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ad astra per asperA Ad Astra Per Aspera is a Latin phrase meaning “Through difficulties to the stars.” Well, these are certainly difficult times. As we experience the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression, Americans are losing jobs and homes. Some are having difficulty providing for their families. 401Ks are being decimated and funds set aside for retirement and our children’s education are being depleted. Some students can no longer afford to return to campus. For those that do, many do not have the financial stability to remain involved in Greek organizations. Others are working part-time jobs with less time to participate in fraternity. Volunteers are stretched ever-so-thin as they work longer hours in hopes of demonstrating their value in return for job security. As volunteers are stretched, they have less time to provide guidance to volunteer-based organizations like fraternities. Yet, as bleak as the headlines have read over the past several months, I firmly believe that the “trend line” of Pi Kappa Phi certainly points upward. Ad Astra Per Aspera. Through difficulties to the stars. This phrase was used by National President A. Pelzer Wagener in the October 1932 issue of the Star & Lamp in his comments on the fraternity during the heart of the Great Depression. “How will Pi Kappa Phi come through this?” “The answer lies in our hands, active members and alumni.” “I have faith in your loyalty and devotion to our fraternity, which you have helped to build. Now is the time when you capitalize these. If we pass the test of this trying period, the future is assured.” It seems fitting that we ask the question once again: “How will Pi Kappa Phi come through this?” We remain cautiously optimistic, but we believe the answer is that we will weather this crisis well as we continue to reach for the stars. Unlike in 1932, the fraternity has built a solid base of 146 chapters—132 chartered chapters and 14 associate chapters—ranking us 10th in size among other fraternities. This base combined with an aggressive growth strategy to open new chapters has positioned us well. And despite the difficulties presented by this recession, our students have risen to the challenge in recruitment as men continue to join in record numbers and students see the value of an extended family and lifelong network of brothers in these trying times. With more than 7,000 undergraduate members, our average chapter size is back up to 50 men. Such critical mass will allow our chapters to weather the storm even if we see attrition in future numbers. One poor rush will not create a downward spiral and sound the death knell. And our chapters have been diligent in collecting dues because they recognize the urgency of each brother shouldering his share. Rest assured we too will remain vigilant as we seek to pass the test of this trying period. In this issue we recognize those alumni and friends who have shared their treasure by making a donation in support of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. We also recognize that brothers support the fraternity through others means—through time and talent or through support at a local level. And of course, we appreciate that some who normally make a gift each year have been unable to do so. This we understand. Of special note is the effort led by Kelley Bergstrom, Alpha Omicron (Iowa State), in the vision of creating a true “leadership center.” We were pleased to formally dedicate the Kelley A. Bergstrom Leadership Center of Pi Kappa Phi over Founders’ Day. A cost-effective, state-of-the-art national headquarters building in a vibrant urban town center, the Leadership Center is already fulfilling its role as we’ve hosted several chapters and alumni groups for retreats and workshops. And our heritage is beautifully displayed in the stately Eldred J. Harman Museum. Several interfraternal leaders have commented that Pi Kappa Phi’s new home is as impressive a place as they have seen. It is certainly our hope that you will visit us soon! As always, enjoy this issue of the Star & Lamp! Mark E. Timmes Chief Executive Officer mtimmes@pikapp.org


PAGEONE alpha upsilon  drexel uNIVERSITY Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Re-Founded: November 22, 2008

Founding Members: 44 Colonized: Fall 2007

After four years of dormancy and one year as an associate chapter, the Alpha Upsilon chapter was reinstated by the national fraternity. The chapter, which originally received its charter on May 20, 1933, joins six other active chapters in the state of Pennsylvania. The 44-man group of re-founding fathers, which included four alumni initiates, was initiated in conjunction with the chapter’s 75th anniversary celebration. The event was attended by more than 300 undergraduates, alumni and guests. National Chaplain Dave White, Beta Alpha (NJIT), served as the installation officer and was assisted by Past National Chaplain Keith Sheppard, Alpha Upsilon (Drexel). Zeta Nu (West Chester) and Theta Nu (Delaware) chapters performed the Ritual of Initiation for the new chapter. CEO Mark E. Timmes represented the national fraternity along with Philly Regional Governor Vince Thompson, Epsilon Tau (St. Joseph’s); Director of Alumni and Volunteer Services Steve Evans, Alpha Sigma (Tennessee); Coordinator of Chapter Development Derek Berger, Beta Xi (Central Michigan); and past staff Andrae Turner, Eta Rho (Texas State).

THETA UPSILON  Northern arizona unIVERSITY

THETA PhI  louisiana tech uNIVERSITY

Flagstaff, Arizona Founded: February 7, 2009

Ruston, Louisiana Founded: March 21, 2009

Founding Members: 26 Colonized: Spring 2008

In February, Theta Upsilon (Northern Arizona) became Pi Kappa Phi’s 212th chartered chapter and the third chapter of Pi Kappa Phi in the state of Arizona. Installed by National Secretary Tracy Maddux, Zeta Theta (Texas), and Past National Council member Jim Krucher, Beta Alpha (NJIT), the 26-man group was initiated by the Beta Theta (Arizona) and Theta Xi (Arizona State) chapters. Representing the national fraternity was Grand Canyon Regional Governor Matthew Hunt, Alpha Phi (IIT); Coordinator of Chapter Development Derek Berger, Beta Xi (Central Michigan); and Senior Leadership Consultant Michael Larsson, Theta Xi (Arizona State).

Founding Members: 35 Colonized: Spring 2008

Louisiana Tech was designated as Theta Phi, Pi Kappa Phi’s 213th chapter. Overseeing the event as installation officers were National Vice President Mark Jacobs, Delta Psi (Texas-Arlington), and Foundation Trustee David Morgan, Beta Omicron (Northwestern State). The 35 founding fathers were initiated by teams from Beta Omicron (Northwestern State) and Theta Alpha (Southern Miss). Representing the national organization was Bayou Regional Governor Mitch Adrian, Beta Mu (McNeese State); Coordinator of Chapter Development Derek Berger, Beta Xi (Central Michigan); Senior Leadership Consultant Walt Pape, Zeta Phi (Colorado State); and past staff Rodney Clements, Beta Omicron (Northwestern State), and Kyle Robinson, Gamma Iota (LSU). (See page 29 for additional information on charterings.)


fall 2009


DRAKE (Beta Delta)







spring 2009

spring 2010 The expansion map details Pi Kappa Phi’s expansion plans through spring 2010. If you know students or groups who might be interested in starting a new chapter of Pi Kappa Phi, contact Assistant Executive Director Christian Wiggins at cwiggins@pikapp.org or (800) 929-1904 ext. 106.




Members of Beta chapter at Presbyterian College pose with a fraternity pennant circa 1910. Many pieces from the National Archives similar to this photo are now housed in the Eldred J. Harman Museum in the Kelley A. Bergstrom Leadership Center of Pi Kappa Phi. Photo courtesy of Pi Kappa Phi National Archives



In the Foundation’s annual report for 2008, Chairman Jerry Brewer details the state of the Foundation as we face the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. We’ve included a listing of all members and friends of the fraternity who made a contribution to the Foundation in 2008 and recognized the individuals, chapters and states that made the top contributions to the Foundation.




COVER The original Nu Phi minutes, which are dated November 19, 1904, list the 15 charter members of the organization and indicate that the Greek letters Nu Phi were to symbolize “Non Fraternity.”


Fall Deadline 9/30/2009

Summer Deadline 06/30/2009

The Foundation Annual Report 2008 PARENTS The Star & Lamp is being sent to your address while your son is in college. Please feel free to read through the magazine as we hope it is a publication you will enjoy too! If your son is no longer in college or is no longer living at home, please send his new contact information to the P.O. Box address or e-mail address shown to the far right.

With the completion of the Eldred J. Harman Museum, Pi Kappa Phi officially dedicated its new home in December of 2008. We’ve created a gallery of exibits in this issue to give our readers a glimpse of the Kelley A. Bergstrom Leadership Center of Pi Kappa Phi.

SUBMISSIONS/DEADLINES Materials for publication should be sent directly to the managing editor at the P.O. Box address or e-mail address shown to the right. Letters to the editor will be printed at the discretion of the editors.

Periodical postage paid at Charlotte, N.C., and additional mailing offices.

PUBLISHER Star & Lamp, (USPS 519-000), is issued quarterly by Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at 2015 Ayrsley Town Boulevard, Suite 200, Charlotte, NC 28273. A lifetime subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription.

A Center for Leadership






E-MAIL ADDRESS star&lamp@pikapp.org

Star & Lamp P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224-0526

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one opportunity leads to another by Adam Phillips and Lukin Murphy



Clockwise from top left: 1) Lukin Murphy with members and volunteers of the Temi Community in the Republic of Georgia. 2) Members of the Temi Community. 3) Murphy with residents of Sadhana Village, India. 4) The Sadhana Village community garden.


ukin Murphy spent his college career taking advantage of the opportunities laid before him. As a member of Pi Kappa Phi, these opportunities were available through the programs of Push America. As an undergraduate member of the Delta Delta chapter at Truman State, Murphy participated in his first Push America event in the spring of 2003—a Push Camp at Clemson University Outdoor Laboratory in Clemson, S.C. In the fall of 2003, Murphy was elected as the Push America chairman, and in this role, he led Delta Delta to host its first AccessABILITY project. Though he didn’t know it at the time, that one event led to a chapter tradition of commitment to service through Push America. In the following years, Murphy continued to serve the disability community by participating in several other local and national Push America events, including the “six life-changing weeks” spent as a Build America crew member in 2004. Following Murphy’s graduation from Truman State in 2006, he entered the graduate program for Intercultural Youth and Family Development at the University of Montana. For his graduate work, Murphy was able to intertwine his background in the field of anthropology with his interest in people with developmental disabilities. While in graduate school, Murphy was employed at Opportunity Resources, Inc.—Montana’s largest organization serving people with disabilities—where he helped to sponsor the 2007 Journey of Hope TransAmerica team as it passed through Missoula, Mont.


y the time Murphy completed his graduate program, another incredible opportunity lay before him: to spend a year traveling the world to help people with disabilities. Murphy arrived in the Republic of Georgia in October 2008, just a few months after the Russian incursion. After extensive travel into the country from Turkey, he finally reached his destination: the Temi Community in a remote part of eastern Georgia. The Temi Community was founded after the break-up of the Soviet Union to provide a healthy alternative to government institutions, which were notoriously underfunded and mismanaged. Temi provides a home for 60 residents with both physical and cognitive disabilities. But it is more than just a home, it is a community for those without a community of their own. Residents grow vegetables in the large garden, care for cows which provide milk, build furniture in their workshop, and host all manner of cultural and recreational events. While in Temi, Murphy’s tasks included developing a volunteer guide, harvesting vegetables, gathering fruits and mushrooms, cutting firewood, construction, and grant research. “Life at Temi isn’t easy,” said Murphy. “There are no showers, very little hot water, sporadic electricity, no internet, and money is scarce. But the amazing people and location make up for the lack of modern amenities. And despite these difficulties, the residents are loved, well-fed and much happier than they would be at a large government-run institution.” According to Murphy, the Temi Community offers unlimited possibilities for volunteers to engage with residents. “One child in particular has affected me deeply,” said Murphy. “Datuna is an adorable 7-year-old boy who uses a wheelchair

after falling from a seventh story window. He came to Temi about three years ago in poor health and with behavioral difficulties. Since his arrival at Temi, his behavior has been very positive. He is a gifted child; he already speaks several English words just from listening to me speak.”


fter about four weeks at Temi, it was time to move on. Murphy’s next opportunity to volunteer was a six-week adventure in Sadhana Village, located southwest of Mumbai in western India. Sadhana Village was founded in 1993 by a man looking for care for his daughter. Doctors suggested a “rehabilitation home.” However, after learning that such “homes” were subject to neglect, malnutrition and abuse; the father established Sadhana Village as a place where people of varying abilities could live happy, healthy and fulfilling lives. “The premise is simple; people with disabilities have the same needs as everyone else: adequate food and shelter, opportunities to express themselves creatively, and to belong to a family and community,” said Murphy. “Sadhana Village meets these needs better than similar organizations in India because each resident’s individual needs and desires are emphasized, but it is also more successful than many similar organizations in the United States because familial and cultural relationships are very highly valued in Indian culture.” “When I first arrived, I thought I would be working to increase Sadhana’s organizational capacity through grantwriting, staff training, fundraising, technology acquisition, etc. I quickly learned that this was not my role,” said Murphy. “I was there to enrich the lives of the residents. After this realization, I experienced an unexpected wave of relief; I could get to know the unique and interesting residents. I taught Sarang to use my digital camera, upload photos to his personal computer, and put them into a presentation that he will show to new guests and volunteers of Sadhana. I worked with Yetin to practice his English and to compose a short biography that he read at a community meeting. These may be small contributions, but I knew my presence made a few people happy.” “As expected, I learned more from the people at Sadhana than I could have possibly hoped to teach them. The way of life in this enclave of acceptance and good-will has made an indelible impact on how I envision my future career and lifestyle. It really is the little things that make all the difference.”


hen his time was finished in Sadhana Village, Murphy continued traveling throughout India and into China. And although it is sometimes a daily challenge, Lukin Murphy continues to seize the opportunities laid before him. A passion for people with disabilities and self-discovery has led him on a journey across the globe in service to others. As Murphy searches for his next opportunity to serve, you can’t help but wonder what opportunities lay ahead for the young men who, like Murphy during his collegiate years, are just beginning to discover the opportunities available to them through Pi Kappa Phi and Push America. For more information about the organizations featured in this article, visit temi-community.com and sadhana-village.org.



the kelley a. bergstrom leadership center of

Pi Kappa Phi

The Kelley A. Bergstrom Leadership Center is an efficient and dynamic home for the National Fraternity. Like the Roman God Janus who possessed the ability to view the past and the future, the Leadership Center not only captures and displays our rich heritage and history—the exterior façade is a replica of 90 Broad Street, the birthplace of Pi Kappa Phi—but also brings into focus Pi Kappa Phi’s vision and aspiration for the future: to redefine fraternity as a lifelong brotherhood of leaders. named for former foundation chairman and mr. pi kappa phi 1987 kelley a. bergstrom, alpha omicron (iowa state), the fraternity’s new office is more than just the administrative home to the greater fraternity, it’s a place that welcomes students and alumni, educates them on the remarkable story of our history, and serves as a place where leaders gather to sharpen their skills and to reaffirm their commitment to building a better fraternity. the Founders In 1904 seven students at the College of Charleston created what well over 100,000 men have experienced since: brotherhood in Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. Pieces of the personal narratives of Andrew Alexander Kroeg Jr., Simon Fogarty Jr., Lawrence Harry Mixson, A. Pelzer Wagener, Tom Mosimann, James Fogarty and Theodore ‘Teddy’ Kelly are captured in the Founders’ Display. Visitors to the museum will learn about our founders’ contribution to Pi Kappa Phi as students and as alumni, but will also gain insight into who they were as individuals and their complex relationship with one another throughout their years. Photos of all seven founders anchor the display, which includes such items as Founder Kroeg’s obituary written by Teddy Kelly and published in the 1922 Star & Lamp; Founder Fogarty’s diploma from the College of Charleston; and Founder Mixson’s original initiation shingle.



the Keystone One of the architectural elements used throughout the building is a keystone containing the Starshield emblem. Its use connects directly to a Founders’ Day address made by Founder Mixson in 1961. This display, which hangs near the front door of the building, serves as a ‘Rosetta stone’ of sorts, unlocking the meaning and use of the keystone throughout the space.

eldred j. harman Museum The Eldred J. Harman Museum is named for former Foundation Trustee and Mr. Pi Kappa Phi 1998 Eldred J. Harman, Alpha Omicron (Iowa State). Through Brother Harman’s generous leadership, visitors to the Kelley A. Bergstrom Leadership Center can learn about our fraternity’s rich history—from its provincial beginnings in Charleston, South Carolina, to its nationwide reach today. Visitors will find inspiration in the personal stories of those who have lived a life of service in advancing the values of Pi Kappa Phi. Nine separate display areas convey Pi Kappa Phi’s history while the museum incorporates architectural elements to create the feel of Charleston at the turn of the century.

porterfield - tirado Education

& Seminar Room

This conference center is poignantly named in memory of the two students who have made the ultimate sacrifice in their service to Pi Kappa Phi’s philanthropy, Push America—Todd Porterfield, Alpha Delta (Washington), and Jason Tirado, Zeta Epsilon (George Mason). These two men both lost their life in the summer of 2000 while volunteering for the greater fraternity. The Porterfield – Tirado Education & Seminar Room honors the legacy of these two men and provides a space to further the goals and aspirations of Pi Kappa Phi. Used for chapter retreats, volunteer training and member education, this state-of-the-art conference facility, which can accommodate up to 70 people, is the heart of the Leadership Center. The room was generously donated by former Push America President and Mr. Pi Kappa Phi 2008 Bruce L. Rogers, Chi (Stetson).



