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MILESTONES This winter is one of milestones. And as I reflect on the winter season, I realized I was starting my 20th year of re-joining the fraternity staff. It was on January 2, 1994 when I officially became the executive director designate to succeed Durward Owen as he concluded 35 years of staff service to the fraternity that upcoming August. Being from warm and sunny Florida, I stopped on the drive to buy a winter coat. I definitely needed it as two weeks later, I headed to St. Louis for our Mid Year Leadership Conference, and it was minus 10 degrees. Brrrr! I was exhilarated and miserable at the same time. Just as this winter was a milestone for me, it also marked the 30th anniversary of the Mid Year Leadership Conferences. Mid Year began as “AVA” for archons and vice archons in 1983. It eventually was expanded to include treasurers. Today, it is known as Mid Year Leadership Conference, which is held in four cities each January and attended by more than 1,400 officers and chairman – each of whom attend one of 10 unique educational tracks. Milestones, of course, lead to reflection, and there are so many positives for us to ponder. – The growth of our fraternity over the years in the number of students and chapters. – The young lives we have positively impacted during that time through experiential learning. – The way our young men strive to “shoulder their full responsibilities as citizens” as outlined in our Student Creed. We all have our own individual milestones – whether personal or professional – that mark our achievements throughout life. Certainly, initiation into Pi Kappa Phi is one of those achievements. Or perhaps your wedding with your fraternity brothers at your side. It may have occurred when your son left home for college and fostered the rekindling of your fraternal bond. Regardless of what those milestones may be, they each offer a time to reflect on our mutual commitment to each other, on our gratitude for the gifts in our lives, and on the hope for a bright future that awaits if our hearts are pure and our purpose sound. It is our earnest hope and desire that your milestones awaken all of this in you. Please feel free to share yours with your fraternity brothers. As always, I hope you enjoy this issue of the Star & Lamp! Yours in the Brotherhood of Pi Kappa Phi, Mark E. Timmes Chief Executive Officer mtimmes@pikapp.org



DESPITE CHALLENGES, THE MEN OF THE DAYTON ASSOCIATe CHAPTER ARE SET to earn THEIR charter DAYTON, OHIO — Pi Kappa Phi has seen growth through expansion throughout the year with the return of some historic chapters and the addition of some new campuses. In most cases the national staff has built these chapters from the ground up, recruiting men to be founding fathers. However, one of this year’s expansions has a different story. For the men at the University of Dayton, the journey to start a chapter of Pi Kappa Phi began almost three years ago. In Spring 2010, Christian Angotti was a freshman attending the University of Dayton. Because Dayton participated in deferred recruitment, he looked to join a fraternity that semester. To his dismay he did not find a group of men that appealed to him. He talked to a few of his friends on campus, and they too did not find a fraternity meeting their standards and values. Christian knew his brother started his own chapter of Pi Kappa Phi at American University while he was in college, so Christian contacted the national fraternity about founding a chapter at the University of Dayton. As the months passed, the Pi Kappa Phi staff worked with the University of Dayton to allow the group of men to start their chapter. With turnover in the Student Life Office at Dayton and a

new expansion policy being developed, the process for these men to start a new chapter proved to be challenging. The men formed a “Push America Club” on campus and committed themselves to service, something they were originally looking for in their fraternity experience. Through this avenue the men remained together, knowing that nothing worth doing comes easy. In April 2012, Pi Kappa Phi, along with the group at Dayton, presented for the opportunity to join the Dayton interfraternal community. Five months later, the University of Dayton Associate Chapter was officially installed with 31 men. In the first week as an associate chapter, they won the University of Dayton’s Greek Week. The men have continued their commitment to service hosting a Pedals for Push Event and raising money for the Hurricane Sandy Relief efforts. This spring they have more than doubled their chapter size by recruiting 36 additional founding fathers. The men at the University of Dayton have shown what it means to be committed to Pi Kappa Phi. They have endured a long journey, and this April they will enjoy the fruits of their labor when they charter as the Iota Omicron Chapter.



from the national archives Newly hired Executive Director Durward Owen, Xi (Roanoke), is visited at the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Headquarters in Sumter, South Carolina, by associate members of Alpha Mu (Penn State) — Rich Vuono (left) and Hal Miller (right) — in 1959.





CEO CORNER PAGE ONE 14 collegiate news 01

Fall Deadline October 1

Pi Kappa Phi celebrated the 30th anniversary of its officer training institute, Mid Year Leadership Conference.

Spring Deadline March 1

Mid Year turns 30

Winter Deadline January 1

12 Pi Kappa Phi announced recipients of its 2013 Winter Awards at Mid Year Leadership Conferences held in January. Periodical postage paid at Charlotte, N.C., and additional mailing offices.

PUBLISHER Star & Lamp, (USPS 519-000), is issued quarterly by Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at 2015 Ayrsley Town Boulevard, Suite 200, Charlotte, NC 28273. A lifetime subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription.

Push America hosted an event for its Enabled Athletes Program in Aspen, Colorado. Thirty people converged in the Rockies for a week of skiing and fellowship.

PARENTS The Star & Lamp is being sent to your address while your son is in college. Please feel free to read through the magazine as we hope it is a publication you will enjoy too! If your son is no longer in college or is no longer living at home, please send his new contact information to the P.O. Box address or email address shown to the far right.

Aspen Adventure


Winter Awards

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STAR& LAMP WINTER 2013 Vol. CII, No. 1

COVER Push America hosted 30 Enabled Athletes and volunteers for its Aspen Adventure in January 2013.




