Mu - Summer 2009

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ΠΚΦ Mu MusingsΠΚΦ Pi Kappa Phi | Mu Chapter | Duke University

Push America update I am pleased to report that our recent fundraising efforts for Push America have been very successful. Last semester, the brothers of the Mu chapter worked extremely hard and put together the most successful PUSH Week since Duke received PUSH Chair its recharter nearly David Piccirilli four years ago.

ISSUE HIGHLIGHTS 1 | Mu Philanthropy 2 | Chapter advisor letter 2 | The quest for living section 2 | Treasury Update 3 | Leadership at Duke 4 | State of the chapter


September 25 - 27 More details to come in late August. For more info, email for this and other alumni events

associate members and the use of wheelchairs to raise awareness for people with disabilities.

We have been hard at work this year to ensure that the Mu chapter has another successful year of philanthropic activity. In anticipation of a large crowd at one of Duke's large fall concerts, the brothers of the Mu chapter saw and acted on the opportunity to raise money for Push America. A number of brothers spent the afternoon selling cotton candy and popcorn to students and In total, we donated just over ended up raising approximately $2,000 directly to PUSH America. Our most successful event was an $200. Last year, we also co-hosted with Alpha Delta Pi Sorority a tradiEmpathy Dinner that attracted tional North Carolina Pig Pickin’, a roughly 150 people and featured food donated from local restaurants lunch event that served upwards of 200 people and raised over $1,250 such as Johnny Carino’s and Maggiano’s. In addition to the for PUSH America. “empathy” aspect of the dinner – This spring semester during our which gave guests a first-hand exPUSH Week, we held our first Bikeperience dealing with disabilities – A-Thon. Brothers took turns riding we hosted a Special Olympics athlete at the event who explained his two exercise bikes on the Duke Plaza for 36 hours straight while struggles and triumphs in front of the entire dinner crowd. The speech collecting donations for Push America. The Mu Chapter is hard was very moving, and we hope to at work to raise awareness and raise arrange for another guest in our donations for Push America, and is next PUSH Week. looking forward to our upcoming The week’s festivities also included PUSH week this fall. Visit our a “Pie Kappa Phi” pie booth run by Flickr for more event pictures.

Chaplain Brian Adams took on the Gear Up Florida Challenge, biking with other PiKapps from around the nation to raise money for PUSH America. To hear his story, visit our blog at

July July2009 2009

Letter from the mu advisor Mu chapter is back at Duke – and stronger than it’s ever been in decades. Based on working with these young men in recent years I can assure you that we can be very proud of them and what they are trying to do. Our brothers are bright, energetic, and motivated. They are campus leaders in Chapter Advisor Anders Hall a number of organizations, and very involved not only in the chapter but in activities all across Duke’s campus. In these pages you’ll read about what they’re doing to benefit Push America, their efforts to secure housing on campus, and other recent developments. I want to encourage you to support these men in whatever ways you can. In particular, I’d encourage you to seek them out on caumps – whether it’s around Homecoming or Alumni Weekend – or even if you just happen to be on campus and see a brother wearing his letters. I know that they can also use your financial support. They are close to launching a chapter investment fund, and I urge you to consider a donation if you can afford to do so. We all remember what it was like to be a “poor college student” – and if we can help a few young men be involved in the chapter who otherwise might not be able to do so, I think that’s a very worthwhile objective. Please feel free to contact me, or any of the members of Mu chapter, with any questions or feedback regarding their early achievements. Anders Hall


Archon James Holcombe (right) and brother Matt Ogren (left) at the fall Pig Pickin’ with Alpha Delta Pi sorority on the main quad to raise money for PUSH America.

Newsletter Created by Historians Nicholas Laucis and Brendan Saslow

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Pi Kappa Phi: Mu Chapter

Treasury Report

Priority One: A Living Section

Leadership Positions Held By Brothers The Mu chapter of Pi Kappa Phi has experienced

As Internal Vice Archon, I am leading the Mu Chapter’s efforts to obtain an on-campus section at Duke. As most of you know, a section is an important part of the member experience for the brothers of most Duke fraternities – what you may not be aware of is the fact that unfortunately our chapter currently lacks an official section on campus.

stimulated growth over the past several years as we have worked to expand our programming on campus and our outreach into the community. With larger service events, new and continued social interaction with campus organizations, as well as a more competitive member selection process during rush, the chapter has engaged in conscientious regulations of finances. Treasurer