Kelley A. Bergstrom alpha omicron (iowa state) Eldred J. Harman alpha omicron (iowa state) David D. Morgan beta omicron (northwestern state) Pete Petit iota (georgia tech) Bruce and Sally Rogers chi (stetson) J. Ernest Johnson alpha iota (auburn) Allen O. Woody III xi (roanoke) Harry E. Caldwell Jr. omicron (alabama) Kenneth J. Cribbs beta kappa (georgia state) Jason K. Dodd delta omega (texas a&m) Frank and Lyn Havard gamma phi (south alabama) Barry L. Howell gamma upsilon (oklahoma state) Mark F. Jacobs delta psi (texas-arlington) Robert A. Lane alpha omicron (iowa state) Frank M. Parrish alpha omicron (iowa state) PM Realty Mitchell Adrian beta mu (mcneese state) Joe Alexander gamma alpha (west alabama) Eric Almquist alpha omicron (iowa state) John R. Andrews delta delta (truman state) Glenn Aspinwall gamma kappa (georgia southern) Thomas H. Atwood beta eta (florida state) Charles J. Barnard delta delta (truman state) Dan Barry alpha (charleston) Brandon J. Belote theta alpha (southern miss) Derek J. Berger beta xi (central michigan) Jack K. Berlien omega (purdue) William R. Boulden eta iota (christopher newport) Jerry T. Brewer sigma (south carolina) Gregory J. Buehner theta theta (iowa) Thomas L. Carter gamma delta (memphis) Jack Casper alpha upsilon (drexel) Edward L. Corson xi (roanoke) Joseph E. Costello beta iota (toledo) Pat Danehy delta zeta (appalachian state) Stephen P. DePalma beta alpha (njit) Glenn Dickson beta upsilon (virginia) Greg Elam beta (presbyterian) Craig Ellison epsilon upsilon (georgia college) Jeffrey L. Esola gamma nu (lagrange) Steve Esworthy xi (roanoke) Stephen J. Evans alpha sigma (tennessee) Betsie Fehr J. Patrick Figley chi (stetson) William L. Finney alpha iota (auburn) Kenneth Joseph Forti sigma (south carolina) Jeremy Galvin alpha omicron (iowa state) Marvin Hackney kappa (north carolina) Tim Hancock alpha epsilon (florida) Spencer E. Harper beta gamma (louisville) Mike Hartman eta gamma (colorado) Matthew Hunt alpha phi (iit) Thomas W. Harzula omega (purdue) Jake C. Henderson beta theta (arizona) W. Stuart Hicks kappa (north carolina) R. Nathan Hightower omicron (alabama) Seale Hipp eta (emory) James F. House alpha eta (samford) Chuck Howard delta delta (truman state) James A. Krucher beta alpha (njit) David G. Lane omega (purdue) Don Laughran beta lambda (tampa) Brett Lee eta rho (texas state) Greg Linder omega (purdue) Emerson D. Linney alpha omicron (iowa state) Tracy D. Maddux zeta theta (texas) Ethan N. Martin delta eta (morehead state) Lee Nichols beta eta (florida state) William J. Niedenthal beta eta (florida state) Trey Oberpriller zeta theta (texas) Kenneth J. Oubre eta chi (texas christian) Durward W. Owen xi (roanoke) Robert J. Paterno alpha epsilon (florida) John Pierce beta eta (florida state) John C. Powers zeta zeta (north florida) Kyle T. Robinson gamma iota (lsu) Michael S. Rothschild gamma nu (lagrange) Todd A. Sargent eta sigma (ucla) J. Gunnar Schalin upsilon (illinois) William T. Sigmon alpha sigma (tennessee) Jack W. Steward alpha zeta (oregon state) Lonnie Strickland omicron (alabama) Thomas B. Sullivan delta omega (texas a&m) Phillip M. Summers alpha psi (indiana) T. Philip Tappy lambda (georgia) Vincent J. Thompson epsilon tau (st. joseph’s) Jared W. Thurston theta epsilon (kansas) Mark E. Timmes alpha epsilon (florida) Brett J. Toresdahl alpha omicron (iowa state) James C. Turk xi (roanoke) Andrae L. Turner eta rho (texas state) Mark Urrutia beta iota (toledo) J. Jeffry Wahlen alpha epsilon (florida) David M. White beta alpha (njit) Christian A. Wiggins epsilon alpha (elon ) Woody Woodcock gamma kappa (georgia southern) Dudley F. Woody xi (roanoke) Matthew Wray eta upsilon (miami - ohio) Gordon B. Wright alpha tau (rensselaer)



iota Board


Within the Iota Board Room, the story of Iota chapter at Georgia Tech and its singular importance to the early history of Pi Kappa Phi is conveyed through the personal narratives of five Iota alums: George Griffin, Manuel Quevedo, James Lawton Ellis, Devereux D. Rice and Pete Petit. The signature display here is Iota’s original charter from 1913, the oldest known Pi Kappa Phi charter in existence, which is on loan from Iota chapter. The Iota Board Room was generously given by former Foundation Trustee Pete Petit, Iota (Georgia Tech).

chapter Banners

durward w. owen

Conference Room The Durward W. Owen Conference Room connects history with the present as the original board room table from the fraternity’s second Charlotte home at 7017 Nations Ford Road has been refinished and put to good use in this room. Honoring the fraternity’s longest-serving executive director and honorary fourth founder, many awards and personal effects of Durward Owen adorn the walls and help convey the history of Pi Kappa Phi through the eyes of one its best known leaders. This room was generously donated by former staff member Barry L. Howell, Gamma Upsilon (Oklahoma State).



Shortly after the chartering of Eta (Emory)—the fraternity’s eighth chapter—Eminent Supreme Archon L. Harry Mixson, with the intentions of promoting a greater connection between brothers of Pi Kappa Phi, commissioned the publishing of a comprehensive catalogue that listed the names and cities of residence for all members of the fraternity. The catalogue was to include a “banner” for each chapter. Compiled by Simon Fogarty and illustrated by James Fogarty, this catalogue contains two details of note. First, the the chapter designation then was preceded by the state in which it was located. Second, the chapter banners as illustrated by James Fogarty are the first known attempt to visually “brand” student chapters as independent entities under the umbrella of Pi Kappa Phi. Beta (Presbyterian) is the only chapter that continues to regularly use the banner designed by Fogarty. Each banner was initialed with “J.F.” enclosed in a diamond.

the original Minutes Prominently displayed in the museum are the original minutes of Pi Kappa Phi’s founding. Included in this display are the minutes from November 19, 1904, that document the creation of Nu Phi. Also included are the minutes from the Chrestomatic Literary Society meeting on November 21, which confirm that the Nu Phi plan to seize control of the Soceity was enacted.

chapter Newsletters

Chapter newsletters have played an important role in keeping alumni connected to their fraternity and to the friends they’ve found through fraternity for many decades. Arguably, there has been no greater outreach tool that student chapters and alumni organizations have historically employed than the periodic publication of a newsletter.

executive Directors

Since 1924 when Pi Kappa Phi hired George Sheetz, Alpha (Charleston), as the first paid chief administrator, a total of eight men, including current CEO Mark E. Timmes, have served Pi Kappa Phi in this role. Charged with the day-to-day management of the fraternity and its affiliated entities, each administrator and their respective staffs have left a lasting impact on the greater fraternity.

j. ernest johnson

Executive Director’s Office Graciously donated by the fraternity’s National President from 2004-2006, J. Ernest Johnson, Alpha Iota (Auburn), the Executive Director’s Office is home to current CEO Mark E. Timmes, Alpha Epsilon (Florida). The office’s signature pieces include a restored desk from U.S. Congressman George Grant, Omicron (Alabama), which was donated to the fraternity under the tenure of Durward Owen, Xi (Roanoke), and a framed collection of letters from Founder L. Harry Mixson to newly employed executive directors of the fraternity.

George Sheetz, Alpha (Charleston) 1924 – 1928 Howard Leake, Rho (Washington & Lee) 1928 – 1937 John McCann, Alpha Upsilon (Drexel) 1937 – 1943 Laura Parker & Dick Young, Kappa (UNC) 1943 – 1947 W. Bernard Jones Jr., Alpha (Charleston) 1947 – 1955 James Wilson, Sigma (South Carolina) 1955 – 1957 Greg Elam, Beta (Presbyterian) 1957 – 1959 Durward Owen, Xi (Roanoke) 1959 – 1994 Mark E. Timmes, Alpha Epsilon (Florida) 1994 – Present

allen o. woody III

Foundation Director’s Office Given by former Foundation Chairman and Mr. Pi Kappa Phi 2007 Allen O. Woody III, Xi (Roanoke), this office is home to current Foundation Executive Director Tom Atwood, Beta Eta (Florida State). As chairman, Woody led two of the Foundation’s most successful capital campaigns—the Centennial Celebration and the national headquarters campaigns. This room is furnished with items from Devereux D. Rice, Iota (Georgia Tech), after whom whom the Foundation was originally named.




letter from the Dear Brothers and Friends:

the foundation

Annual Report 2008

As I write to you today, I’m watching the stock market on my computer, and it’s been another one of those rollercoaster performances where the market opens lower, breaks into positive territory and then sinks again as the clock ticks toward the closing bell. Financial experts refer to this as ‘volatility,’ though we know it on a much more personal and guttural level. Days like today and indeed the last several months, force you to reconsider things that you used to take for granted; things that once seemed sure. Certainly, the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation has not been immune to market forces, but the news isn’t entirely bad either. For the fiscal year ending December 31, 2008, the Foundation’s portfolio, which is currently invested using Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) purchased through Charles Schwab and overseen by the Foundation’s Investment Committee, had posted a loss of 23.79 percent. While any loss can be painful, we know things could have been much worse. Many of us have certainly seen, heard or personally felt the pain of larger declines in our own portfolios. The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 33.8 percent of its value during the same time, so if there’s any silver lining in this otherwise clouded horizon, it is the fact that we have been able to avoid—through thoughtful management and good fortune—some of the headline losses that have touched other foundations. But rest assured, Investment Committee Chairman Pat Danehy, Delta Zeta (Appalachian State), and company continue to keep a watchful eye over the Foundation’s portfolio as we chart our course through these turbulent waters. I am very happy to report that last year the Foundation completed its largest-ever capital campaign, securing gifts and pledges totaling $1.61 million. The Foundation’s “Preserving the Past, Realizing the Future” campaign, a multi-year effort that began in 2005, effectively secured funding for a new national headquarters (see page 7 for a list of donors). Among the many things we’re proud of with this campaign is the fact that no student dollars were solicited in the effort, nor was there any lapse in annual funding to the fraternity as a result of raising the restricted dollars. In essence, we were able to raise these funds while preserving the Foundation’s core mission— to support the educational programs of Pi Kappa Phi—without interruption. Tying into that campaign, the dedication of the Kelley A. Bergstrom Leadership Center of Pi Kappa Phi last December was an unparalleled success for the greater fraternity. The Bergstrom Leadership Center is a remarkable facility,

lifetime giving clubs star & lamp society $500,000+


* deceased

supreme circle $250,000 - $499,999


E first-time donor

complete with a state-of-the-art conference facility (The Porterfield – Tirado Education & Seminar Room), which is already seeing considerable traffic from both student and alumni groups, and an impressive museum (The Eldred J. Harman Museum), which beautifully captures and displays the rich history of our fraternity. Meanwhile, the core mission of the Foundation has remained consistent, and the Foundation continued its support of fraternity programs such as Life 401, Pi Kapp College, Mid Year Leadership Conferences, and our Alcohol Education Initiatives like Alcohol Skills Training Program (ASTP), Ladder of Risk and GreekLifeEdu. All remain strong and well-attended. In fact, our three Mid Year Leadership Conferences this year alone exceeded more than 1100 attendees for the first time in history. And later this summer, Pi Kapp College will celebrate its 50th Anniversary by returning to the College of Charleston. Lastly and in terms of total gifts received, I’m happy to report that in 2008 the Foundation received $744,615 in charitable gifts from alumni and friends. This compares to $1,015,987 in 2007 and $632,339 in 2006. This, of course, is only made possible by you, and we are grateful for your trust and support. I’m looking at the ticker again, and the green arrow is pointed up–the market just closed today with a gain of a little over 100 points. This is the third day in a row, and there’s a growing sense of confidence and surety. I believe in my heart that the arrow also points upward for Pi Kappa Phi. I know this because of the indomitable spirit that you and thousands of others have shown through your generosity over the last year. And while we rest for a brief moment, there is much work to be done as the Foundation furthers its planning for a future campaign to endow the important educational programs of Pi Kappa Phi. So, thank you for your generous support in 2008, and I hope we can count on you again in this current year. Fraternally yours,

Jerry T. Brewer P.S. We’d like to hear from you. If you have any ideas or suggestions for the Foundation, or ways in which can improve in our communication to you as a friend and donor, please share your thoughts at foundation@pikapp.org

d giving club advancement

founders’ circle $100,000 - $249,999

order of the rose $50,000 - $99,999

order of the bell $25,000 - $49,999

council club $10,000 - $24,999

the foundation’s


The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation is committed to supporting the educational programs of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity in order to assist our undergraduate members in achieving superior results in personal development, academics, service and leadership.



Honored here are those brothers and friends of the fraternity who made the largest contributions to the Foundation in 2008. $100,000+

Pete H. Petit iota (georgia tech) Kelley A. Bergstrom alpha omicron (iowa state)

$50,000 - $99,999

David D. Morgan Sr. beta omicron (northwestern state) Barry L. Howell gamma upsilon (oklahoma state)

$25,000 - $49,999

PM Realty Group Frank M. Parrish III alpha omicron (iowa state)

$10,000 - $24,999 Allen O. Woody III xi (roanoke) Harry E. Caldwell Jr. omicron (alabama)

Zeta Epsilon (George Mason) Housing Corporation David G. Lane omega (purdue) Robert A. Lane alpha omicron (iowa state) Jason K. Dodd delta omega (texas a&m)

$5,000 - $9,999 James C. Turk xi (roanoke)

Kenneth J. Cribbs beta kappa (georgia state) Daniel B. Barry alpha (charleston) Jack M. Casper alpha upsilon (drexel) Mark E. King epsilon iota (unc-greensboro) Bruce L. Rogers chi (stetson) Dudley F. Woody xi (roanoke)

$2,500 - $4,999

John R. Andrews delta delta (truman state) J. Ernest Johnson alpha iota (auburn) Stephen P. DePalma beta alpha (njit) Kenneth J. Forti sigma (south carolina) Mark F. Jacobs delta psi (texas -arlington) J. Jeffry Wahlen alpha epsilon (florida) T.J. Sullivan alpha psi (indiana) Theodore A. Scharfenstein beta beta (florida southern)



Listed here are members and friends who contributed to the Foundation in 2008. Donors are listed by chapter under their lifetime cumulative giving level. ALPHA (Charleston) council club dDaniel B. Barry

John C. Hassell

foundation club

dGary A. Catterton David H. Jaffee Robert W. Marlowe Terence N. Moore

lamplighter’s club

Samuel W. McConnell Jr. Gregory D. Padgett

executive director’s club dHarry W. Freeman Jr.

