Delta Beta Chapter SP R ING 2 02 1
Brothers, It is my pleasure to congratulate each of you as we come together to recognize the 50th Anniversary of Delta Beta’s founding. Since 1971, our chapter has grown to almost 900 Brothers, with a growth of over 300 since my initiation in 2000. Founders’ Day is the perfect opportunity to reflect on the true meaning of Pi Kappa Phi and to consider the successes. Our chapter continues to lead the North Georgia campus in all areas, from Command leaders in the Corp of Cadets, to leading the IFC, and codebreaking against the country’s best schools. The brothers of Delta Beta have achieved excellence and we should hold our heads high. While the world has seen turmoil in the last eighteen months, fraternities across the country struggle to find meaning and look for relevancy at this critical time in
history. Delta Beta has no such struggle. Our brotherhood has stood strong together as men of integrity. We have celebrated weddings, births, anniversaries, deployments, and promotions. The passing of our brothers to Chapter Eternal helps us remember that life is a precious gift of time. Our commitment to one another has truly embodied what we learned as new associate members: A house, a grip, a badge, a song, an emblem—these do not make a fraternity. It is the unseen things—friendship, brotherhood, character, honor, courage, ideals—these make the fraternity and the man.
Read UNG's coverage of our 50th anniversary
I challenge us all to celebrate this Founder’s Day with a recommitment to our Oath. Fraternally yours, J. G. Hill, #522, Alumni President M.Ed ’08, B.S. ‘00
SAVE THE DATE JUNE 17–19, 2022
DELTA BETA 50TH ANNIVERSARY ROSE BALL NORTH ATLANTA final location TBD We continue to work on events and outings that will cover a wide variety of interests and age levels.