Theta Epsilon - Fall 2009

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Pi K appa Phi

A lumni Newsletter F all 2009

Dear Alumni: As the beginning of the 2009-2010 school year comes to a start, we wanted to give you some updates about the house. For those of you who did not receive the last summer update letter, we finished strong in Rock Chalk Revue with three awards: Audience Choice, Best Chorus Vocals and Best Original Song. We look forward to working with our partners, Kappa Alpha Theta, next year to bring home more awards. The annual homecoming game is Saturday October 10th at 11:30 against Iowa State, we look forward to seeing you there. Our homecoming partner this year is Delta Gamma, which we are all very excited about. On a separate note, as some of you may know we have been diligently working to improve the house over the course of the summer. We would like to update and talk to you about some of these changes in the newsletter. The first task taken on was switching the location of the bar room and theatre room, starting from the ground up on both. Both projects turned out well and will be great improvements for both rush and social events in the house. The new theatre room has stadium seating, brand new carpeting and a high definition projector with a 60-inch screen. On the other end of the basement, the weight room has been updated with some new equipment and countless hours were spent on the new bar room. Along with basement renovations, the entire first floor of the house (with the exception of the formal and trophy rooms) has been retiled, which really improves the look of the house. Along with the tiling on the first floor, the formal room was painted this year. New black steel benches were installed in front of the house, which add a great look along with seating to the front yard. $OO RI WKLV ZRUN ZDV FRPSOHWHG E\ PHPEHUV RI 3L .DSS WKLV VXPPHU ZLWK WKH H[FHSWLRQ RI D FRQWDFWRUÂśV KHOS ZLWK WKH new bar room. Members of the house have given hours upon hours of their time this summer to make all of this possible. Along with members' donation of time and labor, a few parents either loaned money or made donations. We would like to acknowledge the generosity of time and money donated from the parents involved. We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that an alumni/parent donation system has been put in place if anyone would like to help out. We currently have a balance of $1200 left on the loan we received from a parent. The next two additions we would like to make are flat screen TV(s) in the new bar room along with standing room tables, coming to a total of $1000. After paying the loan, any additional money would be put into a savings account for future projects and upkeep. Any donations would be greatly appreciated and of huge help to all of us. If you would like to donate, there are two ways to do so. First you can simply write a check payable to Pi Kappa Phi and mail it to 1537 Tennessee Street, Lawrence, KS 66044. Or, you can go to a secure donation system we have set up through Omega Financial at Once you go to the provided link it is a user-friendly step-by-step process. We are all very excited to start the new year in hopes that both alumni and parents will stay involved in the house when possible and participate in the planned events. Thank you again to all those who contributed this summer to make our plans a reality. This fall will be a great opportunity to showcase all of the hard work put into the house when you all come out for Homecoming Game. We look forward to maintaining steady communication and keeping you up to date on coming events. Sincerely, Nic Lazowski (Historian) Nathan Daniels (President)

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