UW Pi Kapp News The Fastest Growing Fraternity on Campus! That’s right; the Associate Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi at the University of Wyoming is now the fastest growing fraternity on campus. With help from CSU Pi Kapp alumni, Walter Pape, our fraternity has now officially doubled in size reaching 16 men. As with our brotherhood, the news of Pi Kappa Phi is growing throughout the University. President Dale Clouser has done a terrific job in spreading our name to the sororities, and we are looking forward to hosting mixers with all of the ladies. All of the Pi Kapp men are excited and we are looking forward to continued expansion and growth of our brotherhood!
Chapter Update
Member Spotlight Alex Sullivan-Brink
On Valentines/Singles Awareness Day, a group of Pi Kapp men went to see the movie Valentine's Day with a group of ladies from the Pi Beta Phi sorority. Our leadership consultant Walter Pape is now in his third and final week at the University of Wyoming, and we cannot thank him enough for the effort he has put into our chapter’s growth. Currently the Pi Kapp men are competing in intramural basketball and have advanced through the first round of the playoffs in our quest for our first intramural championship. On February 11th, Pi Kappa Phi petitioned and was admitted into the Interfraternity Council. We wish to thank President Dale Clouser for the work put into gaining IFC recognition.
Alex (A.K.A. The Governator) is our most involved member throughout campus. Recently elected as the Philanthropy Chair for our fraternity, Alex is also running for ASUW Senate and involved in numerous diversity clubs on campus. Alex is one of several debaters in the fraternity, a skill which will undoubtedly come in handy in all of his endeavors. Alex is an outstanding man and the men of Pi Kappa Phi are lucky to have his as a brother!
March/April 2010 • • •
March 13-21: Spring Break March 22-27: UW Greek Week April 17th (Tentative): 1st Annual Pi Kapp Date Auction April 21 (Tentative) Spread the Word to End the Word