Star & Lamp - Fall 2013

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FALL 2013


MILESTONES. We are pleased to present this fall issue of the Star & Lamp as we update you on the progress of your national fraternity. Thank you to the alumni who participated in our alumni engagement and branding surveys. We will be using this information to better position our marketing and communications strategy, as well as improve the alumni experience. We currently have one year left in our Second Century Vision which was adopted at our Centennial Celebration in 2004. A group of dedicated alumni, staff and friends of the fraternity are working on our new strategic plan to be announced next summer. In the interim, you will see that the annual report includes record membership numbers in total students, chapters and associate chapters as well as strong average chapter size and retention rates. National leadership and service programming opportunities are at an all-time high, as well. There is a collective pride in these achievements as the fraternity continues to grow and achieve. Most importantly, numbers only provide part of the story. What is not portrayed are the countless stories of changed lives through our values in action and the shared experiences the fraternity provides as we prepare our students to shoulder their full responsibilities as citizens. Pi Kappa Phi is a respected, admired and desired fraternity. It is this culture of excellence we must cultivate at all levels if we are to meet our vision of “redefining fraternity as a lifelong brotherhood of leaders.� As always, enjoy this issue of the Star & Lamp! Yours in the brotherhood of Pi Kappa Phi,

Mark E. Timmes Chief Executive Officer













This map details Pi Kappa Phi’s expansion plans through Fall 2014. For more information about expansion or starting a new chapter of Pi Kappa Phi, contact Assistant Executive Director of Chapter Development Chris Conner at



Eugene, Oregon | Re-founded: April 4, 2013

Alpha Omega has returned to the University of Oregon. National Vice President Tracy Maddux, Zeta Theta (Texas), presided over the chartering as installation officer, and was assisted by National Historian Frank Wrenn, Mu (Duke). Two ritual teams from Alpha Delta (Washington) were on hand to initiate 40 new Alpha Omega brothers. Alpha Omega was re-colonized in the fall of 2011 by staff members Adam Roose, Theta Upsilon (Northern Arizona), and Brett Haro, Theta Alpha (Southern Mississippi). With an overall GPA of 3.08, the chapter

ranked 6th amongst the 15 NIC fraternities on campus. The chapter has officially raised over $1,000.00 for Push America. The chapter’s largest fundraiser was a 5K where the chapter hosted about 40 runners from the Greek community, student body, and local community. The chapter has a regular volunteering effort through Arc of Lane County where they’ve helped with the Arc’s facility upkeep. They also have volunteered with the local Special Olympics hosted in Eugene.



Lake Charles, Louisiana | Re-founded: April 19, 2013

Pi Kappa Phi has welcomed the return of Beta Mu Chapter at McNeese State University. National Treasurer Tom Sullivan, Delta Omega (Texas A&M), presided over the chartering as the installation officer. Eli Aguirre, Eta Rho (Texas State) served as the assistant installing officer. Teams from Theta Phi (Louisiana Tech) and Beta Nu (Houston) were on hand to initiate 25 new men.

Their largest fundraising event was Give a Push Week in fall 2012. This event featured three days of Pie-a-Pikapp, one charity Toga Run, and an empathy dinner which raised awareness of people with disabilities. Throughout the week, a number of other organizations on campus, Greek and non-Greek, participated and volunteered to help Push America. Additionally, the chapter has completed their first ever War of the Roses, an event that raised over $700 for Push America

Beta Mu was re-colonized during the spring 2011 semester.Since its founding, the chapter has officially raised $1,376.00 for Push America.


Dayton, Ohio | Founded: April 13, 2013

Iota Pi Chapter has been welcomed with open arms into the fraternity and sorority life community at the University of Dayton. The men of Iota Pi became chartered after spending two full years as a Push America club and one as an associate chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. National Chancellor James Smith, Alpha Eta (Samford), presided over the chartering as the installation officer and was assisted by Dwayne Todd, Alpha Eta (Samford). The 61-man chapter was initiated by teams from Eta Upsilon (Miami - OH) and Theta (Cincinnati).

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Since its founding, the chapter has made a significant impact on the community. The group currently ranks third out of nine NIC fraternities in size on campus with a 3.04 GPA. The chapter has participated in a Bike-A-Thon and other various philanthropic efforts on campus. Other events planned include a Spaghetti Dinner April 3 with guest speaker, Adam Helbling, and also a Push Ups For Push.

State of the Fraternity

31 Summer Awards

Recognizing students, chapters alumni and volunteers for their leadership and accomplishments




CORRECTION FROM THE SPRING ISSUE OF STAR & LAMP: On page 1, Beta Xi should have been identified as Central Michigan. We apologize for the error. Fall Deadline October 1

Spring Deadline March 1

Winter Deadline January 1

Our report to membership on the state of the fraternity for the 2012-2013 academic year


13 Periodical postage paid at Charlotte, N.C., and additional mailing offices.

PUBLISHER Star & Lamp, (USPS 519-000), is issued quarterly by Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at 2015 Ayrsley Town Boulevard, Suite 200, Charlotte, NC 28273. A lifetime subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription.

A Push America Challenge event hosted with Wilderness Inquiry in Yellowstone National Park



Star & Lamp P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224-0526

POSTMASTER Send address changes to:

Yellowstone Adventure

PARENTS The Star & Lamp is being sent to your address while your son is in college. Please feel free to read through the magazine as we hope it is a publication you will enjoy too! If your son is no longer in college or is no longer living at home, please send his new contact information to the P.O. Box address or email address shown to the far right.

7 As we approach the 54th Supreme Chapter, a call goes out for nominations to the National Council

SUBMISSIONS/DEADLINES Materials for publication should be sent directly to the managing editor at the P.O. Box address or email address shown to the right. Letters to the editor will be printed at the discretion of the editors.

Call for nominations




STAR& LAMP FALL 2013 • Vol. CII, No. 3


COVER With this issue of Star & Lamp we celebrate the successes of 2012-2013.


FROM THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES 100 years ago: Pi Kappa Phi’s national publication was first printed in 1909 as The Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Journal, and at the fourth Supreme Chapter meeting in 1911 the name was changed to The Star & Lamp of Pi Kappa Phi. This publication had no photos and read much like a literary journal. This quote from the 1913 Grand Editor John Hamer illustrates how successful our brothers and alumni have been in supporting this publication for the past 100 years: “The Star and Lamp has commenced its fifth trip into the unknown with us at the wheel. How far and how successful she will go remains to be seen. All that we can promise is that we will do our best. That is all that you can expect of any man.”