In today’s world, it is easy to find ourselves void of the inspiration our public idols once provided. From political scandals to the epic falls of celebrities and athletes, our public heroes are becoming fewer and farther between. When Tiger succumbed to the pressure of his tumultuous personal life, there was Lance. Despite years of accusations, Lance Armstrong was clean; his test results spoke for themselves. As with many feel good stories, his was short lived. The fall of Lance Armstrong left many wondering who to look up to. Who was out there to serve as an idol for our children? Recently, another of our “pure” heroes has been caught in controversy. A man with the weight of an entire nation on his shoulders, Paralympic icon Oscar Pistorius­­, has been accused of murdering his girlfriend. This article is not intended to debate current events but to highlight that in a world under the lens of media’s microscope, we have to remind ourselves that some of the greatest heroes are living among us. We must remember that we do



not always need to look to public figures for inspiration. Often, it is the men and women around us who choose to make a positive impact on their lives and the lives of others. In January, Pi Kappa Phi and Push America were honored to have the opportunity to take a group of injured service men and women skiing for the first time. It quickly became apparent that the trip was less about skiing and more about setting a public example that anything is possible and heroes do still exist.


n 2012, Push America created the Enabled Athlete Program to provide outdoor recreation experiences for people with disabilities. Through this program, Push America has experienced an influx of participation from veterans. And with this participation comes a greater understanding of the world and how it operates. When a traffic jam becomes the biggest stress of our day, it is easy for us to become comfortable with the ease of our lives. As much as we want to think of ourselves as a global community, we still live in a society shielded from global

Enabled Athletes Desiree Emillio-Duverge and Matt Lehmann enjoy dogsledding as part of Push America’s Aspen Adventure held in January 2013.



Enabled Athlete Josh Sommers and his instructor prepare for one of many descents down the mountain using a sit ski.



problems, and we soon forget about the men and women who make this peace of mind possible — the men and women who protect our freedom.


participant in a recent Push America event was overheard discussing the effects of PostTraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). He was explaining that it is almost impossible not to have PTSD — regardless of which global conflict one was involved in. Our military is trained to take a weapon, point it at another human being and complete a task society deems punishable by death. This individual explained that living with such a reality in the ignorance of civilian world is almost too much to bear. We can say that we honor our military and respect their service, but we can never truly empathize until the same situation is our own reality.


e arrived in Colorado with the presence of fresh snow and the hopes for new beginnings. The team dynamic was unique in that Push America brought along six volunteers who had fundraised to make the trip possible. These volunteers were paired with veterans to experience the event together and learn from one another in the process. Push America partnered with Challenge Aspen and Wounded Warrior Project for the event, and a group of almost 30 awaited

the challenges that Aspen could offer. Would struggles lead to triumph? Would barriers be broken down giving way to potential? Would the abilities displayed in Aspen set the tone for life at home? A key factor in the creation of the Enabled Athletes Program was bringing people together in a nature or wilderness setting. The wilderness can be raw, unapologetic and shows no favor to different individuals of different abilities. It is the ultimate judge of character because it is there where we are able to discover what we are made of. It is often uncommon for strangers to share their vulnerabilities with one another. More often than not, personal struggles are masked with worldly possessions or subdued in hopes they will go unnoticed. But you can not hide from the wilderness. It has a way of knowing your struggles, your anxieties and your hardships. However, in the wilderness, you can find the courage to stand tall, become one with your surroundings and discover what is possible. When we let ourselves be vulnerable, our awareness is enhanced and our knowledge of what lies deep within our spirit bleeds out in the display of true human ability.


s the week in Aspen progressed, barriers gave way and the joy of personal accomplishment began to shine. Josh, a 101st Airborne Division soldier injured by a rocket propelled



grenade in Afghanistan, is paralyzed on his left side and has significant impairment with his hearing and vision. Having never skied before, Josh trusted his instructor to guide him down the mountain in his sit ski with ease and grace. Josh used his right arm as a brace but had a special outrigger on his left to support what his body could not. However, on the last day, Josh’s instructor encouraged him to try and brace with his left side. The idea seemed foreign to Josh due to his paralysis, but it was one of great intrigue. Josh responded, “The doctor said I couldn’t use my left side.” With an immediate rebuttal, the instructor asked, “Did the doctor tell you that you would be skiing?” With an renewed sense of possibility, Josh had his instructor remove the static outrigger and place the brace on Josh’s left arm. With the power of a committed mind, Josh found the personal courage to break down one of his personal barriers. Matt Lehmann, a veteran who broke his back in service, was another example of possibility. “I didn’t think snowboarding would ever be an option again because of my back and my leg. But on the mountain, I don’t feel like I have a disability. This was the first time in three years I was able to walk without my cane.” So as we stood atop the Rocky Mountains in Aspen, Colorado, a sense of responsibility was realized. We were not there to heal these men and women



of the hardship they experienced in their service to our country. However, for at least one week, we could show these heroes love, compassion and a realization that with a strong mind and a dedicated soul, life can continue without the mental anguish of one’s past. We would show them that the dedication of the human spirit could lead to endless possibilities and achievement.


hinking back to my childhood, I can remember running around the house with a sheet draped around my neck believing I could fly. In my mind, this was not a dream but a reality that I could do something special. As I have grown older, the superhero cape is but a distant memory clouded by the daily grind of life. But I am reenergized seeing the heroes among us. Our military men and women venture overseas to heroically fight for our freedom, but they return often broken and misunderstood. May we not be so selfish to impart such responsibility on citizens only to expect seamless reintegration into the lives we deem “normal.” Let us dust off our heroes’ capes; let us empower them to be great again; and let us be so inspired by their service and commitment to overcome adversity. Push America’s trip to Aspen was not about skiing; it was about realizing what is possible and understanding that heroes exist in our lives if we can slow down just enough to open our eyes and see.

The Aspen Adventure team, consisting of Enabled Athletes, volunteers and instructors, celebrate their last day of skiing on Snowmass Mountain.



Each year, Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity recognizes its top‑performing chapters with the Winter Awards. Chapters that excel in the Seven Objectives of Chapter Excellence — Recruitment Success, Associate Member Education, Academic Achievement, Sound Chapter Operations, Living the Ritual, Commitment to Service and Effective Alumni Relations — are honored for their performance during the past academic year.

