The Omicronicle | Fall 2016

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Omicronicle Omicron Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi H University of Alabama H Fall 2016

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Save the Date: Omicron 100th Anniversary, April 22-23, 2017 We are particularly focused on providing opportunities for alumni to assist young Brothers in their careers. We are planning an annual banquet and leadership weekend for alumni to connect with and provide career guidance to juniors and seniors. A formal graduation ceremony, initiating graduates into OAO, will provide the first alumni link for new graduates. Alumni are uniquely situated to provide appropriate guidance to Brothers just entering the workplace. This opportunity to help a younger Brother in a meaningful way is win-win. The Chapter with the chairman of the Sober Living America Foundation. Omicron was presented a check showing the amount raised by the Chapter last semester.


ne of my favorite times of the year is upon us— fall: a season with Homecoming, football games, and visits to the University of Alabama. When I’m back in Tuscaloosa, and immersed in UA’s atmosphere, I immediately think about my times as a Pi Kapp. My membership in the fraternity defined my college experience and provided me with lifelong friends. I can’t imagine what my undergraduate days would have been like without Omicron Chapter, and as I inevitably drive past the Chapter House, I realize how important it is that our organization continues to influence the lives of today’s young men. Join the Omicron Association Today The Omicron Campaign raised nearly $2 million dollars. Our biggest obstacle was that most Brothers had lost contact with the Chapter. With the Chapter House construction completed, the Campaign Committee has become the Omicron Alumni Organization (OAO). The Organization’s purposes are to facilitate contacts among Brothers, organize social events, and create mentoring contacts between alumni and younger Brothers. OAO membership will consist of Brothers who participated in the campaign and others who join voluntarily. There will be no dues, but members will be encouraged to contribute to the University of Alabama – Pi Kappa Phi Building Fund.

Visit Tuscaloosa, or Find an Alumni Event Near You this Fall We are also planning to do local meetings in geographic areas where we have alumni concentration. OAO plans to organize more events this fall. Jimmy May ’71 and Phil Graf ’67 (suephil1@ are the point persons if you have any questions. Using the current contact information, holding such events is relatively easy. More importantly, they have proven to be great fun. Use the contact information below to get in touch with your nearest alumni concentration today. • Birmingham

° Steve Smith ’88 ° Seth Chapman ’84

• Atlanta ° Whit Callahan ’64 • Mobile ° Jimmy May ’71

We need Brothers who want to participate in fellowship, mentoring, and/or geographic events. If you are interested in participating in any way or staying in touch with these efforts, contact Warren DeBardelaben ’82 ( or connect with us on Facebook. You can join by e-mailing the enclosed form to Warren. A large, connected alumni group will provide lasting benefits for all Omicron Brothers. Don’t forget to mark your calendar for the 100th anniversary of Omicron Chapter on April 22-23, 2017. Read page 4 for more details and how to RSVP.

Each member will receive a custom lapel pin and a password to the Fraternally, OAO member’s website. This site would let users submit stories or Steve Trimmier ’63 photos, review an events calendar, and update contact information. (800) 666-3151 The website would also permit posting job opportunities and resumes. We believe the use of e-mail and social media can cure the lack of communication among alumni. Omicron

Celebrates 100 Years! See page 4 for more details.

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