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SUPREMECHAPTER CALL FOR NATIONAL COUNCIL NOMINATIONS Since 2004, Pi Kappa Phi has been guided by an aggressive strategic plan known as “The Second Century Vision.” While broad in focus, this plan has particularly shaped the fraternity’s work in the areas of growth, program development, housing acquisition and technology. Perhaps the greatest achievement from this work is the arrival on the national stage as a “top 10” fraternity in terms of size. Over the past year, our sitting National Council, along with a dedicated group of 70 friends and volunteers, have been working diligently on crafting the fraternity’s new strategic plan. While this plan will not be unveiled until next summer, we must begin thinking about who will lead the organization through the next six years. More specifically, we must begin the nominating process for the next National Council who will oversee the first two years of implementation. As such, it is my duty as past national president and chairman of the nominating committee to conduct a “call for nominations” for National Council. The committee’s proposed slate will be announced this spring and presented to the Supreme Chapter next August. As provided in Supreme Law, the nominating committee is charged with assembling a list of nominees for National Council. The five-member committee is comprised of a student member and four past national presidents, which includes student Alex Craig, Delta (Furman); J. Ernest Johnson, Alpha Iota (Auburn); John R. Andrews, Delta Delta (Truman State); J. Jeffry Wahlen, Alpha Epsilon (Florida) and myself. Any initiated member of the fraternity—student or alumnus—can nominate any initiated alumnus (including himself) to serve on the National Council. Above all, nominees must have an unwavering and proven commitment to the fraternity. Past service to the fraternity and a general understanding of the national fraternity are of utmost importance. Please send your nominations to: Mark F. Jacobs, 1400 Haverford Way, McKinney, TX 75071-7527. Your nominations may also be emailed to All nominations must be received no later than January 15, 2014. While I hope that we are overwhelmed with nominations for the Council, I recognize that not everyone has the interest in or resources for serving at a board level. Pi Kappa Phi has always been a volunteer-based organization with multiple opportunities at a variety of levels. Towards that end, I would encourage you to fill out our volunteer interest form on Whether you would like to engage at the council level or volunteer for one of the more than 2,000 positions within the fraternity, I sincerely hope you will make the choice to serve your fraternity and give back so that other young men will have an experience similar to yours. Yours in Pi Kappa Phi,

Mark F. Jacobs Delta Psi (Texas – Arlington) Past National President


> > >


YELLOWSTONE ADVENTURE An enabled athlete in a recent Push America Challenge event so eloquently stated “I am blind, not broken and the only limitations I have are the ones I set on myself” as she reflected on her experience in the mountains of Colorado with Push America. It is moments like this that serve as a reminder to what is possible in a world surrounded by perceived limitations. As Push America reflects on the growth of Push America Challenge and the Enabled Athlete Program, we are immersed in small moments—like the quote previously mentioned—that speak volumes about the lives we are impacting and gap we are bridging in society. This past July, Push America Challenge hosted an event with Wilderness Inquiry in Yellowstone National Park. A small group of athletes with and without disabilities came together to make an inaccessible environment accessible through teamwork. The following narrative is from Axel Holm, a recent graduate from Iowa State University. Holm’s account of his experience is just one more representation of the significant impact in Push America’s newest program.


ourney of Hope and Build America have become two very successful and important stitches within the fabric of Push America. Having participated in both of them myself, I can speak highly of the unforgettable experiences and amount of humility that members of Pi Kappa Phi are able to gain from participating. Journey of Hope preaches about the empathy and mental strength that goes into cycling from coast to coast, all the while gaining fuel to burn from the people you meet along the way.

Build America offers the chance to really get close to the people who are benefitting from our desire and willingness to make a more accessible world. But there is a relatively new creation that is growing within our national philanthropy that gives its participants a whole different perspective and appreciation for the abilities of all people. During the days of July 17-22, 2013, 11 Push America Challenge participants took Yellowstone National Park head on

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with our Enabled Athlete Program. Here is a story of one of our team’s adventures. After about an hour drive of winding through the forests and switchbacks of Yellowstone National Park, our team had made it from the campsite in Grant Village to Firehole Canyon Drive. Traffic dropped down to a gradual speed of fifteen miles an hour to climb the eight percent incline. Any other time, motorists may find themselves frustrated when moving so slowly, but that is not true in this canyon. It provides for more time to experience, and be surrounded by the features that make up the mountainside, a wonderful place to take in a 360 degree view. The area is surreal, majestic and speckled with pine trees that tell tales of past historic fires and future generations of the awesome power of nature. While in the Firehole River Valley, this is where we proved that Push America’s Enabled Athlete Program truly does give people the opportunity to find their personal summit. Once we found an open spot along the cliff side, we parked and exited our fifteen passenger vans in awe and ready to conquer whatever trail of obstacles lay before us. Our goal was to swim in The Firehole River, so named because it collects all the runoff from Yellowstone National Park’s geothermal geysers and springs (the water in the river can reach upwards of 86 degrees!). To reach it we would have to scale down a steep and rocky path. The group of us collected our water bottles, towels, life jackets, and one of our team members, Luanne, brought along her mobility cane. “Ok, about twenty-five feet from us now, fifteen, ten, five… Alright Luanne, we’re going to start descending this steep incline.” “I’m ready for it.”

Luanne was one of the Enabled Athletes on our team. She has partial blindness, and she wanted to experience Yellowstone by catching glimpses of the wildlife and ‘keeping up with the young’uns and all our activities.’ Little did Luanne know what she was getting herself into that day. “Feel just ahead of you, there’s a good foot ledge off to your right. Nailed it. Good.” “I’ve got it, I’ve got it.” Firehole Canyon Drive is a very popular part of the park. People come packed in their RVs and SUVs for a chance to climb down into the valley and swim. Scattered rocks create ledges for sitting or leaping off of and into the steady current of the river below. Visitors can hear a chatter of all sorts of dialects, all excited due to the makeup of the scenery and their current activity. “Two more steps down and there’s another group of people camped out. Let’s move around to the left. Here, good.” “I can hear ‘em. I hear the river too. Are we close to the water’s edge?” “One more big step over that root… You got it! Let’s do some swimming!” Now, when swimming in Firehole River, it is not a simple pool for lounging about and sipping on a sweet tea. Nor is it a lazy river. Instead the current pulls its users at about the strength of an infinity pool, down stream. People of all ages and abilities fight against the force of the water to reach a highest possible point and then glide down on the theme park ride created by mother nature. We explained this to Luanne, and she geared up to the challenge. “Ok Luanne, this is going to take some strategy.” “What’s the plan?” There is no way someone would be able to swim directly into the current and win the fight. The river zigged and zagged through a medley of jutting rock faces that accelerated the current in some