Award winners were recognized at the Mid Year Leadership Conferences, which are held regionally in Baltimore, Md.; Charlotte, N.C.; Dallas, Texas; and St. Louis, Mo. Congratulations to all our recipients, and thank you for continuing to better Pi Kappa Phi! For more information about Pi Kappa Phi’s National Awards, visit www.pikapp.org.

Most Improved Chapter Theron A. Houser Award Beta Alpha (NJIT)

Recruitment Success Outstanding Recruitment Success

Most Improved Recruitment Success

Alpha Delta (Washington)

Eta Beta (Indiana State)

Associate Member Education Lighthouse Award Theta Psi (RIT)

Most Improved Associate Member Education Zeta Rho (Cal State - Fullerton)

Academic Achievement Outstanding Academic Achievement Eta Upsilon (Miami - Ohio)



Most Improved Academic Achievement Theta Xi (Arizona State)

Sound Chapter Operations Outstanding Chapter Operations

Most Improved Chapter Operations

Alpha Delta (Washington)

Eta Mu (Wingate)

Website of the Year Eta Rho (Texas State)

Living the Ritual Outstanding Living the Ritual

Most Improved Living the Ritual

Eta Upsilon (Miami - Ohio)

Theta Xi (Arizona State)

Joe Sewell Intramural Cup

Commitment to Values

Omega (Purdue)

Zeta Phi (Colorado State)

Commitment to Service Star of Hope Theta Xi (Arizona State)

Most Improved Commitment to Service Zeta Eta (South Florida)

Innovator’s Award

Push America Week Award

Alpha Theta (Michigan State)

Beta Nu (Houston)

Core Values Award

Omega (Purdue) Alpha Kappa (Michigan) Eta Chi (TCU) Theta Psi (RIT)

Volunteer Relationship Award

Gamma Epsilon (Western Carolina) Eta Upsilon (Miami - Ohio)

Effective Alumni Relations Outstanding Alumni Relations

Most Improved Alumni Relations

Omega (Purdue)

Epsilon Mu (Bradley)

Undergraduate Newsletter of the Year

Excellence in Parent Programming

Commitment to Lifelong Brotherhood

Beta Delta (Drake)

Theta Alpha (Southern Mississippi)

Kappa (UNC - Chapel Hill)



their legacy is your legacy is our legacy


OF MID YEAR LEADERSHIP CONFERENCES Over the weekends of January 4-6 and January 11-13, Pi Kappa Phi celebrated the 30th anniversary of its Mid Year Leadership Conferences. And for the second year in a row, more than 1,400 students, staff and volunteers attended the conferences, which were held in Baltimore, Md.; Charlotte, N.C.; Dallas, Texas; and St. Louis, Mo. Started in 1983, Mid Year Leadership Conference – then known as A/VA Conference – was held over two consecutive weekends in April and was intended exclusively for archons and vice archons. More than 20 chapters participated in the event, which was held at the National Headquarters in Charlotte, N.C. The inaugural A/VA Conference received such positive response from participants that the fraternity promised to expand it. Today, Mid Year Leadership Conference is Pi Kappa Phi’s officer training institute and is held annually in January. Each chapter



sends a minimum of eight delegates, each who follow one of 10 unique educational tracks. In addition the seven officer positions, tracks for Push America chairmen, risk management chairmen and standards board chairmen are offered as well. The theme for Mid Year 2013 was “Legacy” and focused on the legacy our founders left for the “undying stream of men” who would follow in their footsteps. “Legacy” was intertwined throughout the weekend during the General Sessions, Breakout Sessions and, of course, at the College Night Banquet. An all-star line-up of speakers presented at the various locations. Steve Whitby, Zeta Iota (IUP), talked to students about being creative in their leadership roles, while Kim Novak, CEO of Novak Talks, spoke about how to leave a “legacy of respect” in our chapters rather than a legacy of hazing

and abuse. CAMPUSPEAK CEO T.J. Sullivan, Alpha Psi (Indiana), presented his “Motivating the Middle” program to help chapters utilize their most effective members. To represent Push America, individuals from Best Buddies, Inc., talked about the importance of including Push America and “Volunteer Relationships” in chapter operations, and student member Evan Austin, Eta Beta (Indiana State), spoke about his experience as a athlete in the London Paralympics over the summer. Erle Morring, Sigma Nu Fraternity, presented his “Hazed and Confused” program and Sam Davidson, Alpha Eta (Samford), presented “YOLO: You Only Lead Once,” a new program through CAMPUSPEAK. Two educational programs were offered concurrent with the traditional Mid Year officer training. The Ladder of Risk, an award-winning program that educates members on the fraternity’s risk management policy, was offered for all risk management chairmen. In St. Louis, new facilitators were trained to present the Ladder of Risk Program to chapters across the country. Additionally, in Charlotte and St. Louis, the fraternity offered Certified Ritualist Training. The Certified Ritualist Program educates initiated members on a deeper understanding of the values and teachings contained in the Ritual of Initiation. Members who graduate from the program are designated as certified ritualists and are qualified to serve as a chapter’s Ritual advisor or assist with the staging and performance of the Ritual.



c o l l e g ia t e N e ws



CHARLESTON, S.C. — The College of Charleston held it’s annual Borelli Awards ceremony in February, and Alpha Chapter received three honors. Senior Will Coffman was recognized with the IFC Scholar of the Year Award while Secretary Matthew Wightman received the IFC New Member of the Year Award. In addition, the chapter won the IFC Philanthropic Donation Award.



CINCINNATI, Ohio — Last semester, Theta Chapter at Cincinnati documented 196 hours of community service for numerous organizations and events including training to become LGBTQ allies; volunteering at a haunted house that benefits a local program for cops and children; and volunteering at a conference for Autism. The chapter also held its first No Boundaries Week with several events to raise awareness for people with disabilities including a 30-hour bike‑a‑thon. In the fall semester, Theta Chapter also ranked second in grades among all fraternities on campus with a 3.27 G.P.A.



