsible for errors or omissions.


HOUSINGUpdate continued







$1,539,553 as of 1/31/18


1,600,000 1,500,000







Hill–Donovan Undergraduate Scholarship Award

AE Scholar Award Peter Giannas

Mike Hill & Ellie Donovan $500

Brandon Fallin Paul Green Memorial Award AE 1297 UF 1982-1986 $750

Ryan Emery Maurice “Mo” Cummings Memorial Award AE 370 UF 1947-1952 $750

Michael Saunders James Suh Memorial Award AE 1942 UF 1995-1997 $750

Drew Burgelin

Frank E. Maloney Memorial Award AE 285 UF 1938-1942 $750

Brett Steinfeld

Ben Overton Memorial Award AE 379 UF 1947-1952 $1,000

Trevor Pope

Ben Hill Griffin, Jr. Memorial Award AE 117 UF 1930-1933 $1,500

Matt Farah


We salute those who served.

AE VETERANS INITIATIVE This display will honor our military brothers to make sure we do not miss anyone, this ongoing display will be completed during Phase III of our construction. Currently we have 145 AE Veterans identified.

Please email us if you are a military veteran!

With thanks to our Veterans Initiative Committee members... Mike Hill, Rick Riisma, Felix Haynes, Skip Fink, Joe McGrail, Bill Thorpe

Within our brotherhood we have identified infantryman, sailors, pilots, submariners, SEALs, Green Beret and many others who have proudly served our country. Yet we know that we have not identified all. Please email us if you can help add to our list of AE's we might have missed. Rick Riisma Mike Hill


February 2019 Dedication of the new house! Details to be announced.

CONNECT WITH US! Visit our NEW website at Find us on Facebook - simply search for Pi Kappa Phi - Florida Follow us on Twitter @UFpikapp

ChapterEternal We are saddened to have learned of the following Alpha Epsilon brother’s death since the last issue of Pi Kapp Gator. We extend our sympathies to their family, friends and loved ones. Frank Brass (AE 1193) 4/1/30 - 4/3/16

William Sanford (Sandy) Durrell (AE 435) 10/17/31 - 3/19/17

UPDATE YOUR INFORMATION Do not miss communications from our chapter or headquarters...make sure you contact information is current!

Martin Edward Perkins (AE 486) 11/17/31 - 2/10/18

Arthur Frederick Heald (AE 418) 8/24/30 - 2/15/18


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