William S. Gaud Eric C. Helfers Richard P. Pierce Stephen L. Thomas Leon K. Wolfe Jr. gold star club

Philip S. Duwel dRobert E. Sheppard chevron club

Henry W. Strobel Jr.

crossed swords club

Andrew C. Jaffee Dennis M. Jaffee EJoseph Longobardi EWilliam K. Pillow Jr. ERobert E. Wylde

foundation club $5,000 - $9,999

BETA (Presbyterian) lamplighter’s club

Samuel G. McGregor

executive director’s club

Clifton C. Goodwin III Arthur G. Maxwell Jr.

chevron club

Robert D. O’Malley Mertin W. Ritchie

crossed swords club

David K. Dixon

Thomas J. Meagher EWilliam S. Pascoe Reuthanak Tap Frank A. Winton Jr Robert L. Witbeck

Thomas H. Stearns

DELTA (Furman)

Dallah A. Forrest Jr. *Alva R. Hamilton Sr. dTyler L. Henson

David C. Ullman

gold star club dRolly Bannister Jr. dJohn R. Ritter Jr. chevron club

crossed swords club

executive director’s club chevron club

John A. Batcheller

ZETA (Wofford)

lamplighter’s club dMark O. Bundy dWilliam B. Evins Jr. executive director’s club

James H. Belcher Thornton West . Crouch Alex O’Daniel Deward B. Woolbright Jr. gold star club

Frampton W. Henderson III Robert D. McJunkin chevron club dJames R. Owings

William M. Smethie Jr.

Marion Frazier Dale D. Russell

crossed swords club ECharles B. Bailey EBartley W. Sides

crossed swords club

GAMMA (Cal-Berkeley)

EPSILON (Davidson)

ETA (Emory)

David J. Dayton

Ernest B. Hunter Jr. Harold B. Kernodle Jr. dLouis M. Palles Jr. Lawrence D. Wilkerson Philip C. Winstead

Kenneth C. Kiehl

lamplighter’s club

executive director’s club

James P. Kinlock Lawrence J. Olson Young D. Stewart gold star club

David W. Halligan Richard G. Houston EJames F. Low Harland R. Ross

lamplighter’s club $2,500 - $4,999

gold star club

Richard B. Long Clarence C. Riner III

foundation club dP. Seale Hipp executive director’s club chevron club

Robert E. McDuff

chevron club

Wilson S. Hendry

executive director’s club $1,000 - $2,499

gold star club $500 - $999

chevron club $250 - $499

crossed swords club $1 - $249





IOTA (Georgia Tech)

LAMBDA (Georgia)

Pete H. Petit

T. Philip Tappy

supreme circle council club

I. Ward Lang Jr.

lamplighter’s club

foundation club

J. Garrison Pritchett Jr. lamplighter’s club

James G. Hull

executive director’s club dDavid F. Black

William J. Harp Jr. Leroy Langston

Michael V. Cowan Frank C. Hodge Thomas Lowndes Jr. Robert C. Murray Jr. Robert A. Parrish Robert B. Rowe

gold star club

executive director’s club dDavid G. Baker Jr. dJohn B. Boy

Robert B. Costley Christopher E. Doyle Charles R. Ferguson Bruce M. Jewett J. Michael Jones John H. Puckett Bruce C. VanDerhoof

Thomas R. Jackson Jr. dGeorge C. Turner Charles K. Wagner Jr.

Stewart H. Carlin dDavid D. Cunnold Russell R. Johnson Robert T. Lowrance Joseph Luciani George V. Rouse Dean W. Russell

chevron club dDonald N. Fischer dKevin A. Langton dMonteiro H. Nelson III

John R. Paus Bryan G. Ramey II dJack P. Turner

chevron club dThomas R. Cook III dDennis E. Fields

Brian D. Ehrich EJohn D. Englehardt Walter B. Gentry Jr. Allan D. Guggolz David W. McCoy Shamael I. Mustafa EJohn H. Pyles Jack R. Spangler

chevron club

Ted A. Grob III Kevin M. Krehmeyer Julian R. Lang John J. Minch Fred M. Thrower

Benjamin B. Albert Jr. James A. Councilor III dWilliam H. Delatron Joseph P. Donohue James R. Wilson

crossed swords club EPaul Breen ERichard W. Costello ELouis F. Dapas

Stephen P. Conway EDavid H. Furse Ralph F. Geronimo ERobert C. Hipp Scott R. Jacobs Leonard B. Powell Jr. Ryan C. Rocco II EDaniel C. Royal Jr. George M. Thompson EJoseph J. Vincent

David J. Doyle EBurt C. Horne Jr. Paul R. Jenkins William C. Martin

MU (Duke)

order of the bell

OMICRON (Alabama) founders’ circle

Harry E. Caldwell Jr. Lonnie Strickland III

foundation club

William D. Fuqua

council club

John D/ Moylan Frank T. Wrenn III

executive director’s club

Anders W. Hall James G. Smith Brian E. Swab

KAPPA (North Carolina)

T. Benjamin Massey dStephen J. Schnurr Jr. Bart N. Stephens

W. Stuart Hicks

George W. Liles

chevron club

Frank T. Wrenn Jr.

lamplighter’s club

NU (Nebraska)

executive director’s club

James A. Guretzky

James L. Thompson

George W. Braun dFrederick V. Coville Woodrow W. Gunter II dMarvin S. Hackney Russell N. Hadley Richard K. Holzworth Clifton M. Hux Jr. Wayne N. Scott Robert C. White Winton G. Wilks Jr. Mark H. Winston

lamplighter’s club executive director’s club

Robert M. Werner

gold star club

James R. Boling James S. Christol dWarren R. Hill Thomas C. Miller chevron club

Wallace W. Loerch

crossed swords club

John C. Stohlmann

gold star club

Alvin W. Daughtridge James B. Little Jr. Charles T. Stewart James M. Wilmott

XI (Roanoke)

James M. Collins dBradley S. Hanover David F. McAllister Timothy E. Newman Jerome W. Stanislaw

Durward W. Owen Dudley F. Woody

founders’ circle

James C. Turk Allen O. Woody III

order of the bell

chevron club

council club

crossed swords club ECarl L. Devane

Robert S. Lawrence Thomas M. MacGlothlin Jr. William T. Moore John A. Redhead Edgar F. Seagle EAndrew M. Sugg

Emmett O. Dendy

executive director’s club

crossed swords club EJimmy G. Leach

J Councill Leak William K. Rollins Thomas H. Sayre

foundation club

David R. Adams William T. Bishop Jr. Jack E. Brunson Joe C. Cassady dAugustus A. Harmon Jr. dThomas B. Henderson Joe D. Lee dMack O. Matthews

*Charles F. Beidler

foundation club

Raymond E. Cartledge R. Nathan Hightower Paul C. Wesch lamplighter’s club

gold star club dNick G. Anas

order of the bell

Robert S. Barber Henry B. Hahn Jr. Richard J. Milan Jr. Richard M. Newman dKyle F. Schindel John R. Stafford Jr. Matthew W. Plasket

lamplighter’s club

crossed swords club

executive director’s club

gold star club dEric L. Becker dDavid S. Ferguson

crossed swords club

gold star club

Annual Report 2008

Daniel F. O’Flaherty Cameron R. Ogilvie Tod N. Senne E. J. VonCulin

foundation club

J. Terry Dewberry Robert M. Snuggs III

the foundation

lamplighter’s club dPaul C. Caldwell

council club

Edward L. Corson II dLee S. Peregoff

foundation club

Stephen A. Esworthy Raphael E. Ferris Gordon N. Fidura dDeWitt R. Petterson Tim Ribar Jr. James S. Stump Jr.

Jack M. Blasius Robert F. Inman Clinton H. Paulsen dWilliam M. Schroeder Robert L. Shepherd William G. Sutton William C. Taylor

gold star club dCharles W. Fleming Jr.

David L. Hinton Bryan A. McCullick Ray H. McLaughlin Leon B. Newman Ralph T. Russell Mark E. Spear Michael S. Teal chevron club

George E. Aiken Jr. dRobert T. Ballantyne Barry J. Brock Albert C. Skaggs dJoseph D. Thaxton

crossed swords club

James C. Baldone Jr. Joseph V. Carmichael EJames E. Goodman Dan F. Prescott Thomas M. Wilson

RHO (Washington & Lee)

gold star club

Edwin P. Garretson Jr. Malcolm H. Squires Jr. Kenneth B. Van De Water Jr. chevron club

George Z. Bateh dWalter J. Crater Jr. Floyd B. Garrett George T. Myers

crossed swords club

Robert D. Ballantine

SIGMA (South Carolina) order of the bell

Jerry T. Brewer

foundation club

Paul D. Carter Jr. Kenneth J. Forti Walter H. Pickens Jr. Danny W. Reynolds

executive director’s club dRobert M. Gatti

Jay Hammett

dWright T. Paulk Jr. dWilliam D. Rhodes III gold star club

Herbert L. Benson Jr. Richard C. Mims Frederick E. Quinn dFrederick E. Sojourner John R. Stokes chevron club

James T. McKinnon William S. Reynolds III

crossed swords club

Michael G. Lukridge Gerald W. Smith ECharles E. Spann EMichael A. Wray Jr.

TAU (North Carolina State) council club

Robert C. Cline

lamplighter’s club

Wallace L. Reams

executive director’s club

Stephen D. Seymore Jr. gold star club

Hunter B. Atkins Maurice D. Atwell Jr Anthony L. Evans Steven M. Leamon Christopher M. Myers Richard H. Norrell Bradley D. Robins chevron club

William G. Barnhardt Jr. Edward R. Thomas II W. Scott Troutman

crossed swords club

Melford R. Damron Jr. Jeffrey H. Davison Charles B. Harper Oliver A. Neel Jr. Andrew D. Page Jr. Robert N. Richardson Jeffrey M. Roberts

UPSILON (Illinois) council club dJ. Gunnar Schalin lamplighter’s club

Glen E. Hesler John O. Roeser

executive director’s club

James M. Bayne James K. Kutill August M. Massa Robert M. Murphy III Gregory M. Provencher Stephen D. Trahey gold star club dDavid Bein

Robert J. Bogdanoff

council club

dWarren F. Perkins

foundation club dRobert L. Wade lamplighter’s club

dJohn W. Shustitzky

Richard G. Anderson Robert E. Glenn

executive director’s club

John D. Wallace

Daniel A. Shoor

John R. Stroehlein

chevron club dEduardo Contreras dEdward R. Cwiklin

William H. O’Donnell

crossed swords club EJoseph W.Mioduski

Charles N. Moka EAdam J. Nekola

lifetime giving clubs star & lamp society $500,000+


* deceased

supreme circle $250,000 - $499,999


E first-time donor

d giving club advancement

founders’ circle $100,000 - $249,999

order of the rose $50,000 - $99,999

order of the bell $25,000 - $49,999

council club $10,000 - $24,999

TOTAL Assets This graph illustrates the Foundation’s wealth in total assets over the past five years. The Foundation’s portfolio posted a loss of 23.79 percent in 2008. The Dow Jones Industrial Average reported a loss of 33.8 percent of its value in the same time period. The Foundation’s assets are invested in Exchange Traded Funds and are overseen by the Investment Committee.



$6m $5m $4m


$5,503,726 $4,386,720


$3m $2m $1m $0






Schools Pi Kappa Phi’s Leadership Schools—Pi Kapp College and Mid Year Leadership Conference— are designed to support the mission of the fraternity by providing leading-edge education, training and personal development to the emerging leaders of Pi Kappa Phi. Through the Pi Kappa Phi Educational Grant, the Foundation provides funding each year to offset the costs of the leadership schools.

“Mid Year was a wonderful experience, and I am so fortunate to have been given the chance to go. I learned a lot to use within my chapter that will hopefully help the chapter grow and be successful on campus and in the community.”

Pi Kapp College brings students leaders from across the country together each summer for advanced leadership training based on the values of Pi Kappa Phi. To mark the its 50th anniversary, Pi Kapp College will be held at the College of Charleston in 2009.

- vice archon participant mid year leadership conference 2009

foundation club $5,000 - $9,999

Mid Year Leadership Conference is held regionally each January to provide newly elected chapter officers with training unique to their specific position. Pi Kappa Phi is the only national fraternity that offers training to 100 percent of its undergraduate officers. In 2009, Mid Year attendance hit record levels with 988 students participating. In a survey of those students, 95 percent rated their conference experience as “excellent” or “good.”

lamplighter’s club $2,500 - $4,999

executive director’s club $1,000 - $2,499

leadership schools

Your gift to the Foundation is helping to provide leadership training to one in every five undergraduates in 2009.

Received Training

Did Not Receive Training

mid year leadership conference 2009

This graph illustrates the extent to which student officers felt prepared for their duties before and after attending Mid Year Leadership Conference 2009. 22%



gold star club $500 - $999




Somewhat Prepared

chevron club $250 - $499




crossed swords club $1 - $249




Giving EDonald L. Porth III

CHI (Stetson)

founders’ circle council club

J. Patrick Figley

executive director’s club

chevron club

crossed swords club


gold star club

Larry W. Anderson dStanley S. Gryskiewicz Jr. Donald L. Johnson Thomas M. Wrenn Matt G. Smith

Peter W. Hogue EHalden M. LaPoten *Lemuel M. Thomas

John L. Broe dRobert H. Hoffman dWilliam R. McCall Jr. William F. Morwood III Kenneth A. Perkins Michael A. Stephens

crossed swords club

executive director’s club gold star club

John C. Garvin Jr. Ralph B. Montgomery

founders’ circle

John S. Kirk

William F. Newell Edmund A. Sayer

foundation club dGeorge F. Heinrich

W. John Zygmunt Jr.

lamplighter’s club

John H. Angus dGregory J. Della Rocca Michael J. Piscitelli Calvin E. Rofe Frank A. Sherer

executive director’s club

Samuel C. Alessi Jr. Gary R. Fisher James R. Kao dBertram A. Lindsey dDavid D. Prescott Lawrence G. Thayer dJason C. Wright

Robert N. Brooks Russell A. Burgess Barry C. Junnier EFrank A. McDonald Jr. Robert S. McKinney Robert J. Perry Jr. Chandler H. lmes Sharon Jr. ERoy C. Thompson

ALPHA ZETA (OrEGon State) foundation club

Frederick W. Raw dJack W. Steward

chevron club dJohn S. Harrison crossed swords club

council club

lamplighter’s club

Robert J. Elfers

Riley G. Baker Kevin G. Berry EGarland L. Crawford Hollis C. Lewis Jr. EDrew N. Hartley Lee M. Seelig

executive director’s club

ALPHA GAMMA (Oklahoma) foundation club

Robert E. Holly

lamplighter’s club

Jay K. Morris Robert J. Ogborn

executive director’s club

William S. Alldredge dGregory L. Nesbitt Thomas D. Patterson Raymond C. Terhune William W. Thomas gold star club

Roland E. Curtis *John W. Moore dLeon O. Ramsey Roger A. Turner Edward F. VanZandt

Richard W. Hoffman John T. Owen J. Dylan Romo

gold star club

gold star club dFrancis W. Scichowski Jr. dDana L. Taylor

chevron club dTheodore J. Langton III crossed swords club EJeremiah F. Cotter

chevron club

ALPHA DELTA (Washington)

ALPHA ETA (Samford)

Robert C. Bux

James F. House

Michael A. Davis Erwin A. Tschanz

George C. Bullis Michael P. Carpenter Jr.

crossed swords club EJason B. Jendrewski

Eric M. Levine EPaul A. Pietropaolo EMichael J. Reinitz ECharles T. Rogers

Reginald B. Clay

executive director’s club

Jimmy R. Bell William W. Dixon Jr. William M. Ford dJack R. McDonald James E. Purvis dGilmer T. Simmons Alan G. Sizemore

crossed swords club

foundation club

Makoto Mochizuki Derek P. Sitzmann

Jack K. Berlien Patrick J. Kuhnle Gregory V. Linder Jack W. Powers


lamplighter’s club

council club

Herman G. Riggs

executive director’s club dJames R. Berlien

Duane M. Davis Hugh M. Flanagan Rikard E. Hill Grafton Houston Jr. James D. Jackson Richard H. Lowe Edward J. Masline Jr. dDavid L. Mitzner Robert A. Rust William L. Swager Donald C. Swager Robert E. Thomson John L. Weaver dRobert C. Wingard Jr. Christos C. Ziogas gold star club

Neil T. Hentschel Robert M. Little John E. McDonald chevron club

Charles E. Atwell David R. Davis Hilton B. Henry dMark A. Higgins dMichael D. Kerr dKenneth L. Kraus David W. Peggs

Peter C. Barr dRobert B. Newman Robert J. hn Paterno J. Jeffry Wahlen

* deceased

Robert E. Greene dRonald E. Huskey Jr. David B. Parrish dJames M. Smith Merle L. Wade Jr. Randal J. Griffith

Robert M. Halcrow Albert E. Luer Mark E. Timmes

ALPHA THETA (Michigan State) lamplighter’s club

lamplighter’s club

Hugh A. Gower Ira T. Hancock Benjamin G. Holdorf Howard W. Pettengill Jr. Charles A. Stewart Christopher J. Tice Sr.

chevron club

crossed swords club

foundation club

Kenneth G. Adams Theodore D. Aylward dMatthew J. Shaheen

executive director’s club

executive director’s club

Thomas H. Bird dWilliam L. Holler Bruce T. Lessien Donald E. Viecelli

gold star club

Charles W. Bovay Brian R. Connelly Wallace M. DeMaagd Robert A. Ellis Scott E. Evans Jeffrey W. Hill Paul A. Long Gerald F. Wajda Michael J. Yanachik

Frank O. Brass Jr. William O. Charland Thomas M. Fitzgerald Mark E. French Peter T. Lanaris dMichael J. Nozzarella Charles R. Rigl Stuart C. Stockton Robert L. Sullivan Bernard A. Barton Jr. Michael L. Crovatt John S. Crown Jr.

supreme circle $250,000 - $499,999


lamplighter’s club dBrian P. Walker gold star club

council club

foundation club dWarren W. Hilson Sr. lamplighter’s club

Manuel D.. Esteban Nathan C. Rosas

David G. Lane

star & lamp society $500,000+

council club

chevron club

order of the rose

lifetime giving clubs

Clinton A. Maurice Jack C. Riley Richard S. Shaffer

John J. Dailey Stanley J. Gratis John R. Pedersen

OMEGA (Purdue)

Annual Report 2008

chevron club

Thomas Lowndes III Charles R. Melton

PSI (Cornell)

the foundation

crossed swords club

Thomas S. Bentley EVytautas J. Damasius EDale C. Dremann EJames C. Eary EBrian D. Heiwig Mark D. Laurent ERonald L. Lema James M. O’Reilly ERobert D. Theobald EPeter K. Todd EBrent A. Wunderlich

Edwin H. Culver Mark C. Hollis John K. Snellings Michael J. Sweeney Jr.