Shortly after Mu Chapter reVice Archon colonized just a few years Austin Bohem ago, the lacrosse scandal brought Duke’s “Campus Culture” under the microscope, culminating in an administrative report that cited Selective Living Groups (and specifically Fraternity Sections) as a negative aspect of Duke’s culture. This in turn led to a moratorium on new group housing on campus – a moratorium that has blocked PiKapp from receiving the same type of housing that every other IFC-approved fraternity on campus enjoys. The convenience of an official section would only augment our ability to enhance Duke’s West Campus through philanthropy, social, and community interaction events. Though this fact may be quite obvious to us as brothers, it is not an opinion shared by Duke’s administration. The good news is that the Mu Chapter has been incredibly successful in spite of this aforementioned disadvantage. As the rest of this newsletter shows, this Chapter has accomplished significantly more than most fraternities – and we have done it all without a section. By blocking together, brothers have been able to live with members of their pledge classes in Craven Quad for the last two years, and will be together in Edens Quad next year. Having personally served on Campus Council (Duke’s residential student government) for the last two years, and with the help of other brothers who have held equally influential on-campus positions, we as a chapter have crafted a multifaced strategy to address our current situation. Our first course of action is to attempt to be officially evaluated by the Residential Group Assessment Committee. This committee— chaired last year by PiKapp Kevin Thompson and of which PiKapp has two other members— grades and ranks all SLGs (Selective Living Groups) on campus based on their contributions to the Duke community. If we could score highly without a section, it would be a clear indication that we deserve a section more than many fraternities that currently have a section. Our second (and likely more realistic) plan is to (Continued on Page 3)

Past chapter treasurers have Andrew Beach worked to provide a solid monetary foundation for this young chapter on a semester-by-semester basis for the functions of fraternal life. As newly elected Treasurer, I hope to take the financial situation of the fraternity from a break-even state to one in which money can be saved and invested over time to provide for future brothers. Ideally, this would make the chapter more formidable through times of economic crisis and would make membership in the chapter- and national-level organizations of Pi Kappa Phi more affordable for brothers of all socioeconomic backgrounds. Our associate members pledge to the fraternity that, as brothers, they will take personal responsibility for maintaining the financial well-being of the fraternity, because a stable monetary situation allows for the endurance of tradition, brotherhood, and chapter success. We have already maintained a generous financial aid program within the fraternity to ensure that this goal is met, although we seem to have a chronic depletion of our budget each semester. I anticipate stricter regulations in spending and repeated over-budgeting to begin accumulation of an increasing surplus in funds for long-term goals, such as investment & endowment, augmented scholarship offerings, or even the possibility of fraternity living spaces should future brothers be presented with such a situation. Earlier this year, we launched our Mu Chapter Endowment initiative, which endeavors to raise money for an endowment of our chapter through the national Pi Kappa Phi organization and, eventually, through the Duke Endowment. Meeting these goals would represent a long-term guarantee that any brother economically unable to pay membership dues would be fully covered by financial aid, and could have the potential to lower costs and increase the number and profile of alumni, social and philanthropic events. To this end, any alumnus who feels his time in Pi Kappa Phi was an experience that he would like others to share is encouraged to send any monetary donation to: Pi Kappa Phi c/o Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life 120 Science Drive, 07 Bryan Center Box 90840 | Durham, NC 27708

Operation Smile - Pat Rutter (Trinity '11) – President Duke Student Government – Sunny Kantha (Trinity '09) – Executive Vice President Michael Lefevre (Trinity '11) – Vice President for Athletics and Campus Services Andrew Brown (Trinity '11) – Vice President for Durham and Regional Affairs Alex Levy (Trinity '11) – Senator of Academic Affairs Drew Everson (Trinity '11) – Student Outreach Coordinator Campus Council – Stephen Temple (Trinity ‘11) - President Austin Boehm (Trinity '10) – Executive Board Member, Chair, FSC Kevin Thompson (Trinity '09) – Vice President, Executive Board, Chair, Policy Committee Ben Goldenberg (Trinity ,12) - Executive Board Member, Chair, Programming Committee WISER Microfinance Committee – Sunny Kantha (Trinity '09) – Vice President Brendan Saslow (Trinity '11) – Member The Chronicle – Austin Boehm (Trinity '10) – Editorial Page Managing Editor Drew Everson (Trinity '11) – Columnist Tariq Mohideen (Trinity '09) – Columnist Duke South Asian Studies Committee Baldeep Pabla (Trinity '09) - Chair Interfraternity Council (IFC) Brian Adams (Trinity '09) – Vice President of Community Interaction Craven Quad Council Pat Rutter (Trinity '11) – Member Project Build: Brendan Saslow (Trinity '11) – Crew Leader Graham Sharpe (Trinity ‘11) - Director Duke Model U.N. Brendan Saslow (Trinity '11) – Chair DukeEngage Student Planning and Advisory Committee: Sunny Kantha (Trinity '09) – Advisor Senior Class Council Kevin Thompson (Trinity '09) – Vice President

If you would like your donation to be used for a specific purpose, please express this intent in writing accompanying your donation. The current members of Pi Kappa Phi greatly appreciate your generosity and pledge to use any alumni funding strictly to constructively enhance the fraternal experience for current and subsequent members of Pi Kappa Phi Mu Chapter. More important than monetary donations, however, are donations of time, and I know I represent the brothers of our chapter when I say that visits from past members greatly enhance the fraternal experience and the recognition of the far-reaching bonds and shared insights that make membership in an organization like Pi Kappa Phi so valuable.

