Theta Alpha - Summer 2010

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Pi Kappa Phi Pi Kappa Phi C.L.A.S.S. Notes

Theta Alpha Chapter

Faculty Advisor Update

The University of Southern Mississippi

Order of the Lamp Academics Each semester, Pi Kappa Phi national office

recognizes members who continues have achieved a semester The Theta Alpha chapter to take pride in grade point average a membership the academic successofof3.25 the with active and associate certificate in the “Order of the Lamp.” Thethe Theta members’ commitment to academics. For Fall Alpha Chapter supported the recognition any Semester, threehas campus chapters, including PiofKappa member’s time achievement of this honor. Phi, endedfirst the semester with a cumulative gradeFor point the spring, semester new members average of 2010 2.9. The Theta fifteen Alpha chapter earned of more the Order of the Lamp join our chapter’s sixteen academic credit hours than all other chapters in the current recipients. The newest members being fraternity system and Pi Kapp earned three times the inducted include: number of quality points than the next highest chapter. Jimmy Aitken Cully Leist The annual academic dinner, heldMarshall each October, Thomas Barton Myers recognizes chapter members who have attained a Daniel Brauner Kevin Mathews cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher. In Geradthe Buffington Dallas Medlin 2008 chapter recognized 22 men. In 2009 the Ransomrecognized Clarke 26 men. Max Palmerthe chapter has chapter Currently aJordan total ofFiala 37 actives and associates above a 3.0. No Tyler Peterson other Miss fraternity compare. Pi Kappa JaredSouthern Hunsucker Zachcan Webb Phi has more members above a 3.0 than nearly 6 of Daniel Jayroe the 10 chapters have in total chapter membership. Congrats Pi Kapp members and families on a job well This impressive new list of academically successful done! Pi Kapps joins the current list of Order members:

Spring 2010 Fall 2010

Fall Football Schedule Chapter Membership As you look ahead to the fall semester consider visiting

campus and the Pi Kappa house during one of our The Theta Alpha chapterPhi leads all Southern Miss home game days. keep mindand when planning, fraternities in thePlease number of in active associate themembers. chapter traditionally holds our “Family and Alumni The chapter’s current size is 69 surpassing Day Luncheon” Saturday. thePotluck next closest chapteron byHomecoming nearly ten men. The See you at theaverage House and Rock! at Southern Miss is current sizeatofthe a chapter in the mid-30’s. These figures continue to demonstrate the success of our recruitmentLocation efforts. Membership Date Opponent/Event Time though isatmuch more than about numbers. is 9/2/10 South Carolina Columbia, S.C. Quality 6:30 p.m. essential and Pi Kappa Phi has proven to be a leader 9/11/10 vs. Prairie View A&M Roberts Stadium 6 p.m. in that category as well. This Roberts shouldStadium be clearly7 p.m. 9/17/10 vs. Kansas evident from the information throughout these6 p.m. 9/25/10 at La. Tech Ruston, La. updates and a source of pride to each member of the 10/2/10 vs. Marshall Roberts Stadium 7 p.m. Theta Alpha family. 10/09/10 vs. East Carolina* 10/16/10 at Memphis

Roberts Stadium Memphis, Tenn.

PUSH America 11/6/10 at Tulane New Orleans, La. 10/30/10 vs. UAB

Roberts Stadium

The Theta Alpha 11/13/10 at UCF

6:30 p.m. 11 a.m. 11 a.m.

2:30 p.m.