Donald A. Dvornik Page M. Eppele Thomas E. Johnson William P. Keyes dJohn M. Turco

Robert L. Roth dTodd B. Spaulding Kaz J. Vogelgesang

Bruce L. Rogers

E first-time donor

gold star club

chevron club

Curtis W. Estes Jr. Robin G. Ewen

dRichard L. Goetz crossed swords club

Max L. Bottomley Roger W. Nelson Steven R. Schinderle EMichigan State Class of 1936

ALPHA IOTA (Auburn) founders’ circle

J. Ernest Johnson

lamplighter’s club

Joe W. Forehand Jr. Ralph S. Foster Jr. William W. Jones Jr. dJack H. Pearson

executive director’s club dLua R. Blankenship Jr.

Robert L. Ferrell William S. Finney Thomas W. Fuller Tommy W. Gordon Tommy K. Hartwell Nathaniel D. McClure IV Lawrence C. Pharo Jr. Louis A. Reynolds Jr. gold star club

John O. Christiansen Jr. James Homer Hendry Gary M. Patterson chevron club dJack E. Baker

Charles S. Blackledge Jr. Frank W. Carroll Harold H. Hartwell dBill K. Kennedy David G. Scott crossed swords club

EWalter Albritton Jr. Guy H. Alley EJoe B. Fain EJames M. Forcum Jr. EDavid W. Gall II James M. Jones EWilliam T. Pegg John R. Richey

ALPHA KAPPA (Michigan) lamplighter’s club

Mark E. Perrin

executive director’s club

Patrick M. Walsh

gold star club

Jason R. Prickett chevron club

Kenneth B. Goldberg EChristopher J. Kozak

crossed swords club EChristopher B. Daniel

ALPHA LAMBDA (Ole Miss) gold star club

Ben B. Sayle

ALPHA MU (Penn State)

executive director’s club

Gary D. Bello Richard C. Heim William E. Johnson Richard F. McKnight Maurice P. Ranc Jr. William Simon III gold star club

Richard W. Brown Jr. Robert D. Buchwald Palmer L. Davis Jr. dScott D. Myers William J. Vernon Jr. dEdwin R. Yeager John J. Yeosock chevron club dJason A. Borrelli dEarl B. Hoffman Jr.

William W. Lawrence dDonald S. Mizell Ralph W. Moyer Richard A. Sandala dMichael J. Wells

crossed swords club

Stephen C. Botta Robert W. Boyd Edwin A. Friend Jr. Douglas S. Hisey Michael W. Myers John H. Ressler Daniel A. Schmitt

d giving club advancement

founders’ circle $100,000 - $249,999

order of the rose $50,000 - $99,999

order of the bell $25,000 - $49,999

council club $10,000 - $24,999

financial Summary Shown here are the Foundation’s revenues and educational expenses in 2008. other unrestricted gifts

$30,541 4.1%

annual appeal

$132,000 17.7%

pi kappa phi educational grant

$107,011 59.6%

restricted gifts

$432,253 58.0%

pi kapp scholars

$12,047 6.7%

chapter investment funds

$69,042 9.3%

officials’ gifts

international scholars

$11,500 6.4%

$27,189 3.7%

board of governors’ gifts

$14,250 1.9%

extra mile scholars

$3,600 2.0%

nu phi society

$36,880 5.0%

cif {conference grants}

president’s circle

$7,660 4.2%

$2,460 0.3%

cif {chapter scholarships}

$37,885 21.1%

revenues $744,615


educational expenses $179,704


ALPHA XI (St. John’s/brooklyn) Thomas J. Ruzicka lamplighter’s club

William L. Friend

executive director’s club dLouis T. Destefano dRichard G. Ramge dSiegfried A. Rotter gold star club

William V. Delnicki Bruce J. Elowsky Richard F. Groller Antonio G. Quilon

John O. Sanderson Brett J. Toresdahl Thomas J. Tott John J. Veak

chevron club

Benjamin M. Cahill Jr. David B. Dobson John W. McMahon David M. Peter Larry J. Powell dKermit G. Pratt Stephen S. Strunck dPaul R. Turgeon Douglas Al. Wiles Harry J. Zimmer

crossed swords club

Richard J. Andrews David Dropkin Jeffrey Keough Brewster W. LaMacchia dJohn B. Margenot Jr. Erik B. Nagel

gold star club

Dale M. Cochran David L. Hancock Gilbert F. Stanek Lawrence M. Stella José L. Torres David A. Duda Robert A. Handelman dBenjamin R. Jones Joseph O. Linney Gregory M. Rusk Joshua R. Sheffler

chevron club

Albert Aiello Jr. Albert R. Muller Paul M. Tierney

crossed swords club EFrancis G. DeVenecia

Lee B. Fatell Arthur J. Karle Ralph J. Koerner Joseph LaRosa Andrew Lazzaro Michael J. Levinton Michael G. Power

Edward E. Cowger Jr. Allen J. Richardson Mark L. Stacey

ALPHA RHO (West Virginia) lamplighter’s club


George W. Kirkland Jr.

executive director’s club

Victor A. Folio

gold star club

gold star club

chevron club

foundation club

council club

Warren R. Madden

lamplighter’s club dAlfred S. Sewell Jr. executive director’s club

foundation club

lamplighter’s club

Eric J. Almquist John C. Brockmann Curtis C. Clifton Jeremy D. Galvin Hubert M. Lattan Emerson D. Linney Harold D. Osborne

Thomas H. Banks James T. Cogdill Frank M. Pugh

gold star club dStephen J. Evans

executive director’s club

John R. Bateman *Robert O. Brown James R. Carson Philip J. Dvorak dStanton E. Fritz Guy K. Goodenow Gerald D. Love Richard C. Ohrt Ralph H. Ruedy

foundation club $5,000 - $9,999

Christopher J. Palmisano David B. Spalding crossed swords club

James N. Campbell Jr. Jack W. Harris Jr. Robert A. Linn Harold W. Orr

ALPHA TAU (Rensselaer) lamplighter’s club

Cedric H. Dustin III Robert E. Hawkins lamplighter’s club $2,500 - $4,999

Robert I. Benner Cornelius W. Cornelssen Micheal Doyle EEdward D. McDonald Jr. George B. Mullin

lamplighter’s club

ALPHA SIGMA (Tennessee) William T. Sigmon

crossed swords club

Milton C. Beveridge Charles S. Downey William R. Terrill

crossed swords club

Robert A. Lane Frank M. Parrish III

foundation club dJeremy D. Dickinson

Mark R. Blasser Dale R. Haring dRobert E. Lake Walter W. Lovell David L. Norris dStephen J. Pinkas dStephen C. Winter


Nicholas G. Evans Robert J. Laughner

order of the rose

chevron club

George G. Morgan Jr. dRobert G. Sidelko Benjamin T. Sporn

Kelley A. Bergstrom

star & lamp society

Robert E. Imbrogno Arthur J. Jones Samuel R. Parris dJohn J. Peirce Jr. Frederic S. Woerth

ALPHA UPSILON (Drexel) order of the rose

Jack M. Casper

W. Keith Sheppard

Leonard J. Di Carlo dFrederick W. Schmehl

lamplighter’s club dThomas E. Berk executive director’s club

foundation club dNathanael P. Gombis

Martin T. Kotsch

John P. Sachs

executive director’s club

Michael F. Barr John T. Higgins dRichard W. Hughes Matthew E. Hunt dEdward A. Kaschins dJames D. Leyerle Roger L. Peterson Edwin N. Searl Burton W. Seiwell Paul W. Wagner Alan W. Wendorf

Barry G. Campbell Samuel J. Costa Jr. Philip R. Earley Paul W. Gross John D. Knoll Jr. Charles S. Kuntz John N. Marshall Vicko J. Melada

gold star club dJames M. Helm

Robert D. Austin John H. Buhsmer Jr. Walter W. Dearolf Jr. Kenneth J. Dirkes Daniel J. Ginsberg Norman E. Grede

Brian R. Koll EBao X. Nguyen Kenneth L. Slepicka Charles H. Small Victor E. Terrana

gold star club

executive director’s club $1,000 - $2,499

gold star club $500 - $999

Jack R. Piper Bryan D. Schott Charles R. Woods

chevron club

Matthew A. Kopesky

crossed swords club ELawrence A. Jones

chevron club $250 - $499

crossed swords club $1 - $249






BETA GAMMA (Louisville)

Stuart E. Allen

Spencer E. Harper Jr.

crossed swords club

ALPHA PSI (Indiana) order of the bell

Phillip M. Summers

gold star club

Herbert M. Zimmerman

crossed swords club EMartin G. Cecil

Jefferson S. Shreve dT.J. Sullivan

Andrew W. Goodaker Joseph H. Reagan Jr. EEdward H. Schaefer Jr.

Ledford C. Carter Rodney L. Gunning


William D. Day Jr. Max A. Fawley Kevin L. McDonald Richard L. Stutz Ross A. Wingler

foundation club

foundation club lamplighter’s club executive director’s club

council club

James D. Hornbrook Robert A. Cione

gold star club

Stephen A. Boone dSteven W. Dean Joseph M. Drozda Jr David C. Gibson James P. Halsey Gary S. Louderback Jr. Justin P. Patterson dStephen R. Sanders Fred F. Thursfield

executive director’s club dPaul H. Gilman dNorris D. Rowland gold star club

Robert M. Moody Kenneth J. Piller Don B. Walter chevron club

Paul H. Davis James Labiak Bruce N. Swanson EJoseph A. Weber Jr.

crossed swords club EKarl T. Heideman

crossed swords club ERobert G. Crew EMichael A. Land

James R. Hambacher

Harry J. Daily Jr. ERodney B. Kinder

BETA IOTA (Toledo)

John G. Oden

foundation club

Robert C. Friess

BETA RHO (Clarkson)

Gerald K. Dunaway William G. Frederick Craig A. Myers Elmer J. Newness dWilliam C. O’Shea Sr. Roger W. Schiller

John F. Kruse

crossed swords club

gold star club

BETA SIGMA (Northern Illinois) chevron club

Ronald L. Giles Norman J. Pollock

crossed swords club

chevron club

Robert E. Berry

Edward Bachmeyer Jr. EJoseph E. Costello Gene E. Peterman Richard H. Smalley Jr. *Frederick A. Tiller

BETA TAU (Valdosta State) executive director’s club

John T. Brooks

gold star club


John W. Barber John B. Whitley

crossed swords club

Jay J. Stuckel

executive director’s club

Larry C. Reinhardt Jr.

Walker V. Settle III

foundation club

Heath M. Osburn

Walter T. Richards Laurence G. Trudell


Bradley A. Barondeau David M. Epperson

executive director’s club

Donald D. Lasselle Stanley C. Lynch

gold star club

Sherman W. Holmes Robert D. Potts

crossed swords club EAndrew D. McCarthy

chevron club

Robert E. Davis David A. Stewart

BETA ETA (Florida State)


foundation club

W. Jeffrey Niedenthal

order of the rose

lamplighter’s club

Stephen P. DePalma

Thomas H. Atwood Howard E. McCall Jr.

order of the bell

James A. Krucher

executive director’s club

council club

John F. Lee Jr. David M. White

foundation club

John E. Pugliesi

lamplighter’s club

Aivars E. Krumins

executive director’s club

Nicholas Adams Frederick Becker Jr. dRichard V. Comiso dPatrick Guerra Edward J. Klebaur Jr. Karlis V. Kopans Louis R. Miceli Richard Pedersen Richard J. Rodrick dKenneth J. Scheck Jr. gold star club

Richard H. Stephan chevron club dFrank J. Falcone

Lawrence A. Kominiak Sr. Anthony V. Mangone EBrandon T. Sorensen dWilliam C. Toth crossed swords club

Brian C. Boutilier

Donald A. Bowlin James M. Lloyd dMichael S. Loy Charles W. MacMillin James W. Newman Jr. Lee Nichols Frank M. Ryll Jr. Lewis F. Symmes gold star club

John R. Corbett Charles R. Cutajar Hugo H. de Beaubien Alfred R. Dickey Jr. Guy W. Hollingsworth Kenneth K. Majewski James B. Newman Randolph M. Plotts dJeffrey Pujals Jonathan E. Stevens Norman D. Stoddard


Daniel B. Kimball Jr. Joseph B. Yount III John B. Browning

executive director’s club

Russell J. Huber

chevron club dRalph M. Griffin Jr. crossed swords club EDavid C. Meadows

David Villarroel

BETA MU (McNeese State) foundation club

gold star club dWilliam J. Watson III chevron club dJeffrey S. Craigmile crossed swords club

Douglas W. Varney

Richard B. Smith

BETA PHI (East Carolina)

C. Mitchell Adrian Wilfred R. Bourne Jr.

Lawrence W. Haussmann

executive director’s club

lamplighter’s club executive director’s club

gold star club

Edwin M. Potratz II

Dennis R. Barbour Jeffrey F. O’Geary

Paul A. Brown

James G. Bishop III Thomas C. Sayetta

chevron club

gold star club

crossed swords club

Paul E. Cox

BETA CHI (Texas A&M - Commerce)

Barry A. Saunders

gold star club dDerek J. Berger

BETA OMEGA (E. Tennessee) foundation club dDavid C. Evans executive director’s club dEdward P. Bowers

John N. Boronkay Jr. dThomas A. Manning Eugene W. Smith

Michael J. Schlusler

BETA OMICRON (Northwestern State)

Jack P. McCain Jr.

Norris C. Bishop Jr.

gold star club

chevron club dShawne M. McCoy crossed swords club ERyan T. Barr EKevin P. Kelly

gold star club dRobert F. Broadwell

chevron club

Byron C. Brown Ronald K. Younger

David E. Clappison Basil J. Lyberg

David D. Morgan Sr.