Pi Kappa Phi: Mu Chapter Varsity Track and Field David Piccirilli (Trinity ‘11) - Thrower Duke Microfinance Leadership Initiative Jon Pryor (Trinity '11) – Events Officer First-Year Advisory Council Kevin Thompson (Trinity '09) – Board Member Michael Pelehach (Trinity '10) – Associate Mohamad Maarouf (Trinity '09) – Associate (Radolph) Jeremy Semko (Trinity '10) – Associate Drew Everson (Trinity '11) – Associate The Inferno Graham Sharpe (Trinity '11) – Executive Board Representative Catholic Student Center Brian Adams (Trinity '09) – Student Director of Community Building Joe Hejlek (Trinity '09) – Student Coordinator Edmund Finely (Pratt '09) – Altar Student Coordinator Student U Joe Hejlek (Trinity '09) – Academic Director Residential Group Assessment Committee Kevin Thompson (Trinity '09) – Co-Chair David Stroup (Trinity '09) – Senior Member Greek Judicial Board David Stroup (Trinity '09) – Justice Senior Gift Committee Kevin Thomspon (Trinity '09) – Senior Week CoChair Line Monitor Committee Matt Ogren (Trinity '09) – Associate David Stroup (Trinity '09) – Associate Brian Adams (Trinity '09) – Associate Michael Pelehach (Trinity '10) – Associate Graham Sharpe (Trinity '11) – Associate Japan-America Student Conference (59th) Andrew Ruffin (Trinity '09) – Executive Committee Member (America) Investment Club Alex Levy (Trinity '11) – Board Member North Carolina Office of Emergency Medical Services Alex Levy (Trinity '11) – Intermediate Technician Inside Joke Sketch Comedy Club Graham Sharpe (Trinity '11) – Associate Drew Everson (Trinity '11) – Associate SMART Home Development Team Jordan Woodson (Pratt '10) – Construction Consulting Team Member UNC-Duke Basketball Marathon Jordan Woodson (Pratt '10) – Advertising Committee Chair Ryan Knowles (Trinity '10) – Co-Director Campus Concert Series Jordan Woodson (Pratt '10) – Planner East Chapel Hill High School Debate Team Drew Everson (Trinity '11) – Coach Campus Council Facilities and Services Committee Drew Everson (Trinity '11) – Member Jon Pryor (Trinity '11) – Chair Duke Car Club Nich Laucis (Pratt ‘10) - Founder/Co-President Duke Marching Band John Roelofs (Tirnity ‘09) - Vice President, Drumline Captain

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Living the Creed: Leaders by Choice The mission statement of Pi Kappa Phi begins organization, I am dedicated to raising awareness with the declaration “We will lead.” Even a cur- for the kids with cleft palates and cleft lips of the sory look at the brothers of Mu Chapters shows world. If you are ever that this ideal of leadership by choice is being embraced by a complete carried out in full by PiKapps at Duke. Both in stranger who doesn't highly visible organizations like Duke Student speak your language Government and Campus Council and in less because you helped a well known but equally impactful organizations love one, you'll underlike WISER, Operation Smile, and others, brothstand why I do what I ers of the Mu chapter currently hold a myriad of do.” influential and admirable positions on campus. Be Austin Boehm (Pledge the mission community service, enhancement of Class '08) on his involvethe Duke environment, preparation for postment with Campus Councollegiate life, ending poverty abroad, correcting cil: social injustice, or a limitless number of other Sunny Kantha, Young goals, brothers are on a daily basis stepping up to Trustee and former DSG “As Facilities Chair, I've had the awesome difficult challenges and contributing as only Executive Vice President opportunity to use members of Pi Kappa Phi can. student funds to make real long-term changes As they strive to exact change and impact comto Duke's Campus – building new rooms for munities, locally, nationally, and abroad, Mu student use, improving things students use chapter brothers not only constantly improve the every day, and so on. I think PiKapp has proimage of our Duke chapter, but also continue to vided me with a great outlet to better undergrow as men in line with the vision of Pi Kappa stand and gauge student concerns, and with Phi nationally. Since each position carries with it the tools to lead my committee effectively. unique and uniquely interesting responsibilities, There also was the interesting meeting I had we sat down with two members to ask them with an administrator where I found out he about their individual leadership opportunity. was a PiKapp and we shared a moment of Unfortunately, space constraints forced us to brotherhood, both in its young and mature compile a simple and abbreviated list of other form. That's when I realized being a member members' involvements. of Pi Kappa Phi meant being a leader for life.” Pat Rutter (Pledge Class '08) on his involvement with Operation Smile: “Operation Smile is a non-profit organization that offers free surgeries to impoverished children in developing countries with facial deformities. In my eight years of involvement with the organization, I have held every position in Student Programs from common member to one of twelve Student Advisory Board Members who advise and assist Operation Smile in all of Student Program's offerings. This includes organizing bi-annual training workshops for students participating in future medical missions in third world countries to leading teams of international students in the annual International Student Leadership Conference (ISLC). I participated in the January 2006 Medical Mission to Managua, Nicaragua, and used my Spanish language skills to facilitate communication between foreign and local doctors and to reassure uneasy parents and patients before, during, and after surgeries. At Duke, I am preparing to take over the presidency of the organization next term. As current treasurer, my primary focus is to resurrect the club after several years of mediocrity. Fighting for recognition on a campus that is constantly abuzz with worthy causes, I have expanded the club from two active members to 15 this year. I have finished my first event of the year, which was a benefit breakfast for Operation Smile hosted through Craven Quad, and I am looking to create more opportunities for future involvement for Duke students and for more meaningful events. Whether through unabashed enthusiasm for the cause or through securing $35,000 donations for the