spots and relaxed it in others. We decided it would be best to use the areas behind the rocks and crisscross from bank to bank in order to get breaks from the pull of the river. “Luanne, we’re going to be cutting across the current at angles to make our way up the river. From where we are right now the water is flowing left to right.” “OK! How far do I have to swim?” “About twenty feet. Just keep coming to our voices and we’ll snag you up!” We moved as a unit back and forth up stream, all the while keeping Luanne in the middle of the group. Other Yellowstone travelers saw our group and gave a hand when they could as well. They would


point out good handholds on the rocks, or suggest spots to aim for to collect ourselves. We snaked across the river six different times before we reached a point when the rocks were too plentiful and jagged to continue upstream. Then we watched all the people before us leaping into the water and enjoying the ride! We pulled ourselves out of the river and made our way to the edge of a low, flat rock. A few of us sprang in one by one and floated on easy street after putting forth so much effort to reach the top. Then it came to be Luanne’s turn. “I’ve found the edge with my toes. I just leap straight out, as far as I can?” “That’s right! The rock we’re on is level with the water, and it’s plenty deep, you won’t hit bottom.” “Three, two, one…” From the moment that her feet hit the water, until the others caught Luanne downstream, she did not stop laughing. Later, on the last night of the trip, our temporary tribe sat around the biggest fire we had created to date, and shared closing thoughts on what the Yellowstone Adventure had meant to us. We were in love with all the sites we were able to take in; we appreciated the food and good weather too, but we agreed the best part of our time together was how great of a team we made. The trip was about setting personal goals and achieving them through teamwork. Luanne left us with some parting thoughts. “I’m a do-er. For my whole life so far, and for the rest of it, I plan to be constantly on my feet and doing something. Thank you to all of you for pushing yourselves and others to find our personal summits.” Push America does it again. Each event is so spectacular in its own way. They each teach different lessons on viewing life through an unfamiliar perspective, and in turn, it molds us all into better people. Thank you to all the participants in any Push America activity. I am so very proud to have an organization like this created and still thriving, thanks to the hands of people within our fraternity of Pi Kappa Phi. -Axel Holm, Alpha Omicron (Iowa State)

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> > > Push America Challenge (PAC) enables athletes of all abilities to realize their full potential by pushing the limit to what is thought possible. Through PAC’s fully inclusive sporting events, Push America aims at bringing athletes with and without disabilities together through outdoor recreation to live healthy and active lives. It is through inclusive recreation that Push America believes a unique understanding occurs— athletes with disabilities are able to push beyond perceived barriers, both internal and external, while athletes without disabilities gain a better knowledge of possibilities and the benefits of outdoor recreation for all involved. Push America Challenge events include signature endurance events, group wilderness trips and personal challenges created and established by those eager to showcase human ability in their own communities. If you are interested in joining Push America Challenge on its next big adventure, contact or visit for more information.


Since Pi Kappa Phi’s inception in 1904, the founders charted a clear path as scholars and proclaimed the importance of enhancing the intellect through word and deed. Pi Kappa Phi recognizes excellence in academics through the Order of the Lamp, our academic honor society. Associate members and brothers are eligible for recognition in the Order of the Lamp each semester they achieve a semester GPA of at least a 3.25 on a 4.0 scale. Seniors who achieve a cumulative GPA of at least a 3.25 are recognized with an Order of the Lamp seal to display on their membership shingle. Applications for Order of the Lamp can be found at

Pi Kappa Phi would like to congratulate the following scholars on their academic achievements. Gamma (Berkeley) Omar Alzayat * Tristan Richard Boyer Michael Chang Matthew Coleman Frank Dimitriou Joel Angel Guerra Michael William Hervey* Nitin Kohli Erik Tao Krogen Connor Andrews Martinelli Andrew Wu Ni Camil B. Realubit Kevin Gerard Sairafian James Toan, Jr. Howard Keene Tran* Tinghui Tsai

Graduating seniors (*)

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Delta (Furman) Eric Julian Ahlstrand Corey Nathaniel Allen Forrest Steven Andersen* William George Besley, Jr.

Joel Lawrence Bloom* Brian Matthew Boda Daniel Beaufort Causey John Austin Charles Edward Skidmore Cowan James Buren Crockett* Benjamin Bracey Davis Jeffrey Blake Dye Thomas Parr Flood* James Wesley Floyd Robert Jones Gilson Jonathon E. Guerrier Horace Rhodes Hambrick John David Hanna Taylor Franklin Harris Max Lin Huang Thomas Tyler Hydrick William L. Ivey Matthew Browning Kearns Joseph Michael Kennedy Nathan Mark Klabunde Andrew Christian Kopp Robert John Kozloski, III Andrew Joseph Mueller Keene Trowbridge Nettles* Juan Camilo Ortiz Logan Frederick Patrick Justin Alan Rourk Benjamin Robert Saul Mattson Taylor Smith Cameron James Sutton Andrew Whittelsey Wallin* Xing Wei Dalton Davis Weigle Benjamin Montgomery Wilson Blake Christopher Wood Theta (Cincinnati) Rex Douglas Azbell Ryan Douglas Azbell Austin Stanford Becker Frederick Joe Lina Estera* Nicholas John Filippo Zachary D. Johnson* Robert Michael Kichak Patrick Tyler Looney Matthew William Mayles* Brendan David O’Brien Payne Scott Rankin Dustin Tyler Samm Michael Patrick Stanton* Mark Andrew Szwejkowski Heath Howard Thompson Zachary Alan Troyer Xi (Roanoke) Michael John Coles* Omega (Purdue) Ryan Hawkins AuYeung Mayank Bhattarai Allen Edward Carter, III Clark Chip Challis Steven Henry Chapla Thomas Joseph Daily Alexander William Drennan Keagan Alexander Dunville Thomas Kirk Fisher John Thomas Fullerton Benjamin Gregory Hagen

Daniel William Heinekamp Chad Thomas James* Hayden Thomas Julliard David Michael Larson Andrew Stephen Lemna Tyler James Mayo Brian Alan Morton Brett Tyler Poncsak Trent Charles Renier Ryan Nicholas Sanders Nicholas Joseph Schneider Alexander Mark Shrum Benjamin Berrien Sommer Michael Joseph Walters Daniel Calleb Wolterman Nolan Atlee Xanh Collin Eugene York Alpha Phi (Illinois Inst. of Tech.) Kareem Abes Ode Matthew Edoimioya Noe Garcia-Mendoza Robert Raymond Griffin-Duncan Elijah Alexander Haywood* Samaksh Asay Kamdar Anurup Anand Kankanhalli Dennis Paul McFadden Andrea Occhipinti Samuel Jan Pavlovcik Phillip J. Shriner Raven Colter Watts Frankie Wong*