Ronald D. Parks

executive director’s club

Donald E. Perry

founders’ circle

lamplighter’s club dKenneth L. Park crossed swords club

BETA PSI (Tennessee Wesleyan)

executive director’s club

crossed swords club EArden Anderson EWilliam H. Branch

foundation club

lamplighter’s club

Duane M. Valerio

Robert A. Milstead Christopher L. Ricci

crossed swords

supreme circle $250,000 - $499,999


Wade G. Birch James R. Crosby Robert A. Myers David J. Sullivan dJeffrey R. White

lamplighter’s club

Sam R. Andress Russell T. Gilbert

star & lamp society $500,000+


BETA XI (Central Michigan)

chevron club dRyan C. Hay

E first-time donor

Jason J. Diaz EMichael W. Thompson

Donald W. Clark EArthur A. Scott Sr.

crossed swords club EMarshall A. Pike

executive director’s club

* deceased

crossed swords club

crossed swords club

Everett E. Magill Jr. dJarrod C. Portelance

BETA THETA (Arizona)

lifetime giving clubs

chevron club

chevron club

executive director’s club dRichard A. Viguerie chevron club

gold star club

Douglas W. MacGregor

order of the rose dKenneth J. Cribbs executive director’s club

BETA NU (Houston)

Crandall L. Cunningham BETA BETA (Florida Southern) EJamie M. Fritz Leo T. Gregory council club Michael E. Johnson Theodore A. Scharfenstein Leonard W. Lorenzo Jr foundation club EMorris D. McHone dDavid L. Robertson Christopher D. Ryle lamplighter’s club Eric S. Wahlen Carl M. Koch EJames K. White executive director’s club William M. Fraser Jr. Charles J. Evans John E. Trufant

BETA KAPPA (Georgia State)

gold star club

chevron club dHarry L. Dilley

Jerry M. Dowell George E. Hyde Jr. Kenneth C. Weyand

gold star club

the foundation

chevron club EWesley L. Breeden

chevron club dJames R. Williams

*John J. Fierst


gold star club dCharles E. DeLeuw Jr. chevron club

James M. Dowd William R. Maxwell John G. Morrow III Mark A. Waddell dBobby D. Wood Jr. Charles M. Woodruff

James E. Witek

Annual Report 2008

foundation club

chevron club dRobert G. Yackanin crossed swords club

Farris D. Kabool Jr.

GAMMA ALPHA (West Alabama) council club

Joseph L. Alexander gold star club

Archie C. Calhoun Jack S. Garnett Jr.

d giving club advancement

founders’ circle $100,000 - $249,999

order of the rose $50,000 - $99,999

order of the bell $25,000 - $49,999

council club $10,000 - $24,999

LEADING Chapters Listed here are top chapters in total contributions for 2008. Seth C. Jackson Terry L. Tate James J. Withers


chevron club

Roy M. Underwood Jr.

GAMMA BETA (Old Dominion) lamplighter’s club dDavid Simas executive director’s club

Linwood A. Beverly Jr. dPaul L. Moses Joseph C. VanCleve III


iota (georgia tech)


alpha omicron (iowa state)


beta omicron (northwestern state)

gold star club

William E. Dengler William G. Jenkins



gamma upsilon (oklahoma state)


chevron club

Donald L. Dixon Richard G. Howard dWilliam W. Kirby IV

xi (roanoke)

GAMMA GAMMA (Troy State)

omicron (alabama)

executive director’s club dC. Carl Nelson

Laurence S. Turrin

omega (purdue)

chevron club

James N. Clayton

$36,278 $21,888 $18,460

crossed swords club

Donald E. Hodges


alpha epsilon (florida)


alpha upsilon (drexel)


alpha (charleston)


order of the bell

Thomas L. Carter

executive director’s club

Herbert W. Blow

gold star club

Charles L. Hall II Todd M. Peterson chevron club

Thomas F. Lynch

crossed swords club

Stephen M. Mosher

GAMMA EPSILON (W. Carolina) executive director’s club

Robert B. Shaver Sr. William F. Willis gold star club

dJerry A. Shepardson Donald C. Turner

GAMMA ZETA (West Virginia Tech) executive director’s club

alcohol education


Charles W. Hutzler gold star club

Clifton A. Smith

GAMMA ETA (athens)

crossed swords club

Lee A. Lemsky

GAMMA THETA (UNC - Wilmington) executive director’s club

James M. Corcoran gold star club

Leonard H. Harris William D. McCaughan Jr. Henry C. Merritt Jr. Francis L, Wootton

GAMMA IOTA (LSU) gold star club

Paul A. Chenevert Michael G. Porche Kyle T. Robinson

GAMMA KAPPA (Georgia Southern) council club

Glenn Aspinwall

executive director’s club

Lee W. Davis Woody Woodcock gold star club

dJohn F. Riggs Richard W. Seaman Christopher A. Wagner chevron club

dOliver R. Brown David J. Centofanti Ronald L. McMahon dRobert A. Sullivan

“Pi Kappa Phi is making great progress with our Alcohol Education Initiative. During this academic year, 60 percent of undergraduates participated in at least one alcohol education program.”

crossed swords club

Jeffrey B. Thomason

GAMMA LAMBDA (Missouri - Rolla) chevron club

Richard L. Tutko

foundation club $5,000 - $9,999

- dr. lori hart ebert dir. of alcohol education pi kappa phi fraternity

lamplighter’s club $2,500 - $4,999

As a member of the higher education community, Pi Kappa Phi recognizes that alcohol abuse is a major concern. Through education, training and mature adult guidance, Pi Kappa Phi provides a comprehensive menu of tools to help students make good choices regarding alcohol, and to understand the consequences of their choices. The Foundation provides critical funding each year to support the fraternity’s alcohol education programs—Alcohol Skills Training Program (ASTP), The Ladder of Risk and GreekLifeEdu. NOTE: Completing GreekLifeEdu is required for all associate members prior to participating in the Ritual of Initiation.

executive director’s club $1,000 - $2,499

gold star club $500 - $999

alcohol education initiatives

Pi Kappa Phi delivered alcohol education programs to every three of five undergraduates in 2008-09.

Received Training

chevron club $250 - $499

Did Not Receive Training

crossed swords club $1 - $249





GAMMA MU (belmont abbey)

DELTA BETA (North Georgia)

DELTA KAPPA (UNC - Pembroke)

Guy A. Piche

Richard F. Baker Jr. Andy O. Smith

Curtis J. Bennett Jr. Bruce E. Tanner

lamplighter’s club

gold star club

crossed swords club

executive director’s club

Todd J. Frankowski Bruce A. Martin

GAMMA NU (LaGrange)

lamplighter’s club dJeffrey L. Esola executive director’s club dRonald L. Farr

Ralph D. Sims

chevron club

James H. Motos council club

William L. Finney

David W. Suppes

crossed swords club EChristopher S. Wiggins

Richard P. Moultrie dMichael T. O’Halpin P.J. Rodgers

chevron club dRobert A. Higgins crossed swords club

foundation club

William C. Jackson Jr. Bo C. Proctor Jr.

executive director’s club dHorace J. Harkey II dCharles A. Marus gold star club

David S. Higgins Terry A. Reed

Benjamin N. Boyd Michael A. Haynes

Ulysses G. Matherly Jr. EJerry W. McCall ERaymond D. McConnell

GAMMA RHO (Lander)

executive director’s club

crossed swords club

James T. Lusk

Glen M. Chaney Marion E. Thomas Barry C. Young

Roy L. Fishel ERaymond E. George ECarl B. Hall EFloyd K. Maertens EAllen T. Storey

Robert D. Amick

DELTA DELTA (Truman State)

Phillip W. Whiteside II

John R. Andrews

gold star club

chevron club

crossed swords club

order of the rose dBarry L. Howell lamplighter’s club

Bruce K. Rockwell

crossed swords club EScott A. Bonnet

David B. Shaw John K. Stauffer

GAMMA chI (jacksonville)

gold star club dMichael W. Coen

crossed swords club

DELTA SIGMA (Bowling Green) executive director’s club

Michael D. Giesmann David D. Hennings II Brian M. Rey James M. Shumake

John P. Babel

crossed swords club

DELTA TAU (James Madison)

gold star club

Jerry P. Keilsohn

executive director’s club

Horace D. Buttram Jr

gold star club

Kenneth R. Kiser dJeffrey E. Tickle

chevron club dRobert J. Coley crossed swords club ENicholas A. Weir

Royce L. Lader

DELTA ALPHA (Virginia Tech) executive director’s club

John N. Crist dKelly J. Hobbie Paul M. Lavery

Jason K. Dodd

foundation club

Thomas B. Sullivan gold star club dMark F. Munsell chevron club dDavid R. Carlson

Kenneth J. Martinec


lamplighter’s club dTimothy A. Martins executive director’s club

Christian A. Wiggins gold star club dDavid L. Beahm dHardy K. Bobbitt

Lawrence J. D’Angelo dBarry W. Simmons Sr. chevron club

Mark E. Hollan dAdam C. Lentz dJames V. Lewis Alan B. Medeiros dAlan F. Medeiros Brian C. O’Shea dWilliam B. Odom dJohn G. Reaves Jr.

crossed swords club ERaymond L. Beck EMark W. Cheadle

Michael J. Dunlap Patrick C. Gallagher EAndrew S. High Christopher G Jernigan ETyler R. Lesch ERobert A. Lesch Christopher W. Moore EWilliam F. Peach EAndrew B. Robbins Bryan H. Scherich Benjamin D. Seay ERichard A. Steele James B. Stephenson II EAndrew J. Taylor EPerry S. Warren

Dale W. Rankin

Kenneth R. Rand III

crossed swords club

DELTA PHI (Radford) gold star club dJohn R. Spannuth III

chevron club

Michael H. Buff Bruce E. Greenland lamplighter’s club dEthan N. Martin executive director’s club

Gregory L. Kring John F. Moser

executive director’s club dDonald C. Sisco II gold star club chevron club

Randi L. Zaremba

crossed swords club

Justin G. Hale

EPSILON DELTA (Auburn - Mont.) Garland Jackson Jr. David M. Smith Jr

executive director’s club

Michael C. Kallas G. Lawrence Keller III dMatthew C. Keller J. Timothy Lindemuth gold star club

DELTA IOTA (Middle Tennessee)

Steven C. Hill

chevron club dJ. Scott Davidson ECal Majure

Ted R. Lukomski

Craig A. Swenson

lamplighter’s club

Ronnie A. Reynolds II Kevin R. Hunter

foundation club

DELTA CHI (Kansas State)

Michael W. Austin dSteven L. Dreiling

gold star club

Dale S. Lewis

order of the bell


crossed swords club

crossed swords club


Michael J. Gazarik Joseph M. Lanzetta David J. Maccarone

Gerald E. Slone

Paul W. Dennis George M. Rowland Robert H. Squire

chevron club EJeffrey C. Kikel dAnthony Robledo IV

gold star club

Steven E. Miller

gold star club

gold star club dGlenn N. Byrd dRobert B. Ritchie Jr. chevron club

Steven M. Kosta Bryan H. Taylor

DELTA UPSILON (Pittsburgh)

DELTA ETA (Morehead State)

gold star club

gold star club

executive director’s club

David W. Huss Kenneth D. Lowe William E, Maycock David A. Vaughn

David E. Wigginton David L. Williams

William T. Svihel

EPSILON BETA (Grand Valley)

GAMMA PSI (Augusta)

executive director’s club

executive director’s club dBill W. Alexander

chevron club dMark W. Moroney

DELTA ZETA (Appalachian State)

GAMMA OMEGA (Montevallo)

Scott D. Rankin ECraig M. Ward

foundation club

crossed swords club EJeffrey S. Spero EDavid A. Williams chevron club dErnest T. McPeake II

executive director’s club dDonald F. Craib III

chevron club

Randy Y. Owen

J Richard Rose

DELTA RHO (southern cal) Edward A. Lang III

DELTA EPSILON (Jacksonville St)

chevron club

Jacques D. Frere

foundation club

Vernon E. Wunnenberg Jr.

David V. LaRosa Jr. Thomas B. Peterson dE. Curtis Weems

gold star club

DELTA PI (Wright State)

GAMMA PHI (South Alabama)

gold star club

DELTA OMICRON (Nicholls State)

lamplighter’s club

Chuck J. Barnard

Mark L. Neftzger Brian D. Stanley

David S. Rose

DELTA XI (North Alabama)

foundation club

James C. Palmer Stephen R. Schneider Josh A. Wansing Michael R. Zolezzi

order of the bell dFrank R. Parrish III executive director’s club

Carlos D. Tatum

chevron club dGeorge F. Blue

executive director’s club

crossed swords club

chevron club

Stephen A. Pirkle

Irvin P. Howard III

Gilbert O. Sanders

DELTA NU (Western Kentucky)

gold star club

order of the bell

GAMMA UPSILON (Oklahoma State)

Annual Report 2008

DELTA LAMBDA (UNC-charlotte)

chevron club EHarry Q. Davis III EDonald C. DuRant EStephen J. Fugedy

executive director’s club

the foundation

Richard C. Barr Jr. Victor C. Eilenfield EJames B. Grant Victor D. Irvin Charles A. May dRoy S. Moore Bill W. Pope dKenneth A. Vining Jr. Brian J. Yarbrough gold star club

GAMMA XI (Georgia Southwestern)

crossed swords club

executive director’s club chevron club

Timothy N. Hatch

EPSILON EPSILON (Virginia - Wise) foundation club

David M. Donathan

council club

chevron club EDale T. Kennedy Jr. ENeal Lane crossed swords club EChad Horvat ELuke R. Layne

foundation club

EPSILON ETA (Winthrop)

chevron club

DELTA PSI (Texas - Arlington) Mark F. Jacobs Billy L. Jacobs

executive director’s club

Jeffrey A. Mahoney

gold star club dWilliam E. Russell Jr.

lifetime giving clubs star & lamp society $500,000+


* deceased

supreme circle $250,000 - $499,999


E first-time donor

d giving club advancement

founders’ circle $100,000 - $249,999

order of the rose $50,000 - $99,999

order of the bell $25,000 - $49,999

council club $10,000 - $24,999

LEADING States Shown here are the total contributions from residents of each state in 2008. WA
























NM $50



NH $70 MA $1,442 MI RI $50 $2,765 CT $960 PA IA $6,253 $4,020 NJ $14,447 OH IL DE $280 $3,014 $114,679 IN MD $8,227 WV VA $5,675 $550 $69,696 DC $100 MO KY $9,120 $2,421






1) georgia   2) texas   3) illinois   4) virginia   5) north carolina   6) colorado   7) alabama   8) florida   9) california 10) new jersey


$560 $1,810 $28,736

top ten








AK $100 HI $0








VT $100












EPSILON IOTA (UNC - Greensboro) foundation club dMark E. King lamplighter’s club

James L. Shaw

executive director’s club

Chad A. Coltrane

EPSILON RHO (Lenoir-Rhyne) foundation club

Donald R. Jarboe

lamplighter’s club dKenneth C. Brown chevron club

EPSILON PSI (Slippery Rock) executive director’s club dGregory E. Moffett chevron club dAndrew H. Hartwell dJerritt M. Park crossed swords club

chevron club

William R. Rhyne Jr. dCraig S. Thornburg

crossed swords club

EPSILON SIGMA (christian brothers) chevron club dBrian A. Ward


EPSILON KAPPA (Southern Tech)


lamplighter’s club

Michael L. Hubsky

Vincent J. Thompson III

Charles R. Cote

Daniel G. Lineback Roger E. Searls

lamplighter’s club

executive director’s club

David L. Nelson James A. Ransom

chevron club dDonald W. Eddleman

Lance S. Williford

crossed swords club

Kim Ray

EPSILON LAMBDA (USC - UPSTATE) executive director’s club dKenneth O. Saad

EPSILON MU (Bradley) gold star club dJason D. McDowell chevron club

foundation club $5,000 - $9,999

ZETA ALPHA (Clemson)

gold star club dPaul F. Sedor

Scott C. Gasparini William A. White IV

David L. Hohnadel

William C. Williams chevron club

Donald M. Crume Todd R. Worley

crossed swords club

lamplighter’s club executive director’s club dJoseph S. McCarty chevron club dZachary L. Cloud chevron club dAdam B. Andrews

lamplighter’s club $2,500 - $4,999

Nicholas R. Turner

lamplighter’s club

EPSILON cHI (denver)

Kim A. Spannuth

gold star club dJames T. Smith dGregory B. Turner crossed swords club

EPSILON UPSILON (Georgia College)

Scott L. McLeod

gold star club

Edward G. Finta

Santo A. Donia Paul M. Ingiosi

EPSILON NU (Sacramento) Stephen L. Curtis Todd J. Rehfuss

executive director’s club

crossed swords club


executive director’s club

Peter L. Dudley

Albert H. Jenemann

Michael E. Rudofski Robert E. Langbein

James A. Wedding

executive director’s club

Derek M. Crume Jayson R. Melton EMichael A. Morris

foundation club

foundation club

lamplighter’s club

Carl L. Aten Stephen M. Grzelak

crossed swords club

Kenneth A. Clare Andrew E. Hlavsa

executive director’s club $1,000 - $2,499

lamplighter’s club gold star club

Frank Yarborough chevron club dR. Justin Smith

ZETA GAMMA (North Dakota) executive director’s club

Erik D. Granstrom

gold star club dChristopher T. Johnson

Parry J. Schmeichel Michael A. Welvaert chevron club

Lawrence C. Freer III David W. Kirkland

crossed swords club EMatthew R. Myrick EMichael R. Nowacki

gold star club $500 - $999

chevron club $250 - $499

crossed swords club $1 - $249





ZETA DELTA (Shippensburg)

