Organizational Priorities 2012-2014

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Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Organizational Priorities – July 2012 – June 2014 Strengthen our Brotherhood by living our ideals and instilling a true sense of duty and responsibility. Build and grow a community of involvement within the Brotherhood. Subsumed in other goals. Build and expect a community of accountability within each chapter. Receive risk management standing committee recommendations and relaunch committee for implementation planning by December 2012. Continue to offer annual standards board training at Mid Year Leadership Conference. Launch standards board resources by December 2012. Involve as many alumni in the fraternity as undergraduates. Increase alumni involvement to 13,000 alumni (COA, CA, RG, Boards, Staff, AC, HC, CEC, Standing and Supreme Chapter Committees, MYLC faculty, PKC faculty, ASTP facilitators, LOR facilitators, Member Education Specialists, Push America team events volunteers, Push America donors, Foundation donors, SC attendees, city event attendees, anniversary event attendees, chapter alumni event attendees, Push America arrival

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attendees, Headquarters visitors, etc.) by August 2014. Recruit and build better men by providing a quality experience for all members through leading chapters. Provide relevant, leading-edge programming that is available to all members. Begin creation of a four-year member development experience by August 2014. Continue offering young alumni programming at 54th Supreme Chapter and consider expanding as appropriate. Continue implementation of a comprehensive approach to prevention education including the addition of hazing prevention education by August 2014. Complete 4th and 5th history videos, as well as Push America video by August 2013. Develop and implement overall student programming assessment strategy by December 2012. Work with Push America to include an intentional leadership development component for all Push America programs by December 2013.

Investigate prostate cancer awareness initiative by 54th Supreme Chapter. (SC) Require chapters that perform in bottom quartile in Push America fundraising per man to attend MYLC 2013 and 2014 afterhours program. (SC) Appoint a committee to identify certified American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters for use at all of the Fraternity’s nationally-sponsored events by 54th Supreme Chapter. (SC) Develop a list of subordinate ritual expectations relating to risk management and hazing prevention by the 54th Supreme Chapter. (SC) Develop and distribute a subordinate ritual resource guide to chapters by December 2012. (SC) Formalize Pi Alpha Society requirements and incorporate into Supreme Law by 54th Supreme Chapter. (SC) Consider continuation of CAP annually. Consider re-launch of appropriate awareness campaigns by December 2013.

Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Organizational Priorities – July 2012 – June 2014 Provide affordable and relevant recruitment support. Develop and implement regional volunteer-based recruitment strategy by August 2013, including six summer workshops, and continue annually. Consider increase in recruitment funding as part of fraternity 2013/2014 budget. Further develop afterhours recruitment programs MYLC 2013 and 2014. Redesign and launch new recruitment website and appropriate hardcopy materials by December 2013. Begin using Family Member Program to generate names of male legacies and revise legacy referral system by May 2013. Revise recruitment merchandise to better reflect brand and resources needed by December 2013. Develop recruitment video for use by to all chapters by December 2013. Consider Vice Archon/Recruitment Institute at MYLC 2013. 25% of all chapters should be at level III and 0 chapters below MCS by 2014. Review and re-launch Seven Objectives Report by May 2013.

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Increase attendance and capacity at our programs. Create a plan to expand the capacity of MYLC 2015 to include a required delegation size of ten per chapter. Develop, implement and host annual associate chapter institute by August 2013. Offer the Certified Ritualist Program as stand alone program or replacement to MYLC Chaplain track annually in at least two MYLC cities with 25% growth year-over-year. (SC) Offer headquarters tours and programming to 750 students, alumni and volunteers annually. Offer two to three Pi Kapp College sessions annually for a total of 80-150 students. Research peer fraternities global initiative efforts and prepare recommendation for National Council consideration by December 2013. Evaluate opportunity to increase number of UIFI scholarships annually and begin measuring impact. Provide meaningful advisory support for every chapter. Implement targeted COA recruitment strategy by December 2012.

Develop retention goals for chapter level volunteer positions by December 2012. Consider additional standards board and accountability resources for chapter advisors by May 2013. Implement maximum 90-day vacancy strategy on Chapter Advisors by December 2012. Ensure all chapters will have no fewer than three members on the COA and the fraternity has an average of five COA per chapter by August 2014. Continue implementing assessment and finalize minimum volunteer expectations and accountability process for CA/RG by May 2013. Evaluate volunteer training budget annually. Revise resources for COA positions by May 2013. In collaboration with Properties, develop house director training by August 2014. Develop parents’ resources by December 2013. Consider development of regional and/or web-based volunteer training for chapter level advisors by May 2013.

Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Organizational Priorities – July 2012 – June 2014 Build lifelong Brotherhood by providing all alumni meaningful experiences and opportunities for involvement and investment. Communicate relevant information with every alumnus every year. Develop and begin implementation of comprehensive branding strategy, including trademark of labels by December 2013. Reevaluate student educational blog, email and communication strategy by August 2013. Revise Journal strategy so that it is sent to all members by email on a quarterly basis by December 2012. Consider fourth Star & Lamp, in electronic format, by August 2013. Increase number of pages in both print issues of the Star & Lamp by August 2014. Revise National Presidents Message Strategy by December 2012. Implement monthly Green Ink blog posting by December 2012. Update web content weekly with two to four stories by December 2012.

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Increase social media (Facebook, Twitter and other appropriate media) footprint by 50% by August 2014. Implement comprehensive newsletter strategy for chapters and alumni organizations by August 2013. Work with Push America to have integrated communications strategy by December 2013. Consider development and launch of mobile application for smart device by August 2014. Develop annual chapter report by August 2013. Provide avenues for lifetime connection between members. Conduct alumni assessment to measure need for lifelong programming and communication by May 2013. Consider development of on-line yellow pages feature by August 2014. Implement data integrity plan by December 2012. Grow LinkedIn membership by 50% by August 2014. Grow number of alumni organizations to 150 by August 2014.

Complete implementation of Affinity relationship by December 2012. Support AMBA relationship annually Explore and support other member benefit relationships for alumni on an annual basis. Provide an alumni event within one hour of 80% of our members each year. Implement new Regional Governor role by December 2012. Appoint 40 – 60 City Event Coordinators covering 55% of mailable alumni by the 54th Supreme Chapter. (SC) Develop resources to assist City Event Coordinators in planning a variety of alumni events by May 2013. Host a successful 54th Supreme Chapter with 850 attendees. Examine and begin to implement Push America alumni events with Fraternity city event strategy by May 2013. Support chapter-based alumni events on an annual basis.

Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Organizational Priorities – July 2012 – June 2014 10% of alumni as ongoing donors to the Foundation. Defer to Foundation Annually support the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation National President’s Circle and implement education efforts. (SC)

undergraduate members’ academic success by the 54th Supreme Chapter. (SC) Launch institute for alcohol and risk management education for higher education professionals by summer 2013.

Generate sufficient resources to accomplish our mission through capital campaigns and planned giving.

Continue to offer Fraternity and Sorority Life newsletter at least eight times annually.

Annually support the Foundation’s comprehensive capital campaign

Continue to host Carolinas Fraternity and Sorority Life Summit annually.

Grow the fraternity by increasing the size and number of our chapters. 175 chapters by 2014. 75% of all chapters will be in the top ¼ in size on campus by 2014. Strengthen and leverage our collaborative relationship with the higher education community to support the academic and student development mission. Every membership education program will involve the academic and student development communities within the curriculum. Develop resources for the chapter scholarship chairman by May 2013. Conduct peer research and assess relevant campus resources in order to develop resources that support

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In coordination with Foundation, launch a giving society for friends of Pi Kappa Phi by December 2012. Leverage technology to effectively fulfill and promote our efforts, educate and communicate with our key constituents. Communicate electronically with the membership. In coordination with Properties, complete Properties website by December 2013. Provide consistent, integrated and affordable marketing resources and education. Launch chapter website platform by December 2013.

Reorganize shared filing system by December 2012. Complete virtualization of servers by May 2013. Implement phase II of OmegaFi by May 2013. Move prevention education program scheduling online by December 2012. Consider launch of online store by August 2014. Implement phase II of Chapter Gateway by May 2013. Move LC reports to Chapter Gateway by August 2013. Implement automated sanction tracking program by August 2013. Consider long-term events management technology by December 2012. Migrate off intranet platform by May 2013. Develop and begin to implement technology to track graduation rate by December 2012.

Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Organizational Priorities – July 2012 – June 2014 Provide quality local chapter homes and a new national headquarters. Every chapter will have a place to call home that is competitive on its campus. Defer to Properties. Support Properties in annual report on new housing fund. (SC) Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity will have a National Headquarters capable of supporting the organization in our second century. Implement new human resources manual by December 2012. Implement new integrated employee orientation system by December 2012. Complete staff compensation analysis by December 2012.

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