Benjamin John Chacko Austin Penning Fink* Timothy Joseph McGrady* Nicholas Alexander Mucha Zachary Sherman Osburn Colin Paul Rose* John Patrick Welsh, II* Epsilon Alpha (Elon) Byron Barnes Kirkland, Jr. Epsilon Eta (Winthrop) Colin Bandes Meachem Epsilon Kappa (Southern Poly) Daniel Robert Gould* Epsilon Upsilon (Georgia College & State) Matthew Vernard Murphy* Epsilon Phi (UAB) William Ray Bates*

Beta Epsilon (Missouri) Andrew Todd Reilly

Zeta Phi (Colorado State) Cole Henry Allenbrand Alecandru Claude Avery Brett Anthony Bogner Kailyn R. Burns Peter Joseph Doro Robert Ruben Duran* John Michael Eberle Charles Joseph Fredrick Scott Samuel Goldstein Shane Matthew Guenther Jacob Richard Harmeyer Anthony Russell Hill Benjamin Jeffrey Hilzer Zach Hoover Ian Joseph Isby Connor Roman Longacre Orion G. McComas Eric Kauffman Moss Ashton William Ondra Joseph Eli Portell Seyed Nick Rezvani Brian C. Roling Connor Sloan Sims Sean David Williams

Gamma Lambda (Missouri S&T) Colin Matthew Polleys

Eta Beta (Indiana State) Zachary Ray Hurst*

Gamma Tau (North Texas) John Peter Berney* Victor Manuel Cristales* Kevin Alexander Gibson Jonathan Brett Johnson Taylor Anthony Lindholm Bryce K. Wark Zach D. Werblo William Rogers White, III Joshua Todd Williams*

Eta Rho (Texas State) Nathan Craig McDaniel

Beta Delta (Drake) Jared Thomas Bursik Andrew David Deterding Alex Drawbond Sean Patrick Duddy Michael Brandon Mahon Jared Wesley Netley Joshua Louis Schoenblatt David Lowell Springston Jacob Phillip VanderVaart Matthew Thomas Wright

Gamma Phi (South Alabama) Mark A. Norris* Delta Omega (Texas A&M) Nicolas George Blando Lee Thomas Broughton Ryan William Burke Jeffrey Thomas Carnrite

Eta Upsilon (Miami - OH) Zachary Alan Boyer Zachary Alan Cheslock Conner Richard Christoff Christian Dalton Cook Chad Brand Crowell Chad Spencer Eberly Ryan Matthew Ettenhofer Timothy Loft Good Jeffrey Crane Graham Taylor Scott Hamilton Zachary Tyler Hornberger Matthew David Huffman John David Kammerer, Jr. Timothy Tyler Keil Spencer Mason King

Jameson John Lowery Jake Michael Magary Sean Christian Mathews Colton Alan McMath Benjamin Parry Meacham Saurabh S. Mehta Jason Edward Milliken James William Parker Travis Mikael Peraza Maxwell Paul Peter Scott Thomas Rice Beau Robert Samples Charlie Garber Schreiber Austin A. Stephen Lance Alan Sterle Christian Anthony Taylor Thomas Ward Terlep Ethan Hunter Vargo John Andrew Veltri David Nichola Whalen Justin David Woods Andrew Carlisle Yde

Iota Gamma (Wyoming) Alex Lyle Brink Iota Iota (Cal Poly Pomona) Bradley Jay Vidal Iota Kappa (Northern Colorado) Gregory Alan Ahlquist Dreycey Don Albin Christopher Burton Cottingham James Grantland Harris Keith Michael Heintzelman* Kyle Carter Norman Charles Fredrick Rasmussen-Goodwin Daniel Hale Rickels Alexander Adolfo Sherwin Jerod Scott Viers

Iota Lambda (Quinnipiac) Everett Joseph Almeida, III Tyler Joseph Alway Jared Reid Baiman* Eta Omega (New Mexico State) Matthew Harrison Beck Osman Chang Matthew H. Bernstein* Jerry Flores Ethan Emery Bourque Alexander Adam Franco Colin Michael Carrasquillo Joel Marquez Nicholas Geoffrey Chin* Steven Romarro Segura Michael Robert DePasquale Anthony Michael DePasquale Theta Alpha (Southern Mississippi) Elisha Emanuel Dorsey Chad Joseph Abadie Mathew C. Fazekas Preston Lewis Bell Nicholas T. Frias* William Todd Craft Cole Michael Gallagher Johnathan Shelby Faler Peter Benjamin Goode* Brandon Thomas Foto Spencer Orion Hess Henry Creed Fox, II Thomas Holmes Kevin Andrew Gardner Christopher Robert Koop Jeffrey Randolph George Gregory Paul Kropp Cullen Thomas Gilbert, III Matthew A. Liben Hunter McMinn Hawkins Kevin Michael Mahoney* Joseph Hartley Kasal William John Mara* Christopher Dylan Kennedy James Michael McLoughlin, Jr. Thomas Blake Moore Christopher S. Meegan Nicholas Taylor Morgan Anmol Mehta Curtis Luke Smith John D. Molino William Burl Stevens, II Angelo Peng Patrick James Owen Trainer Matthew Michael James Podias Gerard Warren Nicholas Poli Brentley Morgan Wells Anthony Poli Charles Jeffrey White Ethan Ashe Rees* Evan Michael Samet Theta Lambda (Missouri State) Kunal Sewani Matthew Joseph Eastman* Theodore K. Siggelakis Brandon Marshall Jones* Vinod A. Singh* Kyle Joseph Edward Lamm* Kevin M. Stoddard* Jonathan Corey Swearengin Sidney Mark Stoddard Luigi Tancredi Theta Rho (Western Michigan) Michael A. Turo Christopher Charles Rettich Liam Michael Walsh Michael Joseph Weiner* Theta Psi (RIT) Travis H. Wood Michael John Carpenter* Joseph Michael Zehentner Vincent Michael Anthony Di Cairano* Iota Nu (Mississippi State) Cameron Alexander McCoy* Anthony Stuart Golding Iota Beta (Texas - San Antonio) Andres Cantu Kort Everett Jackson*


communication piece. In the following pages you’ll be presented with info graphics on growth and programs, as well as provided a comprehensive report on every chapter of the fraternity.

