Delta Omega Newsletter September 2016

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Sept. 2016 Newsletter: Alumni Tailgate, Gear Up Florida, Supreme Chapter, House Renovations, UCLA Tailgate, Thank You

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The Pi Kapp Aggie

Pi Kappa Phi Alumni Tailgate Howdy gentleman! I hope all of our alumni had a great summer! I want to inform all of you that on October 8th, 2016, the Delta Omega Alumni Association will be hosting its annual tailgate. For those of you that aren't as familiar with the 2016 Texas A&M Football schedule, this is the weekend that we will BTHO out of Smokey and the Tennessee Volunteers. More details about the tailgate will be delivered through next month's edition of The Pi Kapp Aggie, as well as through the alumni's list serv. by Wesley Kuehn



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DO Brother in Gear Up Florida For those who do not know me, my name is Matthew Smith. Currently I am a Senior at Texas A&M University studying Civil Engineering. I am proud to announce that this upcoming summer I am participating in Gear Up Florida. This summer event entitles a 850+ mile bike ride across the state starting in Miami and continuing until Tallahassee. This trip’s sole purpose is to spread a message of acceptance and understanding to those with disabilities. It is my goal to learn to better appreciate, and to promote, the abilities of all people. This trip is made possible through fundraising. Over the next year I plan on fundraising a personal goal of $4000. Although this is a steep goal, I am confident that it is only together that we can create a community, one relationship at a time, where the abilities of all people are recognized and valued. For more information about the journey, please reference The Ability Experience website, Donations can be addressed to my personal fundraising page, . If there are any questions, please feel free to contact me; Email:



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Once again, thank you for your support of The Ability Experience, and belief in me. by Matt Smith

Words from the Archon on Supreme Chapter During the week of July 28th ­ July 31st, Pi Kappa Phi hosted the 55th Supreme Chapter deep in the heart of Austin, Texas. Myself and one EC member, Logan Edwards, represented the men of Delta Omega. As an undergraduate senate, we adopted new legislation and put many key amendments in motion to forecast a brighter future. The week was full of awards and special achievements. At the awards dinner, Dr. Wade Birch, our most decorated chapter advisor, received a namesake award that will forever be presented at future Supreme Chapter meetings to come. It was a great honor to hear Dr. Birch speak on his history with Delta Omega and what it truly means to lead. Throughout the weekend, Logan and I were also able to enjoy the company of many great alumni where we heard old stories and talked about future plans. The day following, one of our own Delta Omega brothers, Tom Sullivan, was inaugurated as the new National President. Congratulations to brother Sullivan! We are excited for the very bright future. The active chapter is motivated by Tom's recent achievement and is ready to raise the bar to new heights. by Mason Hall



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House Renovations At the beginning of this last year, I had the idea to hold our first annual Delta Omega Father­Son workday at our beloved 1401 Athens Drive this summer. After discussing the idea with several dads on parents weekend, the actives began discussing what areas of the house could use work. It was decided that extending the deck in the side yard would be a good project. In the past, this area hasn't been used because it is always so muddy. The project team was graciously granted a project budget from the Alumni Housing Core. On August 6th, a team of ten actives/dads worked for 8 hours to accomplish our goal. Our project was a success, and the bond forged working in the Texas heat is not one that will be soon forgotten. A huge thank you goes out to all of the Fathers who attended this event, as well as those who donated to make it look even better than planned. by Logan Edwards

UCLA Tailgate


Greetings Delta Omega alumni! We're very

First and foremost, I would like to thank

excited about football season and the many opportunities that Fall 2016 has in store. Our first tailgate is this Saturday,

all the alumni that donated some of their treasure to help us improve our fall recruitment. With the substantial amount

9/3/2016, at Duncan field and will start around 11:00am. We hope to see a lot of

of money raised, we were able to add an extra event each day. This fall there were


y'all there so if you're in the area please Share Past Issues feel free to drop in. by Reese Grassel

PC Gamma Gamma Thanks to our strong recruitment efforts over the last two weeks, the chapter had 36 young men accept bid cards. More information to come in the next edition of The Pi Kapp Aggie!

only five days of recruitment. Most

Translate fraternities only hosted five rush events, we were able to host eight. I believe that the added events that were solely funded by the alumni, Kyle Field Presidential Suite, Fox & Hound Pool Hall, and a Closing Recruitment Dinner, was the key to unlock a record breaking recruitment week. A special thank you is owed to the alumni that stepped up when their number was called. The active chapter greatly appreciates your contribution that directly resulted in the best fall recruitment this chapter has seen. by Mason Hall

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