ZETA UPSILON (Bloomsburg)

gold star club dSteven T. Merkel

chevron club

Thomas M. Muller

ZETA EPSILON (George Mason)

ZETA PHI (Colorado State)

lamplighter’s club dAlan P. Duesterhaus gold star club

gold star club dSteven T. Gaiser chevron club dShawn W. Rabourn crossed swords club EBrian L. Weyenberg

Duane R. C. Embrey dLee M. Quick chevron club

Jeffrey M. Armstrong

ZETA cHI (albright)

crossed swords club EMichael J. Lombardo Jr.

crossed swords club

EEduardo A. Bowersox Brandon D. Epting

Dan T. Stanford

ZETA ZETA (North Florida)

ETA RHO (Texas State)

executive director’s club

Brett J. Lee

chevron club dRichard H. Kalmick crossed swords club EChad C. Bryan EJeffrey B. Dyer

ETA sigma (ucla)

executive director’s club

gold star club


ETA UPSILON (Miami - ohio)

Kevin D. Yates

Stephen J. Gongola II

chevron club dChristopher M. Cordell gold star club

crossed swords club

crossed swords club

Keith L. Edwards


Stephen E. Kemmet George E. Linares Reid A. Mitnick

Tracy D. Maddux

ETA ALPHA (Concord)

council club

executive director’s club dDelbert D. Oberpriller III gold star club

Mark E. Mackenzie

executive director’s club dChristopher L. McGown crossed swords club EAaron G. Brewster

Roberto F. Ceron

ETA GAMMA (Colorado)

Timothy A. Barton

Erik U. Rolle

chevron club

crossed swords club

Christopher S. Button

executive director’s club

Michael P. Bowblis EAnthony F. Cicali III Steven C. Meincke Erik X. Raj

Brian J. Barnett

ZETA MU (Cal State - Northridge) executive director’s club

Charles R. Liu dStefan M. Wilcox

Ryan R. Dlugosz Nicholas J. Lyons Bradley J. Mawer John R. Smith

ETA PHI (Maryland - Balt. Co.)

gold star club dKenneth J. Oubre crossed swords club

Mark J. Curry ERichard A. Winans

ETA PSI (Central Florida) crossed swords club

Jeffrey L. Boles

Patrick J. Camunez Charles J. Juarros

crossed swords club

THETA ALPHA (Southern Miss)

Robert K. Henson

Ross W. Knoblauch

Robert E. Perkins II

crossed swords club

chevron club

executive director’s club

executive director’s club

Robert J. Hite Joel A. Kammeyer

ETA OMEGA (New Mexico State)

Robert D. Evans dAlton D. Fortney

ETA EPSILON (Maryland)

ZETA XI (Averett)

chevron club

gold star club

Jason H. Atkins Richard C. Korson Sr.

chevron club dRyan M. Pringle

executive director’s club

ETA chi (texas christian)

ETA DELTA (Kennesaw State)

crossed swords club

Eric S. Yang

lamplighter’s club

Michael E. Donnelly EJason C. Pickel

ZETA KAPPA (Richard Stockton)

gold star club

crossed swords club EJordan T. Hadfield EConstantine S. Likakis

executive director’s club dMichael S. Hartman crossed swords club

gold star club dJ. Ross Jordan crossed swords club

Todd A. Sargent

foundation club

Bret M. Heidemann


Annual Report 2008

David J. Myroup


Robert H, Cheyne Jr. James E. Leano

crossed swords club

council club

John W. Langley

executive director’s club dJohn W. Davis gold star club dBrandon J. Belote crossed swords club EJohn P. Kochtitzky

gold star club dDavid J. Thomas chevron club dRafael Cervantes

ETA ZETA (Queens)


executive director’s club

THETA gamma (buffalo)

chevron club dAnish C. Korula dNelson E. Wong crossed swords club

Paul E. Parker

chevron club dScott M. Thomas

chevron club dJohn A .Colabelli crossed swords club

John B. Savignano

ETA THETA (San Francisco) Cosmo A. Taormina

Gin W. Takahashi

ZETA pi (marshall) chevron club

Scott A. Rowekamp

ETA IOTA (Christopher Newport)

ZETA RHO (Cal State - Fullerton)

Timothy D. Campbell

Chad Langley EJason M. Skrmetti Wade O. Walker

executive director’s club


crossed swords club

EPhillip L. Hamilton Lazaro Rodriguez

executive director’s club

THETA EPSILON (Kansas) Brian A. Rock

gold star club

gold star club dMark W. Bernecker chevron club EWilliam R. Boulden

crossed swords club

ETA LAMBDA (SUNY - Brockport)

lamplighter’s club

Victor C. Valencia Jr.

the foundation

executive director’s club dJames D. Dukes Jr. chevron club

executive director’s club

Matthew A. Berling Steven J. Borowiec dJohn C. Powers Sr.

Shahmir A. Nadjmabadi dDavid B. Reule

lamplighter’s club

Ross C. McCollum EDavid T. Powell

J. Scott Atkinson

crossed swords club

Matthew J. Crossman Richard J. Shamus

ZETA TAU (Barton) gold star club dTimothy A. Osborn

Jason T. Ricks

ETA MU (Wingate)

crossed swords club EJason R. Staley

lifetime giving clubs star & lamp society $500,000+


ETA PI (Coastal Carolina)

* deceased

supreme circle $250,000 - $499,999


crossed swords club

Robert B. Erb

E first-time donor

executive director’s club

THETA ZETA (George Washington) chevron club

Michael L. DiSabatino

THETA ETA (AMERICAN) gold star club ECarlos S. Ramirez


executive director’s club dJames F. Buehner gold star club dGregory J. Buehner

d giving club advancement

founders’ circle $100,000 - $249,999

order of the rose $50,000 - $99,999

order of the bell $25,000 - $49,999

council club $10,000 - $24,999

LEADING Chapters These chapters had the most members contribute in 2008. 0

THETA kappa (baylor) crossed swords club EKeane A. Tarbell

THETA MU (massachusetts) crossed swords club EJoseph J. Piedrafite

THETA nU (delaware) crossed swords club EDavid R. Tully


order of the rose dPM Realty Group council club dZeta Epsilon Housing Corporation executive director’s club dElizabeth A. Fehr

Jabe V. Hardee EMary N. Lyles Mary L. Williams dThe Home Depot Foundation Microsoft Matching Gifts Program WellPoint Associate Giving Campaign

omega (purdue) alpha epsilon (florida) iota (georgia tech)








omega (purdue) alpha epsilon (florida) iota (georgia tech) alpha omicron (iowa state) omicron (alabama) xi (roanoke) alpha upsilon (drexel) beta eta (florida state) epsilon alpha (elon) kappa (north carolina)

alpha omicron (iowa state) omicron (alabama) xi (roanoke) alpha upsilon (drexel) beta eta (florida state) epsilon alpha (elon) kappa (north carolina)

gold star club dAIG Matching Grants Program dAlliance Bernstein dSpansion Employee Giving






chevron club dKevin Cunningham dSidney T. Floyd dPeggie H. Harris

Ned E. Kirklin dJune G. Shackter dThe Coca-Cola Foundation Pfizer Foundation

crossed swords club EDorothy Andrus EMarion Barker EJohn and Anne Barnes EMike and Mary Ellen Beadel EMiriam and Robert Beck EBrand Family EBeth, Chris and Heather Bumgardner EJeremy and Jessica Byrd ECharles and Etta Cox

Adrian Cronauer EDiana and Dennis Dilworth EWilliam and Jane Drummond EKris Dunn Lori Hart Ebert EMary K. Espy EJanet L. Esworthy EKathleen W. Ewing ETimothy and Julia Finnell ERick Flowers ERobert and Connie Forester ESidney and Karen Harmon EEmily C. Henry EC.T. and Patricia Hill ERobert and Patricia Jones EJane Knox EJohn Kyle ETodd Lamoreaux ELorraine Lineer EGuy and Clara Mandolini ECharles McArthur Jr. EMary Anne McCarthur EMary Lou and Keith McClanahan EEckward McKnight EBetty S. McMillan EPhillip and Mary Mixon EJefferson and Ann Morgan EMichael and Dawn Olmsted ERusty and Carla Parker EJohn and Bethyl Ann Pearson EMary and Loren Ratlief EA.M. and E.R. Rivard EWiley Russell EHugh C. Smith ECharles and Gail Swanson Robert S. Trevethan Estate ESharon D. Watson EBeverly J. White EAlan, Gina, Diana and Jake Wier Anonymous Allstate Giving Campaign Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity Chevron Humankind Industrial Developments International Macy’s Foundation Presbyterian Day School Verizon Foundation

foundation club $5,000 - $9,999

life 401 with

John Spence

“Life 401 with John Spence was very motivating and influential. It opened my eyes to how success is achieved, and it has changed my life already. Every brother should have the opportunity to experience it.”

LIFE 401 is a powerful “advanced life skills” workshop that prepares undergraduates for life after college. Developed by Pi Kappa Phi alumnus and Fortune 100 consultant John Spence, LIFE 401 is based on more than 20 years of research and personal experience on what it takes to build a happy, successful, balanced and joyful life. Spence regularly facilitates the same session for executives at companies like GE, IBM, Microsoft, State Farm and the U.S. Navy. Supported through the Foundation’s annual Educational Grant, LIFE 401 is presented exclusively within the collegiate world to Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity.

life 401 with john spence

This graph represents LIFE 401 participants’ opinion on the effectiveness of the workshop. 77% 23%

Highly Effective Effective Somewhat Effective Not Effective *NOTE: No participants rated LIFE 401 as “Somewhat Effective” or “Not Effective”

- life 401 participant

lamplighter’s club $2,500 - $4,999

executive director’s club $1,000 - $2,499

gold star club $500 - $999

chevron club $250 - $499

crossed swords club $1 - $249



leading lifetime


Honored here are members and friends of the fraternity who have achieved a giving level of Council Club or higher through cumulative donations over their lifetime. star & lamp society alpha alpha (mercer)

order of the bell iota (georgia tech)

alpha omicron (iowa state)

kappa (north carolina)

alpha xi (st. john’s)

xi (roanoke)

supreme circle iota (georgia tech)

omicron (alabama)

*Robert L. Bennett Sr.

*Charles R. Simons

Kelley A. Bergstrom

W. Stuart Hicks

chi (stetson)

psi (cornell)

alpha eta (samford)

alpha psi (indiana)

alpha iota (auburn)

beta alpha (njit)

alpha lambda (mississippi)

gamma delta (memphis)

alpha omicron (iowa state)

delta delta (truman state)

alpha rho (west virginia)

delta omega (texas a&m)

alpha tau (rensselaer)

council club alpha (charleston)

*Robert W. Lambert W. Keith Sheppard

James F. House

*James N. Crump

Phillip M. Summers

Bruce L. Rogers psi (cornell)

*Talbot B. Newman Jr.

James A. Krucher

John S. Kirk

alpha epsilon (florida)

Thomas L. Carter

*Ben Hill Griffin Jr.

alpha eta (samford)

John R. Andrews


alpha iota (auburn)

Jason K. Dodd

J. Ernest Johnson

alpha omicron (iowa state)

Eldred J. Harman

beta omicron (northwestern state)

David D. Morgan Sr.

gamma phi (south alabama)

*Frank D. Havard

Annual Report 2008

Richard F. Bangert

*Robert J. Wilcox

Harry E. Caldwell Jr.

alpha epsilon (florida)

Peter C. Barr David W. Henn Robert B. Newman Robert J. Paterno J. Jeffry Wahlen

upsilon (illinois)

omicron (alabama)

*William J. Rickert

Craig A. Winkelmann Gordon B. Wright

alpha upsilon (drexel)

Daniel B. Barry *Julius E. Burges John C. Hassell *E. Lawrence Powers *George E. Sheetz

beta alpha (njit)

John F. Lee Jr. David M. White

iota (georgia tech)

beta beta (florida southern)

Theodore A. Scharfenstein

order of the rose kappa (north carolina) *Otis Roberts McCollum

Terry T. Dewberry *Lonnie A. Morris Jr. Carl D. Ring Robert M. Snuggs III

omega (purdue)

lambda (georgia)

alpha omicron (iowa state)

Frank L. Lane T. Philip Tappy

gamma alpha (west alabama)

xi (roanoke)

gamma kappa (georgia southern)

beta gamma (louisville)

Ronald E. Krebs

beta delta (drake)

James D. Hornbrook

*J. Rodney Harris

David G. Lane

Robert A. Lane Frank M. Parrish III

alpha upsilon (drexel)

Jack M. Casper

Joseph L. Alexander

Nicholas A. Boccella Edward L. Corson II

Glenn Aspinwall


omicron (alabama)

beta alpha (njit)

Stephen P. DePalma beta kappa (georgia state)

Kenneth J. Cribbs

William L. Finney

Raymond E. Cartledge R. Nathan Hightower Travis P. Julian Paul C. Wesch Omicron Chapter

delta psi (texas - arlington)

Mark F. Jacobs

zeta epsilon (george mason)

Zeta Epsilon Housing Corporation

gamma upsilon (oklahoma state)

rho (washington & lee)

Richard G. Anderson *Howard D. Leake

zeta theta (texas)

friends of the fraternity

tau (north carolina state)

theta alpha (southern miss)

Barry L. Howell

the foundation

Robert C. Bux

Jerry T. Brewer

James C. Turk Allen O. Woody III

J. Patrick Figley

alpha delta (washington)

sigma (south carolina)

founders’ circle xi (roanoke)

chi (stetson)

William F. Newell Edmund A. Sayer

Lonnie Strickland III

Pete H. Petit

James Gunnar Schalin

psi (cornell)

Durward W. Owen Dudley F. Woody

Alpha Xi Housing Corporation

upsilon (illinois)

PM Realty Group

Robert C. Cline

Tracy D. Maddux John W. Langley

friends of the fraternity

Shirley L. Hardee Lyn Havard *Betty Lowell Cornell University Pi Kappa Phi Properties

lifetime giving clubs star & lamp society $500,000+


* deceased

supreme circle $250,000 - $499,999


E first-time donor

d giving club advancement

founders’ circle $100,000 - $249,999

order of the rose $50,000 - $99,999

order of the bell $25,000 - $49,999

council club $10,000 - $24,999

the gateway


The Gateway Society recognizes individuals who have included Pi Kappa Phi in their estate plans or have made a gift to the Foundation through a bequest, trust or life insurance benefit. ALPHA (Charleston) Daniel B. Barry David H. Jaffee Jason A. Schall Richard B. Voorneveld Ernest L. Zinkowski

GAMMA (Cal - Berkeley) Neil B. Weatherall Robert L. Whelan

ZETA (Wofford) Jesse C. Crimm

ETA (Emory) P. Seale Hipp


DELTA ALPHA (Virginia Tech)

Charles S. Blackledge Jr. Bogart S. Reed

Jonathan A. Barney

DELTA DELTA (Truman State) John R. Andrews

ALPHA KAPPA (Michigan) Mark E. Perrin

DELTA EPSILON (Jacksonville State) Clyde J. McSpadden

ALPHA mu (penn state) Kevin K. Murphy

ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Kelley A. Bergstrom Jeremy D. Galvin Frank M. Parrish III

W. Stuart Hicks

LAMBDA (Georgia) Frank L. Lane James L. Lester T. Philip Tappy David E. Tidmore

XI (Roanoke)

Edward J. Bennett Daniel R. Clow Edward L. Corson II Reginald W. Gravely Jr. Durward W. Owen Tim Ribar James C. Turk Allen O. Woody III Dudley F. Woody

OMICRON (Alabama)

Matthew S. Brown William C. Jackson Jr. Michael J. Grass

Michael D. Mynatt

Michael A. Lowery James G. Schalin Thomas H. Watts Phillip S. Whipple

Earle M. Copp III

T.J. Sullivan Phillip M. Summers

DELTA CHI (Kansas State) J. Timothy Lindemuth

ALPHA OMEGA (Oregon) Dade M. Wright

DELTA PSI (Texas-Arlington) Mark F. Jacobs

BETA ALPHA (NJIT) Stephen P. DePalma James A. Krucher Louis R. Miceli

EPSILON IOTA (UNC - Greensboro)

BETA BETA (Florida Southern)

Matthew P. Stuart

Steven T. Kirkman

William J. Wallace Robert M. Weitzner

BETA ETA (Florida State)

UPSILON (Illinois)

DELTA TAU (James Madison)

ALPHA PSI (Indiana)

RHO (Washington & Lee) James A. Quinn II

John P. Babel Kenneth N. Kaiser

Richard N. Mensch Carlos S. Ramirez

BETA GAMMA (Louisville)

SIGMA (South Carolina)

DELTA SIGMA (Bowling Green)


George K. Greene Travis P. Julian Lonnie Strickland III

Richard G. Anderson

Timothy E. Haen Benjamin S. Shae

Ronald E. Krebs Warren D. Robb

ZETA ALPHA (Clemson) Jacob L. Carter III

Christopher D. New Jonathan E. Stevens

ZETA EPSILON (George Mason)

BETA KAPPA (Georgia State)

ZETA KAPPA (Stockton)


ZETA LAMBDA (Cal State - Chico)

Franco F. Catania

Walter H. Brinkman Glenn A. Dickson

Arden T. Anderson II

ZETA XI (Averett) Peter A. Blum Jr.