IN 2004, Pi Kappa Phi implemented

a new strategic plan (The Second Century Vision) embarked the fraternity on a ten year journey which not only celebrated the arrival of our second century, but more importantly “redefined fraternity as a lifelong brotherhood of leaders.” This new, bold vision brought together the 100 year old dreams of our founders to “choose to be different, choose to lead,” with today’s need for a modern fraternity that gives college men the values-based experience which readies them for their role in a rapidly changing world. The plan called for not only record numerical achievements (an increase in the number of chapters, members and average chapter size), but also qualitative success as well (improved retention of associate members to initiation, program evaluation improvement, etc.). Over these past nine years, national leadership and service programs have been reshaped or created, capacity at these programs has increased, and young men are engaging in their fraternity in ways not previously discovered. For the first time ever, through assessment, we know that these efforts are paying off in big ways. The fraternity’s affiliate organizations, Push America, the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation and Pi Kappa Phi Properties, each produce an annual report to share their good news and report on progress towards their strategic plans. However, this is the Fraternity’s first attempt at such a

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Still, these statistics only tell a fraction of the story as the real success is portrayed through the lives of the young men impacted by this shared experience and those they touch because of their involvement in Pi Kappa Phi. In our final year of the Second Century Vision we must all redouble our efforts to not only cross the finish line, but do so in a way that exceeds our own goals. During the 2012-2013 year the organization opened 12 associate chapters, chartered 10 chapters and reached 10,000 undergraduate members. The fraternity’s growth initiative has several influential factors that drive the growth of chapters and number of students. Economies of scale – the rising costs of membership can be more easily managed if the organization has more chapters to share the administrative burden. A quick environmental scan will prove that the organization’s peer fraternities are also growing and that campuses are open to growth. For both reasons, it’s important that Pi Kappa Phi be not only be open to expansion, but embrace it. A part of this growth strategy has been to expand the brand to elite private and large public campuses where the fraternity has never had a chapter (Mississippi State, Wyoming, Arizona State, Baylor, George Washington, American, etc.).

SUCCESSES THE ORGANIZATION RECOGNIZES that to be a national fraternity, it must have a national presence. Focus was placed on expansion in the Northeast, Midwest and West. In fact, 57% of expansion since 2004 have occurred in those areas, giving chapters regional peers, as well as enabling the organization to more effectively program on a regional basis and serve chapters through the leadership consultant program. THE ORGANIZATION PLACED A PRIORITY on returning to dormant campuses, locations where a chapter had once existed, but closed for some reason. 50 of the 105 expansions since 2004, replanted a flag on a dormant campus. Six were reopened in 2012/2013. AVERAGE CHAPTER SIZE has increased from 47 to 58 since 2004. In the 2012/2013 academic year the organization increased from 54 to 58. The growth has been a result of increased chapter servicing, additional resources, and a renewed focus on volunteer engagement and support. THE FRATERNITY’S UNDERGRADUATE programmatic offerings (including those offered through Push America) continue to define our experience. Several important changes/milestones have been reached during the 2012/2013 academic year. PI KAPP COLLEGE, redesigned in 2010 to provide programming to emerging leaders (those not elected to chapter officer positions), reached a record 86 attendees in 2013. Since inception, the program has counted 265 graduates. 76.5% of graduates returned to their chapters and were elected to office. 50% of attendees returned to their campus and serve in a campus leadership position. MID YEAR LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE celebrated its 30th anniversary and in doing so enrolled 1,416 students in the ten educational tracks offered in four cities. THE CERTIFIED RITUALIST PROGRAM returned to the educational offerings and was presented at two Mid Year Leadership Conference locations. THROUGH PUSH AMERICA, 147 students participated in one of the organization’s team events (Journey of Hope, Gear Up Florida and Build America). Those students traveled a combined 16,000 miles and raised over $700,000 and logged 200 Friendship Visits (time spent with people with disabilities). 158 OF 176 CHAPTERS raised funds for Push America totaling $474,000. Also, 112 chapters have a volunteer relationship with local organizations that serve people with disabilities. Over $101,000 was awarded in Circle of Giving Grants to those partner organizations.


All data reported as of June 30, 2013. *Closed one or more of past five years


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Total Number of Chapters: 160 Total Number of Associate Chapters: 16

Total Number of Men Affiliated: 3,961 Total Number of Men Initiated: 3,480 Total Number of Students: 9,759


1,500 1,400

• Beta Theta (Arizona) • Zeta Alpha (Concord) • Zeta Xi (Averett) • Zeta Omicron (SUNY-Cortland)

• University of Montana COLONIES • University of San Francisco San Jose State University • OPENED • Western Illinois University • State University of New York Plattsburgh • University of Idaho • Loyola University of New Orleans • University of Mississippi • Old Dominion University • University of California Irvine • University of Central Florida • Rutgers University

Total Initiates Since Founding: 116,806












2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 500

• Alpha Zeta (Oregon) • Beta Mu (McNeese State) • Beta Xi (Central Michigan) • Gamma Epsilon (Western Carolina) • Iota Lambda (Quinnipiac) • Iota Mu (Arkansas-Fort Smith) • Iota Nu (Mississippi State) • Iota Xi (Texas-Dallas) • Iota Omicron (Iona) • Iota Pi (Dayton)




300 200







2,133 followers 522



Score: 70

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 *All events have not yet occurred


number 1 IN SIZE ON


Alpha Psi: Indiana University Zeta Phi: Colorado State University Beta Nu: University of Houston Theta Sigma: Cal State University Long Beach Theta Alpha: University of Southern Mississippi Theta Psi: Rochester Institute of Technology Delta: Furman University Iota Kappa: University of Northern Colorado Epsilon Phi: University of Alabama-Birmingham Xi: Roanoke College Epsilon Epsilon: University of Virginia-Wise Epsilon Eta: Winthrop University Eta Omicron: San Francisco State University Alpha Eta: Samford University Gamma Nu: LaGrange College Theta Pi: University of Texas-Tyler Epsilon Lambda: University of South Carolina Upstate Eta Zeta: Queens University of Charlotte Iota Omicron: Iona College Eta Lambda: State University of New York-Brockport Eta Theta: University of San Francisco


3 Eta Zeta: Queens University of Charlotte 4 Zeta Omicron: State University of New York 5 Zeta Epsilon: George Mason Unversity 6 Epsilon Lambda: University of South Carolina 7 Gamma Tau: University of North Texas 8 Alpha Zeta: Oregon State University 9 Theta Theta: University of North Texas 10 Eta Alpha: Concord University 19  STAR & LAMP  /  FALL 2013

1 2 Mu: Duke University Alpha Gamma: University of Oklahoma RETENT3ION (over 90%) Alpha Mu: Pennsylvania State University 4 Alpha Xi: St. John’s University 5 Alpha: College of Charleston 6 7 Delta Upsilon: University of Pittsburgh Epsilon Iota: University of North Carolina-Greensboro 8 Epsilon Rho: Lenoir-Rhyne University 9 Eta Lambda: State University of New York-Brockport 10 Beta Epsilon: University of Missouri


TOP TEN E1RICA Eta Chi: Texas Christian University PUSH AM ING FUNDRAIS2 Theta Zeta: George Washington Univ.

