OMICRONICLE Omicron Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi H University of Alabama H Spring 2018
Connect with Pi Kappa Phi Today! Inaugural OAO Meeting to Be Held after UA’s First Home Football Game
he Omicron Alumni Organization (OAO) will hold its inaugural meeting in conjunction with the University of Alabama’s first home football game on Saturday, September 8. After the kickoff time is announced, the time of this meeting will be determined by our current leadership team. During this meeting, alumni will be presented their OAO pins and membership certificates for their involvement in our growing organization. Board members and officers will be elected, and alumni will receive reports regarding upcoming events. There will also be a planning session in which we will address the organization’s overall function and determine if any changes are needed to our organization’s general structure and operations. The following items will be discussed as well: n n n n n n n n
Officers for existing local organizations Establishing networking opportunities for members in areas other than Birmingham, Mobile, and Atlanta Home game day alumni activities Maintaining accurate contact information for alumni members (which may be accessed by any member) Creating a method to assist the Chapter during recruitment Establishing a mentoring program for graduating seniors entering the workforce in new geographic areas A formal OAO induction for graduating seniors Website and/or social media for OAO
Additional topics and materials are welcomed to be addressed during this meeting. If you are interested in volunteering with OAO, we invite you to contact any of the following Brothers for more information:
Steve Trimmier ’63 Whit Callahan ’64 Phil Graf ’67 Bill Barton ’68 Warren DeBardelaben ’82
Celebrating Brotherhood 56th Supreme Chapter Happening in Chicago This July
alling all Chicago-area Omicron alumni! You are cordially invited to spend a weekend with Pi Kappa Phi during the 56th Supreme Chapter on the Magnificent Mile in downtown Chicago, July 26-29. Hosted at the Chicago Marriott Downtown, Supreme Chapter is your chance to reignite the fire of brotherhood during a weekend of events that begin with a Pi Kappa Phi dinner cruise on Lake Michigan.
David Adams ’89
Planned events include Ritual of Initiation, Supreme Banquet, alumni development sessions, an address by new National President Tracy Maddux, University of Texas at Austin ’88, and lots of fun activities for family and friends. If you have never attended Supreme Chapter, this is the one weekend, every two years, where our entire national fraternity is dissolved into one “Chapter.”
Participation in a leadership role or local activities is needed and appreciated. We hope you will join us as we work to strengthen our bonds as alumni and assist our undergraduate Brothers in their pursuit of excellence. Your knowledge and experience as an Omicron Brother will further our goals as an organization and as a brotherhood. We look forward to seeing you and hearing your ideas!
Omicron has a strong tradition of leading the strategic direction of the fraternity. If you live in the area or love downtown Chicago, please join us in celebrating our brotherhood. There will be an Omicron Chapter dinner on Friday night. RSVP to Warren DeBardelaben ’82 at
Steve Smith ’83 Seth Chapman ’84 John Greaves ’88
Fraternally, Steve Trimmier ’63 (205) 901-6062