Theta Alpha - Fall 2009

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Theta Alpha



FALL 2009

THETA ALPHA TO THE TOP! gathered on stage to receive the award.

After 10 years of dedication and the efforts of over 250 brothers, the Theta Alpha chapter of Pi Kappa Phi has finally reached the top.

“It was really special to join both the undergraduate members of the chapter who earned the award and the alumni brothers who helped lay the foundation of success on stage for the award presentation,” said Senior Leadership Consultant and Theta Alpha alumnus Vince Fabra ‘05. “I’m so proud of our chapter not just for the achievements we’ve earned but more importantly for the brotherhood and true friendships we’ve fostered along the way.”

This summer at the 50th anniversary of Pi Kapp College in Charleston, S.C., the Theta Alpha chapter was presented with the prestigious Fogarty Award, one of the highest honors a Pi Kappa Phi chapter can receive. The Fogarty Award, named for Founder Simon Fogarty Jr., is awarded to the top overall Pi Kappa Phi chapter on a college campus with eight to 15 NIC fraternities. “This recognition is the result of the hard work of our members over the last 10 years. They helped pave the path for where our chapter wants to go,” said Archon Jerry Ursin ‘08, a junior from New Orleans. After Friday night’s award presentation, Theta Alpha was bestowed numerous awards and certificates of achievement as brothers in attendance were anxious to see if their goal would come to fruition. “At the beginning of the year, the chapter made it our mission to become the best chapter in Pi

Photo courtesy of Brother Tim Ribar, Xi (Roanoke)

Theta Alpha Brothers accepting the Fogarty Award from CEO Mark Timmes. Kappa Phi,” said Chaplain Mark Hamerick, a senior from Moselle. “Throughout the year, each and every brother worked hard to fill their role, as we strived to become an ideal chapter. On the drive to Charleston, we couldn’t wait to see if our hard work had paid off.” As the final general session of Pi Kapp College drew to a close, the Fogarty Award Banner was unveiled, and Pi Kappa Phi Chief Executive Officer Mark E. Timmes, Alpha Epsilon (Florida), honored Theta

Alpha with the Fogarty trophy. “This is a chapter that has truly embraced Pi Kappa Phi’s vision to redefine fraternity as a lifelong brotherhood of leaders,” said Timmes during the presentation of the award. “They are number one on campus in size…gone above and beyond in academics…and excelled in their service to Push America.” After a rousing applause from Pi Kappa Phis from across the country, Southern Miss brothers of all ages

Immediately after the award was accepted, Theta Alphas in Charleston, Hattiesburg, and cities across the southeast filled Facebook and Twitter with honor and excitement for the achievements of the chapter. One of the most moving Facebook updates came from Junior Standards Board Chief Justice Marks McWhorter ‘07, serving as a sign of continued dedication from the chapter: “Could not be more proud to be a member of Pi Kappa Phi. Theta Alpha we did it, and we'll do it again next year!”

ALUMNUS SPOTLIGHT: SONNY WOODARD Q: What brought you to USM? A: Southern Miss was the best choice for me because it was close to home [Gulfport, Miss.] and provided the quality degree program I wanted. Q: Who led you to Pi Kappa Phi? A: Several of us; Kevin Hayward ‘99, Phillip Stegall ‘99, Todd Sibley ‘99, Justin Allen ‘99, and Andy Ratcliffe ‘00, looked at the social organizations that Southern Miss had to offer and did not like a single one of them. However, we knew there was value in joining an

organization that held high the same standards and beliefs we had. A few national staff members came to the campus, set up a table outside of the Post Office (now Shoemaker Square) and spoke to us about joining and starting a “real fraternity” on the Southern Miss campus. We attended a few of their informational presentations and were impressed with what they had to offer. Pi Kappa Phi really impressed me with their philanthropic activities, their respect for women, values, morals and focus on academics. To me, Pi Kappa Phi demonstrated the highest of values,

the importance of education and putting forth a team effort, as well as having fun through social activities. Q: Tell us about your experience as a brother. A: Being an active brother was one of the most rewarding and memorable experiences thus far in my life. There were not many rules in the beginning. We would scurry around Hattiesburg trying to find a good place to hold initiations. We once (Continued on page 3)

Sonny Woodard, ‘99

“Being an active brother was one of the most rewarding and memorable experiences thus far in my life.”