Gamma Nu: LaGrange College

2 Theta Chi: Ohio University




$31,904 $19,244


Beta Nu: University of Houston



Theta Xi: Arizona State University



Theta Alpha: Univ. of So. Mississippi



Theta Delta: Florida International Univ.



Upsilon: University of Illinois



Omega: Purdue University



Theta Kappa AC: Baylor University



Alpha Psi: Indiana University



$474,000 (Does not include team events)

All data reported as of June 30, 2013. *Closed one or more of past five years


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All data reported as of June 30, 2013. *Closed one or more of past five years


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All data reported as of June 30, 2013. *Closed one or more of past five years


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All data reported as of June 30, 2013. *Closed one or more of past five years





n a muggy day in Charlotte, N.C., the pavement is still drying from a downpour that had swept through that afternoon. Tall trees, lush greenery and beautiful, large homes envelope a three-mile loop where cyclists and runners train for major events. There typically aren’t crowds camped out along the tree lawns and grass medians of the Booty Loop, as it’s come to be known, but today is an exception. Thousands of riders have come out to take part in a day of riding. Having started at 7p.m. the night before, many riders have exceeded 100 miles or more. Along with the usual participant signage displaying a number, many cyclists have signs pinned to them reflecting what inspired them to ride; some with signs that read ‘I ride in honor of…’, others ‘I ride in memory of…’, some even have teams formed in honor of friends or family who’ve battled cancer. All ride together in a shared purpose – to raise funds and awareness for the fight against cancer. Along the route, Basil Lyberg jogs the sidewalk against the flow of cyclists. Stopping to stop to check in with volunteers and thank those cheering on riders, he even manages to cheer on a few riders by name as they pass. As Executive Director of 24 Hours of Booty, his work each year all leads to this event, now in Charlotte and several other cities. With only a few hours left in the event, his time is spent ensuring that riders are safe and give quick thanks and direction to the volunteers and supporters who are helping to keep the event running. Leading up to this event, riders were able to raise $1.25 million to go to local and national cancer charities, and 24 Hours of Booty was able to pledge $1.1 million to the Levine Cancer Institute in Charlotte.

My experiences with the fraternity, Push America and Journey of Hope as an undergrad instilled a sense of responsibility to give back to the community. You want to get involved and give back. It’s what influenced me to get involved with 24 Hours of Booty. It was something that impacted people right here in our back yard in a much larger way.

When our members are able to live the values of Pi Kappa Phi and Push America, the result is what can best be described as ‘servant leadership.’ This dedication to lead efforts to benefit others is a characteristic that follows men beyond their undergraduate years when experienced

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< < < < < at a meaningful level. Basil Lyberg is a shining example of servant leadership. An initiate of Beta Xi (Central Michigan), Basil has applied his experiences from his time within the chapter, and carried on his passion for service instilled from his experiences on Journey of Hope to lead an organization that strives to have a lasting impact on cancer survivors in Charlotte and other communities. Formerly a staff member for Push America, Lyberg now serves as Executive Director of 24 Hours of Booty, a 24-hour cycling event that raises funds and awareness for the fight against cancer. His work in the nonprofit world has gained him recognition from many, including the 2012 Distinguished Young Alumni Award from Central Michigan University, the Rising Star from FundRaising Success in 2009, and as a finalist for the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce Young Professional of the Year Award in 2013. 24 Hours of Booty began in 2001, with the solo ride of Spencer Lueders, who simply wanted to do more to help fight cancer. The following year, Lueders established it as an official event. Twelve years later, thousands of people have ridden in the event, raising nearly $12 million. The event has become a key philanthropic event in the Charlotte community and is expanding elsewhere, with rides now taking place in Atlanta, Columbia (Maryland) and Indianapolis. Lyberg got involved with 24 Hours of Booty in 2007. “My aunt was going through her battle with cancer so I thought it would be a way to honor her. I joined a team with another Push America staff member and rode 200 miles. It was an awesome experience, and I was taken with the event.” Later on that year, Lyberg connected with the organization and offered to volunteer. Using his skills and expertise from

his role as Director of Cycling Events for Push America, he served as a volunteer for a year when he was approached about serving as the Executive Director. For Lyberg, it was an ideal offer, one that his experiences with Pi Kappa Phi and Push America had prepared him well for. “It carried over in kind of an odd, perfect way.” Through the course of his work with Push America, Lyberg took part in the recruitment and fundraising for Journey of Hope and Gear Up Florida, assisting in the addition of the TransAmerica route of Journey of Hope, and Build America, eventually moving into fundraising as the Director of Development. As Lyberg stated, “Each of those segments of my time at Push America were all things that 24 Hours of Booty needed. Building these skill sets of nonprofit – logistics, fundraising, strategic planning and some of the other things that the organization had gone through groomed me well to take on this role.” Lyberg also credits his undergraduate experience with preparing him for a career in nonprofit. According to him, “As an undergraduate, taking on different leadership roles, organizing a group of people, working to achieve on campus, the opportunities that afforded were experiences that I wouldn’t have had if I wasn’t a part of the fraternity. I wouldn’t have been set up for my first job to step in day one and lead events and projects. The fraternity provided leadership skills that I could fall back on.” “Those leadership experiences gave me a lot of small wins that helped to build my confidence that prepared me to be successful in a career after college.” Additionally, Basil credits the literal impact of what the fraternity has given him, saying “It’s funny how one decision can have so much impact on your life.”

As a member of the Board of Directors for the Charlotte chapter of Association of Fundraising Professionals, Basil is a believer in the power of mentorship and maintaining a strong network in order to excel in ones career. When asked what advice he could give to brothers graduating college and entering the professional field for the first time, he reiterated this, as well as having the willingness to show tenacity and work ethic in everything you do. “It’s important to take advantage of where you are, and if it’s not where you feel that you need to be, then take advantage of good mentorship opportunities anywhere that you can. Take a long-term approach to development rather than just thinking about what moves you want to make over the next six months.” Regardless of whether or not nonprofit is the chosen path, he emphasized the importance of servant leadership beyond ones collegiate experience. “Getting involved with other areas… You want to give back, you want to make your community better and that’s totally instilled from friendship visits and all the time spent fundraising. You can see where that impact goes and it makes you want to continue to perpetuate that because you know where it goes and you know that you’re making the city that you live in better. I’d say that my work with Push America and 24 Hours of Booty has shifted my perspective from service as a one-time activity to something you make a part of your everyday life.”