chapter has Orlando, a strongFla. tradition11ofa.m. support to national philanthropy, PUSH America. 11/20/10 vs.our Houston Roberts Stadium 6 p.m. Last year the chapter finished in 3rd place nationally 11/26/10 at Tulsa Tulsa, Okla. 5:30 p.m. for its fundraising efforts earning a “Gold Star *Homecoming Chapter” recognition at Pi Kapp College in Charleston, South Carolina. The chapter is on its way to match or exceed last year’s total in the effort The third annual academic dinner will be held this Zeke Baucum Parker Litchliter to make a real difference to the lives of persons with October. The dinner has received phenomenal support For 2010, Pi Kappa Phi altered the traditional look Andrew Brown Jordan disabilities. from parents and alumni. Plans areMathews to hold the dinner DavidatCurtis Joseph again Brownstones and you canNosser be assured the men of Pi Kapp College which is hosted at the University of Charleston, the fraternity’s founding location. The love appreciate the dinner. The dinner has been Stewand Deen Ethan Popovich new look for Pi Kapp College focused on the developfunded totally through contributions. Anyone John Forstall Justin Roland ment of the chapters’ newest members President Andrew Brownand leadership nterested in supporting the dinner can contribute to Mark Hamrick John Sesera development. Fifty men were selected Vice President Rudy Chopin from across the Gary Kimble, 118 College Drive #5064, Hattiesburg, Ben39406 Hollywood Carson Shomaker USHistorian to participate, with the Theta Alpha Chapter having MS with a check made payable to Pi Kappa Will Stringer had three members selected to attend. Congratulations Andrew Lee Will Stringer Phi. Chaplain Mark Hamrick to Zeke Baucum, Jared Hunsucker and Cully Leist for Secretary Myers Marshall being selected and for each man’s representation of our Congratulations, men, on your fantastic Treasurer Justin Roland chapter in Charleston, South Carolina. We are proud of accomplishments. Warden Thomas your being chosen for this honor,Schmidt for representing Theta Alpha andChair for the futureLuke leadership PUSH Post potential each of you brings to our chapter. 1 Page 1

Pi Kapp College

Meet the Chapter’s Officers:

Pi Kappa Phi Pi Kappa Phi C.L.A.S.S. Notes

Theta Alpha Chapter

Lake Thoreau

Faculty Advisor Update

The University of Southern Mississippi Spring 2010 him to contact with current in-

formation. Please feel free to share this newsletter with anyone you believe might be interested or with friends of any potential members.

In 2008, the Southern Miss Biology Department assumed management of a 131 acre tract of land left to the University of Southern Mississippi as a teaching research center. The Theta Alpha The Thetaand Alpha chapter continues to take pride in The Theta Alpha chapter leads all Southern Miss Chapter is thesuccess first andofonly campus or associate community the academic the active and fraternities in the number of active and associate organization to adopt the Thoreau for members’ commitment toLake academics. ForProject the Fall members. The chapter’s current size is 69 surpassing Joining all other campus Greek organizations, this fall communitythree service. In October the chapter Semester, campus chapters,2009, including Pi Kappa will thewitness next closest chapter by nearly ten men. The a new method in the collection of chapter hosted one the of the National PUSH organization’s Phi, ended semester with a cumulative grade point dues. current average sizethis of aendeavor chapter at No longer will beSouthern just the Miss is GAP Weekends. This weekend to bemore one average of 2.9. The Theta Alpha turned chapterout earned in the mid-30’s. These figures continue to demonstrate responsibility of the chapter’s Treasurer and of the largest GAP Weekends in in the academic credit hours than all ever otherhosted chapters the success of ourOmega recruitment efforts. executive officers. Financial hasMembership a long history Pi Kappa system Phi history. one men,three times the fraternity and PiSixty Kapp earned though is much more than about numbers. Quality of dues collection nationwide and a successful returnis