DURHAM, N.C. — In February, alumnus Chris Brown was elected as a “Young Trustee.” With this three-year position, Brown will be a nonvoting member on Duke’s Board of Trustees for one year and a voting member for two, providing input from the perspective of a recent undergraduate. Brown is the second member of Mu Chapter in the past four years to become Young Trustee, with Sunny Kantha elected to the position in 2009. Zac Elder from Mu (Duke) worked with Chris Batchelder of Kappa



(UNC - Chapel Hill) to create a new communication system between Duke and UNC, which they call “the portal.” The portal launched in February and connects the two campuses with video and audio, giving students on each campus a glimpse into life on the other side of Tobacco Road. The portal potentially may expand to other campuses in North Carolina and around the country.


TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — Omicron is proud to report the beginning of construction for a new chapter house. The house will be two stories with a capacity for 40 brothers and living quarters for a house mother. It is set to be one of the largest houses on campus and will be the first fraternity house people see when entering campus. The house is scheduled to be complete in time for the spring semester of 2014. This fall the Omicron chapter initiated 38 men led by Archon James Mills and Warden Kevin Leach. The chapter is excited to welcome the new

Omicron participated in the Krispy Kreme Run, a two-mile run that includes eating a dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts.

members into the brotherhood. Omicron Chapter was recently involved in the Krispy Kreme Run that took place in Tuscaloosa in February. The race benefited the Big Brothers Big Sisters of West Alabama and YMCA of Tuscaloosa. The race consisted of a two-mile run with a break halfway through where the runners can attempt to eat a dozen donuts before finishing the race. Omicron Chapter became involved with the event through Philanthropy Chair Kevin Leach’s relationship with Big Brothers Big Sisters, who agreed to sponsor a Greek Challenge for the race. The winner of the Greek Challenge was the fraternity/sorority with the most members signed up to race. Of course, Pi Kappa Phi came in as the top organization with 36 brothers participating in the Krispy Kreme Run. It was the first of many philanthropy events the chapter hopes to be involved in during the 2013. In March, the chapter also volunteered

with Habitat for Humanity to help rebuilt homes in Tuscaloosa that were destroyed in the tornado that ravaged the city in April of 2011. The Habitat project was part of the university’s Greek Week festivities.


URBANA, Ill. — Upsilon Chapter has thrived over the last year. The chapter welcomed 19 new brothers to our chapter in the fall and pre-initiated 10 new associate members this spring — our biggest spring class is recent history. These are truly men of C.L.A.S.S., and the chapter looks forward to seeing them become the leaders within the chapter and on campus. Eric Langenfeld, a former two‑term archon, is now serving on the National Council as the student representative. Upsilon’s annual fall fundraiser, Camp Out on the Quad, raised more than $6,000 for Push America, which is the most the event has ever raised. Senior Chris Deamont represented Upsilon as a crew member for Journey of Hope 2012. Upsilon is making significant efforts to improve internal operations by redesigning leadership positions to match the chapter’s growth and development. The last few semesters have seen improvements in the member education process as well as a strong emphasis on alumni relations. The chapter has pushed brothers to become better men, donating their time to the fraternity and to the community. This includes the development of a Pi Kapp-specific volunteer program at ChampaignUrbana Special Recreation where

members of the chapter design and run local recreation events for people with disabilities.


WEST LAYFAYETTE, Ind. — Omega Chapter members were prominent in making Purdue’s fall 2012 dance marathon the most successful ever. The chapter had 46 of its members participate among 1,200 dancers in the event last November. “I could look in any direction, at any time and see Pi Kappa Phi making a difference,” said Kyle Marpe. “It is an incredible feeling to know that I, along with other fraternity members, are truly making miracles happen.” The 18-hour event required dancers to raise at least $100 each and did not allow them to sit down. Dancers participated in four, two-hour sessions where they learn dances and perform them in a large hall. When they were not dancing in one of five groups, participants heard from children who have been treated for various illnesses at Riley Hospital.

Omega Chapter had 46 members participate in the Purdue Dance Marathon and raised $20,053.

Omega raised $20,053 through dancers and sponsorships in 2012. Overall, the event raised $528,655, nearly doubling its 2011 total. The Dance Marathon event, which partners with the national Children’s Miracle Network, started at Purdue in 2005, when $1,500 was raised and only a handful of dancers participated Each of the 1,200 dancers had the initials DRF on their t-shirts, memorializing Pi Kappa Phi’s David R. Feltner, who died of a childhood cancer in 2011. Feltner was treated at Riley Hospital, the chief benefactor of the fundraising efforts. As a build-up for the dance marathon, chapter members held a 72-hour bike-a-thon at the hospital where Feltner received chemotherapy. Pi Kappa Phi finished second among the numerous fraternity groups at dance marathon, which is based on total fundraising, number of committee members and number of dance participants.



ALPHA Gamma Oklahoma

NORMAN, Okla. — Alpha Gamma has started strong in 2013. The chapter had a successful spring recruitment period with six new members in the Gamma class who are going through a revamped new member education program. The chapter’s Push America efforts are in full swing as they prepare for the inaugural Empathy Dinner, which features former Lt. Governor Jari Askins as the keynote speaker. Alpha Gamma has recently forged a new service partnership with the local J.D. McCarty Center for Children with Developmental Disabilities to volunteer with their children as well as help build their new summer camp. In April, Alpha Gamma will honor the long legacy of the chapter with 90th Anniversary Celebration. With new opportunities arising in the fall, Alpha Gamma is projected to grow to more than 00 men by the end of 2013. The chapter is looking forward to partnering with alumni to help move Alpha Gamma forward. Alumni can contact Chapter Advisor Michael Dean at mtdean@ou.edu for more information.