He was introduced the fraternity as a freshman at Central Michigan by a friend from his rival high school. Initiated into Beta Xi chapter in Fall of 1995, Lyberg credits the fraternity for finding an on campus job, meeting his wife and getting to ride Journey of Hope. “It was a domino effect of long-term impacts.” WWW.PIKAPP.ORG  28


18TH ANNUAL PI KAPPA PHI OPEN The 18th annual Pi Kappa Phi Open was held in Lombard, Ill., outside of Chicago, on August 10 and was another resounding success. For 18 years now, Beta Delta alumnus Bruce Swanson has been coordinating the golf tournament at The Ken Loch Golf Links with lunch immediately following at the Hooters in Downers Grove. The event continues to grow each year, drawing alumni from as many as 10 different chapters and miles away. Unfortunately, the golf course has been sold and Bruce is retiring from coordinating the event. Thanks to the leadership of an enthusiastic group of regional alumni, this tradition of competition and brotherhood will continue for a 19th year and beyond.

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Pi Kappa Phi extends their most heartfelt gratitude to Bruce Swanson for his leadership and dedication and to Ken Lochs Golf links for their commitment and support to Pi Kappa Phi.

PI KAPPA PHI DEVELOPS A HISTORICAL VIDEO SERIES Pi Kappa Phi has recently developed new video series to make our history more accessible to students and alumni. Thus far, four videos have been published on YouTube, documenting the fraternity’s history from 1904-1972. A fifth video, expected to finish production this fall, will cover the fraternity’s history from 1972 to present. Together these videos provide a greater understanding of the fraternity’s legacy and how it has evolved over time. View the full History Series playlist at


ALUMNI SURVEY HELPS DETERMINE ENGAGEMENT STRATEGIES For almost 109 years, Pi Kappa Phi has primarily focused resources on the development of our students and undergraduate chapters. As the Second Century Vision begins to close and a new strategic plan takes shape, a greater level of attention is being given to enhancing the alumnus experience. For the nearly 90,000 living alumni, the fraternity seeks to have a stronger impact on career development and leadership skills, as well as facilitating lifelong relationships between members, and we seek to provide that same level of opportunity to the nearly 2,500 annual graduates. In order to get a sense of what our members are seeking in an alumni experience, Pi Kappa Phi partnered with 13 other inter/national fraternities and Cygnus Applied Research to conduct an attitudinal study of our members. Between March and April, over 2,500 Pi Kappa Phi initiates completed the survey. The input provided from respondents is now helping to determine the future of alumni engagement initiatives. Overall, members overwhelming reported the desire for more low commitment, high impact opportunities to interact with brothers and give back to their fraternity, both at their chapter and at the local and regional levels. More specifically, the following trends emerged:

number of volunteers, and diversify the types of volunteer opportunities that exist, allowing for more ways for alumni to be involved in a way that fits into their lives.

Career Development Many members join Pi Kappa Phi seeking the advantages of Greek life, including networking and future career advancement. Many survey respondents viewed the fraternity as an ideal platform to connect, network and mentor others within their respective career fields.

Young Alumni Engagement Young alumni seek a more well-defined alumni experience, beginning with a transition from student to alumnus. This transitional assistance after college would provide opportunities for career development, mentorship and clear ways to give back and stay connected to the fraternity.

Relevant Communications Survey respondents reported that they felt as though they were receiving a good frequency of communication from the fraternity, and enjoyed the content in the Star & Lamp. However, they also hope to see a greater focus on topics specifically relevant to them, including fellow alumni and chapter updates. Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity would like to thank those who part in the study. These responses are helping to provide a clear direction for the future of alumni engagement.

Connecting the National Organization and the Chapter For most members, their fraternity experience has been defined prominently through their chapter experience. Not surprisingly, therefore, they wish to be better informed, connected and engaged with their chapter and its members.

Expanded Opportunities to Give Back Many alumni reported that they had an interest in giving back in a meaningful way to the fraternity. In order to facilitate this, the fraternity seeks to increase the WWW.PIKAPP.ORG  30



i Kappa Phi national awards recognize students, chapters, alumni and volunteers for their leadership, accomplishments, dedication and service to the fraternity.

fraternity. Our members have excelled in the classroom, led their campuses, succeeded with class on the intramural field, recruited high quantities of quality men and changed lives in their community through service.

To select this year’s summer award winners, an awards committee reviewed dozens of applications and spent hours learning about the diverse ways in which brothers from across the country have brought credit to the

Below you will find the list of Summer Award winners. Congratulations to all our recipients, and thank you for continuing to better Pi Kappa Phi!

Founders Awards Kroeg Award

Theta Xi (Arizona State)

Fogarty Award

Eta Chi (Texas Christian)

Mixson Award Delta (Furman)

Student Awards Dr. Phillip M. Summers Student of the Year

Howard H. Baker Leadership Award

Vice Archon of the Year

Thomas H. Sayre Award

Jordan Mathews, Theta Alpha (Southern Mississippi)

Ben Meachem, Eta Upsilon (Miami – OH)

Wayne Unger, Theta Xi (Arizona State)

Nicholas Guys, Alpha Kappa (Michigan)

Interfraternal Leader of the Year

Egor Antipov, Beta Iota (Toledo)

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Archon of the Year

Josh Wolinski, Xi (Roanoke)

Philanthropist of the Year Timothy Cywinski, Xi (Roanoke)

Chapter Awards Champion Master Chapter Awards (for overall chapter excellence) Delta (Furman) Iota (Georgia Tech) Mu (Duke) Alpha Eta (Samford) Alpha Kappa (Michigan) Beta Eta (Florida State)

W.E. Edington Award (for most outstanding G.P.A.) Psi (Cornell)

Beta Iota (Toledo) Gamma Epsilon (Western Carolina) Delta Alpha (Virginia Tech) Delta Upsilon (Pittsburgh) Eta Upsilon (Miami – OH) Eta Chi (Texas Christian)

Most Improved G.P.A. Beta Mu (McNeese State)

Theta Xi (Arizona State) Theta Sigma (Cal State - Long Beach) Iota Lambda (Quinnipiac) Iota Pi (Dayton)

Executive Award (for most initiated undergraduate members) Sigma (South Carolina)