representing sevenpoints chapters during the number of quality thanworked the next highest essential and the Pi Kappa proven be a leader rate. Although chapterPhi hashas been fairlytosuccessful weekend to enhance the center and solidify chapter. that category This deal should be clearly inincollecting dues,asit well. is a great of responsibility to brotherhood through the construction of a wetlands evident from the information throughout place on a student. Using Omega will allowthese the student boardwalk trail development. The annual and academic dinner, held each October, updates to and a source of pride to each of theas treasurer focus on other aspects of hismember duties such recognizes chapter members who have attained a Theta Alpha family. developing budgets and reports to the chapter, enhanced This past spring a number of or Theta Alpha cumulative gradesemester point average of 3.0 higher. In monitoring of committee expenses, greater efficiency members returnedrecognized to Lake Thoreau 2008 the chapter 22 men.for Inanother 2009 the in reporting finances to the national office and greater afternoon of brush removal. The chapter to has accuracy in dealing with the chapter’s finances. chapter recognized 26 men. Currently the plans chapter to the Lake acontinue total of to 37devote activesattention and associates aboveThoreau a 3.0. No The Theta Alpha chapter has a strong tradition of Project which isMiss located just four from Pi Kappa For other Southern fraternity canmiles compare. the chapter member, Omega financial will offer support to our national philanthropy, PUSH America. campus. The members work of the Theta Alpha Phi has more above a 3.0 thanChapter nearly 6has of greater flexibility in payment options and plans while Last year the chapter finished in 3rd place nationally been10recognized in various the chapters have in totalBiology chapter Department membership. the chapter does not abdicate its ability to support for its fundraising efforts earning a “Gold Star newsletters presentations. chapter Congrats Pi and Kapp members andThe families on isa job well members as it deems necessary. Chapter” recognition at Pi Kapp College in looking forward to the potential opportunity of done! Charleston, South Carolina. The chapter is on its hosting another GAP Weekend at some point in the way to match or exceed last year’s total in the effort future. The third annual academic dinner will be held this to make a real difference to the lives of persons with October. The dinner has received phenomenal support from parents and alumni. Plans are to hold the dinner Indisabilities. the fall of 2010 the chapter will host its 3rd Annual again at Brownstones and you can be assured the men Academic Dinner for members achieving a cumulative love and appreciate the dinner. The dinner has been grade point average at 3.00 or higher. For the third year funded totally through contributions. Anyone as well, the number of eligible members will be higher President Andrew nterested in the supporting the dinner can contribute to than the previous two years. For Brown this year, twenty-seven To increase effectiveness of our ability to Vice President Rudy Chopin Gary Kimble, 118 College Drive #5064, Hattiesburg, Theta Alpha members have reached this academic routinely communicate with the Pi Kappa Phi MS 39406 with a check made payable to Pi Kappa milestone. thisStringer honor, each new member HistorianFor obtainingWill families and alumni members, having current email, Phi. at his first dinner receives a Theta Alpha challenge coin telephone and mail contact information is essential. Chaplain Mark Hamrick specifically designed for their academic As you talk to friends and family members, any help Secretary Myers Marshall achievement. Congratulations. in insuring our correspondences reach everyone will Treasurer Justin Roland be appreciated. Should you find someone not Warden Thomas Schmidt This achievement continues to be the reason the chapter receiving chapter updates due to us having PUSH Luke of Post was once Chair again the recipient the coveted Aubrey K. inaccurate information, please encourage her or Page 1 2


