Epsilon Kappa (Southern Poly State) Fall 2013

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O CTOBER 1 ST , 2013


A NEW WAY TO BE INFORMED In preparation for our Fall 2013 recruitment, the Epsilon Kappa chapter decided to use the internet to our advantage by beefing up our online presence!

tions this semester is our new website! At spsupikapp.com, you can see the chapter calendar, slideshows, and most importantly to you, the alumnus, a place where you can update your much needed If any of you have a Facebook contact information! account, you will notice that our Facebook page Make sure to check every(www.facebook.com/ thing out, and pass it on to spsupikapp) is more freany SPSU students interested quently updated, adding pic- in rushing! tures and news about the fraternity. We’ve also started utilizing our Twitter account (twitter.com/ PiKapp_SPSU) to update members, as well as potential members, about what is going on in the fraternity. One of the biggest addi-

Check out the website!

P USH EVENTS With raising just over $400 during our annual scaffold sit fundraiser, we are focusing on Push more this semester. We’re doing a chapter “change war,” where there are two groups competing to see who can raise the

most money. Later this fall, we will also be having an empathy dinner. We’re working with SPSU to ensure we have the best possible empathy dinner this year,

and alumni support would be greatly appreciated!

Push America Braves game

Updating Information— 2

Chapter Update—2

Current EC—2

Featured Story—3

Fall Alumni Events—4



U PDATING I NFORMATION One of the most important things this semester is to gather as much information as possible to keep in touch with you, the alumnus.

will also being contacting all of you via phone to ensure we have the correct information.

We hope that this semester sees the growth of alumni turnout to events!

In an effort to do so, our website has a form for you to fill out where you can give us your preferred contact information, as well as those of brothers you know. This semester, we 2013 Alumni v. Undergrad softball game

C HAPTER UPDATE We had a great start to the semester! Despite initial setbacks, we managed to pull in a 17-man pledge class! We’re currently down to eleven for various reasons, but the rest of the guys have a great passion for the fraternity. We’re approaching time for Big Little weekend, where

we’ll be going back to Brother Holstein’s place. The undergrad brothers and pledges alike are looking forward to the weekend. The pledges will also be finishing up black books soon, and starting paddles soon as well. As always, we would like to encourage you to stop by

and help the pledges learn the material.

Rush Q&A dinner

C URRENT EC Need to contact someone in the chapter? Make sure you have the list of the EC! Archon: EK 359 Jessie Lee jlee@epsilonkappa.com Vice: EK 392 Trevor East teast@epsilonkappa.com Treasurer: EK 393 Adam Hanes


Secretary: EK 374 Eric Patten epatten@epsilonkappa.com Warden: EK 390 Rory Charest rcharest@epsilonkappa.com Historian: EK 379 Chris Harris charris@epsilonkappa.com Chaplain:

EK 378 Yanni Brooks ybrooks@epsilonkappa.com Chapter Advisor: Glenn Goorsky ggoorsky@gmail.com



In the last newsletter, we asked for alumni to submit pictures and fun stories that they’d like to tell. Here’s one we got from EK 2, Sandy Ransom! Here's a picture of the charter members from 1981. Pictured left to right are: 1st row: Mike Anglin (EK 5), Kreg Harrison (EK 15), Barry Kidd (EK 6), Son Vu (EK 8) 2nd row: Sandy Ransom (EK 2), Emmett Holley (EK 16), Mike Jones (I 880), Guillermo Chinni (EK 7), Jim Dyer (I 894) 3rd row: Gil Hill (EK 1), Paul Gordon (EK 11), Mike Hubsky (EK 4), Jim Blackburn (EK 12), Chris Bailey (EK 13), David Richards (EK 3), Lee Blaylock (EK 10) “I believe this picture was taken around the time of our chartering. We were looking forward to growing the chapter and competing against the established fraternities on campus by selling what made Pi Kappa Phi different. The fact that we were not all a cookie cutter group of guys gave us an edge and we had a strong bond and support from other chapters that were close by (Iota, Delta Beta, Beta Kappa). Of course none of this would have happened without the strong leadership of our CA, Stephen E. Wrenn (Z 428), who I believe spent the same amount of time in the Southern Tech student center as he did at work! He was a phenomenal coach and leadership consultant wrapped into one. One time, at a chapter meeting, he was quietly listening to see if we had any names of new prospects ... I mentioned that I had met with Barry Moon (later, a member of our Alpha Associate Member class). He walked to the front of the room and handed me a $20 bill since he said he had made a bet with himself that he would have to pay $20 for any new prospects names. The lesson there is you never know when you will be rewarded by focusing on Rush. After many chapter meetings, Steve would have us join him at a local restaurant on Franklin Rd. for appetizers and beverages so we can have some casual time with him as a chapter. I have a mental picture of him listening to the Jim Croce song "Time in a Bottle" that was being sung by the live entertainment guitarist one night. He was singing along and enjoying the moment ... he knew I'm sure that his time would not be much longer with us due to his diabetes, but as with so many of my Pi Kapp brothers, he left an imprint on so many lives that will always be cherished. I hope we will all remember to "save everyday like a treasure.” May God bless Pi Kappa Phi and Epsilon Kappa Chapter! “ - Sandy Ransom, EK 2

If there’s another interesting story you’d like in the next newsletter, please email us at historian@epsilonkappa.com.

We hope you’ve enjoyed the newsletter! Please submit any pictures, stories, or information that you would like to see in the next newsletter. Also make sure to check out our website for the updated calendar. Any feedback is also appreciated.



Phone: 678-761-5541 Email: historian@epsilonkappa.com


From left to right. 1st row: Yanni Brooks, AJ McLean, Lance Holstein. 2nd row: Austin Buege, Dakota Wood, Rory Charest, Daniel Gould, Christopher Harris, Kevin Mikesell, Jessie Lee. 3rd row: Josh Powell, Eric Patten, Miguel Acevedo, Ryan Pottinger, Trever East, Michael Farmer

Fall Alumni Events This fall, there will be great opportunities for you to come to visit! We will be having our alumni v. undergraduate flag football game on November 9th, combined with parents dinner later that day. The empathy dinner will be excellent for you and your families and friends, with the tentative date being in late November or early December. While details are scare, we will ensure that you are promptly updated. We will also, of course, be celebrating founder’s day! December 1st we will have

lunch for all brothers who wish to attend. Time and location will be sent out closer to the date. If you have any suggested alumni events or questions, please contact Christopher Harris at charris@epsilonkappa.com.

Associate Member Chance Malone (left) and brother Dakota Wood (right).

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