East Lansing, Mich. — The brothers of Alpha Theta have been working hard to expand and develop brotherhood at Michigan State. The chapter initiated nine new members in fall 2012 and have six new associate members for the spring semester. Alpha Theta was presented with the New Member Program Award by the Michigan State IFC for the best new member education program on



campus. The chapter also received the Master Chapter for Associate Member Programming from the national fraternity as well as the Push America Innovator’s Award at Mid Year Leadership Conference in January. Under the direction of Push America Chairman Jacob Kowalski, Alpha Theta participated in the “Spread the word to end the word” campaign by posting signs and posters around campus. In addition, the brothers of the Alpha Theta will be building a wheelchair ramp for a brother’s family friend in Macomb County.


AUBURN, Ala. — The Alpha Iota Chapter at Auburn University initiated yet another pledge class exceeding 20 people, making this the fifth consecutive year since being re-chartered. The chapter has been maintaining numbers in the high 80s for multiple years now and is striving to hit the 100-member mark in the fall of 2013. In the 2012 calendar year, the chapter received the Legacy Recruitment Award along with two Master Chapter awards. The first for attaining Level III excellence in Academic Achievement and the second for attaining Level III excellence in Living the Ritual. The chapter is extremely proud of the accomplishments; however, they see 2013 as a chance to truly push the limits of their brotherhood. In October, the chapter hosted its inaugural Alumni-Parent Tailgate, where they recognized former Pi Kappa Phi National President Ernest Johnson with the Mr. Alpha Iota award. A mere

two months later, the brothers elected a new Executive Council and eight of the nine positions were filled by the fall 2011 associate class, exemplifying the amount of young and ready leaders currently in the ranks of Alpha Iota. War Eagle!


Ann Arbor, Mich. — Over the past two years, Alpha Kappa Chapter has made many improvements to its philanthropy and Push America programming, and the chapter plans to continue to improve throughout 2013. This past fall, more than 60 brothers participated in the annual “Wheel in Their Shoes” event, a 5k trek through campus to raise disability awareness on campus. Alpha Kappa raised more than $1500 for Push America and plans to continue the success of this event next fall. The chapter has continued its weekly visits to the Eisenhower Center in Ann Arbor, a rehabilitation center for people with brain injuries. The brothers play board games and pool with the patients and learn about their interests, hobbies and families. We have developed a strong relationship with the center, and we plan to continue our visits well into the future. During the winter semester, Alpha Kappa has several events planned to benefit Push America as well as other organizations such as the American Cancer Society. In March, the chapter will transition its Empathy Dinner from a simulation event into a dinner shared with people with disabilities from the University of Michigan

community. We feel that the best way for us to learn about and appreciate the challenges of people with disabilities is to share conversation with fellow Wolverines. Furthermore, Alpha Kappa is holding the first Push America Relay as part of Greek Week 2013 in April. This is an awareness event that extends to the entire Greek community. It is a relay in which part of the race is competed in wheelchairs. The event is meant to give participants a greater appreciation for what it is like to use a wheelchair and to fundraise for Push America. Finally, to close out the semester, the Alpha Kappa Chapter is organizing a Relay for Life team, partnered with Alpha Phi sorority, to benefit the American Cancer Society. This is the first time the chapter has formed a Relay for Life team, and the men are excited to take part in the event. For our efforts, the Alpha Kappa Chapter was awarded the “Push America Core Values Award” and the “Master Chapter Commitment to Service Award” at Mid Year Leadership Conference in St. Louis in January.


COLUMBUS, Ohio — Alpha Nu Chapter kicked-off the year with 27 returning active brothers and recently pre-initiated 14 upstanding young men — its largest associate member class since re-chartering. Alpha Nu also held its first alumni event at the chapter house with 15 founding fathers in attendance. In addition, Alpha Nu has organized its first “Kick For a Cause” on-campus soccer tournament for

Push America and has partnered with Goodwill Columbus to focus on direct involvement with individuals with disabilities. Alpha Nu will begin major renovations to its house on 200 East 15th Avenue, with eight new rooms opening and more than 20 brothers living in the house next year — the most in Alpha Nu’s history.


BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — The 201213 school year for Alpha Psi has been quite a success. The chapter has been fortunate enough to implement a formal dinner every first Thursday of the month with guest speakers such as IFC President Andrew Esstman, IU Student Life and Learning Greek Advisor Michael Goodman, IU Student Life and Learning Ethics Board Advisor Hillary Zimmerman, IU Dean of Students H. Pete Goldsmith and Indiana State Senator Jim Merritt. Each speaker has given great presentations on the ethics and behaviors expected of true fraternity brothers and the new Lifeline and Hoosier Pact Laws passed within the State of Indiana. It’s inspiring to see the changes in brothers attitudes and behaviors within the chapter this year. Alpha Psi has truly experienced a phenomenal year of brotherhood, leadership and cultural change. Our culture has been significantly influenced by an increase in members participating in campus activities and leadership opportunities; coupled with higher expectations for brothers including higher G.P.A.s and more hours of community service —

changes that were unanimously approved. The men of Alpha Psi have successfully raised the standards of the chapter.