Most Outstanding Recruitment Growth Award Gamma Nu (LaGrange)

Recruitment Excellence Awards

Gamma (California – Berkeley) Delta (Furman) Iota (Georgia Tech) Kappa (UNC – Chapel Hill) Sigma (South Carolina) Tau (NC State) Xi (Roanoke) Omega (Purdue) Alpha Alpha (Mercer) Alpha Delta (Washington) Alpha Kappa (Michigan) Alpha Xi (St. John’s) Alpha Omicron (Iowa State)

Alpha Psi (Indiana) Beta Nu (Houston) Delta Alpha (Virginia Tech) Delta Delta (Truman State) Delta Upsilon (Pittsburgh) Epsilon Alpha (Elon) Epsilon Epsilon (UVA – Wise) Epsilon Eta (Winthrop) Epsilon Phi (UAB) Zeta Zeta (North Florida) Zeta Phi (Colorado State) Eta Omicron (San Francisco State) Eta Gamma (Colorado)

Eta Chi (Texas Christian) Theta Alpha (Southern Mississippi) Theta Zeta (George Washington) Theta Iota (Washington State) Theta Mu (UMass – Amherst) Theta Xi (Arizona State) Theta Rho (Western Michigan) Theta Sigma (Cal State – Long Beach) Theta Phi (Louisiana Tech) Theta Psi (RIT) Iota Kappa (Northern Colorado) Western Illinois Associate Chapter


Commitment to Continued Growth Awards

Gamma (California – Berkeley) Omicron (Alabama) Sigma (South Carolina) Alpha Alpha (Mercer) Alpha Gamma (Oklahoma) Alpha Zeta (Oregon State) Alpha Mu (Penn State) Alpha Xi (St. John’s) Alpha Omicron (Iowa State) Alpha Rho (West Virginia) Alpha Upsilon (Drexel) Alpha Omega (Oregon) Beta Alpha (NJIT) Beta Mu (McNeese State) Beta Xi (Central Michigan) Gamma Epsilon (Western Carolina)

Gamma Iota (Louisiana State) Gamma Nu (LaGrange) Gamma Rho (Lander) Gamma Tau (North Texas) Delta Alpha (Virginia Tech) Delta Rho (Southern California) Delta Tau (James Madison) Delta Phi (Radford) Epsilon Eta (Winthrop) Epsilon Lambda (South Carolina – Upstate) Epsilon Psi (Slippery Rock) Epsilon Omega (Texas Tech) Zeta Eta (South Florida) Zeta Theta (Texas – Austin) Zeta Nu (West Chester) Zeta Pi (Marshall)

Zeta Rho (Cal State - Fullerton) Zeta Phi (Colorado State) Eta Beta (Indiana State) Eta Zeta (Queens) Eta Iota (Christopher Newport) Eta Pi (Coastal Carolina) Eta Rho (Texas State) Eta Upsilon (Miami – OH) Eta Phi (UMBC) Eta Chi (Texas Christian) Theta Theta (Iowa) Theta Nu (Delaware) Theta Xi (Arizona State) Theta Sigma (Cal State – Long Beach) Theta Chi (Ohio)

Retention Excellence Awards

Alpha (College of Charleston) Lambda (Georgia) Mu (Duke) Xi (Roanoke) Sigma (South Carolina) Psi (Cornell) Alpha Alpha (Mercer) Alpha Gamma (Oklahoma) Alpha Zeta (Oregon State) Alpha Eta (Samford) Alpha Kappa (Michigan) Alpha Mu (Penn State) Alpha Xi (St. John’s) Alpha Omicron (Iowa State) Alpha Tau (RPI) Beta Epsilon (Missouri)

Gamma Iota (LSU) Gamma Lambda (Missouri S&T) Delta Iota (Middle Tennessee) Delta Upsilon (Pittsburgh) Epsilon Eta (Winthrop) Epsilon Iota (UNC – Greensboro) Epsilon Rho (Lenoir-Rhyne) Epsilon Psi (Slippery Rock) Zeta Zeta (North Florida) Zeta Eta (South Florida) Zeta Nu (West Chester) Zeta Pi (Marshall) Zeta Phi (Colorado State) Eta Lambda (SUNY – Brockport) Eta Mu (Wingate) Eta Nu (Pennsylvania)

Added Value Awards (for most alumni initiations)

Theta Xi (Arizona State) Omicron (Alabama) Epsilon Upsilon (Georgia College & State)

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Eta Upsilon (Miami – OH) Eta Phi (UMBC) Eta Chi (Texas Christian) Theta Eta (American) Theta Theta (Iowa) Theta Lambda (Missouri State) Theta Xi (Arizona State) Theta Mu (UMass – Amherst) Theta Omicron (Nevada - Reno) Theta Tau (High Point) Theta Psi (RIT) Iota Gamma (Wyoming) Iota Theta (Tennessee Tech) Iota Zeta (Stephen F. Austin)

Legacy Recruitment Awards

Lambda (Georgia) Omicron (Alabama) Sigma (South Carolina) Tau (NC State) Omega (Purdue) Alpha Iota (Auburn) Alpha Psi (Indiana) Gamma Epsilon (Western Carolina)

Delta Alpha (Virginia Tech) Delta Omega (Texas A&M) Zeta Zeta (North Florida) Zeta Theta (Texas – Austin) Eta Gamma (Colorado) Eta Upsilon (Miami – OH) Eta Chi (Texas Christian) Theta Zeta (George Washington)

Theta Kappa (Baylor) Theta Nu (Delaware) Theta Xi (Arizona State) Theta Tau (High Point) Iota Lambda (Quinnipiac) Iota Nu (Mississippi State)

Volunteer Awards Volunteer of the Year Chris McCoy, Delta Eta (Morehead State)

Associate Chapter Advisor of the Year Joey Dickerson, Iota Xi (Texas – Dallas)

Regional Governor of the Year

Chapter Advisor of the Year

Alumnus Advisor of the Year

Outstanding Friend of the Fraternity

Aaron Bachenheimer, Delta Zeta (Appalachian State)

Ed Lynch, Alpha Theta (Michigan State)

Scott Atkinson, Eta Lambda (SUNY – Brockport)

Sarah Rochford, Alpha Xi Delta

Alumni Awards Alumni Chapter of the Year

Beta Omicron (Northwestern State)

Housing Corporation of the Year Beta Alpha Housing Corporation (NJIT)

Alumni Event of the Year Beta Phi 50th Anniversary (Eastern Carolina)

Alumni Chapter Newsletter of the Year The Upsilon Ups, Upsilon (Illinois)


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