Chapter Membership

Omega Financial

PUSH America

2010 Academic Dinner

Family and Alumni Contact Information

Meet the Chapter’s Officers:

Pi Kappa Phi Pi Kappa Phi C.L.A.S.S. Notes

Faculty Advisor Update

Theta Alpha Chapter The University of Southern Mississippi Spring 2010 Lucas Award as the Southern Miss fraternity with Catholic Student Association and First Baptist Ministry the highest overall grade point average. The (Carson Shomaker, Jerry Ursin, Andrew Brown, Cully chapter is proud of its history of having won the Leist); Interfraternity Council (Jerry Ursin, Brett Haro, award for nearly every semester of the past eight Zeke Baucum); the Legacy (Jerry Ursin, Cully Leist, years. The 2010 members being recognized at the Daniel Jayroe); and other campus organizations such as academic Eagle Connection; Red Cross; Crew;Miss Southern The Theta dinner Alpha include: chapter continues to take pride in The Theta Alpha chapter leadsGEWW all Southern Miss Activities Council; First Year Experience; Creed the academic success of the active and associate fraternities in the number of active and associate Jimmy Aitken, Zeke Baucum, Daniel For Brauner, Team; as well aschapter’s others toocurrent numerous mention. members’ commitment to academics. the Fall members. The size to is 69 surpassing Andrew Brown, Gerad Buffington, Rudy Chopin, Semester, three campus chapters, including Pi Kappa the next closest chapter by nearly ten men. The David Curtis, Deen, John Forstall, grade point Picurrent Kapps average comprise membership in at each of the Miss UniverPhi, ended the Stew semester with a cumulative size of a chapter Southern is Mark Hamrick, Brett Haro, Ben Hollywood, academic such as Beta average of 2.9. The Theta Alpha chapter earned more sity’s in theleading mid-30’s. These honoraries figures continue toGamma demonstrate Jared Hunsucker, Andrew Lee, Cully Leist, Phi; Lambda Sigma; Phi Eta Sigma, and Alpha Lambda academic credit hours than all other chapters in the the success of our recruitment efforts. Membership Parker Litchliter, Myers Marshall, Jordan Delta (Cully Leist,more Zekethan Baucum, Chase Welborn, fraternity system and Pi Kapp earned threeMathews, times the though is much about numbers. QualityCaris Joseph Nosser, Tyler Peterson, Ethan son Shomaker, Jordan Mathews, AndrewtoBrown, and number of quality points than the nextPopovich, highest essential and Pi Kappa Phi has proven be a leader Justin Roland, John Sesera, Carson Shomaker, Gerad chapter. in thatBuffington). category as well. This should be clearly Will Stringer, Thomas Barton, and Zach Webb. evident from the information throughout these Our men are scholarship programs The annual academic dinner, held each October, updates andrepresented a source of in pride to each member ofsuch the asTheta the Leadership Scholarship (Rudy Chopin, David recognizes chapter members who have attained a Alpha family. Curtis, Jerry Ursin, Daniel Jayroe, Keenan Dollar and cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher. In Myers Marshall) the Luckyday Citizenship Scholarship 2008 the chapter recognized 22 men. In 2009 the chapter recognized 26 men. Currently the chapter has (Zeke Baucum, Chase Welborn, Cully Leist), Academic Excellence Scholarship (Gerad Buffington), the Honors a total of 37 actives and associates above a 3.0. No The Theta Alpha(Stew chapter has John a strong tradition of Program Deen, Forstall, Joseph other Southern fraternity can Pi Kappa College One of the traitsMiss distinguishing thecompare. Theta Alpha support to our national philanthropy, PUSH America. Nosser, Ethan Popovich), and the Presidential Phi has more 3.0other thancampus nearly 6 of Chapter of Pi members Kappa Phiabove fromaall Last year the chapterBrown, finishedCarson in 3rd Shomaker, place nationally Scholarship (Andrew the 10 chapters have in total chapter membership. groups has been the chapter’s commitment to for its fundraising efforts earning a “Gold Starand Congrats Pi Kapp members and families on anational job well Jordan Mathews, Justin Poole, Parker Litchliter campus involvement. Supporting one of the Chapter” recognition at Pi Kappmembership College in alone, Justin Roland). From our spring done! organizations principle tenets, leadership, the men Charleston, Carolina. The chapter on itsAlpha more than oneSouth of every six members of theisTheta of Pi Kappa Phi have taken immense pride in way to match or exceed last year’s total in the chapter is a Presidential Scholar, the University’seffort The third annual academic dinner will be held assuming leadership roles at Southern Miss andthis to make a real difference to the lives academic honor bestowed uponofa persons student.with October. The the dinner has received phenomenal support highest truly leaving campus “better than they found disabilities. from parents andhas alumni. are to thethe dinner it”. Our chapter a richPlans tradition of hold which again at Brownstones you can be assured thethe men In the next edition of C.L.A.S.S. Notes, other members chapter’s members areand building upon and using of the Theta Alpha Chapter will be highlighted for their love and appreciate the dinner. The dinner has been experiences to enhance their personal skills. involvement and contributions to the campus and the funded totally through contributions. Anyone President With a chapter Andrew Brown community. of our size, it is difficult nterested in supporting the dinner can contribute to In just about every corner of the campus, the men of President Rudy Chopin to Vice capture the total contributions of each and every Gary 118beCollege Drive or #5064, Hattiesburg, ThetaKimble, Alpha can seen leading playing major member in just one issue. Finally, I hope to use the next MS 39406 withofacampus check made payable includes to Pi Kappa Historian Will Stringer roles. The list involvement issue as an opportunity Mark to introduce some of our Phi. political, religious, academic, campus offices, Chaplain Hamrick members on a more personal programming and honor boards. Secretary Myersbasis. Marshall Treasurer Justin Roland Members of Pi Kappa Phi are involved in Student Warden Thomas Schmidt Government (Brett Haro, Andrew Brown, Daniel PUSH Chair Luke Post Jayroe); College Republicans (Ethan Popovich);


Chapter Membership

Campus Leadership and Involvement

PUSH America

Meet the Chapter’s Officers:

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