Delta Beta Spring 2021

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Brothers, It is my pleasure to congratulate each of you as we come together to recognize the 50th Anniversary of Delta Beta’s founding. Since 1971, our chapter has grown to almost 900 Brothers, with a growth of over 300 since my initiation in 2000. Founders’ Day is the perfect opportunity to reflect on the true meaning of Pi Kappa Phi and to consider the successes. Our chapter continues to lead the North Georgia campus in all areas, from Command leaders in the Corp of Cadets, to leading the IFC, and codebreaking against the country’s best schools. The brothers of Delta Beta have achieved excellence and we should hold our heads high. While the world has seen turmoil in the last eighteen months, fraternities across the country struggle to find meaning and look for relevancy at this critical time in

history. Delta Beta has no such struggle. Our brotherhood has stood strong together as men of integrity. We have celebrated weddings, births, anniversaries, deployments, and promotions. The passing of our brothers to Chapter Eternal helps us remember that life is a precious gift of time. Our commitment to one another has truly embodied what we learned as new associate members: A house, a grip, a badge, a song, an emblem—these do not make a fraternity. It is the unseen things—friendship, brotherhood, character, honor, courage, ideals—these make the fraternity and the man.

Read UNG's coverage of our 50th anniversary

I challenge us all to celebrate this Founder’s Day with a recommitment to our Oath. Fraternally yours, J. G. Hill, #522, Alumni President M.Ed ’08, B.S. ‘00

SAVE THE DATE JUNE 17–19, 2022

DELTA BETA 50TH ANNIVERSARY ROSE BALL NORTH ATLANTA final location TBD We continue to work on events and outings that will cover a wide variety of interests and age levels.

from the ARCHON Brothers, The Delta Beta Chapter is currently the largest fraternity on campus with 64 active brothers. This past semester, we enjoyed a strong recruitment class and initiated 10 new members on April 10, 2021. I would like to introduce our most recent class: Robert Fister #883, Mason Wacome #884, Frank Reynolds #885, Brayden Gardner #886, Mac Duffessy #887, James Watkins #888, Greg Sengsy #889, Steven Nguyen #890, Matthew LaCroix #891, Cameron Speicher #892. In March, Camp Twin Lakes, an organization closely linked to The Ability Experience, allowed us to host a brothers retreat. In the ideal of service, we were able to help them tear down an old shed and reorganize their maintenance facilities. It was a great eye opener for the brothers who attended, as it allowed them to get hands on with our philanthropy! In April, we hosted our War of the Roses, an event where five sororities compete in a series of events benefitting The Ability Experience. The events got extremely competitive, which led to an amazing week. We broke previous records raising approximately $4,000 for The Ability Experience. I would like to congratulate the chapter on its success with the challenge running War of the Roses during Initiation Week, and COVID-19 protocols still in place. We hope to build from off of this experience into next semester and hit the ground running. Looking to next semester, the Executive Council plans on having more events and socials next semester as protocols start returning to normal. There will be two sororities coming to UNG next semester. Kappa Delta will return while the University adds Sigma Alpha Omega. We are planning an event to welcome and get to know each sorority in the fall. Lastly, we plan on hosting two service events to continue our support of The Ability Experience. In conclusion, this semester has been great for the Delta Beta chapter as we have continued to make a positive impact on campus. We will continue to do our best and carry ourselves to higher standards.

ODH, Bryan Ramirez #836

2021 Legions GOLD LEGIONS

Joel Hart Michael Beshiri Larry Sapp Stanley Ford Robert Gore Stephen Pharis P.J. Rodgers Larry Holleman Robert Edwards Thomas Drake David Lanier Robert Mathews Gary Fowler Thomas Jones Gary Juskowiak Herbert Dennis Thomas Fisher Douglas Walker Larry Ditmore

Harry Broskoskie Roger Popp Bill Pope Stephen Vail Ronald Alexander Richard Becker Barry Gardner Keith Hazelrigs Charles Kuhl Ralph McElreath Floyd Maertens James Palmer James Strange William Trotter Steven Aanes Mark Brannen Joseph Goletz

Randall Harris Stanley Kimbrell Billy Love Arthur Murphy Ernest Purtymun William Sampson Bobby Tefft Henry Holcomb William Sams Donald DuRant Dennis Carter David Nevins Joseph Newton Craig Samples Allison Prince James Browning William Allen William Snelson


Patrick Stephani David Whitmore

Jonathan Zeppa Patrick Lifsey

Christian Kirby Craig Killen

STATE OF THE FRATERNITY Pi Kappa Phi’s mission is to create an uncommon and lifelong brotherhood that develops leaders and encourages service to others for the betterment of our communities. The Fraternity’s vision is a future where every Pi Kappa Phi embraces his role as a leader, puts service before self, and improves the world around him.

PI KAPPA PHI BY THE NUMBERS Undergraduate chapters • Active chapters: 168 • Undergraduate students: 9,700 • Average chapter size: 68 • Size rank: #10 in numbers of chapters • Size rank: #8 in number of students

Alumni • Lifetime initiates: more than 147,000 • Living alumni: more than 115,000 • Active alumni chapters and housing corporations: 75 The Fraternity continues to remain the only nationally recognized Greek organization with its own philanthropy.


In 2019, undergraduate chapters: • raised more than $750,000 • served nearly 86,000 volunteer hours • completed 26 projects building accessible amenities around the country


Whether you're moving to a new city or looking to network with Pi Kapps in your profession, visit our platform to search for brothers near you. Check out the Update Your Member Profile page and the Brother Search page, exclusively for Pi Kappa Phi members.


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Students shared more than 7,200 experiences, including Journey of Hope, Gear Up Florida, Build America, and Ability Camps, including the first international Ability Camp in Guatemala.