OMEGA (Purdue)

GAMMA ALPHA (West Alabama)

ALPHA ALPHA (Mercer) Jamey R. Porter

Douglas L. Littiken Roger L. Reed

GAMMA gamma (troy state) C. Carl Neslon

GAMMA KAPPA (Georgia Southern)

ALPHA DELTA (Washington) Stanley J. Gratis

Glenn Aspinwall Perry W. Buffington Patrick O. Manning


GAMMA NU (LaGrange)

Albert E. Luer Michael L. O’Donnell Mark E. Timmes

ALPHA ZETA (oregon State) David H. Vawter

ALPHA THETA (Michigan State) George W. Pardee Jr.

foundation club $5,000 - $9,999

lamplighter’s club $2,500 - $4,999

Alan P. Duesterhaus James H. Perkins Jr.

Kenneth J. Cribbs John B. Whitley

BETA PHI (East Carolina)

David G. Lane David L. Johnson Edwin T. Sherwood

EPSILON PSI (Slippery Rock) EPSILON OMEGA (Texas Tech)

PSI (Cornell) Richard S. Shull

Arthur J. Quickenton

DELTA LAMBDA (UNC - Charlotte)

ALPHA SIGMA (Tennessee)

KAPPA (north carolina)

DELTA ZETA (Appalachian State)

ZETA UPSILON (Bloomsburg) Paul W. Hadzor III

ZETA PSI (IUPUI) Michael F. Gorski II

ETA DELTA (Kennesaw State) James E. Jeffares

ETA OMICRON (San Francisco State) Eric C. Hammer

THETA ALPHA (Southern Miss)

Ronald J. deValinger

GAMMA XI (Georgia Southwestern)

John E. Bezou Jr. John W. Langley

Benjamin G. Croxton William L. Finney


GAMMA OMEGA (Montevallo)


R. Jeffery McGhee

executive director’s club $1,000 - $2,499

Alain D. Sanchez Lillian Jost

gold star club $500 - $999

chevron club $250 - $499

crossed swords club $1 - $249



the nu phi


Members of the Nu Phi Society make an annual gift based on the number of years they have been an initiated brother. Eligibility for the Nu Phi Society is restricted to those brothers who have attended five Supreme Chapters, been inducted into the Pi Kappa Phi Hall of Fame or named Mr. Pi Kappa Phi. ALPHA (Charleston) Daniel B. Barry John C. Hassell Robert W. Marlowe

GAMMA (CAL - Berkeley) Steven S. Ryder

IOTA (Georgia Tech) Michael V. Cowan

KAPPA (north carolina) W. Stuart Hicks J Councill Leak Thomas H. Sayre

MU (Duke)

William D. Fuqua Frank T. Wrenn III

XI (Roanoke)

Edward L. Corson II Durward W. Owen Tim Ribar James S. Stump Jr. James C. Turk Allen O. Woody III Dudley F. Woody

OMICRON (Alabama) Harry E. Caldwell Jr. R. Nathan Hightower Travis P. Julian Lonnie Strickland III Paul C. Wesch

RHO (Washington & Lee) Richard G. Anderson

SIGMA (South Carolina)

John S. Kirk William F. Newell

OMEGA (Purdue) Patrick J. Kuhnle David G. Lane Gregory V. Linder Sonny O’Drobinak

ALPHA EPSILON (Florida) Albert E. Luer Robert J. Paterno Mark E. Timmes J. Jeffry Wahlen

DELTA ETA (Morehead State) Gerald E. Slone

DELTA LAMBDA (UNC - Charlotte)


DELTA CHI (Kansas State)

W. Keith Sheppard


Nathanael P. Gombis

ALPHA PSI (Indiana) Max A. Fawley T.J. Sullivan Phillip M. Summers


Stephen P. DePalma Patrick Guerra James A. Krucher John F. Lee Jr. John E. Pugliesi Brandon T. Sorensen Kenneth J. Scheck Jr. David M. White

BETA BETA (FLORIDA SOUTHERN) Theodore A. Scharfenstein

BETA DELTA (Drake) Robert A. Cione

Thomas H. Atwood Michael S. Loy W. Jeffrey Niedenthal Jeffrey Pujals

PSI (Cornell)

John R. Andrews Charles J. Barnard Irvin P. Howard III Josh A. Wansing

William C. Jackson Jr. Bo Proctor Jr.

UPSILON (Illinois) J. Patrick Figley Bruce L. Rogers

DELTA DELTA (Truman State)

Gordon B. Wright

ALPHA TAU (Rensselaer)


CHI (Stetson)

Annual Report 2008

Eric J. Almquist Kelley A. Bergstrom Jeremy D. Galvin Eldred J. Harman Robert A. Lane Emerson D. Linney Frank M. Parrish III Brett J. Toresdahl

Jerry T. Brewer Kenneth J. Forti Walter H. Pickens Jr. J. Gunnar Schalin

the foundation


Jay J. Stuckel

BETA ETA (Florida State)

BETA KAPPA (Georgia State) Kenneth J. Cribbs David R. DeMarco

BETA MU (McNeese State)

G. Lawrence Keller III J. Timothy Lindemuth

DELTA PSI (Texas - Arlington) Billy L. Jacobs Mark F. Jacobs

DELTA OMEGA (Texas A&M) Thomas B. Sullivan

EPSILON EPSILON (Virginia - Wise) David M. Donathan Neal Lane D. Travis Kennedy Jr.

EPSILON iota (unc-greensboro) Chad A. Coltrane

EPSILON NU (Cal State - Sacramento) Robert E. Langbein

EPSILON Omicron (Villanova) Joseph A. Brady III

EPSILON TAU (St. Joseph’s) Vincent J. Thompson III

EPSILON UPSILON (Georgia College) David L. Hohnadel


EPSILON PsI (slippery rock) Jerrit M. Park

EPSILON OMEGA (Texas Tech) Peter L. Dudley Robert E. Welsh

C. Mitchell Adrian Wilfred R. Bourne Jr. Richard B. Smith

ZETA ALPHA (Clemson)

BETA XI (Central Michigan)

Alan P. Duesterhaus

Basil J. Lyberg

BETA OMICRON (Northwestern State) Wesley L. Breeden David D. Morgan Sr.

GAMMA ALPHA (West Alabama)

Scott C. Gasparini

ZETA EPSILON (George Mason) ZETA ZETA (North Florida) Steven J. Borowiec

ZETA THETA (Texas) Tracy D. Maddux

Joseph L. Alexander R. Bryan Bonner

ZETA RHO (Cal State - Fullerton)

GAMMA BETA (Old Dominion)

ETA GAMMA (Colorado)


ETA DELTA (Kennesaw State)

GAMMA KAPPA (Georgia Southern)

ETA OMICRON (San Francisco State)

William S. Finney Ralph S. Foster Jr. J. Ernest Johnson


ETA pi (coastal carolina)

ALPHA kappa (michigan)

GAMMA XI (Georgia Southwestern) William L. Finney

ETA RHO (Texas State)

ALPHA ZETA (Oregon State) David H. Vawter

ALPHA ETA (samford) Alan G. Sizemore James M. Smith

ALPHA THETA (Michigan State) Matthew J. Shaheen


Christopher J. Kozak

David Simas

Thomas L. Carter Glenn Aspinwall Jeffrey L. Esola

Victor C. Valencia Jr. Bret M. Heidemann Robert D. Evans

John N. Harasciuk

James D. Dukes Jr. Brett J. Lee

theta gamma (buffalo) Paul E. Parker



chapter investment


The following individuals supported a chapter investment fund in 2008. Chapter investment funds (CIF) are restricted endowment accounts maintained by the Foundation for each chapter. Donors are listed beneath the CIF(s) they supported, not necessarily under the chapter in which they were initiated. ALPHA (Charleston) Gary A. Cattertom John C. Hassell Andrew C. Jaffee David H. Jaffee

beta (presbyterian) David K. Dixon

Gamma (Cal-Berkeley) Thomas H. Atwood James F. Low

kappa (north carolina) Andrew M. Sugg

lambda (georgia)

Thomas R. Jackson Jr.

XI (Roanoke)

Benjamin B. Albert Jr. Paul Breen Joseph P. Donohue David J. Doyle Henry B. Hahn Jr. Paul R. Jenkins William C. Martin Lee S. Peregoff Matthew W. Plasket Tod N. Senne James C. Turk E. Joseph VonCulin James R. Wilson Allen O. Woody III

sigma (south carolina) Michael A. Wray Jr.

UPSILON (Illinois) June G. Shackter Mary L. F. Williams

PSI (Cornell) John H. Angus George C. Bullis William F. Newell

OMEGA (Purdue)

Charles E. Atwell Vytautas J. Damasius Dale C. Dremann Hugh M. Flanagan Rikard E. Hill Kenneth L. Kraus Patrick J. Kuhnle Mark D. Laurent Ronald L. Lema Richard H. Lowe Mary N. Lyles John E. McDonald David L. Mitzner William F. Newell James M. O’Reilly David W. Peggs Donald L. Porth III Todd B. Spaulding William L. Swager Peter Kroll Todd Robert C. Wingard Jr. Brent A. Wunderlich Chevron Humankind

ALPHA Iota (Auburn)

Dorothy Andrus Marion Barker John and Anne Barnes Mike and Mary Ellen Beadel Miriam and Robert Beck Brand Family Beth, Chris and Heather Bumgardner Jeremy and Jessica Byrd Frank W. Carroll Charles and Etta Cox Kevin Cunningham Diana and Dennis Dilworth William and Jane Drummond Kris Dunn Lori Hart Ebert Mary K. Espy Kathleen W. Ewing Timothy and Julia Finnell Rick Flowers James M. Forcum Jr. Robert and Connie Forester David W. Gall II Sidney and Karen Harmon Emily C. Henry C.T. and Patricia Hill J. Ernest Johnson Robert and Patricia Jones Jane Knox John Kyle Guy and Clara Mandolini Charles McArthur Jr. Mary Anne McCarthur Mary Lou and Keith McClanahan Eckward McKnight Phillip and Mary Mixon Jefferson and Ann Morgan Michael and Dawn Olmsted Rusty and Carla Parker John and Bethyl Ann Pearson William Tate Pegg Mary and Loren Ratlief A.M. and E.R. Rivard Wiley Russell Hugh C. Smith Charles and Gail Swanson Sharon D. Watson Alan, Gina, Diana and Jake Wier Presbyterian Day School

ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Kelley A. Bergstrom John C. Brockmann Hubert Lattan Joshua R. Sheffler

ALPHA upsilon (drexel) Robert E. Lake Stephen J. Pinkas

ALPHA PHI (IIT) Matthew E. Hunt

BETA ALPHA (NJIT) William F. Newell

BETA ETA (Florida State) Thomas H. Atwood William H. Branch

BETA omicron (northwestern state) ALPHA DELTA (Washington) C. Mitchell Adrian Brian P. Walker Microsoft Matching Gifts Program

ALPHA ETA (Samford) Warren W. Hilson Sr.

Robert F. Broadwell Robert G. Crew Rodney B. Kinder Michael A. Land John G. Oden

GAMMA beta (old dominion)

ZETA alpha (clemson)


ZETA epsilon (george mason)

Harry Q. Davis III

Thomas L. Carter

delta beta (north georgia) Richard F. Baker Jr. Thomas R. Cook III Donald C. DuRant Victor C. Eilenfield Roy L. Fishel Stephen J. Fugedy David H. Furse Raymond E. George Ralph F. Geronimo James B. Grant Ted A. Grob III Carl B. Hall Robert C. Hipp Victor D. Irvin Floyd K. Maertens Charles A. May Jerry W. McCall Raymond D. McConnell Roy S. Moore Richard P. Moultrie Michael T. O’Halpin Durward W. Owen Bill W. Pope Leonard B. Powell Jr. P.J. Rodgers Daniel C. Royal Jr. Theodore A. Scharfenstein Arthur A. Scott Sr. Andy O. Smith Allen T. Storey T. Philip Tappy Joseph J. Vincent Kenneth Arthur Vining Jr.

R. Justin Smith

Lee M. Quick Zeta Epsilon Housing Corporation

ETA GAMMA (Colorado) Michael S. Hartman

ETA LAMBDA (SUNY - Brockport) J. Scott Atkinson

ETA sigma (ucla) Eric S. Yang

ETA UPSILON (Miami - Ohio) Thomas H. Atwood Stephen J. Gongola II Joel A. Kammeyer

ETA OMEGA (New Mexico State) Charles J. Juarros

Theta alpha (southern miss) John P. Kochtitzky Wade O. Walker

Theta delta (florida international) Phillip L. Hamilton

Theta Theta (iowa) Gregory J. Buehner James F. Buehner

Theta xi (arizona) Matthew E. Hunt

Theta sigma (cal state-long beach) Matthew C. Keller

delta chi (kansas state) Matthew C. Keller

delta psi (texas-arlington) Steven M. Kosta

EPSILON ALPHA (Elon) David L. Beahm Raymond L. Beck Hardy K. Bobbitt Mark W. Cheadle Michael J. Dunlap Patrick C. Gallagher Trent R. Gilbert Andrew S. High Mark E. Hollan Christopher G. Jernigan Adam C. Lentz Robert A. Lesch Tyler R. Lesch Timothy A. Martins Alan F. Medeiros Christopher W. Moore Brian C. O’Shea William B. Odom William F. Peach John G. Reaves Jr. Andrew B. Robbins Bryan H. Scherich Benjamin D. Seay Barry W. Simmons Sr. Richard A. Steele James B. Stephenson II Andrew J. Taylor Perry S. Warren Christian A. Wiggins



scholarhips & other restricted


Individuals listed here supported a scholarship or other restricted fund in 2008. Alcohol education initiative

past staff scholarship

William E. Dengler Jeffrey C. Kikel William A. White IV

Thomas H. Atwood J. Scott Davidson Jason K. Dodd Alan P. Duesterhaus Scott C. Gasparini R. Nathan Hightower Matthew E. Hunt J. Ernest Johnson Durward W. Owen Theodore A. Scharfenstein T.J. Sullivan Thomas B. Sullivan Mark E. Timmes Scott M. Thomas Frank T. Wrenn III

supporting pi kappa phi’s alcohol education programs

supporting graduate studies for former national staff member

jabe v. Hardee II Memorial Scholarship

supporting students of delta zeta (appalachian state)

Jabe V. Hardee David W. Huss William E. Maycock

international scholars award

supporting participation in study abroad programs

Jack M. Casper



The following members and friends of the fraternity chose to recognize a brother or peer with an honorary gift to the Foundation in 2008. in honor of John

Allen O. Woody III

R. Andrews

William W. Barker

in honor of James

in honor of

Edward J. Bennett

in honor of

in honor of

Kelley A. Bergstrom

Allen O. Woody III Allen O. Woody III

in honor of Jerry

T. Brewer

Allen O. Woody III

F. House

Mark F. Jacobs

Mark A. Higgins Allen O. Woody III

William M. Johnson Jr.

in honor of

Tim Ribar

Thomas L. Carter

Allen O. Woody III

in honor of

Edward L. Corson II

Frederick Arthur Tiller

in honor of

Kenneth J. Cribbs

Allen O. Woody III

in honor of

Stephen P. DePalma

Allen O. Woody III

Allen O. Woody III

K. Dodd

in honor of

Steven S. Ryder

in honor of James

A. Krucher

in honor of

Frank M. Ryll Jr.

in honor of

Elan D. Schnitzer

in honor of

Phillip M. Summers

in honor of

David G. Lane

Jordan T. Hadfield

in honor of

Robert A. Lane

Allen O. Woody III Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity

in honor of

Chad Langley

in honor of

Christopher Maxwell

in honor of

William T. Moore

in honor of

David D. Morgan Sr.