NEWARK, N.J. — 2012 was one of the greatest years in Beta Alpha history, but the best is yet to come! In spring 2012, the chapter initiated 14 brothers in one night, the most since the founding class of 35 in May 1948. In fall 2012 Beta Alpha admitted another 7 undergraduate men into the brotherhood, and one alumnus initiate who became a brother over the summer months. In February 2013, the chapter pinned 15 associate members. The chapter was challenged by Mark Timmes and our alumni to initiate 20 new members in the 2012-13 academic year. The men of Beta Alpha are well on their way to achieving that goal. Beta Alpha has also continued its ‘Commitment to Service’ with Push-ups for Push America and the NJIT - IFSC Breast Cancer Walk. Beta Alpha has excelled in other areas and those efforts were not overlooked by the national fraternity. During this past Mid Year Leadership Conference in Baltimore, Beta Alpha was awarded the Theron A. Houser Most Improved Chapter Award. Each year, this award — in honor of Brother Houser — recognizes the Pi Kappa Phi chapter that demonstrates the greatest improvement in seven areas of Chapter Excellence including Recruitment Success, Superior Member Education, Academic Achievement, Chapter Operations,

Living the Ritual, Commitment to Service and Alumni Relations. Beta Alpha Chapter Advisor David White presented the award to the chapter, and became overwhelmed with emotion as he described what the chapter had done to win this prestigious award. The nine Beta Alpha brothers who made the three-hour trip Mid Year were given a standing ovation by the entire audience who were all so proud of Beta Alpha’s success. Aside from chapter growth in 2012, the chapter will be moving into a new house, which is part of the Warren Street Greek Village. The facility will house 24 brothers and will be the only Greek Village house with an extra 2600‑square‑foot floor! The brothers of Beta Alpha could not be more excited and thankful for the time and effort their alumni have put in over the past decade to make this dream a reality. The move‑in date is set for September 2013, and once again, Beta Alpha will prove the best is yet to come. Beta Alpha has shown and will continue to strive toward its commitment to being a premier chapter.


TOLEDO, Ohio — Sponsored by Monster this semester, Beta Iota was able to provide free food and beverages during recruitment week for potential new members. The chapter gave out 21 bids, and 20 were accepted. This achievement was led the chapter to receive a Master Chapter of Recruitment Award the national fraternity. After the new associate members signed



their bid cards, they enjoyed a pasta dinner with the lovely women of Alpha Chi Omega. The dinner was prepared by the active brothers for the new members. Beta Iota also participated in seven sports in the fall: indoor and outdoor soccer, slow-pitch softball, dodgeball, volleyball, basketball and flag football. The brothers finished second place in both outdoor soccer and basketball, and third place in softball. To increase the funding for chapter activities, Beta Iota participated do in stadium cleanups at the Glass Bowl and working the concession stand for Toledo Walleye games and The Circus at The Huntington Center. The chapter raised $2057. Beta Iota also had excellent participation in Push America team events over the summer. Paul Webb was a crew member on the Journey of Hope. Nicholas Rinke and Andy Denucci participated in Gear Up Florida. Eric Moody, Victor Petzall, Nathan Kalies, Alejandro Vera, John Remington and Marcus Dodson attended the Give-A-Push Weekend in Cincinnati, Ohio. The chapter also organized its annual Push America fundraiser “No Boundaries Week”, and finishing with the annual “Pi Kapp Pasta Dinner” on Friday (Pete and the Pistols were performing live). The chapter raised around $1600 for Push America. The chapter was paired with Alpha Chi Omega for Homecoming this fall. After a fun, and hardworking week, the chapter placed third in the float competition. Victor Petzall was on the final ballot for Homecoming King as well.




south alabama

MOBILE, Ala. — Gamma Phi has taken great steps to improve its G.P.A. this year. Brothers take part in a G.P.A. Fantasy League where the four brothers with the highest grades from the previously semester draft all of the brothers. The team with the best G.P.A. at the end of the semester is treated to a nice dinner. Last semester, the chapter ranked second in grades and is striving to win the Dean’s Cup. In the fall, Gamma Phi initiated six members and has a spring class of six as well. Gamma Phi recommends that chapters send as many brothers as possible to Pi Kapp College as it is a great experience. Brothers who have attended are stepping up to lead in the chapter an on campus. After attending Pi Kapp College, Christian Rowell took the initiative to become

Beta Iota Chapter continues the tradition of shooting the cannon during Toledo Rocket football games.

IFC vice president; Justin Ladiner was selected for the Council of Archons; and Andrew Augustine will be the first from Gamma Phi to participate in Gear Up Florida.

Delta Beta


Dahlonega, Ga. — Alumnus Dick Baker was honored with the Merit Citation at Pi Kappa Phi’s 53rd Supreme Chapter this past August in Washington, D.C. The Merit Citation is the fraternity’s second highest honor for an alumnus. By Supreme Law, it may only be awarded by the Supreme Chapter and no more than one Merit Citation for every 4,000 living alumni may be awarded in any biennium. The award was established at the 17th Supreme Chapter, held in New York City in 1934, and only 213 Merit

Epsilon Lambda Chapter recent recruitment success over the past year has led to the chapter doubling its size.

ideas. These new ideas resulted in 13 new members being initiated, more than doubling the size of the chapter! The chapter implemented those same ideas this spring and was able to bid eight young men. If all eight become initiated, the chapter will have a total of 27 men, making Pi Kappa Phi the largest fraternity on campus.


Citations have ever been awarded to date. Brother Baker is the first from Delta Beta to receive the honor. National President Dudley Woody presented the award during the Charlotte Mid Year Leadership Conference in January. Baker was alumni initiated in 1978 while on staff at NGU as assistant director of college relations. He also served on the chapter’s board of alumni advisors while at the college. Also at Mid Year, brother Zack Agerton was announced as the first recipient of the Tom Dalton Scholarship. The scholarship is named for Tom Dalton, Lambda (Georgia), who helped establish Pi Kappa Phi at North Georgia. After serving on the national fraternity staff in 1968, Dalton was hired as director of college relations at North Georgia. Not long after arriving, Tom became the driving force for founding a Pi Kappa Phi chapter at the school. Delta Beta was founded in 1971.

Tom remained active in the Army National Guard, where he achieved the rank of Brigadier General. In 1992 he was honored with the Merit Citation at the 43rd Supreme Chapter. The Dalton Scholarship is awarded to the Delta Beta brother with outstanding commitment to Pi Kappa Phi, academics, the University of North Georgia, and the community as a whole. Brothers of Delta Beta are able to apply for the Tom Dalton scholarship each fall.

