OMICRONICLE Omicron Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi H University of Alabama H Fall 2017
Thomas Mills ’14 and Justin Lukas ’14 with the Omicron Chapter centennial plaque.
A Celebration 100 Years in the Making
he weekend of April 21-22, the Omicron Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi celebrated its 100th anniversary at The University of Alabama. On Friday night, the Chapter hosted Brothers and dignitaries from all over the country as well as our National Headquarters for a black tie event that was truly worthy of such an occasion. Following dedication speeches from me, Omicron Club President Matthew Jones ’98, Executive Director of Pi Kappa Phi Mark Timmes, and National President Tom Sullivan, those in attendance danced the night away to the sounds of The Music City Toppers, which featured Motown and classic rock hits. Saturday morning, the Chapter provided a brunch to all attendees, which featured both meaningful and hilarious dedications to the 100th anniversary time capsule. Many Brothers provided keepsake memorabilia for the time capsule, which is now safely hidden away awaiting the 125th anniversary in 2042. Afterward, all initiated Brothers were invited to a very special Alumni Chapter meeting that ended with Brothers repeating the very same oath they had recited so many years before.
Warren DeBardelaben ’82 with his wife during the centennial celebration in April.
Thomas Mills ’14, Housemother Linda Crawford, and Matthew Jones ’98 with the Omicron centennial memorial.
We then adjourned and moved outside for the dedication of the 100th anniversary monument, which is placed on the west side of the Chapter House. It is a striking 5-foot-5-inch tall granite obelisk. This monument should easily last for the next century and provide a strong reminder of those Brothers who built this Fraternity and this Chapter into what it is today. For those Brothers who were able to attend, we thank you and hope you had a wonderful and truly memorable experience reuniting with so many Brothers from faraway places and rekindling friendships from decades ago. If you were not able to attend our 100th anniversary celebration, be sure to stop by soon to see the monument and marvel at how Omicron has grown. God Bless our Fraternity. Fraternally, Warren DeBardelaben III ’82 (615) 310-6267 |
Chase Johnson ’14, Alex Windsor ’14, Housemother Linda Crawford, Justin Lukas ’14, Walker Lamberth ’14, and Chase Moran ’14 during the centennial festivities.
Elliott Rowe ’08 with his wife during the centennial celebration in April.