John W. Langley

Eldred J. Harman

James L. Thompson

T. Healy


Thomas H. Atwood William H. Branch

Robert S. Kuhlman

in honor of

Thomas H. Atwood

Thomas H. Atwood

in honor of

J. Patrick Figley

in honor of John

Allen O. Woody III

W. Knipscher

in honor of

Allen O. Woody III

Allen O. Woody III

in honor of John

William R. Maxwell

Allen O. Woody III

Frank M. Parrish III

in honor of

in honor of

in honor of Jason

in honor of

Robert J. Paterno

Michael G. Power and Olga Ortiz

Allen O. Woody III

Durward W. Owen

Joseph L. Alexander Allen O. Woody III

in honor of

Harry E. Caldwell Jr.

Allen O. Woody III

in honor of

J. Ernest Johnson

Allen O. Woody III

in honor of

Allen O. Woody III

Kimberly J. Novak

Matthew E. Hunt

in honor of

James L. Thompson

Allen O. Woody III

in honor of

Allen O. Woody III

Peter J. Cicali

Allen O. Woody III

Annual Report 2008

Allen O. Woody III

in honor of

Anthony F. Cicali III

the foundation

R. Nathan Hightower

Allen O. Woody III

in honor of

Robert L. Witbeck


in honor of

Allen O. Woody III

in honor of James

Allen O. Woody III

C. Turk

in honor of

J. Jeffry Wahlen

in honor of

Dudley F. Woody

in honor of

Gamma Rho Chapter

Allen O. Woody III Allen O. Woody III

Phillip W. Whiteside II


Trustees of the Foundation are elected to a three-year term with the option of extending for two additional three-year terms. Ultimately, they work to fulfill the mission of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. chairman Jerry T. Brewer sigma (south carolina) vice chairman R. Nathan Hightower omicron (alabama) secretary/treasurer Harry E. Caldwell Jr. omicron (alabama) national president J. Jeffry Wahlen alpha epsilon (florida) national council liaison Mark F. Jacobs delta psi (texas-arlington)



Daniel B. Barry alpha (charleston) Jack M. Casper alpha upsilon (drexel) Patrick J. Danehy delta zeta (appalachian state) James F. House alpha eta (samford) David G. Lane omega (purdue) Frank M. Parrish III alpha omicron (iowa state) Phillip M. Summers alpha psi (indiana)



The following members and friends of the fraternity made a gift in 2008 in memory of a brother or loved one who has passed to the Chapter Eternal. in memory of Joseph

Justin G. Hale

P. Anchundia

in memory of

Dan A. Baker Jr.

in memory of

William B. Baker IV

Jack E. Baker

Jack E. Baker

in memory of John

C. Bannatyne

in memory of John

H. Bridges Sr.

Robert L. Witbeck Kenneth C. Kiehl

in memory of Jeremy

A. Chandler

Brian and Leslie Yarbrough in memory of

William V. Cook

in memory of

Alex H. Crotwell

in memory of

William H. Dykes

Richard S. Shaffer

Thomas M. Wilson

John and Anne Barnes Mike and Mary Ellen Beadel Miriam and Robert Beck Brand Family Beth, Chris and Heather Bumgardner Marion Barker Jeremy and Jessica Byrd Charles and Etta Cox Kevin Cunningham Kris Dunn William and Jane Drummond Lori Hart Ebert Timothy and Julia Finnell James M. Forcum Jr. Robert and Connie Forester David W. Gall II Sidney and Karen Harmon Emily C. Henry C.T. and Patricia Hill J. Ernest Johnson Jane Knox John Kyle Guy and Clara Mandolini Charles McArthur Jr. Jefferson and Ann Morgan Mary Anne McCarthur Mary Lou and Keith McClanahan Phillip and Mary Mixon Michael and Dawn Olmsted Rusty and Carla Parker William Tate Pegg Mary and Loren Ratlief Wiley Russell Hugh C. Smith Charles and Gail Swanson Sharon D. Watson Presbyterian Day School

board of

in memory of

Thomas W. Dalton Jr.

Richard F. Baker Jr. Donald C. DuRant Roy L. Fishel David H. Furse Ralph F. Geronimo Ted A. Grob III Robert C. Hipp Victor D. Irvin Thomas R. Jackson Jr. Charles A. May Durward W. Owen Bill W. Pope Daniel C. Royal Jr. Theodore A. Scharfenstein Andy O. Smith T. Philip Tappy Joseph J. Vincent Kenneth A. Vining Jr.

in memory of

William E. Massey Jr.

in memory of

Griffin McCarthy

in memory of

William M. McMillan

in memory of

Mason Miller Jr.

in memory of

Charles O. Moka Jr.

in memory of

Nicholas A. Murzin Frank A. Neil Jr.

T. Benjamin Massey John C. Brockmann Betty S. McMillan Robert E. Glenn

Charles N. Moka Adam J. Nekola June G. Shackter Jeffrey C. Kikel

in memory of

Alton W. Davis

in memory of

in memory of

Phillip H. Frank II

in memory of John

Lee W. Davis

John W. Shustitzky

in memory of Jabe

Jabe V. Hardee William E. Maycock

V. Hardee II

Barry C. Young

William H. O’Donnell


in memory of

Wesson J. Ritchie

in memory of

Frank Sayre

in memory of

Michael J. Shore

in memory of

Lea Thomas

Max L. Bottomley

in memory of

William F. Harris

in memory of

Frank D. Havard

in memory of

Mary Heideman

Lemuel M. Thomas

in memory of

William R. Holler

Jeffrey M. Armstrong

in memory of

Arthur R. Hurd

Estate of Robert S. Trevethan

in memory of

Emmett R. Johnson

Woodrow W. Gunter II

in memory of

Kevin Cote

Stephen P. DePalma

in memory of

George A. Lineer

Beverly J. White

in memory of

Laurence L. Lyles

Bobby D. Wood Jr.

in memory of

Floyd E. Mason Jr.

William F. Newell

in memory of

Nancy Massa

Curtis J. Bennett Jr.

Peggie H. Harris

Joseph L. Alexander John K. Stauffer Karl T. Heideman William L. Holler

Michigan State Class of 1936 Michael E. Johnson R. Justin Smith Lorraine Lineer Mary N. Lyles

Wallace W. Loerch

Durward W. Owen

Michael P. Carpenter Jr.

in memory of Jason

R. Tirado

in memory of

Robert S. Trevethan

in memory of

Peter B. Whalen

in memory of

Sam Wahlen

in memory of

Donald H. White

in memory of

Bobby D. Wood Sr.

in memory of

Robert J. Wilcox

in memory of


August M. Massa


Alumni who have served the fraternity in a significant leadership capacity and who are major donors are nominated to serve on the Board of Governors. board of governors

Richard G. Anderson rho (washington & lee) Peter C. Barr alpha epsilon (florida) Kelley A. Bergstrom alpha omicron (iowa state) Thomas L. Carter gamma delta (memphis) R. Gene Cartledge omicron (alabama)

Kenneth J. Cribbs beta kappa (georgia state) William L. Finney gamma xi (georgia southwestern) W. Stuart Hicks kappa (north carolina) Travis P. Julian omicron (alabama) Durward W. Owen xi (roanoke)

W. Keith Sheppard alpha upsilon (drexel) James C. Turk xi (roanoke) Paul C. Wesch omicron (alabama) Allen O. Woody III xi (roanoke) Gordon B. Wright alpha tau (rensselaer)




LIFELONG GAMMA KAPPA CELEBRATES 40 YEARS pi kappa phi’s chapter at georgia southern recognizes its first initiate

On November 2, 1968, then-Area Governor Phil Tappy, and Don Dalton—both of Lambda chapter at the University of Georgia—met with 16 undergraduates in Statesboro, Georgia, to begin the chartering process for what would become the 62nd chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. That evening, 17 young men (including a faculty advisor) were initiated as the “charter brothers” of Gamma Kappa chapter at Georgia Southern University. The following night, a banquet was held at the Statesboro Holiday Inn. The guest speaker was the Valdosta State’s Director of Public Relations, Brother Fluker Stewart, Chi (Stetson). Also in attendance was Georgia Southern President Dr. John O. Eidson and Pi Kappa Phi National President Charles Tom Henderson, Chi (Stetson), as well as representatives from the other campus fraternities and sororities. Four decades later, over the weekend of November 7, 2008, Gamma Kappa celebrated its 40th anniversary. The event was attended by nearly 50 Gamma Kappa alumni, 34 of whom were among the first 84 initiated into the chapter and 10 of the 13 living founding fathers. Overall, there were nearly 100 alumni, undergraduate members and guests in attendance. At the banquet, Gamma Kappa’s first initiate, John Riggs, shared his experience with the chapter’s founding. Riggs was first exposed to Pi Kappa Phi while being recruited to join the Alpha Alpha chapter as a student at Mercer. However, he transferred to Georgia Southern and was never initiated at Mercer. At Georgia Southern, Riggs worked with Pi Kappa Phi’s national staff to help start the Gamma Kappa chapter. His work led him to become the chapter’s first initiate. Forty years later, the chapter honored Riggs’ efforts in establishing the chapter by recognizing him as the first “Mr. Gamma Kappa.” In his acceptance speech, Riggs said he considered the founding of Gamma Kappa chapter to be one of his proudest accomplishments in both his personal and professional life, and that he was honored to carry the mantel of being the first initiate of such a quality group of men. To commemorate the anniversary, Riggs gave each student and alumni a written history of Gamma Kappa, which he had originally written for the chapter’s 25th anniversary and updated for the 40th. The following is an excerpt:



Since that memorable day 40 years ago, Gamma Kappa has grown to one of the best fraternities at Georgia Southern University. Through the hard work of the undergraduates and the advice and financial support of many alumni, the chapter built the first Greek house on fraternity row in 1986—a remarkable achievement. Such an achievement was beyond the founding members’ wildest imaginations in 1968. Over the past 40 years, the chapter has now initiated more than 900 members. On behalf of all Gamma Kappa brothers, the initial 16 members would like to thank Durward Owen, former Executive Director, for his foresight in 1968. Durward saw in 16 young men what someone else might not have seen—a burning desire to be a part of history and a love of Pi Kappa Phi. It is hard to imagine that the chapter we see today was started by 16 young men and one alumni advisor. However, the quality of our chapter is not due exclusively to the 16 charter brothers. The many brothers who followed us, especially in the first few years, deserve so much of the credit for what the fraternity has become today. They worked tirelessly to establish Gamma Kappa’s reputation on campus. With the chartering brothers graduating and difficulties in recruiting against many larger fraternities, it would have been extremely easy to fold. And these were the late 60s and early 70s—turbulent times on college campuses. The Vietnam conflict was on-going; the first military draft lottery was initiated; the peace and ecology movements were in full swing; drugs were prevalent on campuses; and individuals were seeking their own identities. Recruiting was very difficult. Yet, these young men who followed the charter members persevered and made Gamma Kappa stronger. They are truly deserving of recognition for their dedication to chapter. With Durward Owen’s help, the charter brothers simply planted the Gamma Kappa seeds. The tremendous success we experience today is due to the 900-plus brothers who followed us. Keep up the good work. You continue to make us proud to be Pi Kapps.

Pictured here are the 16 “charter members” of Gamma Kappa in 1968. Photo courtesy of Pi Kappa Phi National Archives

c o l l eg ia t e News

ONCAMPUS omicron

Zeta rho

Theta Delta

This April, Omicron chapter hosted an event to celebrate the 92nd anniversary of the chapter’s local founding at the University of Alabama. The event was the first Omicron Founders’ Day event in at least a decade. Over the past year, Omicron chapter planned a “day of service” event, during which the chapter teamed up with other local organizations to help restore the Black Warrior River Basin, which is one of the largest river systems in the state of Alabama. This summer, the chapter will again host the Journey of Hope South team as it passes through Tuscaloosa. The team will enjoy a barbecue at the chapter house and spend the evening visiting with the chapter. Chapter Advisor Jeff Cull helps arrange the event each year.

Last fall, Zeta Rho received a 5-Star Award by the university—one of the highest honors a chapter can achieve on campus, which recognizes excellence in areas such as philanthropy, recruitment, community outreach, and leadership on campus. The chapter also held its 3rd annual Push America Pageant, which raised $6,000 for Push America. In terms of campus leadership, the chapter holds four positions on the IFC including president, Greek judicial board, secretary and Greek Week co-chair. Five members also hold positions on the university’s Board of Directors. The men of Zeta Rho initiated 19 new members in the fall and have recruited 13 new associate members this spring. Zeta Rho continues to follow the ideals and principles of Pi Kappa Phi as leaders by choice.

Theta Delta chapter hosted several successful events during the spring 2009 semester including its annual Miss Push America Pageant. This event raised more than $2,000 for Push America this year. Theta Delta also collected a total of six awards at FIU’s annual Greek Awards Banquet including Outstanding Alumni Relations, Outstanding Chapter Management, Outstanding Campus Involvement, Outstanding Community Service, Outstanding Philanthropy and Outstanding Member Education. In addition, Brother Vignesh Doraiswamy was recognized as New Member of the Year. Theta Delta continues to excel at FIU as it continues to uphold the traditions and values that makes Pi Kappa Phi great!


cal state-fullerton

florida international


FRATERNITY GRANTS CHARTERS TO WINTHROP AND TEXAS epsilon eta  winthrop Rock Hill, South Carolina Re-Founded: April 18, 2009

Founding Members: 28 Colonized: Winter 2008

After being dormant for 12 years, the Epsilon Eta chapter at Winthrop University has returned! The chapter, which originally received its charter on April 12, 1980, was rechartered by a group of 28 men. The chapter celebrated its accomplishment with more than 100 alumni and guests. During their time as an associate chapter, the men of Epsilon Eta logged more than 240 hours of community service and raised $1,500 for charity. In addition, each man has become active in one or more organizations outside the fraternity. Past National President Phil Tappy, Lambda (Georgia), served as the installation officer. Queen City Regional Governor Dick Baker, Delta Beta (North Georgia), served as the assistant. Performing the ritual of initiation were teams from Beta (Presbyterian) and Delta (Furman). National staff attending the banquet included CEO Mark E. Timmes, Alpha Epsilon (Florida); Foundation Executive Director Tom Atwood, Beta Eta (Florida State); Director of Chapter Services Brandon Belote, Theta Alpha (Southern Miss); Director of Business Affairs Joe Costello, Beta Iota (Toledo); Communications Director Jared Thurston, Theta Epsilon (Kansas); and Coordinator of Chapter Development Derek Berger, Beta Xi (Central Michigan). Also in attendance was Executive Director Emeritus Durward Owen, Xi (Roanoke).

Zeta theta texas Austin, Texas Re-Founded: April 25, 2009

Founding Members: 40 Colonized: Fall 2007

Pi Kappa Phi’s Zeta Theta chapter was officially reinstalled at the University of Texas. Originally chartered on March 5, 1988, the chapter celebrated its accomplishment with more than 150 alumni and guests. The installation officer for the chartering event was National Secretary Tracy Maddux, who was an original founding member of Zeta Theta in 1988. He was assisted by National Vice President Mark Jacobs, Delta Psi (Texas-Arlington). Performing the Ritual of Initiation for the new members were teams from Eta Rho (Texas State) and Theta Kappa (Baylor). Delta Psi (Texas-Arlington) also sent several members to assist with the initiation. Representing the national fraternity was Regional Governor Trey Oberpriller, Zeta Theta (Texas); Director of Leadership Abbie Schneider, Alpha Chi Omega (Elon); Coordinator of Chapter Development Derek Berger, Beta Xi (Central Michigan); and Senior Leadership Consultant Walter Pape, Zeta Phi (Colorado State). Other special guests included past National Council member Robert Shindell, Beta Iota (Toledo), and past staff member Jake Henderson, Beta Theta (Arizona).


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