Theta Alpha TALON


PI KAPPA PHI FRATERNITY The Theta Alpha Talon is a collaboration between Alumni of Theta Alpha and the national staff of Pi Kappa Phi. Printing and mailing costs associated with the Theta Alpha Talon are paid for by dedicated alums like yourself. If you are interested in donating additional funds reserved for use on the Theta Alpha Talon, please contact Stephen Dietz at

rainy weather. Divided into groups, the men completed work on a new bridge over a wetlands area, constructed an enclosure around the bathroom area, and cleared an amazing new trail through a dense woodlands area. The Lake Thoreau Project, a creation of the Biology Department at Southern Miss, is the result of the University’s inheritance of 131 acres. The teaching and research center will service the University as well as the thousands of school-aged children in the Hattiesburg area. Pi Kappa Phi is the first campus or community group to impact Lake Thoreau and the Theta Alpha chapter anticipates a long-term relationship with the project.

VICE PRESIDENT: Johnny Kochtitzky

Beginning Friday evening, more than 60 actives, associates, alumni and Push America representatives traveled to the University of Southern Mississippi for one of, if not, the largest GAP Weekends in Push America’s history. The group stayed in the campus recreation center where hot showers, basketball, racquetball and TV were highlights. Saturday proved to be an outstanding and successful experience in spite of

TREASURER: Stephen Dietz




NOTES CONTRIBUTORS: Bradley Charlesworth, Gary Kimble Jason Skrmetti, and Wade Walker NAMES: The number after each name in this newsletter represents the year of initiation. UNDERGRADUATE CHAPTER: Keep up to date with the successes of the undergraduate chapter by visiting their Web site, THE NEXT ISSUE: The next Theta Alpha Talon will feature the chapter’s No Boundaries Week and highlight opportunities to attend the 52nd Supreme Chapter meeting in Orlando, Fla. VISIT OUR WEB SITE AT: 2

On October 9 – 11, 2009, Pi Kappa Phi was afforded with the opportunity to leave its mark on a newly created learning and research center at Southern Miss; to strengthen its brotherhood through the interaction of members from seven different chapters; and to provide participants a meaningful experience interacting with the residents of the Ellisville State School.

The alumni chapter is excited to share with you more details about the capital campaign for a new Pi Kappa Phi fraternity house. The goal set for this campaign is to raise $150,000 over five years, ending in 2014, to help build and furnish a new chapter house that will serve the needs of the Theta Alpha chapter well into the future. This new chapter house will include a library, chapter room, five to eight bedrooms, along with space for social activities and meetings. This undertaking is an ambitious one as we are a young chapter with a smaller alumni base. Nevertheless, it is a project that needs to be done, that should be done, and that will be done. Pi Kappa Phi is a symbol of all that is good about Southern Miss and the Greek community as a whole. This groundbreaking initiative will give the active chapter brothers a facility that will be more functional than ever. In addition, it will ensure that the building will always be worthy of the Pi Kappa Phi name that will be on it. There is simply no doubt, the completion of this project will forever change our chapter

Following a day of hard work, the group enjoyed some real Southern hospitality with a fried catfish and jambalaya dinner, compliments of the parents of Theta Alpha

member Kevin Mathews ‘07. The evening was topped with a friendship visit to the Ellisville State School where the GAP Weekend participants painted pumpkins and interacted with the residents of the school. All agreed the experience touched each man and might have been the highlight of the weekend. Following the presentation of a check to the Ellisville State School in the amount of $3,412.00 from Push America, the team returned to campus. The next morning the weekend came to a close with breakfast, a group photo and final goodbyes. Each and every man left campus knowing he had been part of the creation of something special and had contributed to the success of Lake Thoreau.

making it more dominate than ever.