• owns 24 chapter houses • holds assets in excess of $35 million

PI KAPPA PHI FOUNDATION The Foundation continues to provide: • more than $135,000 in educational grants to support leadership development • nearly $110,000 in scholarship grants

While Build America 2020 was cancelled, Delta Beta's own

DAYTON CADY earned Pi Alpha.

PIKAPP CONNECT Looking for personal, professional, or military guidance from another brother? Or would you like to provide that guidance and mentorship to another brother? Use the link below to sign up for PiKapp Connect!

PIKAPPCONNECT.ORG CHAPTER ETERNAL J Moore Brian Austin John Simpson Jr. Carlo Dilalla H Rikard Dean Dickinson Henry Galloway Jr. Owen Nicholson Jr. Grant Matherly Jr. Tom Persia Robert Hadden Jr. Larry Gwaltney Isaac Oakes Ernie Hughie Jr. Jeffrey Rauth Jerol Drawdy

Lewis Bailey III Joseph Crawford Enoch Hicks Michael O’Halpin Mark Bynum USA Jeffrey Craton Lee Hackle Charles Bennett Thornton Cutler Jr. Harry Howington David Goodwin Robert Stone Stuart Bozeman Dan Leuthner Jeremy Chandler


SPOTLIGHT DILLON EVANS Dillon Evans has been a brother of the Delta Beta Chapter since fall 2018 (Delta Omega class). During his time at North Georgia, Dillon has achieved numerous accomplishments and achievements that make him one of the most successful and involved brothers in the chapter. A native of Columbus, Georgia, he majors in Modern and Classical Languages: Chinese Flagship and is a member of the Corps of Cadets. Dillon currently serves as the Headquarters and Headquarters Company Commander in his senior year in addition to his roles as the UNG Detachment Executive Officer, UNG Detachment Operations Officer (S3) and Delta Company First Sergeant. Outside of the Corps of Cadets, Dillon has received the Senior Academic Achievement Award in Chinese and the Chinese Flagship Excellence Award. With a near-native speaking ability, Dillon is currently waiting to hear back about his acceptance to the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, California, which will include a year-long intense study of Chinese with preferred employment with the federal government. Dillon's extracurricular activities include the Chinese Flagship Student Organization, where he is the founder and its President; the Speech and Debate Team, which he helped to re-start on the Dahlonega campus; and the Honors Program. Throughout his time in the Delta Beta chapter, Dillon served as the Warden and Brotherhood Chair. Dillon is also the recipient of four prestigious Pi Kappa Phi awards including a Foundation Scholarship, the Thomas W. Dalton Jr. Memorial Scholarship, the Ad Astra Society, and the Order of the Lamp. We couldn't be prouder of Dillon and everything he has accomplished! ODH

The Birth of Delta Beta Has it already been 50 years? It wasn’t yesterday, but it doesn’t seem that long ago. It was 1970, the beginning of my junior year, and I heard there had been a meeting about starting a third fraternity on campus. At that time we only had two local fraternities on campus. My girlfriend (now my wife) asked if I wanted to see what it was all about. I dropped her off at the library and went to the meeting. To be honest, I don’t remember anything about it. I just remember when I got back to my girlfriend, she asked if I was going to sign up. I said, “I guess so. They voted me president.” And so it started. Tom Dalton, the college’s new public affairs officer, had previously worked for the national office of Pi Kappa Phi for several years. He was spearheading the attempt to start a third fraternity. We started with no knowledge, no experience and a large group of guys who wanted to make a difference. Since there was not an established group to vet us, anyone who wanted to join was in—a diverse group indeed. Tom Dalton, who later became a general in the Georgia National Guard, gave us some guidance and a long leash. We—and when I say we, I mean all 65 or so of us—hit the ground running. We quickly formed committees to accomplish the various goals before us. We called ourselves Kappa Phi, and patterned our objectives, community involvement and behavior after the national fraternity, Pi Kappa Phi. We tried to have everyone involved in one or more committees so we could move fast. We recruited a number of influential college professors and teachers to work with us. This was something new at North Georgia College (our name back then). These people got to see us at the working level and

saw we were genuine and sincere about being a positive influence on the campus and the community, not just a drinking club. About five months later, based on our performance and example, the college decided it was a good idea to allow national fraternities on campus. We were allowed to officially become the Delta Beta chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. It was such a large group—the largest in the fraternity’s history at the time—that three different chapters’ initiation teams came to Dahlonega to initiate us. Not only was this the largest chartering group ever, we chartered faster than any other chapter in the history of Pi Kappa Phi. Starting Pi Kappa Phi had was a great experience for us all and has had a profound influence on everyone’s life. It was not an effort by a few; it was a collective accomplishment where everyone played an important role. I know there was some discussion about how we made a lasting impact on the campus, fraternity life (the other two fraternities had to go national to keep us with us) and each other, but I don’t think many of us really thought about this point in time 50 years later and the legacy we left behind. All of the original brothers of Kappa Phi equally share in the credit of shaping and establishing this organization. I am so proud of the hundreds of brothers who have followed in our footsteps and the excellent job they have done making this a leading campus organization and keeping this chapter alive. My hat is off and I raise my glass to another exceptional 50 years! Thomas Drake, Delta Beta #1

Delta Beta Awards DICK BAKER, JR. Volunteer of the Year (2010) Merit Citation Award (2013) Certificate of Appreciation (2016)

CHRIS CRUSELLE Thirty Under 30 (2016)

ZACK AGERTON Thirty Under 30 (2015)

The Ability Experience Summer of Service (2012) The Ability Experience Top Fundraiser (2012)

ADAM BROWN Thirty Under 30 (2020)

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