EPSILON Lambda USC Upstate

SPARTANBURG, S.C. — The Epsilon Lambda Chapter at USC Upstate is proud to announce another great recruitment has been completed. Almost a year ago, the chapter had only eight members. Recruitment has always been challenging for Epsilon Lambda; however, last semester the chapter implemented some new

PEORIA, Ill. — Epsilon Mu Chapter has received several awards over the past semester, including Most Improved Effective Chapter Alumni Relations; Most Improved Grade Point Average; Highest New Member Grade Point Average; Master Chapter of Living the Ritual; Master Chapter of Sound Chapter Operations; and Master Chapter for Academic Achievement. The chapter was recognized with the awards during the 2013 Mid Year Leadership Conference in St. Louis and at Bradley University’s Grand Chapter Ceremony. The G.P.A. awards commend both the work of individual brothers as well as the chapter as a whole. The Beta Nu class from fall 2012 balanced the duties of collegiate scholarship with their new member responsibilities. And the dedication of each brother of the chapter to strive for academic improvement during the Spring 2012 semester deserves equal merit. “When I was a freshman, we consistently had the lowest or nearlowest GPA on campus,” said James

Sapp, the chapter’s president for the 2012 calendar year. “In just four years, to be recognized with these awards shows the great dedication our members have, living up to the ideal of our letters.” Patrick McGehee, the chapter’s scholarship chair for the fall 2012 semester, also won awards for the highest individual G.P.A. of any student in a Greek organization enrolled in the Slane College of Communication and Fine Arts. With a major in music education, McGehee earned a 4.0 G.P.A. for both the spring and fall 2012 semesters. “Winning the award for Most Improved Effective Chapter Alumni Relations is a huge honor,” said Jesse Marczewski, the chapter’s Historian for the spring and fall 2012 semesters. “There’s still more to be done, but this award shows that we’re being recognized for heading in the right direction.” Epsilon Mu will look to further improve in other aspects of fraternal and collegiate life in 2013. But for at least a few moments, the chapter is celebrating its recognition from the national organization and Bradley’s InterFraternity Council for the areas it excelled in most in 2012.



SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Epsilon Nu was first established on the Sac State campus in February of 1982 and was closed in October of 1996. The current associate members are looking forward to chartering this spring and are excited to re-establish Pi Kappa Phi in the Sacramento area. Epsilon Nu alumni interested



in re-connecting with the chapter are encouraged to contact Historian Jacob Brausch at jbrausch@live.com Over the course of the last 12 months, Epsilon Nu has hosted two impactful Push Weeks, and plans are underway for another during the spring. For the spring event, the chapter will raise funds through events like “Push ups for Push” and “Pie a Pi Kapp.” During spring recruitment, the chapter set up a table each day and hosted a number of events like “Game Night,” “Meet the Pi Kapps,” and “Back Yard Sports.” Their efforts led to 10 new associate members, bringing the chapter to a total of 34. Epsilon Nu’s first trip to Mid Year Leadership Conference in Dallas was a great success. The delegation was able to bring back great information and a re-energized spirit to help the chapter earn its charter.



SLIPPERY ROCK, Pa. — Chartered in 1985, Epsilon Psi is approaching a great milestone — the chapter will be celebrating its 30th year at Slippery Rock. Along with this milestone, the chapter is proud to spotlight its new local partnership with a local organization called Allegheny Valley Schools. The organization has several group homes in the area that house individuals with mental and physical disabilities as well as a center where they work with the clients five days a week. Members of Epsilon Psi are working to update accessibility ramps for the homes,


assist with landscaping, and helping with other general needs. The chapter hopes to make this a great and long lasting relationship.


LUBBOCK, Texas — Epsilon Omega has made a significant impact on shaping the Greek community at Texas Tech and the greater Lubbock community. On December 1, Texas Tech hosted its annual Carol of Lights event. As a way to give back to the university, Epsilon Omega hosted a Christmas movie event that included hot chocolate and cookies that were provided for guests. The event was a success with 94 people in attendance to watch the movie “Elf.” Also in the fall semester, Epsilon Omega raised $1,200 for Push America. The chapter also participated in Delta Gamma’s Anchor Splash and placed third. The chapter also participated in Alpha Delta Pi Kickball tournament in which they placed second. In February, Epsilon Omega held its Pennies for Push event to raise funds for Push America. During spring recruitment, the chapter recruited an associate class of 10 and celebrated with a special dinner. The men of Epsilon Omega have earned the best IFC G.P.A. on campus for two of the last three semesters. Furthermore, the chapter has begun a partnership with the Burkhart Center, which specializes in autism education and research. They have also volunteered with Haven Animal Shelter of Texas.




WEST CHESTER, Pa. — Zeta Nu Chapter has been keeping busy and staying productive. The chapter ended the fall semester with a G.P.A. higher than the all-male average at West Chester. At Mid Year Leadership Conference in Baltimore, the chapter was recognized with two Master Chapter awards: for Recruitment Success and Academic Achievement. Archon Jared Epstein attended the American Fraternal Leadership and Values Conference in Indianapolis the internal vice president for the West Chester IFC. This was the first time West Chester sent delegates to the conference. Epstein returned to campus with valuable information, ideas and new connections from Pi Kappa Phi brothers from around the country. The chapter started the spring 2013 semester by extending nine bids and having all nine accepted.


christopher newport

NEWPORT NEWS, Va. — Iota Chapter at Christopher Newport University will celebrate its 20th year anniversary in April. The chapter is the second oldest fraternity out of seven on campus and is continuing to thrive not only on campus, but in the Newport News community. Eta Iota currently has 41 active brothers and 16 associate members. This spring semester, Eta Iota will hosts its annual Roseball event to celebrate the 20th anniversary of its founding. Roseball will be on April 20 in Virginia Beach. The chapter plans to spend time on the beach. A plated dinner and a ceremony will be held in

the evening. The chapter is looking forward to seeing many alumni members return for the event.