• Order of the Rose

We need the help of all of our alumni and friends, especially those with a special connection to the Theta Alpha chapter, with their participation in this project to ensure our surpassing this $150,000 mark. You will make your gift knowing that you are contributing to a long-term legacy of excellence at Southern Miss.

— Brick with sponsors name on the entry walkway — Recognition on a donors’ plaque located in the foyer

We believe you will agree that this is a worthwhile endeavor and hope you will make a thoughtful decision about your role in the success of this campaign.

$20 a week

$1.00 a week Donor levels are based on a fiveyear commitment and include: • Crossed Swords Members

$250 / year, $1250 gift

— Brick with sponsors name on the entry walkway

$500 / year, $2500 gift

• Star & Lamp Society

$750 / year, $3750 gift

— Brick with sponsors name on the entry walkway — Recognition on a donors’ plaque located in the foyer — Recognition on a chartering donors’ plaque located in the chapter room • Founders Club

$1000 / year, $5000 gift — Brick with sponsors name on the entry walkway — Recognition on a donors’ plaque located in the foyer — Recognition on a chartering donors’ plaque located in the chapter room — Naming rights to various rooms in the house — The leading donor will have the opportunity to name the chapter room For more information about joining the housing initiative and capital campaign, please contact Jason Skrmetti or Johnny Kochtitzky.

ALUMNI UPDATES Stephen Dietz ‘99 and his wife, Cheryl, are expecting another baby! (pictured at right with their daughter Catherine) Jared Hopkins’ ‘99 film "I Ran Against Us" has just won the audience choice award at the New Orleans Film Festival. He and his staff are currently looking for distribution. Chad Langley ‘99 and his wife, Shelley, are expecting the birth of their first child with a due date of May 20th. Tim Smith ‘99 and his wife, Nicole, announce the birth of their first child, Andrew Marshall Smith. He was born on October 11, 2009. Nicole recently finished her third season as the Head Softball Coach at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas and Tim recently finished his first full year as a Facility Services Sales Rep with Cintas Corporation. Tim finished 27 out of approximately 700 other sales representatives nationwide. His achievements earned him a place in the Diamond Level President's Club; the highest ranking ever of any representative from San Antonio, Texas. Matthew Lang ‘00 and his wife announce the birth of a child. Ryan Kelly ’04 and his wife, Jennifer, announce the birth of their daughter, Elizabeth Ann Kelly. She was born on April 14, 2009. The couple resides in Hattiesburg, Miss. (left) Bradley Charlesworth ‘05 accepted a promotion to serve as the Coordinator of Expansion for Pi Kappa Phi. In his new role he now helps manage all of the recruitment efforts for starting new chapters. Bradley has started new

chapters at Florida State, Auburn, Southern California, New Hampshire and Sacred Heart as well as consulted 23 chapters across the Southeast during his tenure. In addition to his official responsibilities with the fraternity, Bradley also attempts to help ensure roommate Vince Fabra continues to keep up with his hygiene. So far things are going surprisingly well... Blake Barnes ‘06 and Kristen Cangiamilla were married on October 24, 2009, in Covington, La. The couple now resides in Flowood, Miss. Share the milestones in your life with other Theta Alpha Alums, friends and families. To be a part of this section of the Theta Alpha Talon, send your announcements and photos to Brandon Belote at

THETA ALPHA TRIVIA ANSWERS Here are the answers to the Theta Alpha history questions asked in the most recent spring issue. 1. Who were the two Installing Officers at the chartering? Answer: Harry Caldwell, Omicron (Alabama), and J. Jeffry Wahlen, Alpha Epsilon (Florida) 2. Who was the first appointed Chapter Advisor? Answer: James (Jim) Gibson, Gamma Alpha (West Alabama) 3. On what date was Theta Alpha colonized? (not to be confused with charter) Answer:

