Sigma - Spring 2008

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Sigma Speaks Pi Kappa Phi s University of South Carolina


Spring 2006

Legacy of Alumni Serves as Example for Active Chapter Don’t walk behind me as my follower, don’t walk in front of me as my leader, walk beside me, my brother. welve hundred forty-seven men have made T the journey through Sigma Chapter since 1910, each knowing what it means to be part of the Brotherhood of Pi Kappa Phi. As we enter our 96th year of existence at the University of South Carolina, this strong sense of Brotherhood and pride is reflected in all that we do.

Pi Kappa Phi is continuously a threatening intramural force on campus. Last year Pi Kapp took second place in the intramural championship.

Sigma Chapter supports Push America and sponsors several events to raise money, including the Palmetto Centurion Bike Ride from Thomas Copper Library to the Cistern at the College of Charleston.

RECRUITMENT The Chapter consists of a diverse group of 43 men, including the recently initiated Iota class from the 2005 fall semester. Membership has been constantly growing over the past two years, and 16 new members have been recruited for the spring semester. In 2005, Pi Kappa Phi was named Most Improved Fraternity, and we remain in good standing with the National Chapter and the University. ACADEMICS Scholarship is of the utmost importance to the men of Sigma Chapter and is an area in which we continuously excel. The Chapter G.P.A. of 2.89 exceeds both the all-male average and fraternity average on campus. Several Brothers have received Life, Palmetto, McKissick, and other scholarships. We take great pride in our Brothers who have been on the dean’s list, maintained cumulative 4.0 grade point averages, and inducted into honor societies such as Alpha Lambda Delta and Golden Key. LEADERSHIP The Brothers of Sigma Chapter are also very involved in other organizations on campus. We are proud to be represented in Young Democrats, Young Republicans, Order of Omega, the Interfraternity Council, the Student Gamecock Club, the Body Building and Fitness Club, and on the University newspaper staff.

With a diverse membership, Brothers enjoy spending time with one another, as was the case with this recent float trip.

PUSH AMERICA Sigma Chapter takes an active stance toward helping those with disabilities through Push

America. Last year, Sigma raised more than $2,400, and this year’s goal is to double that number. We have collected money at all home football games, and we are looking forward to a successful No Boundaries Week. No Boundaries Week will be held April 10-15, and some of the scheduled events include a scaffold sit, a sorority change race, an empathy training barbecue, and the Palmetto Centurion Bike Ride from the Thomas Copper Library to the Cistern at the College of Charleston. INTRAMURALS The Chapter has partaken competitively in all intramural sports offered by the University. Last year, Pi Kappa Phi took second in the intramural championship while taking first place in floor hockey and bowling. The Chapter is looking to improve on last year’s performance by dominating again this year. During the fall, we fielded teams in flag football, indoor soccer, and volleyball. Keeping with our tradition of winning, the flag football team was undefeated during the regular season (4-0). The team placed second in Kappa Kickoff, a flag football fundraiser put on by Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority. This spring we are competing in basketball, soccer, bowling, floor hockey, and softball. Overall the Chapter is very strong, and each Brother is putting forth an immense effort to continue the success of Sigma Chapter. However, we recognize that without the support of our alumni we would be unable to excel at the University of South Carolina. We are very grateful to our alumni for everything you have done to help this Chapter succeed. You have laid down a grand path for us to follow, and the history and legacy that you left will never be forgotten. Please feel free to contact me with any questions about the Chapter. Yours in Pi Kappa Phi, David E. Puder ’03 Archon

“You have laid down a grand path for us to follow, and the history and legacy that you left will never be forgotten.”

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Sigma - Spring 2008 by Pi Kappa Phi - Issuu