LEXINGTON, Ky. — Eta Tau started the spring by taking a class of nine new associates. The chapter is continuing to focus on recruitment and looking forward to growing the brotherhood. The semester, the chapter is also looking to overhaul its Push America program by including more events to raise awareness for people with disabilities among the campus community. Plans are underway for a War of the Roses event where sororities compete against each other in a number of events like a flag football tournament and a bike­­‑a‑thon to raise funds for Push America. Eta Tau is eager to improve in a number of areas throughout the year, and the brothers are ready to get to work to strengthen the chapter.


OXFORD, Ohio — During formal recruitment, Eta Upsilon took its largest associate class in its history with 29 associate members. The class brings the chapter membership to a total of 98. The chapter also has maintained a G.P.A. that has kept it in the top three fraternities overall on campus for the past year. Additionally, Eta Upsilon had three brothers cycle on the Journey of Hope last summer, and four members will be cycling in summer 2013.



FORT WORTH — This past summer, members of Eta Chi partnered with a brother from Theta Theta (Iowa) to create Awareness Europe. Similar to the Journey of Hope, Awareness Europe is a 1,000-mile bike ride across Europe that raises awareness and funds for people with disabilities. The two-and-a-half week ride begins in Glasgow, Scotland, and travels through London, Paris, Brussels and finishes in The Hague, Netherlands. Four brothers rode Awareness Europe including Hunter Sprague, Jay Baumgartner, Addison White and Ethan Collins. Four additional brothers — Tim Cason, Garret Grimes, Graham Mcmillan and Matt Beeson — helped with behindthe-scenes work. In total, the group raised a total of $14,326, 70 percent of which was donated to organizations the team visited with along the way. The remaining 30 percent was used to cover travel expenses. Eta Chi is proud to announce that it achieved the highest G.P.A. (3.337) of all fraternities on TCU’s campus for the fall 2012 semester. The chapter’s tradition of academic excellence is something it is very proud of and works hard to maintain. The chapter is also excited for three of Eta Chi brothers to participate in the Journey of Hope this coming summer. Blake Neuman, Michael Walton and Derek Dedeker are all looking forward to the summer ahead serving people with disabilities.



HATTIESBURG, Miss. — The Theta Alpha Chapter at the University of

Southern Mississippi had an excellent start to the 2012-2013 school year. Theta Alpha continually outranks other campus fraternities in grades, with a chapter GPA of 3.13. The chapter initiated 17 men during the fall semester and currently has more than 80 members, ranking as the largest fraternity on campus. Theta Alpha won Chi Omega’s Songfest 2012, where a member was named “Mr. Make-A-Wish.” The chapter also won Kappa Delta’s Shamrock Superbowl, which helped raise money for “Prevent Child Abuse America.” Outside of the chapter and Greek life, Theta Alpha is involved in many campus and community groups. Among all campus organizations, both Greek and non-greek, Theta Alpha had the most community service hours, logging more than 4,100 with an economic impact of over $64,000.



AMHERST, Mass. — In an effort to become more involved in the community, Theta Mu Public Relations Chairman Jeff Taylor contacted the Amherst Senior Center and offered the chapter’s support for seniors in need during the winter season. Only a few days later, Winter Storm Nemo covered Western Massachusetts in 18 inches of snow, and the chapter started receiving emails from elderly members of the community who needed shoveling out. Theta Mu responded quickly and shoveled out numerous houses around the neighborhood as well as at a housing complex designed for

people with disabilities Archon James McCarthy also spearheaded a thoughtful Valentine’s Day surprise. On the day before Valentine’s Day, brothers traveled to UMass sorority houses and serenaded them with a romantic song and a rose. The sororities sent Theta Mu many formal thank yous and even rewarded the brothers with delicious cookies. Theta Mu hopes to use this momentum to make the planned Disabilities Awareness Week at the end of April a successful event.

Theta XI


TEMPE, Ariz. — The year 2012 was an exciting one for Theta Xi, and it was full of many accomplishments. For Push America, Theta Xi raised an all-time record for chapter fundraising at nearly $10,000 for 2011-2012. Coupled with the individual fundraising efforts of the 18 Theta Xi men who volunteered their summers to become Pi Alphas, the chapter contributed nearly $98,000 to Push America for 20112012, which equates to nearly 8 percent of the organization’s total annual fundraising. Brother Jake Petronzio was awarded the Thomas Sayre Award, which recognizes the nation’s best Push America leader. At Mid Year Leadership Conference, the chapter was also awarded the Star of Hope Award, which recognizes the nation’s best Push America program. Theta Xi was also awarded two other awards at Mid Year Leadership Conference in Baltimore this January. These were Most Improved Living the Ritual and Most Improved in Academic Achievement. The chapter revised

its scholarship plan with the help of Warden Steven Ems and Scholarship Chair Christopher Mendezona, and after just one semester, the chapter GPA rose from 2.90 to 3.11, which is the second highest fraternity GPA on campus. Chaplain Kevin Quinn instituted a “process debrief” with the associate members that helped the chapter win the Most Improved Living the Ritual award. At Supreme Chapter in Washington, D.C., in the summer of 2012, Theta Xi was recognized as a Champion Master Chapter for the fifth straight year. Additionally, the chapter received the Executive Award, which recognizes the chapter that initiates the most men in an academic year; the Commitment to Service Award, which recognizes the chapter with the greatest number of men participating in Push America summer events; and the Volunteer Hours Award, which recognizes the chapter with the most documented community service hours. Locally, Theta Xi has received much attention from Arizona State, receiving ASU’s Changemaker Award for Social Change Event of the Year for the annual Bike-a-Thon. The university also recognized the chapter with the Recruitment and Retention Award, Chapter Education Award, Diversity Recognition Award, Judicial Responsibility Award, and the Chapter Operations Award. While Theta Xi is proud to win these awards and gain recognition both locally and nationally, the chapter’s ultimate goal is to redefine fraternity and build better men.



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