October 15, 1997

4. What is the chapter’s motto? Answer: “To Know Them is to Love Them” 5. Who is the administrator given credit for finding Theta Alpha a house? Answer: Dr. Eddie Holloway, Dean of Students

ALUMNUS SPOTLIGHT: SONNY WOODARD rented a run-down school bus for a swap because we had no money — it broke down. We held last minute meetings about what kind of t-shirt we wanted and what color. Many nights we would go to someone’s apartment or dorm room in Bond Hall and listen to Phillip play the guitar. We organized the first Pi Kapp bachelor party, which was for David Massing. One of the famous (or infamous) memories is when we held the first Fountain Meeting. (That was fun.) As with the beginning of most organizations and groups, there are communication challenges and differences of opinions. Several of us took an “us vs. them” view, meaning “elected vs. chapter.” The Fountain Meeting was going to be a way for the non-elected to organize and change the chapter. Fortunately, we were all able to meet at the fountain, overcome our personal differences. The Fountain Meeting actually strengthened the chapter, encouraging us to grow in a single unified direction. Several brothers who I got to know then are still my lifelong friends, and they are the

ones that I can count on at any time. Q: Did you hold any leadership positions in the chapter? A: I held the Brotherhood chair position where I helped plan several activities from camping and the annual parents picnic, to Bible studies and time management seminars. I also held the Alumni President role for a period of time. Q: How did your fraternity experience prepare you for your job? A: Fraternity really prepared me by assisting me with time management, communication and organization. I learned to effectively communicate with individuals from every walk of life, and in effect, plan all sorts of events and activities. Theta Alpha provided the structure and guidance for me to set a higher standard for myself, and it always provided ways to achieve greater results no matter the circumstances. Q: What valuable skills or lessons did the fraternity teach you?

(Continued fr om pa ge 1)

A: I firmly believe the most important lesson the fraternity taught me was that no matter what you are going through you can always help someone else, i.e. Push America. We had several fundraisers to assist brothers so they could ride their bikes across the country and ultimately assist the kids associated with the programs. The ability to overcome one’s own challenges and help others with theirs has allowed me to be successful in my career. It changes your viewpoint and you see situations and solutions that others may not be able to see. Q: What value does “fraternity” hold for a brother? A: Theta Alpha will be one of the most valuable experiences a brother could have. You will meet friends for life, learn about life and how to live it, but most of all, no matter what your background is, you will be held to a higher standard. Those high standards are what you carry with you for the rest of your life. They get you the better job, the better pay, and it gives you the

ability to help others get to a better place in life too. Q: What advice do you have for future brothers of the chapter? A: The best advice I could give to a future brother is this: Theta Alpha is the ONLY fraternity on the Southern Miss campus, and it is not just an organization, it is an experience. Live it to the fullest. Participate in everything you are interested in and at least one of everything that you are not interested in. Get involved. More than likely your classmates will graduate with a degree too; there needs to be something that separates you from the rest of the crowd and Pi Kapp does just that. Q: Anything else you’d like to comment on? I am married to Jennifer Woodard. We have two children, Madison Woodard, age 4, and Jackson Woodard, age 2. We live in Perkinston, Miss. and are in the process of building a house. I am currently a Project Manager at Horne CPA Firm.


Group photo from the 10-Year Anniversary Celebration—M.M. Roberts Stadium, Touchdown Club

INTO THE ARCHIVES: APRIL 2009 Theta Alpha TALON PI KAPPA PHI FRATERNITY P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224

The Theta Alpha Alumni Chapter was established in 2005 to reconnect Theta Alpha alumni members and allow graduating members to continue their affiliation with the local and national chapters of Pi Kappa Phi. The purpose of the Theta Alpha Alumni Chapter is to promulgate and exemplify the ideals and goals of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity set forth in its Ritual, Constitution and Supreme Laws.


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