Sigma - Summer 2006

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Sigma Speaks


Pi Kappa Phi s University of South Carolina


Summer 2006

Sigma Chapter will soon have permanent home on usc campus he Sigma Chapter House Corporation has partnered with PiKapp Properties, the housing branch of the National Fraternity, to secure a prestigious location for Pi Kappa Phi in the new Greek Village. With the initial financial support of a small group of alumni and a loan from the National Fraternity, construction has begun so that the chapter house will be ready for the fall semester.


This new facility will not only provide a permanent home for alumni and active members alike, but it will also help to ensure that Pi Kappa Phi remains competitive on the USC campus for many years to come. Additional alumni support will be needed to secure the project and in the coming weeks you will receive more information detailing the progress and the ways in which you can assist in our efforts.

Top: Construction progress as of May 2006. Bottom: Artist rendering of completed Pi Kappa Phi House.

Active Chapter Continues to Excel on South Carolina Campus ince the start of Sigma Chapter in S 1910, more than 1,000 men have learned the true definition of Brotherhood through Pi Kappa Phi. As we look forward to the start of another school year, Pi Kappa Phi continues to excel academically, athletically, and philanthropically at the University of South Carolina. ACADEMICS Nothing seems to be more important to the Brothers of Sigma than scholarship, knowing that the education we receive at USC will directly impact our futures. Many nights you can find Brothers working on papers or studying for an upcoming test in lieu of social activities. We are proud to acknowledge numerous 4.0 grade point averages and boast of an overall Chapter G.P.A. exceeding that of the all-male average

and the fraternity average. It is evident why so many Brothers receive Life, Palmetto, McKissick, and other scholarships. LEADERSHIP Sigma’s involvement on campus can be seen by the large number of members associated with Young Democrats and Young Republicans. Additionally, Brothers of Sigma Chapter have sought leadership roles in Order of Omega, the Interfraternity Council, the University newspaper, Gamma Iota Sigma, and the Student Gamecock Club. PUSH AMERICA Every year Sigma Chapter takes an active role in assisting and supporting those with disabilities. During each home football game and the Carolina Cup, associate

members and Brothers took time to seek donations to help PUSH America. We just completed No Boundaries Week in which many Brothers participated in the Palmetto Centurion Bike Ride from the University of South Carolina to the Cistern at the College of Charleston. Unfortunately, due to the weather, the riders were unable to finish the 110-mile trip. Also to help build awareness, Brothers organized an empathy training dinner. RECRUITMENT After another year of recruiting men of strong character and class, the Chapter now has 52 active members. With the newly initiated Kappa class, the Chapter has gained a diverse group of campus leaders and true gentlemen from North (Continued on page 2)

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