Write for Mu Musings We are always looking for letters or articles from alumni. To contribute, email or send us a letter at the following address: Pi Kappa Phi | c/o Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life | 120 Science Drive | 07 Bryan Center | Box 90840 | Durham, NC

Section from page 2 have influential individuals apply pressure to the proper administrators directly. We have some outside contacts (Trustees, Deans, etc.) that may be able to help us, but we hope that our Mu Chapter alumni will be a main source of pressure. As potential donors to Duke, you each have leverage, and we need your vocal and written support. We are currently putting together a comprehensive booklet of documentation outlining the reasons Mu Chapter deserves a section at Duke. A group of talking points (backed up by the documentation) will be created that will give every Mu alumnus the material needed to craft a letter to administrators. These talking points will appear in the next newsletter, and will be accompanied by instructions on who to send letters to and who to call. Please be on the lookout for this information, and help your Mu Chapter when the time is right!

Dear Brothers,

State of the Chapter

I hope this newsletter finds you well. As you may or may not already know, the Mu Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi is back on campus and thriving! Since obtaining our charter in September of 2006, we have grown into one of the largest fraternities on campus with over 80 active members. This is the first of many newsletters dedicated to keeping you, the alumni of Mu Chapter, up to date with our Chapter’s activities, accomplishments, and goals. I would like to begin by briefly introducing myself. My name is Michael Pelehach, and I’m a junior here at Duke. I am working towards a Major in Psychology and a Certificate in Markets & Management with the intention of attending business school sometime after graduation. I’m from Greensboro, North Carolina which is only about an hour west of the University. I joined Pi Kappa Phi as a freshman, and took on the role of Push America Chair last February. After a rewarding year in that position, I wanted to get even more involved in the fraternity, so I decided to run for Archon. Even though I just started in mid-February, I’ve already had many great experiences working with our new executive board to help Pi Kappa Phi succeed, and am excited about the year to come. Leading this fine group of men is truly an honor and a privilege for me. Our brothers are tremendously involved in student organizations, campus affairs, athletics, and community service. I am proud of the numerous accomplishments, both individually and collectively, of our members, and look forward to watching us grow together as a chapter. Despite all of its successes, the Chapter still faces several challenges. Most specifically, we are the only fraternity in the Inter-Fraternity Council (IFC) without a living section on campus. We are currently doing everything possible to secure a living space for the fraternity, and the future classes that will follow in our footsteps. We hope that this newsletter gives you the opportunity to reconnect with the fraternity, if you would like to do so. All of us here at Duke are excited about reaching out to alumni, and hopefully meeting you in the future. Look for upcoming newsletters to contain information about alumni events in the future. If you enjoyed being a part of this great fraternity and would like to help others have a similar experience by making a financial donation, we would be very appreciative. All donations will be used towards our internal financial aid system, service events, chapter improvements, and non-alcoholic brotherhood events. If you would like your money to be dedicated to a specific cause, please attach a note with your donation and send it to the chapter address listed on the front page. Thank you in advance for your generosity! Feel free to contact me at any time if you would like to arrange a visit, or simply talk about the past and future of our great fraternity. I wish you all the best. YIPKP, Michael Pelehach Duke University ’10

Archon Michael Pelehach 336-314-0926

Young Trustee Congratulations to Brother Sunny Kantha (‘09) on becoming the 2009 Young Trustee. The Young Trustee is the highest award a Duke undergraduate student can achieve. The Young Trustee serves on Duke’s Board of Trustees for three years.

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